Tackling Asian Privilege


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine
White privilege is indeed a ridiculous idea.

Rich privilege is not though. Hell, you can kill a few people and get away with it, and BLAME your wealth for it!
White privilege is indeed a ridiculous idea.

Rich privilege is not though. Hell, you can kill a few people and get away with it, and BLAME your wealth for it!

I take it you saw that story too. Fucking disgusting. The judge should be removed from his seat, and that rich kid sent to prison.
White privilege is indeed a ridiculous idea.

Rich privilege is not though. Hell, you can kill a few people and get away with it, and BLAME your wealth for it!

I take it you saw that story too. Fucking disgusting. The judge should be removed from his seat, and that rich kid sent to prison.

Yep. Got a thread on it. One of the most disgusting stories I've heard in a long time. "Too rich to be held accountable". The literal defense they used, and it worked. Just sick.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

The only privilege that exists is the privilege intelligent people have over non-intelligent people. Bright people of any color are overwhelmingly successful. Non-intelligent people are generally poor, uneducated, and lack skills.

Why is this so difficult to understand?
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

The only privilege that exists is the privilege intelligent people have over non-intelligent people. Bright people of any color are overwhelmingly successful. Non-intelligent people are generally poor, uneducated, and lack skills.

Why is this so difficult to understand?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvFG6jH_ocY]Dinesh D'Souza says racism is not the cause of black failure - YouTube[/ame]
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

The only privilege that exists is the privilege intelligent people have over non-intelligent people. Bright people of any color are overwhelmingly successful. Non-intelligent people are generally poor, uneducated, and lack skills.

Why is this so difficult to understand?
Exactly right.

If you practice and emulate successful people, regardless of your ethnicity, you will be successful.

Those that don't become liberals whining about people earning more than they do.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

I don't know that this is "privilege" so much as good immigration policy. We're only (legally) bringing in people who are going to make good contributions to our country.

I guess I should include a disclaimer. Our overall open borders immigration policy sucks ass. And obviously there are illegal Asian immigrants. But Asian immigrants are much less likely than Central and South Americans to be illegal, due to the significantly greater difficulty in swimming across the Pacific, as opposed to the river.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

Well, in this country, there were no asian slaves. They had it tough but blacks were owned by whites here in the states not that long ago relatively. Some of the people who have massive wealth now days owe it to black backs and some of those racist ideologies were passed down.

Fuck them. God bless.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

Asians rock! I hope they become the majority of our population. In addition to their superior math and science skills, they speak English well and are courteous, humble and loaded with integrity. They make me proud. They choose excellence. Most of them come from intact familial stability and customs, combined with responsibility and love.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

Asians rock! I hope they become the majority of our population. In addition to their superior math and science skills, they speak English well and are courteous, humble and loaded with integrity. They make me proud. They choose excellence. Most of them come from intact familial stability and customs, combined with responsibility and love.

I know many Asians, Chinese, Japanese and others. You are absolutely right. Except for Asian gangs of course. But they only prey on their own.
Asians rock! I hope they become the majority of our population. In addition to their superior math and science skills, they speak English well and are courteous, humble and loaded with integrity. They make me proud. They choose excellence. Most of them come from intact familial stability and customs, combined with responsibility and love.

You scared me there! For a moment, I thought you were going to say something ridiculously racist. Thank god you didn't!
Let's see how many Neg reps I will get for this...

Seems this has to do with immigration, to a certain degree. I'll state here that I believe it is time to close our borders significantly. Why? Consider the following analogy...

Let's say you want to have a party at your house. You've had parties before, and they were always great. So word of another party spreads fast. Your house holds a maximum of 200 people. You order enough food to cover 250 people (some people always wants seconds). And so time for the party. What do you do when about 250 people show up? Maybe you let them come and hang out outside (weather permitting of course). But at what point, if people keep showing up, do you say "Stop!" and turn people away? 300 people? 500 people? At what number do they start to become agitated because they heard your parties were awesome, yet there is not enough food, room, etc?

And so is my view of immigration today. Our country is a mess, economically, from a jobs perspective, and so on. We need to mend this country without hurting those who are here already.

That does not mean it stays that way forever. Just until we are strong again, strong enough to adequately take on those who wish to come here.

Now, some will say that those who come here provide a service to this country, the economy, etc. I accept that as true. But, not all. There are those who come here, take decent jobs, pay taxes - all a good thing. But the economic system, when it is working properly, has the money earned here spent here. Not all those who come here for the opportunities that are available spend their earned money here in the USA. Some funnel a portion of the money back to their home country (families), who cannot get to this country. And there are those who go out of their way to buy products imported into this country from their native country, in the hopes of helping their homeland, or because they miss what their native country offered, and so on. That process does little to help America's economy... certainly not as much as spending that money here. Believe me - this happens more than you may realize.

That written out, I also hold true to the fact they have the freedom to do all that. That is in fact one of the very reasons this country is sought after as a place to live, such as it is. I just question the true loyalties. When one becomes a citizen of the United States, you should devote yourself to this country and its general well-being.

(Yes, I have left a lot of tangent topics out of this. Sooo much is tied to this topic, one could write for days and still only scratch the surface. These are just my views on what was covered above.)

No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

"Though they comprise less than 4.8% of the American population, they make up 8.3% of all doctors. Only 2.3% of doctors are African American, yet they’re 13% of the population. Thirty percent of African American men will go to jail, but only 1.6% of prisoners are Asian. Nobody sees the problem with that?"

Tackling Asian Privilege - Taki's Magazine

I don't know that this is "privilege" so much as good immigration policy. We're only (legally) bringing in people who are going to make good contributions to our country.

I guess I should include a disclaimer. Our overall open borders immigration policy sucks ass. And obviously there are illegal Asian immigrants. But Asian immigrants are much less likely than Central and South Americans to be illegal, due to the significantly greater difficulty in swimming across the Pacific, as opposed to the river.

except there is a thriving business of bringing tens of thousands of Chinese illegals every year here. those are the same likes of the illegals crossing the southern borders , since the smarter ones are usually coming here from China on a tourist or student visa.
No article makes a better mockery of the idea of white privilege as this one HERE.

Asians rock! I hope they become the majority of our population. In addition to their superior math and science skills, they speak English well and are courteous, humble and loaded with integrity. They make me proud. They choose excellence. Most of them come from intact familial stability and customs, combined with responsibility and love.

I know many Asians, Chinese, Japanese and others. You are absolutely right. Except for Asian gangs of course. But they only prey on their own.

and they bring their own which do not resemble the people you have described - as a lot of those people are basically in slavery to those who brought them.

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