Syria now a full member of chemical arms pact


Oct 19, 2012
This event does not change the position held by the US that "force necessary if diplomacy fails". Force has been an effective motivator in getting Syria and Russia to adhere to the US demands that the stockpile be handed over to the appropriate authorities.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry rejected Syrian President Bashar Assad's suggestion Thursday that he begin submitting data on his chemical weapons arsenal one month after signing an international chemical weapons ban.

"Speaking at a news conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, Kerry noted that Assad said a 30-day lead time would be standard.

"There is nothing standard about this process," Kerry said, because Assad has used his chemical weapons. "The words of the Syrian regime in our judgment are simply not enough."

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

Syria: Kerry says force necessary if diplomacy fails | Al Jazeera America

"Under threat of U.S. military action after an August 21 poison gas attack on Damascus suburbs that killed hundreds, Assad's government agreed to a Russian plan to hand over its chemical arsenal to international control and join the convention.

Assad's government blames the rebels for the attack. Washington blames the government and says the sarin gas used killed more than 1,400 people, including many children.

The United Nations said earlier on Thursday it had received a document from Syria on Thursday on joining the global anti-chemical weapons treaty.

"In the past few hours we have received a document from the government of Syria that is being translated, which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention," U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters."

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters
That's a welcome step...however, the task is daunting...and the fact they are in the middle of a civil war, it would take years to destroy Syria's estimated 1,000 tons of chemical weapons....and they are dispersed all over the place.... even under normal circumstances it'd be a very challenging process.

All one can say at this point is ...good luck!:dunno:
Mr. Ketchup and his Monkey boss will get their war. They'll find a way. You have to admit that watching this circus is amusing because it brings foreign policy into the forefront where it is rarely seen by ordinary people. Prime time stuff. I'm not sure we've seen anything this good since the 60's.
That's a welcome step...however, the task is daunting...and the fact they are in the middle of a civil war, it would take years to destroy Syria's estimated 1,000 tons of chemical weapons....and they are dispersed all over the place.... even under normal circumstances it'd be a very challenging process.

All one can say at this point is ...good luck!:dunno:
Nice post!

If a move can save lives, help maintain or establish a political equilibrium and save the US needless intervention than I am all for it!
but meanwhile---out on the dunes there are thousands of angry Islamic militants waiting for their air cover......
This event does not change the position held by the US that "force necessary if diplomacy fails". Force has been an effective motivator in getting Syria and Russia to adhere to the US demands that the stockpile be handed over to the appropriate authorities.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry rejected Syrian President Bashar Assad's suggestion Thursday that he begin submitting data on his chemical weapons arsenal one month after signing an international chemical weapons ban.

"Speaking at a news conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, Kerry noted that Assad said a 30-day lead time would be standard.

"There is nothing standard about this process," Kerry said, because Assad has used his chemical weapons. "The words of the Syrian regime in our judgment are simply not enough."

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

Syria: Kerry says force necessary if diplomacy fails | Al Jazeera America

"Under threat of U.S. military action after an August 21 poison gas attack on Damascus suburbs that killed hundreds, Assad's government agreed to a Russian plan to hand over its chemical arsenal to international control and join the convention.

Assad's government blames the rebels for the attack. Washington blames the government and says the sarin gas used killed more than 1,400 people, including many children.

The United Nations said earlier on Thursday it had received a document from Syria on Thursday on joining the global anti-chemical weapons treaty.

"In the past few hours we have received a document from the government of Syria that is being translated, which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention," U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters."

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

You know it's not a huge thing in the grand picture, but why does Kerry have to lie about the when and why Syria first admitted it had chemical weapons.

I find it a tad disturbing that the administration A) they can't get their facts straight if their life depended on it B) don't know how to use freaking google or C) are pathological liars.

From your article Connery:

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

I guess it's really no big smurf but it's irritating as all get out that they have to over dramatize everything.

Here's the truth:

On July 23, 2012 Syria admitted to possessing a stockpile of chemical weapons which it claims are reserved for national defense against foreign countries. During the Syrian civil war in August 2012, the Syrian military restarted chemical weapons testing at a base on the outskirts of Aleppo. Chemical weapons were a major point of discussion between the Syrian government and world leaders, with military intervention being considered by the West as a potential consequence of the use of such weapons

Syria and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Can you not see that Kerry and obama are being needled into making that strike?

