Syrian Army is on a Roll in Northeastern Latakia


Nov 14, 2012
We, all the people in their right mind, wish the Syrian forces good luck in the forthcoming operations against the terrorists. May the West scream and cry to protect its dark hordes, the Syrian forces, humanity, will be victorious in the end.

"The last 48 hours for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces (NDF) have been extremely productive inside the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside, as they have captured two strategic towns from the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda faction) and the Free Syrian Army’s “Coastal Brigades” after intense firefights in Jabal Al-Akrad (Kurdish Mountains).

On Thursday morning, the National Defense Forces, Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) and Syrian Arab Army stormed Kafr Ajouz in Jabal Al-Akrad, killing 16 enemy combatants from Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army’s Coastal Brigades before they imposed full control over the town and its surrounding hills.

Kafr Ajouz was originally under the National Defense Forces’ control in July; however, the Islamist rebel forces launched an offensive in August to take this town and the imperative town of Doreen – the latter was not recaptured by the Islamist rebels.

Following their success on Thursday, the Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces did not waste much time before they launched a full-scale assault on Kafr Al-Dalbeh; this resulted in a series of fierce clashes between the aforementioned pro-government forces and the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra.

Much to the surprise of the Islamist rebels, the Syrian Armed Forces were determined and confident at Kafr Al-Dalbeh; this was likely due to the Russian Air Force protecting them from above.

Finally, after nearly seven hours of intense firefights on Friday night, the Syrian Armed Forces took full-control of Kafr Al-Dalbeh, leaving over 15 enemy combatants from Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Coastal Brigades dead before they retreated to the imperative city of Salma.

Kafr Al-Dalbeh and Kafr Ajouz are two towns that are situated south of the rebel stronghold of Salma; if they are lost, then the aforementioned city’s southern perimeter will be exposed by the hills that overlook it.

With their success, the Syrian Armed Forces are now in a prime position begin a major operation to capture this rebel stronghold that has been out of their possession since early 2012."

Syrian Army is on a Roll in Northeastern Latakia: Two Strategic Towns Captured in 48 Hours
Islamist Rebels in Trouble: Syrian Army on the Fringes of Salma

"This past weekend has been full of surprises, including the resurgence of the Syrian Armed Forces in northern Syria after six months of consistent losses to the Islamist rebel forces; this includes the loss of the Idlib Governorate and the Al-Ghaab Plains of the Hama Governorate.

However, their string of bad luck seems to be past them, thanks in large part to the recent participation of Russian forces inside country.

With the Russian Air Force conducting dozens of airstrikes around Syria each day, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies have been able to capitalize on their enemy’s misfortunes; this is most evident in the Latakia and Hama Governorate’s of northern Syria.

On Thursday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces captured Kafr Ajouz after intense firefights with the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army’s “Coastal Brigades” and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra”.

The following day, the Syrian Armed Forces – led by the National Defense Forces (NDF) – took full control of the strategic hilltop of Jubb Al-Ahmar and the imperative town of Kafr Dalbeh, while their enemies attempted to evade the swarming Russian MI-24 Helicopter Gunships (alligators) pounding their positions.

What does this progress all mean? Well, directly north of Kafr Dalbeh and Kafr Ajouz is the rebel stronghold of Salma; this city in northeastern Latakia has been under the control of the Free Syrian Army and their allies since 2012.

The capture of Salma is not only important for morale, but also, the recapture of Jisr Al-Shughour – a city located in the Idlib Governorate that sits on the Latakia border.

Salma overlooks the northeastern mountainside of Jabal Al-Akrad (Kurdish Mountains), which is the part of Latakia that leads to Jisr Al-Shughour and the Turkish border along the town of Al-Ghassaniyah.

If Salma is captured, the Islamist rebel forces are in serious trouble, as the Syrian Arab Army and their allies have a downhill (literally) battle to Jisr Al-Shughour."

Islamist Rebels in Trouble: Syrian Army on the Fringes of Salma
Syrian Army Enters the Strategic City of Salma in Northeast Latakia

"It has been almost three years since the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has entered the imperative city of Salma; however, after their recent success in the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside, the SAA – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) – have broken-through the Islamist rebel defenses and entered the southern district.

