Syria Is Going to be Bombed to Hell in the Next 24 Hours

“We must kill them, pig after pig, cow after cow. We must incinerate them village after village, army after army.”
- Col. Walter Kurtz
Apocalypse Now
You know he was crazy, right?

And evidently didn't give a shit about ROE
What's a ROE?
Did you read Heart of Darkness? Great story.
Rules of Engagement..
Do they make individualized ones for each new engagement or are they standard? I should think don't shoot the pigs would be right up there on each list.
“We must kill them, pig after pig, cow after cow. We must incinerate them village after village, army after army.”
- Col. Walter Kurtz
Apocalypse Now
You know he was crazy, right?

And evidently didn't give a shit about ROE
What's a ROE?
Did you read Heart of Darkness? Great story.
Rules of Engagement..
Do they make individualized ones for each new engagement or are they standard? I should think don't shoot the pigs would be right up there on each list.

It varies.
“We must kill them, pig after pig, cow after cow. We must incinerate them village after village, army after army.”
- Col. Walter Kurtz
Apocalypse Now
You know he was crazy, right?

And evidently didn't give a shit about ROE
What's a ROE?
Did you read Heart of Darkness? Great story.
Rules of Engagement..
Do they make individualized ones for each new engagement or are they standard? I should think don't shoot the pigs would be right up there on each list.
Yes every engagement must have orders for ROE to clarify the mission..And we don't shoot pigs cause law enforcement would be short handed then..
Trump now says Syria attack could be ‘very soon or not so soon at all’
In a morning tweet, the president sought to inject some uncertainty over the timing of a possible U.S. response to the latest chemical strike by Syrian forces.
By John Wagner and Anne Gearan • Read more »Don Doodlestick waving his tallywacker, with uncertainty.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

Well you see we backed a fake Arab Spring and assisted the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey to pay mercenaries from around the world to invade Syria. What was Assad to do? Not fight to get his cities and his civilians back?

To do so of course there was going to be civilian deaths to save the rest of them from the terrorists. I don't believe the chemical weapons attacks. False flags over and over.

Did you see my post about Douma? How the Jaish al Islam has been shelling Damascus for years and holding the citizens of that city hostage? Is Assad not to rescue his very own citizens?

And he did it without the chemical attack. He won. There was no use for chemical weapons.
The Arab Spring was started by Food Riots when they speculated the hell out of agro commodities
face facts fellow cybies-------the chemical attack is not all that
much of an issue in the ongoing strategies in support of assad
or in opposition----either domestically in Syria or outside

Sometimes I wonder about these biblical predictions.

Isaiah 17:1 A prophecy against Damascus: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.

Isaiah 17:1

King James Bible
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

Maybe not this time, but it surely is heading towards being fulfilled.

I would have expected it to take longer. Trump has ordered an aircraft carrier group to the eastern Mediterranean and it is not expected to arrive until the beginning of May.

Reports are by week's end on several outlets

If it's going to be massive as predicted, you need at least a few Europeans and some neighboring Arab countries like the Saudis, Egyptians, and Jordanians on board, which will take time.
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sheeeesh TIN MAN---------you put up a piece of propaganda crap by a KNOWN propagandaist for the filth of ASSAD BAATHISM. Try to
PLEASE mark your professional propaganda citations with either a
skull & crossbones or a swastika. That bitch even HATES kurds
and supports conspiracy theories ---9-11 AN INSIDE JOB

Sometimes I wonder about these biblical predictions.

Isaiah 17:1 A prophecy against Damascus: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.

Isaiah 17:1

King James Bible
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

Maybe not this time, but it surely is heading towards being fulfilled.

Thank goodness that is all laughable, magical nonsense!
“We must kill them, pig after pig, cow after cow. We must incinerate them village after village, army after army.”
- Col. Walter Kurtz
Apocalypse Now
You know he was crazy, right?

And evidently didn't give a shit about ROE
What's a ROE?
Did you read Heart of Darkness? Great story.

Rules Of Engagement
Google was your friend.
I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

Well you see we backed a fake Arab Spring and assisted the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey to pay mercenaries from around the world to invade Syria. What was Assad to do? Not fight to get his cities and his civilians back?

To do so of course there was going to be civilian deaths to save the rest of them from the terrorists. I don't believe the chemical weapons attacks. False flags over and over.

Did you see my post about Douma? How the Jaish al Islam has been shelling Damascus for years and holding the citizens of that city hostage? Is Assad not to rescue his very own citizens?

And he did it without the chemical attack. He won. There was no use for chemical weapons.
The Arab Spring was started by Food Riots when they speculated the hell out of agro commodities
Also, a long term drought.

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