Syria Is Going to be Bombed to Hell in the Next 24 Hours

Even a BBC reporter tweeted that he was tired of these fake assaults.
Who is advocating for destroying the country?

If you remove Assad thats exactly whats going to happen.
It's a challenge to Russia and it's an opportunity for the US and Russia to come to terms to end the fighting in Syria. After Obama, Putin has no respect for the US, but after Assad, he will, and then diplomacy is possible.

This is saber rattling by the super powers.
If you read into whats been going on you get tonnes of mixed signals.
You have Putin claiming it can shoot down US missiles yet with Trumps warning of missiles that are coming their way Putin is pulling troops from Syria.
If he's able as he claims to be able to shoot down US missiles why remove his troops?

I'm not seeing troop withdrawal. And the claim that the Russian Navy is pulling out is countered by a Business Insider article that his ships are preparing for battle.

Which leads me to believe this is a false flag.

Spot on. What our media is not reporting is the timeline. For the past few weeks there had been intense fighting in Douma between the Syrian Army and Jaish al Islam who are funded by Saudi Arabia and the original leader was Saudi. This group is an offshoot of Jabhat al Nusru which is AQ in Syria.

They got the shit kicked out of them by the army and basically got their asses handed to them finally because these terrorists have had control of Douma for a number of years and continually shelled Damascus.

So bottom line, Assad wins and rescues his citizens in Douma. Russia negotiates a cease fire that requires Jaish al Islam and the White Helmets to get the hell out of the city and turn over all the citizen prisoners they have taken.

And we are to believe that after all this winning and freeing his citizens in Douma, Assad decides to freaking gas them? And have the wrath of the civilized world come down on him.

Give me a freaking break.
Why is our military strategy being discussed in open forums? This is the very thing that Trump has roundly criticized everyone who came before him for doing and stated it's something he never would do, yet here we are.

Because the goal is to force Putin into a negotiation, not to win a war.

To negotiate what?
Assad's defeat.

That won't happen. Beijing has stated that this must be settled politically. They are warning against strikes against Syria too.
We cannot permit Assad to get away with his crimes. We MUST punish him. I hope we kill him.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

Well you see we backed a fake Arab Spring and assisted the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey to pay mercenaries from around the world to invade Syria. What was Assad to do? Not fight to get his cities and his civilians back?

To do so of course there was going to be civilian deaths to save the rest of them from the terrorists. I don't believe the chemical weapons attacks. False flags over and over.

Did you see my post about Douma? How the Jaish al Islam has been shelling Damascus for years and holding the citizens of that city hostage? Is Assad not to rescue his very own citizens?

And he did it without the chemical attack. He won. There was no use for chemical weapons.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

Well you see we backed a fake Arab Spring and assisted the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey to pay mercenaries from around the world to invade Syria. What was Assad to do? Not fight to get his cities and his civilians back?

To do so of course there was going to be civilian deaths to save the rest of them from the terrorists. I don't believe the chemical weapons attacks. False flags over and over.

Did you see my post about Douma? How the Jaish al Islam has been shelling Damascus for years and holding the citizens of that city hostage? Is Assad not to rescue his very own citizens?

And he did it without the chemical attack. He won. There was no use for chemical weapons.

Assad killed, indiscriminantly, his own citizens. He had interest in "rescuing" them. He's no better than those he's fighting. He has no regard for human life. Period.
I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

Well you see we backed a fake Arab Spring and assisted the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey to pay mercenaries from around the world to invade Syria. What was Assad to do? Not fight to get his cities and his civilians back?

To do so of course there was going to be civilian deaths to save the rest of them from the terrorists. I don't believe the chemical weapons attacks. False flags over and over.

Did you see my post about Douma? How the Jaish al Islam has been shelling Damascus for years and holding the citizens of that city hostage? Is Assad not to rescue his very own citizens?

And he did it without the chemical attack. He won. There was no use for chemical weapons.

Assad killed, indiscriminantly, his own citizens. He had interest in "rescuing" them. He's no better than those he's fighting. He has no regard for human life. Period.

