Syria Is Going to be Bombed to Hell in the Next 24 Hours

France is on board also

- In the event France decides to strike Syria in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by Syrian government forces in the city of Douma, it is more likely to launch the attack from an airbase located on its mainland rather than from its bases in the Middle East, Le Figaro reported on Wednesday.

According to Le Figaro newspaper, the French military command has already presented possible plans of action in Syria to Macron. The newspaper also noted, referring to air force specialists, that in the event military action is approved, the most likely scenario would be for France to strike Syria from its Saint-Dizier base, located in the country's northeast, not from its bases in Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, for example, since these countries do not want to be involved in military operations against their neighbor Syria.

France Likely to Strike Syria From Mainland – Reports

So, France does nothing when Sunni terrorists mass murder people in Paris or plow over dozens of kids with trucks. But one attack on Muslims in a middle eastern country, and they are ready for war and to send their sons to die fighting for the very same Sunnis that carry out terror attacks in France.
France should have started a war over a terrorist attack? Who should they have made war on?

Actually the French are kicking some terrorist asses in Mali.
Why is our military strategy being discussed in open forums? This is the very thing that Trump has roundly criticized everyone who came before him for doing and stated it's something he never would do, yet here we are.

Because the goal is to force Putin into a negotiation, not to win a war.
I don’t think Trump has a goal. I don’t think he has a strategy. He just reacts to whatever is in front of him at any given moment.
I is confused-----at WHOM are the US and France planning to point
the missiles? It has been clearly confirmed that the Assad dog DID bomb the place with chlorine. For your interest fellow
cyber persons----EXPECT children to die over the next few days.
Chlorine gas destroys the very fine "alveolar" membranes in the lung at which site OXYGEN is passed from air to blood. The kids
will suffocate-----not a nice way to go----GASPING FOR AIR like
an old man dying of emphysema-------it's a nitemare. I do not
understand why he did it. ---AND I do not understand the objective
of an attack by France and the USA------

How has it been “clearly confirmed”? Do we have satellite images of them launching the attack? It makes no sense he would order this when they’ve almost got the war won. Seems more likely that the Sunni scum attacked their own in order to get this reaction from the globalist warmongers that want perpetual war in the Middle East in order to keep the refugees flowing.

the people living there said it in Arabic-----the kids are
WHEEZING. Ever hear a child lung wheezing? get
your stethoscope------a little wheezing now------is virtually a
death sentence for the kids exposed

I get it, death by chlorine gas is terrible. You still haven’t shown any proof of who did it. Even if Assad did it, why do we care? He’s fighting batshit crazy Sunnis, the same ones that carry out terror attacks in Western countries. But we’re supposed to go to war for some Sunni dogs that want to see the death of Western civilization?

It reminds me of the Chechen muslim's.
We should have let the Russians finish them.

Oh, but AP and NBC cranked up the propaganda machine. Yeah, the world would be a better place if those Muslims had been eradicated.
I don’t think Trump has a goal. I don’t think he has a strategy. He just reacts to whatever is in front of him at any given moment.

For that matter, neither did the community organizer that funded and armed the insurgency there which has resulted in 500K killed, millions and millions of refugees and massive destruction of that nation.

Unless the Great Douche is going to bomb civilians and power and water plants.
There is nothang much to bomb. The U.S Armed forces lost 5-7 wars/interventions in the ME.
Killing Syians now will do what?

btw: Will the CIC Bone Spur -Twilter be safe to start WWIII?

Gee! If Putin's got Dirt (Hookers and Money Scams) on the Great Douche- Twitler.
That's all he needs to release to win this here..LOL!

I feel an American Hunter Hero will get the Twitler.Warrior Coward.

Great meme.
Why is our military strategy being discussed in open forums? This is the very thing that Trump has roundly criticized everyone who came before him for doing and stated it's something he never would do, yet here we are.

Because the goal is to force Putin into a negotiation, not to win a war.
I don’t think Trump has a goal. I don’t think he has a strategy. He just reacts to whatever is in front of him at any given moment.
And whoever is beside him at any given moment..... Damn that Bolton.

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