On Sunday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces infiltrated past the frontline defenses of the Free Syrian Army’s “Coastal Brigades” and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” at Salma, taking control of 5 building blocks inside the city after launching this assault from their positions in the recently captured town of Kafr Dalbeh to the southeast.

With the Syrian Arab Army and their allies advancing into Salma, the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army launched a counter-assault at the Kafr Dalbeh hilltop in order to alleviate the pressure on their stronghold; this resulted in the Islamist rebels recapturing the hilltop after two anti-tank TOW missiles struck a T-55 Tank and a BMP.

However, despite their success at Tal Kafr Dalbeh, the Islamist rebel forces were extremely inaccurate with their TOW missiles, as they fired a dozen missiles and only hit three of their designated targets in the city of Salma.

Adding to the plight of the Islamist rebels, the Russian Air Force conducted 11 airstrikes over Jabal Al-Akrad (Kurdish Mountains) on Sunday, striking a number of sites belonging to the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra inside the Latakia Governorate’s northeastern countryside."

Syrian Army Enters the Strategic City of Salma in Northeast Latakia
Russians bomb, incompetent Syrian free loaders led by a genocidal mass murderer march in. Wow, what a great achievement.
Russians bomb, incompetent Syrian free loaders led by a genocidal mass murderer march in. Wow, what a great achievement.
You need to shut up and honor the the professional Syrian forces for battling terrorism for all of us.
Russians bomb, incompetent Syrian free loaders led by a genocidal mass murderer march in. Wow, what a great achievement.
You need to shut up and honor the the professional Syrian forces for battling terrorism for all of us.
Ha ha ha. Assad has lost two thirds of Syrian territory and he was about to lose the rest until the Russians stepped in to save his ass. He and his army couldn't fight their way out of a paper back. They've been getting bitch slapped by the Israelis for the last 40 years. :lmao:
Russians bomb, incompetent Syrian free loaders led by a genocidal mass murderer march in. Wow, what a great achievement.
You need to shut up and honor the the professional Syrian forces for battling terrorism for all of us.
Ha ha ha. Assad has lost two thirds of Syrian territory and he was about to lose the rest until the Russians stepped in to save his ass. He and his army couldn't fight their way out of a paper back. They've been getting bitch slapped by the Israelis for the last 40 years. :lmao:
More nonsense. Syria was not about to lose the war. However, if Syria would lose the war, the terrorists would have to fight to the last building, to the las square meter, just like they had to do in Libya. And if we look at the past conflicts we see that Syria has forestalled any Israeli advance.
Russians bomb, incompetent Syrian free loaders led by a genocidal mass murderer march in. Wow, what a great achievement.
You need to shut up and honor the the professional Syrian forces for battling terrorism for all of us.
Ha ha ha. Assad has lost two thirds of Syrian territory and he was about to lose the rest until the Russians stepped in to save his ass. He and his army couldn't fight their way out of a paper back. They've been getting bitch slapped by the Israelis for the last 40 years. :lmao:
More nonsense. Syria was not about to lose the war. However, if Syria would lose the war, the terrorists would have to fight to the last building, to the las square meter, just like they had to do in Libya. And if we look at the past conflicts we see that Syria has forestalled any Israeli advance.
Only 1/3 of Syria is now under Assad control, that is a fact, deal with it. Your incompetent piece of shit dictator can only brutalize his own unarmed people. Israel hasn't done anything for Syria to forestall. Israel's pilots regularly fly into Syria at will and flip the douchebag Assad off. Israel has turned the phrase "Syrian air defense" into a a joke. Ha ha ha.
Russians bomb, incompetent Syrian free loaders led by a genocidal mass murderer march in. Wow, what a great achievement.
You need to shut up and honor the the professional Syrian forces for battling terrorism for all of us.
Ha ha ha. Assad has lost two thirds of Syrian territory and he was about to lose the rest until the Russians stepped in to save his ass. He and his army couldn't fight their way out of a paper back. They've been getting bitch slapped by the Israelis for the last 40 years. :lmao:
More nonsense. Syria was not about to lose the war. However, if Syria would lose the war, the terrorists would have to fight to the last building, to the las square meter, just like they had to do in Libya. And if we look at the past conflicts we see that Syria has forestalled any Israeli advance.
Yeah? Who's got the Golan Heights for the last 50 years? OMG. Kiss that one goodbye. Keep cheering for your genocidal dictator to kill more of his own innocent people. What a patriotic Syrian you are. That's why all these ME countries are shitholes, it's either Islamic terrorists or nutjob corksoaking cronies like you.
Only 1/3 of Syria is now under Assad control, that is a fact, deal with it.
It is the most important third and includes almost all of the population as most of the refugees reside there in addition to this densely populated area, liar-propagandist.
Russians bomb, incompetent Syrian free loaders led by a genocidal mass murderer march in. Wow, what a great achievement.
You need to shut up and honor the the professional Syrian forces for battling terrorism for all of us.
Ha ha ha. Assad has lost two thirds of Syrian territory and he was about to lose the rest until the Russians stepped in to save his ass. He and his army couldn't fight their way out of a paper back. They've been getting bitch slapped by the Israelis for the last 40 years. :lmao:
More nonsense. Syria was not about to lose the war. However, if Syria would lose the war, the terrorists would have to fight to the last building, to the las square meter, just like they had to do in Libya. And if we look at the past conflicts we see that Syria has forestalled any Israeli advance.
Yeah? Who's got the Golan Heights for the last 50 years? OMG. Kiss that one goodbye. Keep cheering for your genocidal dictator to kill more of his own innocent people. What a patriotic Syrian you are. That's why all these ME countries are shitholes, it's either Islamic terrorists or nutjob corksoaking cronies like you.
Israel is an US outpost and an US arms depot.
Only 1/3 of Syria is now under Assad control, that is a fact, deal with it.
It is the most important third and includes almost all of the population as most of the refugees reside there in addition to this densely populated area, liar-propagandist.
Yeah, that's why there are millions of your fellow Syrians fleeing from the butcher of Damascus. That's why Europe and neighboring Middle Eastern countries have a refugee crisis, because Assad is protecting them in 1/3 of his own country.