What reason does Assad have for gassing his own people knowing US troops are leaving and he's winning his war?
So let's add up the cost of the Great Douche spending on Credit! aka on the National Debt. (* ND)

FFS! Conservative for less spending.
1) 2017 BS Tax Cuts over 10 years. 1.7 -2.5 Trillion if not repealed or adjusted.
2) Added the ACA none collected fines for still paid for health insurance the GOP will use. Some 338 to 433 billion per year added to the ND
3) Signed new Gobmint spending over revenue income from 733B - 1 Trillion Over the next 10 years to the ND. FFS! Some 2- 3.5 Trillion.
4) More Military wasteful spending over the earned Vet Benefits. 65-117B. FFS! Over 10 years. 1- 1.5 Trillion!
5) If we start a new war in Syria. That would be using Iraq costs another 2 Trillion. And MORE!

Lets just say the ND Triples over the next 5 years! FFS! 60 TRILLION!

btw. The hidden ND is over 45-66 Trillion now.
I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

Well you see we backed a fake Arab Spring and assisted the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey to pay mercenaries from around the world to invade Syria. What was Assad to do? Not fight to get his cities and his civilians back?

To do so of course there was going to be civilian deaths to save the rest of them from the terrorists. I don't believe the chemical weapons attacks. False flags over and over.

Did you see my post about Douma? How the Jaish al Islam has been shelling Damascus for years and holding the citizens of that city hostage? Is Assad not to rescue his very own citizens?

And he did it without the chemical attack. He won. There was no use for chemical weapons.

Assad killed, indiscriminantly, his own citizens. He had interest in "rescuing" them. He's no better than those he's fighting. He has no regard for human life. Period.

And whose word are you taking on this? The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights?


You do know that only one man is the Observatory who is anti Assad and lives in Britain and is a tailor. He gets reports from anti Assad people by phone mostly and then our media trots out his statistics.

And if Assad is sooo sooo evil and horrid why is Damascus flourishing and no one is leaving. And as of August in 2017 over half a million refugees had returned to the areas Assad has made safe again.

No one ran from him. They ran from the terror cells we inflicted on them. Did you know that his military has Generals that are Sunni, Shia and Christian? That all religions are equal.

Does a mad dictator treat all faiths with dignity and respect in the middle east? And his people really do love him. He has kept them from Salafism.

For some whacked out reason though we want Syrians to be under the thumb of Salafism and Sharia.

Oh, fuck. So it begins.
I believe Assad used chemical weapons on the rebels.
I believe the international community can do what it will about that.
I believe we should leave, not be hurling missiles about with the Russians and Iranians and God knows who hanging around.
It is not our country. We came to fight ISIS. ISIS is pretty much outta there. Time to go.

Talk about liberals loving kids.

First, you want to do all that you can to kill them in the womb. If they manage to survive that, you don't give a shit if their own gov't drops chemical weapons on their heads making them die an excruciating death.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

We have a moral obligation to protect the innocent. They don't have to be Americans. That's called being a Christian nation. God calls upon the strong to protect the weak. Psalm 82:3 says to protect the weak and the fatherless.

We should write "Psalm 82:3" on each cruise missile before launch.
And if Assad is sooo sooo evil and horrid why is Damascus flourishing and no one is leaving. And as of August in 2017 over half a million refugees had returned to the areas Assad has made safe again.

You're close, but a half million didn't return. A half million WERE KILLED. There are over FIVE MILLION refugees from Syria. Even if a half million returned, that's 10%. If it's all fucking peaches and unicorns there, why did only 10% return?

Syrian Observatory says war has killed more than half a million

And by all means, produce a credible link that says Damascus is "flourishing". If this is flourishing to you then you must live in a fucked up shithole.

Last edited:
I is confused-----at WHOM are the US and France planning to point
the missiles? It has been clearly confirmed that the Assad dog DID bomb the place with chlorine. For your interest fellow
cyber persons----EXPECT children to die over the next few days.
Chlorine gas destroys the very fine "alveolar" membranes in the lung at which site OXYGEN is passed from air to blood. The kids
will suffocate-----not a nice way to go----GASPING FOR AIR like
an old man dying of emphysema-------it's a nitemare. I do not
understand why he did it. ---AND I do not understand the objective
of an attack by France and the USA------

How has it been “clearly confirmed”? Do we have satellite images of them launching the attack? It makes no sense he would order this when they’ve almost got the war won. Seems more likely that the Sunni scum attacked their own in order to get this reaction from the globalist warmongers that want perpetual war in the Middle East in order to keep the refugees flowing.