Every day's delay and the non Assad Syrians fight among themselves with tribal warfare. The so-called moderate muslims are being killed and lured off to terrorist factions. Assad, as an Alawite cannot afford to lose. Al quaeda has vowed to kill not only every Christian but every Alawite if they prevail.

If obama can be piqued into making a strike, Russia will have reason to keep obama busy while Assad rains hell over Syria.
This event does not change the position held by the US that "force necessary if diplomacy fails". Force has been an effective motivator in getting Syria and Russia to adhere to the US demands that the stockpile be handed over to the appropriate authorities.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry rejected Syrian President Bashar Assad's suggestion Thursday that he begin submitting data on his chemical weapons arsenal one month after signing an international chemical weapons ban.

"Speaking at a news conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, Kerry noted that Assad said a 30-day lead time would be standard.

"There is nothing standard about this process," Kerry said, because Assad has used his chemical weapons. "The words of the Syrian regime in our judgment are simply not enough."

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

Syria: Kerry says force necessary if diplomacy fails | Al Jazeera America

"Under threat of U.S. military action after an August 21 poison gas attack on Damascus suburbs that killed hundreds, Assad's government agreed to a Russian plan to hand over its chemical arsenal to international control and join the convention.

Assad's government blames the rebels for the attack. Washington blames the government and says the sarin gas used killed more than 1,400 people, including many children.

The United Nations said earlier on Thursday it had received a document from Syria on Thursday on joining the global anti-chemical weapons treaty.

"In the past few hours we have received a document from the government of Syria that is being translated, which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention," U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters."

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

You know it's not a huge thing in the grand picture, but why does Kerry have to lie about the when and why Syria first admitted it had chemical weapons.

I find it a tad disturbing that the administration A) they can't get their facts straight if their life depended on it B) don't know how to use freaking google or C) are pathological liars.

From your article Connery:

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

I guess it's really no big smurf but it's irritating as all get out that they have to over dramatize everything.

Here's the truth:

On July 23, 2012 Syria admitted to possessing a stockpile of chemical weapons which it claims are reserved for national defense against foreign countries. During the Syrian civil war in August 2012, the Syrian military restarted chemical weapons testing at a base on the outskirts of Aleppo. Chemical weapons were a major point of discussion between the Syrian government and world leaders, with military intervention being considered by the West as a potential consequence of the use of such weapons

Syria and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Over dramatize they must the arena they are in requires they create a need for people to fear and have them come in and act.

The signing is a very good start to things I would like to see that carried to fruition where the arms are disposed of.
This event does not change the position held by the US that "force necessary if diplomacy fails". Force has been an effective motivator in getting Syria and Russia to adhere to the US demands that the stockpile be handed over to the appropriate authorities.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry rejected Syrian President Bashar Assad's suggestion Thursday that he begin submitting data on his chemical weapons arsenal one month after signing an international chemical weapons ban.

"Speaking at a news conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, Kerry noted that Assad said a 30-day lead time would be standard.

"There is nothing standard about this process," Kerry said, because Assad has used his chemical weapons. "The words of the Syrian regime in our judgment are simply not enough."

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

Syria: Kerry says force necessary if diplomacy fails | Al Jazeera America

"Under threat of U.S. military action after an August 21 poison gas attack on Damascus suburbs that killed hundreds, Assad's government agreed to a Russian plan to hand over its chemical arsenal to international control and join the convention.

Assad's government blames the rebels for the attack. Washington blames the government and says the sarin gas used killed more than 1,400 people, including many children.

The United Nations said earlier on Thursday it had received a document from Syria on Thursday on joining the global anti-chemical weapons treaty.

"In the past few hours we have received a document from the government of Syria that is being translated, which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention," U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters."

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

You know it's not a huge thing in the grand picture, but why does Kerry have to lie about the when and why Syria first admitted it had chemical weapons.

I find it a tad disturbing that the administration A) they can't get their facts straight if their life depended on it B) don't know how to use freaking google or C) are pathological liars.

From your article Connery:

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

I guess it's really no big smurf but it's irritating as all get out that they have to over dramatize everything.

