Taboo on Race Talk: Most Powerful Social Force?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Seems that way...

John Derbyshire On Amity Shlaes And The Ballistic Trajectory of Political Correctness |

My conclusion: Nothing has gotten better. What was unspeakable in 1994 is still unspeakable today. Worse, it is unspeakable all over the Anglosphere, whereas 18 years ago there were still pockets of sense here and there, as Dominic Lawson's piece shows.

(That particular pocket soon closed. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Spectator — by then under a different editor, the buffoonish and scientifically illiterate Boris Johnson, currently Mayor of London — asked me to write an article for them about the social consequences of Katrina. I wrote a piece containing some mildly race-realist remarks. They spiked it, and have asked me for nothing since.)

Here in the U.S.A., things have definitely gotten worse. The censoring of Don Rickles is surely a bad sign. I don't believe that would have happened in 1994.

Worst of all is the rise of the Pod People: twenty-something metrosexual media commentators who have somehow persuaded themselves that the real world, at least as manifested in the realities of a multiracial society, does not exist.

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Seems that way...

John Derbyshire On Amity Shlaes And The Ballistic Trajectory of Political Correctness |

My conclusion: Nothing has gotten better. What was unspeakable in 1994 is still unspeakable today. Worse, it is unspeakable all over the Anglosphere, whereas 18 years ago there were still pockets of sense here and there, as Dominic Lawson's piece shows.

(That particular pocket soon closed. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Spectator — by then under a different editor, the buffoonish and scientifically illiterate Boris Johnson, currently Mayor of London — asked me to write an article for them about the social consequences of Katrina. I wrote a piece containing some mildly race-realist remarks. They spiked it, and have asked me for nothing since.)

Here in the U.S.A., things have definitely gotten worse. The censoring of Don Rickles is surely a bad sign. I don't believe that would have happened in 1994.

Worst of all is the rise of the Pod People: twenty-something metrosexual media commentators who have somehow persuaded themselves that the real world, at least as manifested in the realities of a multiracial society, does not exist.

American society is disintegrating. The attack on the family unit is intensifying.
Homosexual marriage is being forced on a heterosexual population, and these homosexuals are told they can adopt and brainwash young children into "alternative
homosexual lifstyles". This they say is perfectly normal, it isn't normal. It is absurd,
and insane.!

Societal decay, is what we have in America.Moral , and societal decay.
It will be getting worse. I urge all black rightous people to move back to
Africa real soon. Let us separate our selves from the heathen white devil
Hell no we wont go back to Africa,why should we? Send those white devils back to europe.
political correctness is worse now than ever before because new areas keep getting added. remember when we used to scorn the Soviet Union for the same type of propaganda that we have now? what the hell happened?
Seems that way...

John Derbyshire On Amity Shlaes And The Ballistic Trajectory of Political Correctness |

My conclusion: Nothing has gotten better. What was unspeakable in 1994 is still unspeakable today. Worse, it is unspeakable all over the Anglosphere, whereas 18 years ago there were still pockets of sense here and there, as Dominic Lawson's piece shows.

(That particular pocket soon closed. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Spectator — by then under a different editor, the buffoonish and scientifically illiterate Boris Johnson, currently Mayor of London — asked me to write an article for them about the social consequences of Katrina. I wrote a piece containing some mildly race-realist remarks. They spiked it, and have asked me for nothing since.)

Here in the U.S.A., things have definitely gotten worse. The censoring of Don Rickles is surely a bad sign. I don't believe that would have happened in 1994.

Worst of all is the rise of the Pod People: twenty-something metrosexual media commentators who have somehow persuaded themselves that the real world, at least as manifested in the realities of a multiracial society, does not exist.

American society is disintegrating. The attack on the family unit is intensifying.
Homosexual marriage is being forced on a heterosexual population, and these homosexuals are told they can adopt and brainwash young children into "alternative
homosexual lifstyles". This they say is perfectly normal, it isn't normal. It is absurd,
and insane.!

Societal decay, is what we have in America.Moral , and societal decay.
It will be getting worse. I urge all black rightous people to move back to
Africa real soon. Let us separate our selves from the heathen white devil

Hip hip hooray!!!...hip hip hooray!!! And here's hoping the door hits you and others of your ilk in the ass on the way out. Good riddance.
Hell no we wont go back to Africa,why should we? Send those white devils back to europe.

Too late. It's full up with Muslims.

Well this is the case now in Nigeria. These muslim feel they can try to take over Africa
first, because most of the inhabitants are unarmed, black tribal animist.
America must prevent the muslim extremist from taking over the African continent.
The African Christians must be protected.!
political correctness is worse now than ever before because new areas keep getting added. remember when we used to scorn the Soviet Union for the same type of propaganda that we have now? what the hell happened?
What happened?
J. Edgar Hoover, the NSA, CIA, and FBI became a "shadow government". Even the POTUS can't control 'em. Need I mention that the 50th anniversary of JFK's "elimination" is next year?

He was the guy who wanted to "disarm" the CIA.

The old Soviet Union/Commies are no longer, but we have picked up the banner of Newspeak (politically correct language) and gulags, suppression of free speech, controlled/compliant media, etc.

Take any media discussion of "the Commies" from the sixties/Cold War era and notice how anachronistic it sounds today.

We need an alternate internet which cannot be censured by dictators/fascists, etc.
Wouldn't it be "fun" to see how the Katrina "victims" are faring now?
I'd love to see a study of their impact on cities like Houston which took them in with open arms.

I bet that there are still Katrina "victims" sucking off of US.

Whaddya wanna bet, Huey?
Seems that way...

