Take Action


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
S.744 is scheduled for a cloture vote tomorrow. Today is the day to let your senators know your opinion of this bill. Toll free phone numbers are available at NumbersUsa and F.A.I.R.
Rubio's interview with Univision this weekend. So much for those security triggers.

“Let’s be clear. Nobody is talking about preventing the legalization. The legalization is going to happen. That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border. And then comes the process of permanent residence. What we’re talking about here is the system of permanent residence. As for the legalization, the enormous majority of my colleagues have accepted that it has to happen and that it has to begin at the same time we begin the measures for [the border]. It is not conditional. The legalization is not conditional.” Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
The next 36 hours will be critical for trying to defeat this bill in the Senate. If you don't want this bill to become law, then you MUST take action. Find out where your amnesty voting senators donations have come from. It's time to put pressure on those pulling the strings.
i agree with you. rubio is dirt trash. time to throw out the rep party.
i agree with you. rubio is dirt trash. time to throw out the rep party.

It's fine to agree with me but better to busy yourself calling legislators and try to retire this bill. In addition to legislators, call the national and state branches of the GOP and DNC and let them know your thoughts on this bill. It's going to take EVERYONE that knows the long term damage this bill will cause actively working to defeat it, to get this thing retired.

At this point it's time to get rid of both parties if we expect to keep a country that values law and order. Citizens who sit back and watch their legislators being bought by special interests deserve what they get.
Please continue calling your legislators until this bill is retired. House members need to be told that NO immigration bill needs to come for a vote this session. Demand that the Secure Fence Act of 2006 be enforced. If you use Facebook or Twitter, use those mediums to get your message out.

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