Syrian refugee molested 6 underage girls t Canadian pool

and what do degenerate liberal darlings ponder? Whether to suppress the stories

CBC News on Twitter

Well they've just released a schizophrenic who beheaded and then cannibalised a man he met on a bus, they've released him even though he can't be trusted to take his own medication on a daily basis.

So with this outrageous thinking and disregard for the public's safety, why would they care about things like underage girls being molested when they're releasing schizophrenic head chopping cannibals back onto the streets.

Canadian Cannibal Who Beheaded Victim Granted Complete Freedom
and what do degenerate liberal darlings ponder? Whether to suppress the stories

CBC News on Twitter
Justin Trudeau is like Angela Merkel he say Bienvenue Au Canada /Welcome to Canada
after Trump Travel ban.
We can hope that Canada will not experience the same horrors as germany, rapes, murders.
Notice they used a picture of only women...
and what do degenerate liberal darlings ponder? Whether to suppress the stories

CBC News on Twitter
Justin Trudeau is like Angela Merkel he say Bienvenue Au Canada /Welcome to Canada
after Trump Travel ban.
We can hope that Canada will not experience the same horrors as germany, rapes, murders.
True, it look better that way because is the mens who rapes and kills
I don't care where it's from... all child molesters must die a bad death.
I'll help.

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