T Party.....Keep On Keeping On

I've always said, Liberals are nasty when they lose and even more nasty when they win..

Always bitter miserable people

Hold that thought


I will, you attack everything and anything from religion, to the Tea Party, radio host, fox news and shall I go on?

And so do your buddies, if you people are not obsessing over SOMETHING (other than politics) you're are not happy people
rove is now trying to purge them from the party.

the fight is on for the heart of the republican party.

The great thing is no matter which side wins they still will not be able to win a national election.

they all refuse to treat the voting population with the respect they need to be treated with to gain their votes.

The republican party fucked itself but good this time arround

My hope is that we as a nation will finally learn to put the Constitution and rule of law first, and govern by that instead of party dominance, and then it won't matter so much "which party" is in office. That should not affect decisions that are supposed to be
representing ALL people. We should decisions by the Constitution and include ALL parties and input, not just the majority party.
That's the biggest shift I see coming, where people keep and fund their own party policies and stop imposing it globally for all people.

I think we will see mixed tickets and collaborative government with partnerships across parties. No one group has all the answers or ideas, so it will take coalition work!
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Your right wing agenda has failed. If serious changes do not happen...come 2016 you will have lost five of the last seven presidential elections.

Is it proper to say Madame president or Ms president? I know that Hillary isn't right for anyone except Bill.

You sound like Karl Rove.
I've always said, Liberals are nasty when they lose and even more nasty when they win..

Always bitter miserable people

Hold that thought


I will, you attack everything and anything from religion, to the Tea Party, radio host, fox news and shall I go on?

And so do your buddies, if you people are not obsessing over SOMETHING (other than politics) you're are not happy people

Like I said....hold that thought. If the Republican party doesn't start representing ordinary people again and come off that corporate, millionaire jet they're riding they will add another lost presidential election and that will make their record five of the last seven.
Hold that thought


I will, you attack everything and anything from religion, to the Tea Party, radio host, fox news and shall I go on?

And so do your buddies, if you people are not obsessing over SOMETHING (other than politics) you're are not happy people

Like I said....hold that thought. If the Republican party doesn't start representing ordinary people again and come off that corporate, millionaire jet they're riding they will add another lost presidential election and that will make their record five of the last seven.

who cares anymore, the nuts have taken over the asylum and you all cheer it when they step in to RUN your lives..
I just feel sorry for what is being done for future generations
But all you care about is WINNING ELECTIONS
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Your right wing agenda has failed. If serious changes do not happen...come 2016 you will have lost five of the last seven presidential elections.

Is it proper to say Madame president or Ms president? I know that Hillary isn't right for anyone except Bill.

So the Tea Party goes all the way back to Ronald Reagan? Who knew? I thought they started in 2007.

welfare queens?

yeap reagan just did his race bating in a time when there were more racists
rove is now trying to purge them from the party.

the fight is on for the heart of the republican party.

The great thing is no matter which side wins they still will not be able to win a national election.

they all refuse to treat the voting population with the respect they need to be treated with to gain their votes.

The republican party fucked itself but good this time arround

My hope is that we as a nation will finally learn to put the Constitution and rule of law first, and govern by that instead of party dominance, and then it won't matter so much "which party" is in office. That should not affect decisions that are supposed to be
representing ALL people. We should decisions by the Constitution and include ALL parties and input, not just the majority party.
That's the biggest shift I see coming, where people keep and fund their own party policies and stop imposing it globally for all people.

I think we will see mixed tickets and collaborative government with partnerships across parties. No one group has all the answers or ideas, so it will take coalition work!

not until the republican party dies off completely or the tea party faction is buried in the ground.

Ideas matter.

the republicna party has NO ideas that are valid anymore
You can't talk sense to a Democrat normally, but let them win an election and their insanity has a free pass.

We will probably will lose for a long time. Basically it's because the ignorant and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive. In order to break that cycle, the ignorant and lazy will have to suffer greatly. It won't be easy because most of the lefties are so imbedded in their insanity by now that they could be living in a cardboard box, burning worthless dollar bills for warmth, and will still claim that if obama only had four more years, he'd fix things.
You can't talk sense to a Democrat normally, but let them win an election and their insanity has a free pass.

We will probably will lose for a long time. Basically it's because the ignorant and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive. In order to break that cycle, the ignorant and lazy will have to suffer greatly. It won't be easy because most of the lefties are so imbedded in their insanity by now that they could be living in a cardboard box, burning worthless dollar bills for warmth, and will still claim that if obama only had four more years, he'd fix things.

Smart and productive....ROTFLMAO!! Inept assholes who gained a position through inheirited wealth or family influence....paper handlers and monitor watchers are on their way out. Take that to the bank.
some on the right just dont like democracy

The reason.....the word sounds too much like Democrat.