Wow, what a great leader, he just lost 2/3 of his own country's territory in almost two years. Amazing. Ha ha ha.
Russians bomb, incompetent Syrian free loaders led by a genocidal mass murderer march in. Wow, what a great achievement.
You need to shut up and honor the the professional Syrian forces for battling terrorism for all of us.
Ha ha ha. Assad has lost two thirds of Syrian territory and he was about to lose the rest until the Russians stepped in to save his ass. He and his army couldn't fight their way out of a paper back. They've been getting bitch slapped by the Israelis for the last 40 years. :lmao:
More nonsense. Syria was not about to lose the war. However, if Syria would lose the war, the terrorists would have to fight to the last building, to the las square meter, just like they had to do in Libya. And if we look at the past conflicts we see that Syria has forestalled any Israeli advance.
Yeah? Who's got the Golan Heights for the last 50 years? OMG. Kiss that one goodbye. Keep cheering for your genocidal dictator to kill more of his own innocent people. What a patriotic Syrian you are. That's why all these ME countries are shitholes, it's either Islamic terrorists or nutjob corksoaking cronies like you.
Israel is an US outpost and an US arms depot.
So? Israel can bitch slap your animal dictator anytime it wants. The reason it didn't is because it knows the alternative can be worse now.
Only 1/3 of Syria is now under Assad control, that is a fact, deal with it.
It is the most important third and includes almost all of the population as most of the refugees reside there in addition to this densely populated area, liar-propagandist.
Yeah, that's why there are millions of your fellow Syrians fleeing from the butcher of Damascus. That's why Europe and neighboring Middle Eastern countries have a refugee crisis, because Assad is protecting them in 1/3 of his own country.