Here's the truth:

On July 23, 2012 Syria admitted to possessing a stockpile of chemical weapons which it claims are reserved for national defense against foreign countries. During the Syrian civil war in August 2012, the Syrian military restarted chemical weapons testing at a base on the outskirts of Aleppo. Chemical weapons were a major point of discussion between the Syrian government and world leaders, with military intervention being considered by the West as a potential consequence of the use of such weapons

Syria and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Over dramatize they must the arena they are in requires they create a need for people to fear and have them come in and act.

The signing is a very good start to things I would like to see that carried to fruition where the arms are disposed of.

That's lying--that's not over dramatizing.

and apparently it's a favorite liberal talking point---I've had to correct several posters from trying that claim today.
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You know it's not a huge thing in the grand picture, but why does Kerry have to lie about the when and why Syria first admitted it had chemical weapons.

I find it a tad disturbing that the administration A) they can't get their facts straight if their life depended on it B) don't know how to use freaking google or C) are pathological liars.

From your article Connery:

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

I guess it's really no big smurf but it's irritating as all get out that they have to over dramatize everything.

Here's the truth:

On July 23, 2012 Syria admitted to possessing a stockpile of chemical weapons which it claims are reserved for national defense against foreign countries. During the Syrian civil war in August 2012, the Syrian military restarted chemical weapons testing at a base on the outskirts of Aleppo. Chemical weapons were a major point of discussion between the Syrian government and world leaders, with military intervention being considered by the West as a potential consequence of the use of such weapons

Syria and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Over dramatize they must the arena they are in requires they create a need for people to fear and have them come in and act.

The signing is a very good start to things I would like to see that carried to fruition where the arms are disposed of.

That's lying--that's not over dramatizing.

and apparently it's a favorite liberal talking point---I've had to correct several posters from trying that claim today.

It is politics....
Over dramatize they must the arena they are in requires they create a need for people to fear and have them come in and act.

The signing is a very good start to things I would like to see that carried to fruition where the arms are disposed of.

That's lying--that's not over dramatizing.

and apparently it's a favorite liberal talking point---I've had to correct several posters from trying that claim today.

It is politics....

and it goes over poorly when Putin catches you red handed.

( red handed--I crack myself up)
So assad trots out the dog and pony show, hoping the delay will stall us long enough to lose interest.

He's got a month, plus however many requests for delays that will be delayed before he gets to actually delay due to some delays in gathering all the material.

here's hoping it works, since we have no right to be there in the first place.
So assad trots out the dog and pony show, hoping the delay will stall us long enough to lose interest.

He's got a month, plus however many requests for delays that will be delayed before he gets to actually delay due to some delays in gathering all the material.

here's hoping it works, since we have no right to be there in the first place.

and meanwhile----back out on the sand dunes. Thousands of McCain's Islamic militants are pissed that they didn't get their air cover....
This event does not change the position held by the US that "force necessary if diplomacy fails". Force has been an effective motivator in getting Syria and Russia to adhere to the US demands that the stockpile be handed over to the appropriate authorities.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry rejected Syrian President Bashar Assad's suggestion Thursday that he begin submitting data on his chemical weapons arsenal one month after signing an international chemical weapons ban.

"Speaking at a news conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, Kerry noted that Assad said a 30-day lead time would be standard.

"There is nothing standard about this process," Kerry said, because Assad has used his chemical weapons. "The words of the Syrian regime in our judgment are simply not enough."

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

Syria: Kerry says force necessary if diplomacy fails | Al Jazeera America

"Under threat of U.S. military action after an August 21 poison gas attack on Damascus suburbs that killed hundreds, Assad's government agreed to a Russian plan to hand over its chemical arsenal to international control and join the convention.

Assad's government blames the rebels for the attack. Washington blames the government and says the sarin gas used killed more than 1,400 people, including many children.

The United Nations said earlier on Thursday it had received a document from Syria on Thursday on joining the global anti-chemical weapons treaty.

"In the past few hours we have received a document from the government of Syria that is being translated, which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention," U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters."

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

John Kerry meets with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss Syrian Situation.
See :Kerry to Russians: This is not a game
"Expectations are high," Kerry said in a joint appearance with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. "They are high for the United States, and perhaps even more so for the Russians, to deliver on the promise of this moment. This is not a game, as I said this to my friend Sergey, when we talked about this initially."
Personally I would present the political situation as an example of a variant of chess that could be played by three players, rather than two, as is shown in the attached image. Putin and Assad may seem to be pursuing a common strategy aimed at defeating Obama politically, but Obama and Putin are likewise pursuing a strategy aimed at curtailing Assad's access to weapons of mass destruction.
This event does not change the position held by the US that "force necessary if diplomacy fails". Force has been an effective motivator in getting Syria and Russia to adhere to the US demands that the stockpile be handed over to the appropriate authorities.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry rejected Syrian President Bashar Assad's suggestion Thursday that he begin submitting data on his chemical weapons arsenal one month after signing an international chemical weapons ban.