the people living there said it in Arabic-----the kids are
WHEEZING. Ever hear a child lung wheezing? get
your stethoscope------a little wheezing now------is virtually a
death sentence for the kids exposed

I get it, death by chlorine gas is terrible. You still haven’t shown any proof of who did it. Even if Assad did it, why do we care? He’s fighting batshit crazy Sunnis, the same ones that carry out terror attacks in Western countries. But we’re supposed to go to war for some Sunni dogs that want to see the death of Western civilization?
We cannot permit Assad to get away with his crimes. We MUST punish him. I hope we kill him.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

Well you see we backed a fake Arab Spring and assisted the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey to pay mercenaries from around the world to invade Syria. What was Assad to do? Not fight to get his cities and his civilians back?

To do so of course there was going to be civilian deaths to save the rest of them from the terrorists. I don't believe the chemical weapons attacks. False flags over and over.

Did you see my post about Douma? How the Jaish al Islam has been shelling Damascus for years and holding the citizens of that city hostage? Is Assad not to rescue his very own citizens?

And he did it without the chemical attack. He won. There was no use for chemical weapons.

Assad killed, indiscriminantly, his own citizens. He had interest in "rescuing" them. He's no better than those he's fighting. He has no regard for human life. Period.

Proof? :1peleas: He didn't. However, I will be the one who suffers the consequences. Murderous thug because he drives out the Daesh? How does that work, exactly?
I is confused-----at WHOM are the US and France planning to point
the missiles? It has been clearly confirmed that the Assad dog DID bomb the place with chlorine. For your interest fellow
cyber persons----EXPECT children to die over the next few days.
Chlorine gas destroys the very fine "alveolar" membranes in the lung at which site OXYGEN is passed from air to blood. The kids
will suffocate-----not a nice way to go----GASPING FOR AIR like
an old man dying of emphysema-------it's a nitemare. I do not
understand why he did it. ---AND I do not understand the objective
of an attack by France and the USA------

How has it been “clearly confirmed”? Do we have satellite images of them launching the attack? It makes no sense he would order this when they’ve almost got the war won. Seems more likely that the Sunni scum attacked their own in order to get this reaction from the globalist warmongers that want perpetual war in the Middle East in order to keep the refugees flowing.
Wow are you confused.

Feel free to clarify or correct me. Otherwise you’re the confused one. Rosie is the one that stated she was confused.
I is confused-----at WHOM are the US and France planning to point
the missiles? It has been clearly confirmed that the Assad dog DID bomb the place with chlorine. For your interest fellow
cyber persons----EXPECT children to die over the next few days.
Chlorine gas destroys the very fine "alveolar" membranes in the lung at which site OXYGEN is passed from air to blood. The kids
will suffocate-----not a nice way to go----GASPING FOR AIR like
an old man dying of emphysema-------it's a nitemare. I do not
understand why he did it. ---AND I do not understand the objective
of an attack by France and the USA------

How has it been “clearly confirmed”? Do we have satellite images of them launching the attack? It makes no sense he would order this when they’ve almost got the war won. Seems more likely that the Sunni scum attacked their own in order to get this reaction from the globalist warmongers that want perpetual war in the Middle East in order to keep the refugees flowing.

the people living there said it in Arabic-----the kids are
WHEEZING. Ever hear a child lung wheezing? get
your stethoscope------a little wheezing now------is virtually a
death sentence for the kids exposed

I get it, death by chlorine gas is terrible. You still haven’t shown any proof of who did it. Even if Assad did it, why do we care? He’s fighting batshit crazy Sunnis, the same ones that carry out terror attacks in Western countries. But we’re supposed to go to war for some Sunni dogs that want to see the death of Western civilization?

It reminds me of the Chechen muslim's.
We should have let the Russians finish them.
And if Assad is sooo sooo evil and horrid why is Damascus flourishing and no one is leaving. And as of August in 2017 over half a million refugees had returned to the areas Assad has made safe again.

You're close, but a half million didn't return. A half million WERE KILLED. There are over FIVE MILLION refugees from Syria. Even if a half million returned, that's 10%. If it's all fucking peaches and unicorns there, why did only 10% return?