Wow, what a great leader, he just lost 2/3 of his own country's territory in almost two years. Amazing. Ha ha ha.
They have a refugee crisis because Turkey treats the refugees bad and they head towards Europe, idiot.
You need to shut up and honor the the professional Syrian forces for battling terrorism for all of us.
Ha ha ha. Assad has lost two thirds of Syrian territory and he was about to lose the rest until the Russians stepped in to save his ass. He and his army couldn't fight their way out of a paper back. They've been getting bitch slapped by the Israelis for the last 40 years. :lmao:
More nonsense. Syria was not about to lose the war. However, if Syria would lose the war, the terrorists would have to fight to the last building, to the las square meter, just like they had to do in Libya. And if we look at the past conflicts we see that Syria has forestalled any Israeli advance.
Yeah? Who's got the Golan Heights for the last 50 years? OMG. Kiss that one goodbye. Keep cheering for your genocidal dictator to kill more of his own innocent people. What a patriotic Syrian you are. That's why all these ME countries are shitholes, it's either Islamic terrorists or nutjob corksoaking cronies like you.
Israel is an US outpost and an US arms depot.
So? Israel can bitch slap your animal dictator anytime it wants. The reason it didn't is because it knows the alternative can be worse now.
Once the S-300 will be deployed you shithead will be silent.
Only 1/3 of Syria is now under Assad control, that is a fact, deal with it.
It is the most important third and includes almost all of the population as most of the refugees reside there in addition to this densely populated area, liar-propagandist.
Yeah, that's why there are millions of your fellow Syrians fleeing from the butcher of Damascus. That's why Europe and neighboring Middle Eastern countries have a refugee crisis, because Assad is protecting them in 1/3 of his own country.

Wow, what a great leader, he just lost 2/3 of his own country's territory in almost two years. Amazing. Ha ha ha.
They have a refugee crisis because Turkey treats the refugees bad and they head towards Europe, idiot.
No you fucking idiot, there are refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and even in Iraq. The Syrians are heading towards Europe because they are either being killed by Assad or Islamist animals. It's a cluster fuck.
Ha ha ha. Assad has lost two thirds of Syrian territory and he was about to lose the rest until the Russians stepped in to save his ass. He and his army couldn't fight their way out of a paper back. They've been getting bitch slapped by the Israelis for the last 40 years. :lmao:
More nonsense. Syria was not about to lose the war. However, if Syria would lose the war, the terrorists would have to fight to the last building, to the las square meter, just like they had to do in Libya. And if we look at the past conflicts we see that Syria has forestalled any Israeli advance.
Yeah? Who's got the Golan Heights for the last 50 years? OMG. Kiss that one goodbye. Keep cheering for your genocidal dictator to kill more of his own innocent people. What a patriotic Syrian you are. That's why all these ME countries are shitholes, it's either Islamic terrorists or nutjob corksoaking cronies like you.
Israel is an US outpost and an US arms depot.
So? Israel can bitch slap your animal dictator anytime it wants. The reason it didn't is because it knows the alternative can be worse now.
Once the S-300 will be deployed you shithead will be silent.
Okay so after 50 years of being bitchslapped by Israelis, the Russians will deploy something big up Assad's butt that you think Israel or the US is not prepared for? You realize that all of Assad's air defense that Israel rapes anytime it wants is supposedly the "state of the art" and installed by the Russians? Ha ha ha.
Only 1/3 of Syria is now under Assad control, that is a fact, deal with it.
It is the most important third and includes almost all of the population as most of the refugees reside there in addition to this densely populated area, liar-propagandist.
Yeah, that's why there are millions of your fellow Syrians fleeing from the butcher of Damascus. That's why Europe and neighboring Middle Eastern countries have a refugee crisis, because Assad is protecting them in 1/3 of his own country.

Wow, what a great leader, he just lost 2/3 of his own country's territory in almost two years. Amazing. Ha ha ha.
They have a refugee crisis because Turkey treats the refugees bad and they head towards Europe, idiot.
No you fucking idiot, there are refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and even in Iraq. The Syrians are heading towards Europe because they are either being killed by Assad or Islamist animals. It's a cluster fuck.
An propaganda fool like you must have missed the news.
Aid cuts driving Jordan's Syrian refugees to risk all - BBC News
How many more Syrians will Russians help Assad slaughter between now and next year? I estimated at least another 100,000. I bet Blueshyster will be even more happy. More of his fellow countrymen dead!

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