"Speaking at a news conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, Kerry noted that Assad said a 30-day lead time would be standard.

"There is nothing standard about this process," Kerry said, because Assad has used his chemical weapons. "The words of the Syrian regime in our judgment are simply not enough."

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

Syria: Kerry says force necessary if diplomacy fails | Al Jazeera America

"Under threat of U.S. military action after an August 21 poison gas attack on Damascus suburbs that killed hundreds, Assad's government agreed to a Russian plan to hand over its chemical arsenal to international control and join the convention.

Assad's government blames the rebels for the attack. Washington blames the government and says the sarin gas used killed more than 1,400 people, including many children.

The United Nations said earlier on Thursday it had received a document from Syria on Thursday on joining the global anti-chemical weapons treaty.

"In the past few hours we have received a document from the government of Syria that is being translated, which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention," U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters."

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

John Kerry meets with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss Syrian Situation.
See :Kerry to Russians: This is not a game
"Expectations are high," Kerry said in a joint appearance with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. "They are high for the United States, and perhaps even more so for the Russians, to deliver on the promise of this moment. This is not a game, as I said this to my friend Sergey, when we talked about this initially."
Personally I would present the political situation as an example of a variant of chess that could be played by three players, rather than two, as is shown in the attached image. Putin and Assad may seem to be pursuing a common strategy aimed at defeating Obama politically, but Obama and Putin are likewise pursuing a strategy aimed at curtailing Assad's access to weapons of mass destruction.
View attachment 27553

Correct on all counts.

And Putin's got a good deal of skin in the game. Getting rid of Assad would close down a client state, and if recent history is a good indicator, what replaces him will be an unstable, possibly radical government as well as a harbor for anti-western (Russia included) terrorists.

Done right, Russia could make the US look like the bully, while doing their part to prop up Assad.
This event does not change the position held by the US that "force necessary if diplomacy fails". Force has been an effective motivator in getting Syria and Russia to adhere to the US demands that the stockpile be handed over to the appropriate authorities.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry rejected Syrian President Bashar Assad's suggestion Thursday that he begin submitting data on his chemical weapons arsenal one month after signing an international chemical weapons ban.

"Speaking at a news conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, Kerry noted that Assad said a 30-day lead time would be standard.

"There is nothing standard about this process," Kerry said, because Assad has used his chemical weapons. "The words of the Syrian regime in our judgment are simply not enough."

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

Syria: Kerry says force necessary if diplomacy fails | Al Jazeera America

"Under threat of U.S. military action after an August 21 poison gas attack on Damascus suburbs that killed hundreds, Assad's government agreed to a Russian plan to hand over its chemical arsenal to international control and join the convention.

Assad's government blames the rebels for the attack. Washington blames the government and says the sarin gas used killed more than 1,400 people, including many children.

The United Nations said earlier on Thursday it had received a document from Syria on Thursday on joining the global anti-chemical weapons treaty.

"In the past few hours we have received a document from the government of Syria that is being translated, which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention," U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters."

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

John Kerry meets with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss Syrian Situation.
See :Kerry to Russians: This is not a game
"Expectations are high," Kerry said in a joint appearance with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. "They are high for the United States, and perhaps even more so for the Russians, to deliver on the promise of this moment. This is not a game, as I said this to my friend Sergey, when we talked about this initially."
Personally I would present the political situation as an example of a variant of chess that could be played by three players, rather than two, as is shown in the attached image. Putin and Assad may seem to be pursuing a common strategy aimed at defeating Obama politically, but Obama and Putin are likewise pursuing a strategy aimed at curtailing Assad's access to weapons of mass destruction.
View attachment 27553

Nice post!