When Mitch McConnell and John Boehner declared that their number one mission would be to deny the president a second term they stepped on their weenies.
You can't talk sense to a Democrat normally, but let them win an election and their insanity has a free pass.

We will probably will lose for a long time. Basically it's because the ignorant and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive. In order to break that cycle, the ignorant and lazy will have to suffer greatly. It won't be easy because most of the lefties are so imbedded in their insanity by now that they could be living in a cardboard box, burning worthless dollar bills for warmth, and will still claim that if obama only had four more years, he'd fix things.

Smart and productive....ROTFLMAO!! Inept assholes who gained a position through inheirited wealth or family influence....paper handlers and monitor watchers are on their way out. Take that to the bank.


I blame the media and public education.
Never knew Democrats even gave a Rat's Ass, about the Welfare of thew Republican Party. Touching. So, your humble opinion, we should always listen to your advice. I'll get back to you on that.....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

They don't care about our welfare, but if they can convince us that the only way we can win is to move left, there really is no reason to keep fighting.

The last 2 candidates have both been known as able to compromise with the left. All that really means is the country only goes to hell in a handbasket half as fast. Progressives still eventually get it all.
I have some news for the GOP: Moderates will not win.
The Democrats know that. Look back at the 2008 and 2012 campaigns. The DNC and the complicit Press destroyed every viable Conservative. You might as well say that MSNBC picked our nominees.
In 2008 we heard the press slobber all over the "Maverick". we heard how he was able to "reach across the aisle" to "compromise" Yeah, and once they convinced the easily led to nominate someone as exciting as a sawdust sandwich, the savaged him.

Bottom line, GOP. Don't let the opposition choose your candidate. They are not on your side.
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Never knew Democrats even gave a Rat's Ass, about the Welfare of thew Republican Party. Touching. So, your humble opinion, we should always listen to your advice. I'll get back to you on that.....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

They don't care about our welfare, but if they can convince us that the only way we can win is to move left, there really is no reason to keep fighting.

The last 2 candidates have both been known as able to compromise with the left. All that really means is the country only goes to hell in a handbasket half as fast. Progressives still eventually get it all.
I have some news for the GOP: Moderates will not win.
The Democrats know that. Look back at the 2008 and 2012 campaigns. The DNC and the complicit Press destroyed every viable Conservative. You might as well say that MSNBC picked our nominees.
In 2008 we heard the press slobber all over the "Maverick". we heard how he was able to "reach across the aisle" to "compromise" Yeah, and once they convinced the easily led to nominate someone as exciting as a sawdust sandwich, the savaged him.

Bottom line, GOP. Don't let the opposition choose your candidate. They are not on your side.

Don't ever worry about the GOP. They've completely gerrymandered five states so that even with the Democrats getting a million and a half votes more in the states their candidates were elected anyway. Now guess what? Three of the states with Republican governors are on a mission to divide up their states the same way for the presidential elections. In other words....if they manage to overcome your efforts to keep them away from the polls on election day figure out a way to fuck them anyway.

They honestly believe they can pull off something like that. I have news for them....the electorate might not be rocket scientists but they're a damn site smarter than to fall for that kind of trickery. Look for it to show up in the supreme court if they continue to try and screw folks.
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Never knew Democrats even gave a Rat's Ass, about the Welfare of thew Republican Party. Touching. So, your humble opinion, we should always listen to your advice. I'll get back to you on that.....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

They don't care about our welfare, but if they can convince us that the only way we can win is to move left, there really is no reason to keep fighting.

The last 2 candidates have both been known as able to compromise with the left. All that really means is the country only goes to hell in a handbasket half as fast. Progressives still eventually get it all.
I have some news for the GOP: Moderates will not win.
The Democrats know that. Look back at the 2008 and 2012 campaigns. The DNC and the complicit Press destroyed every viable Conservative. You might as well say that MSNBC picked our nominees.
In 2008 we heard the press slobber all over the "Maverick". we heard how he was able to "reach across the aisle" to "compromise" Yeah, and once they convinced the easily led to nominate someone as exciting as a sawdust sandwich, the savaged him.

Bottom line, GOP. Don't let the opposition choose your candidate. They are not on your side.

Don't ever worry about the GOP. They've completely gerrymandered five states so that even with the Democrats getting a million and a half votes more in the states their candidates were elected anyway. Now guess what? Three of the states with Republican governors are on a mission to divide up their states the same way for the presidential elections. In other words....if they manage to overcome your efforts to keep them away from the polls on election day figure out a way to fuck them anyway.

They honestly believe they can pull off shit like that. I have news for them....the electorate might not be rocket scientists but they're a damn site smarter than to fall for that kind of bullshit. Look for it to show up in the supreme court if they continue to try and screw folks.
And that never happened in a blue state?

Time to up your Namenda dosage there, young fella.

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