John Derbyshire On Amity Shlaes And The Ballistic Trajectory of Political Correctness |

My conclusion: Nothing has gotten better. What was unspeakable in 1994 is still unspeakable today. Worse, it is unspeakable all over the Anglosphere, whereas 18 years ago there were still pockets of sense here and there, as Dominic Lawson's piece shows.

(That particular pocket soon closed. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Spectator — by then under a different editor, the buffoonish and scientifically illiterate Boris Johnson, currently Mayor of London — asked me to write an article for them about the social consequences of Katrina. I wrote a piece containing some mildly race-realist remarks. They spiked it, and have asked me for nothing since.)

Here in the U.S.A., things have definitely gotten worse. The censoring of Don Rickles is surely a bad sign. I don't believe that would have happened in 1994.

Worst of all is the rise of the Pod People: twenty-something metrosexual media commentators who have somehow persuaded themselves that the real world, at least as manifested in the realities of a multiracial society, does not exist.

American society is disintegrating. The attack on the family unit is intensifying.
Homosexual marriage is being forced on a heterosexual population, and these homosexuals are told they can adopt and brainwash young children into "alternative
homosexual lifstyles". This they say is perfectly normal, it isn't normal. It is absurd,
and insane.!

Societal decay, is what we have in America.Moral , and societal decay.
It will be getting worse. I urge all black rightous people to move back to
Africa real soon. Let us separate our selves from the heathen white devil

Another homosexual post by 52ndStreet, why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:
Seems that way...

John Derbyshire On Amity Shlaes And The Ballistic Trajectory of Political Correctness |

My conclusion: Nothing has gotten better. What was unspeakable in 1994 is still unspeakable today. Worse, it is unspeakable all over the Anglosphere, whereas 18 years ago there were still pockets of sense here and there, as Dominic Lawson's piece shows.

(That particular pocket soon closed. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Spectator — by then under a different editor, the buffoonish and scientifically illiterate Boris Johnson, currently Mayor of London — asked me to write an article for them about the social consequences of Katrina. I wrote a piece containing some mildly race-realist remarks. They spiked it, and have asked me for nothing since.)

Here in the U.S.A., things have definitely gotten worse. The censoring of Don Rickles is surely a bad sign. I don't believe that would have happened in 1994.

Worst of all is the rise of the Pod People: twenty-something metrosexual media commentators who have somehow persuaded themselves that the real world, at least as manifested in the realities of a multiracial society, does not exist.

American society is disintegrating. The attack on the family unit is intensifying.
Homosexual marriage is being forced on a heterosexual population, and these homosexuals are told they can adopt and brainwash young children into "alternative
homosexual lifstyles". This they say is perfectly normal, it isn't normal. It is absurd,
and insane.!

Societal decay, is what we have in America.Moral , and societal decay.
It will be getting worse. I urge all black rightous people to move back to
Africa real soon. Let us separate our selves from the heathen white devil

Another homosexual post by 52ndStreet, why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:
Poor Hot Pants- poses as a hot chick, though probably male, and exhibits homophobia.
American society is disintegrating. The attack on the family unit is intensifying.
Homosexual marriage is being forced on a heterosexual population, and these homosexuals are told they can adopt and brainwash young children into "alternative
homosexual lifstyles". This they say is perfectly normal, it isn't normal. It is absurd,
and insane.!

Societal decay, is what we have in America.Moral , and societal decay.
It will be getting worse. I urge all black rightous people to move back to
Africa real soon. Let us separate our selves from the heathen white devil

Another homosexual post by 52ndStreet, why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:
Poor Hot Pants- poses as a hot chick, though probably male, and exhibits homophobia.

Yeah whatever you say faggot. :rolleyes:
Wouldn't it be "fun" to see how the Katrina "victims" are faring now?
I'd love to see a study of their impact on cities like Houston which took them in with open arms.

I bet that there are still Katrina "victims" sucking off of US.

Whaddya wanna bet, Huey?
Thats on them,I dont live there.
Hell no we wont go back to Africa,why should we? Send those white devils back to europe.

Do you honesty think you would have gotten here on you own?

But I did get here,I was born here,now the question is were you.

My family on my mothers side has been in this country since the 1600's, 1750 is when my fathers side of the family arrived. And none of them were brought here in chains.
Seems that way...

John Derbyshire On Amity Shlaes And The Ballistic Trajectory of Political Correctness |

My conclusion: Nothing has gotten better. What was unspeakable in 1994 is still unspeakable today. Worse, it is unspeakable all over the Anglosphere, whereas 18 years ago there were still pockets of sense here and there, as Dominic Lawson's piece shows.

(That particular pocket soon closed. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Spectator — by then under a different editor, the buffoonish and scientifically illiterate Boris Johnson, currently Mayor of London — asked me to write an article for them about the social consequences of Katrina. I wrote a piece containing some mildly race-realist remarks. They spiked it, and have asked me for nothing since.)

Here in the U.S.A., things have definitely gotten worse. The censoring of Don Rickles is surely a bad sign. I don't believe that would have happened in 1994.

Worst of all is the rise of the Pod People: twenty-something metrosexual media commentators who have somehow persuaded themselves that the real world, at least as manifested in the realities of a multiracial society, does not exist.

American society is disintegrating. The attack on the family unit is intensifying.
Homosexual marriage is being forced on a heterosexual population, and these homosexuals are told they can adopt and brainwash young children into "alternative
homosexual lifstyles". This they say is perfectly normal, it isn't normal. It is absurd,
and insane.!

Societal decay, is what we have in America.Moral , and societal decay.
It will be getting worse. I urge all black rightous people to move back to
Africa real soon. Let us separate our selves from the heathen white devil

Hip hip hooray!!!...hip hip hooray!!! And here's hoping the door hits you and others of your ilk in the ass on the way out. Good riddance.

another contribution by the white race,fruity toot,toots.

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