Syrian Observatory says war has killed more than half a million

And by all means, produce a credible link that says Damascus is "flourishing". If this is flourishing to you then you must live in a fucked up shithole.

I'm sure it's more than eleventy bazzilion killed.
And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

Well you see we backed a fake Arab Spring and assisted the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey to pay mercenaries from around the world to invade Syria. What was Assad to do? Not fight to get his cities and his civilians back?

To do so of course there was going to be civilian deaths to save the rest of them from the terrorists. I don't believe the chemical weapons attacks. False flags over and over.

Did you see my post about Douma? How the Jaish al Islam has been shelling Damascus for years and holding the citizens of that city hostage? Is Assad not to rescue his very own citizens?

And he did it without the chemical attack. He won. There was no use for chemical weapons.

Assad killed, indiscriminantly, his own citizens. He had interest in "rescuing" them. He's no better than those he's fighting. He has no regard for human life. Period.

What reason does Assad have for gassing his own people knowing US troops are leaving and he's winning his war?

Zero, Zilch, Nada.

No reason, this is yet another false flag chemical attack in Syria.

To start a war over this, as an excuse to topple Assad would be criminal.
And if Assad is sooo sooo evil and horrid why is Damascus flourishing and no one is leaving. And as of August in 2017 over half a million refugees had returned to the areas Assad has made safe again.

You're close, but a half million didn't return. A half million WERE KILLED. There are over FIVE MILLION refugees from Syria. Even if a half million returned, that's 10%. If it's all fucking peaches and unicorns there, why did only 10% return?

Syrian Observatory says war has killed more than half a million

And by all means, produce a credible link that says Damascus is "flourishing". If this is flourishing to you then you must live in a fucked up shithole.


Looks beautiful.
So you’ve got the evidence that he gassed the people? What did he stand to gain by doing that now?
Oh and he’s been committing ‘crimes’ for years - blowing people and babies into small pieces is also pretty disgusting.
Why must WE (I include European countries) punish him?
What is the aim of this endeavour?

I'm assuming Assad gassed those people and I'm assuming that we DO have the evidence. If I am correct on both, then we must give Assad the ass-kicking of the century in order to dissuade him and others from doing this in the future. At this point, we should be working to overthrow Assad and we should form a coalition with our allies to make it happen. He needs to go.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

And replaced with what? A repeat of Iraq? A repeat of Libya? A repeat of Egypt? Another vacuum for ISIS to come back and fill? I don't disagree with you on your summation of Assad - he's a murderous thug who ought to face justice for what he has done to his people, but removing him isn't going to improve their situation at this time. Unfortunately, I really think we are looking at a repeat of 1914...tangled alliances, world powers behind proxy militias...US, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Europe, Israel...all in the crucible.

That murderous thug as you call him is no brutal dictator compared to the Saudi royal family and yet we have nooooooooooooooooo problem with SA do we now?

At least Assad runs a secular government that not only protects all religions but all religions have rights under the legal system which is based in French law. Women are educated and hold elected government positions. No dress code for women. They are modern and very involved in business as well as politics.

As compared to the Saudi thugs. Here's a woman being beheaded in the street. By our buddies in SA.

Footage appears to show a public beheading in Saudi Arabia | Daily Mail Online

Did the Saudi's use chemical weapons on their own people?

Did they rain barrel bombs down on them?

Assad started out good. What happened? There is no way you can condone what he is doing now.

Well you see we backed a fake Arab Spring and assisted the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey to pay mercenaries from around the world to invade Syria. What was Assad to do? Not fight to get his cities and his civilians back?

To do so of course there was going to be civilian deaths to save the rest of them from the terrorists. I don't believe the chemical weapons attacks. False flags over and over.

Did you see my post about Douma? How the Jaish al Islam has been shelling Damascus for years and holding the citizens of that city hostage? Is Assad not to rescue his very own citizens?

And he did it without the chemical attack. He won. There was no use for chemical weapons.

Assad killed, indiscriminantly, his own citizens. He had interest in "rescuing" them. He's no better than those he's fighting. He has no regard for human life. Period.

Proof? :1peleas: He didn't. However, I will be the one who suffers the consequences. Murderous thug because he drives out the Daesh? How does that work, exactly?

:1peleas: You need to provide now, proof you're not a Eunuch!

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