This is very much like a chess game. Russia does not want to loose a toehold in the area while the US wants to further establish their presence. There is more at stake than Syria, there is Iran to consider and how the outcome of this situation impacts their nuclear program. This situation may result in who dictates terms in that region. There is no even playing field and Syria is merely a stooge for the Russians. So far with Syria joining the treaty I would say the US scored a point. Let's see where this goes next.
Over dramatize they must the arena they are in requires they create a need for people to fear and have them come in and act.

The signing is a very good start to things I would like to see that carried to fruition where the arms are disposed of.

That's lying--that's not over dramatizing.

and apparently it's a favorite liberal talking point---I've had to correct several posters from trying that claim today.

It is politics....

It is bullshit.

That war has been going on for 2 years, over 100,000 have been killed and we're supposed to believe the moonbat messiah suddenly gives a shit because 400 some odd people died of a gas attack, one we can not even be certain was initiated by Assad?

The only reason this is suddenly the biggest issue in the world is because the Benghazi incident has the potential to have the moonbat messiah impeached, and a whole bunch of people thrown in prison for their dereliction of duty, with malice aforethought. The best thing that could happen in Syria for our interests would be Assad gassing every last one of those flea bitten jihadist assholes. Instead we're interfering?

It's absolute pure %100 unrefined soft steaming bullshit.
This event does not change the position held by the US that "force necessary if diplomacy fails". Force has been an effective motivator in getting Syria and Russia to adhere to the US demands that the stockpile be handed over to the appropriate authorities.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry rejected Syrian President Bashar Assad's suggestion Thursday that he begin submitting data on his chemical weapons arsenal one month after signing an international chemical weapons ban.

"Speaking at a news conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday, Kerry noted that Assad said a 30-day lead time would be standard.

"There is nothing standard about this process," Kerry said, because Assad has used his chemical weapons. "The words of the Syrian regime in our judgment are simply not enough."

Kerry added, “Only the credible threat of force and the intervention of Putin and Russia … has brought the Syrian regime for the first time to acknowledge that it even has chemical weapons and will now relinquish them.”

Syria: Kerry says force necessary if diplomacy fails | Al Jazeera America

"Under threat of U.S. military action after an August 21 poison gas attack on Damascus suburbs that killed hundreds, Assad's government agreed to a Russian plan to hand over its chemical arsenal to international control and join the convention.

Assad's government blames the rebels for the attack. Washington blames the government and says the sarin gas used killed more than 1,400 people, including many children.

The United Nations said earlier on Thursday it had received a document from Syria on Thursday on joining the global anti-chemical weapons treaty.

"In the past few hours we have received a document from the government of Syria that is being translated, which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention," U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters."

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

John Kerry meets with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss Syrian Situation.
See :Kerry to Russians: This is not a game
"Expectations are high," Kerry said in a joint appearance with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. "They are high for the United States, and perhaps even more so for the Russians, to deliver on the promise of this moment. This is not a game, as I said this to my friend Sergey, when we talked about this initially."
Personally I would present the political situation as an example of a variant of chess that could be played by three players, rather than two, as is shown in the attached image. Putin and Assad may seem to be pursuing a common strategy aimed at defeating Obama politically, but Obama and Putin are likewise pursuing a strategy aimed at curtailing Assad's access to weapons of mass destruction.
View attachment 27553

Nice post!

This is very much like a chess game. Russia does not want to loose a toehold in the area while the US wants to further establish their presence. There is more at stake than Syria, there is Iran to consider and how the outcome of this situation impacts their nuclear program. This situation may result in who dictates terms in that region. There is no even playing field and Syria is merely a stooge for the Russians. So far with Syria joining the treaty I would say the US scored a point. Let's see where this goes next.

Seriously? Who actually thinks Bashar Assad will honor any treaty? And iwhen (I wrote If then changed it) he doesn't, then what? Is that a "red line"?
Russia is selling advanced anti aircraft missiles to Iran in violation of the embargo. They are staking out their sphere of influence in the middle east.
The U.S. has lost credibility. The U.S. has lost influence. The U.S. is utterly screwed here, having been seriously played by Putin.
So assad trots out the dog and pony show, hoping the delay will stall us long enough to lose interest.

He's got a month, plus however many requests for delays that will be delayed before he gets to actually delay due to some delays in gathering all the material.

here's hoping it works, since we have no right to be there in the first place.

It won't work. Syria will be attacked. They'll find another lie or use another false flag, but it will bombed. All a part of a long term plan. Nobody can stop it.

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