Synagogue shooting is a hoax

Obviously a ploy by the Democrats. Send donations here: Donate | NRA

Will keep you updated as Soros’ paid crisis actors claiming to be “survivors” are exposed.

Yet the democrats hate Jews, so that kinda debunks your theory, halfwit
We don't hate Jews. Jews here vote Democrat, and our Senate leader is Jewish. Something that the GOP would never allow for their party. Meanwhile, your party will try to paint this massacre as a hoax and demonize any survivors that demand our government do something to prevent this in the future.

Like to straw man much?

Hey idiot, the only person saying hoax is you
Obviously a ploy by the Democrats. Send donations here: Donate | NRA

Will keep you updated as Soros’ paid crisis actors claiming to be “survivors” are exposed.

Yet the democrats hate Jews, so that kinda debunks your theory, halfwit
We don't hate Jews. Jews here vote Democrat, and our Senate leader is Jewish. Something that the GOP would never allow for their party. Meanwhile, your party will try to paint this massacre as a hoax and demonize any survivors that demand our government do something to prevent this in the future.

Like to straw man much?

Hey idiot, the only person saying hoax is you
^ too stupid to get it
Trump said if we had had an armed guard there this might not have happened.

"Welcome to our church. Here is your bible and AR-15. Additional reading material and loaded magazines can be found in the seatback of the pew in front of you."
Obviously a ploy by the Democrats. Send donations here: Donate | NRA

Will keep you updated as Soros’ paid crisis actors claiming to be “survivors” are exposed.

Wow. A new low even for a lowlife like you.
Obviously a ploy by the Democrats. Send donations here: Donate | NRA

Will keep you updated as Soros’ paid crisis actors claiming to be “survivors” are exposed.

Yet the democrats hate Jews, so that kinda debunks your theory, halfwit
No. We hate stupid people and the shoe fits very well on you.

Be careful or I’ll put the shoe up your ass, libturd
Another violent tRumpkin. How long till you start shooting?
Breaking, Cesar Sayoc is a black Seminole. Here's the photo to prove it:


Obviously a ploy by the Democrats. Send donations here: Donate | NRA

Will keep you updated as Soros’ paid crisis actors claiming to be “survivors” are exposed.
Normally, I try to maintain a sense of humor. But I don't find this in the least bit funny. Mass shootings are nothing to make light of.
Lol what? Have you not sent your thoughts and prayers yet?
Obviously a ploy by the Democrats. Send donations here: Donate | NRA

Will keep you updated as Soros’ paid crisis actors claiming to be “survivors” are exposed.

I agree!
Obviously a ploy by the Democrats. Send donations here: Donate | NRA

Will keep you updated as Soros’ paid crisis actors claiming to be “survivors” are exposed.

I agree. It is a hoax much the same way slavery is . We both know that NONE of those events happened. :asshole:
Obviously a ploy by the Democrats. Send donations here: Donate | NRA

Will keep you updated as Soros’ paid crisis actors claiming to be “survivors” are exposed.
Normally, I try to maintain a sense of humor. But I don't find this in the least bit funny. Mass shootings are nothing to make light of.
Lol what? Have you not sent your thoughts and prayers yet?

No, but I can give you this.

Obviously a ploy by the Democrats. Send donations here: Donate | NRA

Will keep you updated as Soros’ paid crisis actors claiming to be “survivors” are exposed.

MindWaste will be using this OP as the source link for her next wackball thread, after not being able to find it on Alex Jones.
I checked the comments of their article on it and it’s so sickening. Ranging from this being a hoax, to joking that the Jews are just mad they'll lose some shekels over this. Such a cancer, and the GOP is beholden to them.
No, the thread premise is sickening – and comes as no surprise considering the source.
Dumb thread.

It's clearly a satire. A mock of Alex John Brinkley Jones.
Amazing that multiple posters seem not to get that.
Why ANYONE in this country hates Jews is beyond me. Leave 'em alone, fer goddsakes.

You should be preaching that to your party
I don't have a party.

Ah feel your pain. I get that shit all the time.

Kind of makes ya wonder why these klowns insist on foisting this juvenile dichotomy for which they have zero evidence and against which they have plenty.

And yet no matter how many times we note this they're just going :lalala: to perpetuate the illusion.

Why ANYONE in this country hates Jews is beyond me. Leave 'em alone, fer goddsakes.

Like em or love em, everyone knows that the founding of Israel caused all sorts of problems.
If you could take holiday in any ME country for a couple of weeks which country would it be?
Syria? Yeman? Iran? Iraq? Afghanistan? HAAAAA HAAAAAA!
The sand monkeys in these countries can't even grow their own produce! They have to buy it from ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!

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