Taking Jewelry Off The Corpse


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Elections are over in Great Britain and Labour (sort of like The American "Democrat Party" on a drunken high) is in the toilet where it will remain, gently floating, for five years.


Not even making a pretext of clinging to the sides of the bowl.

The British press is not given to decorous understatement in describing the carrion-feast:

Labour leadership candidates like family members taking jewellery off a corpse - Telegraph

It's looking like the replacement for "Red" Ed Milliband who orchestrated the unmitigated Labour disaster will be Chuka Umunna, of whom not much has previously been heard. But look at the photo and see if it brings back any memories....

Add a little hair and think 2008 American Democrat Party convention....

Ed's already under the bus...........

This fella seems articulate and obviously cleans up nice!
Elections are over in Great Britain and Labour (sort of like The American "Democrat Party" on a drunken high) is in the toilet where it will remain, gently floating, for five years.

Unfortunately there's no such thing as a "Democrat Party". So the comparison kinda leaves Labour as a Limbo party.

But it's always entertaining to watch partisan hacks scrape the bottom of the barrel for material. Even if they have to travel to a whole different continent. :lol:

Thinking the "conservative party" of Britain is anything like the republican party of America is a sure sign that someone has no idea just how liberal a British conservative is compared to our teabagger nutballs.
Thinking the "conservative party" of Britain is anything like the republican party of America is a sure sign that someone has no idea just how liberal a British conservative is compared to our teabagger nutballs.

The topic is concerned with Britain's suddenly cannibalistic LABOUR party - analogous to America's Democrat Party (successor to the former "Democratic Party").

British conservatives are, indeed, slightly to the left of "moderate" Republicans but it's all comparative - Britain is much further down the road to socialism than is today's America. But we're catching ujp.
The British Conservative Party sees income inequity as a problem, doesn't deny global warming and is looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions, and had never attempted to repeal the National Healthcare system. They're looking for ways to strengthen NH as it deals with aging baby boomers.

Doesn't sound like the Republican Party at all.
The British Conservative Party sees income inequity as a problem, doesn't deny global warming and is looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions, and had never attempted to repeal the National Healthcare system. They're looking for ways to strengthen NH as it deals with aging baby boomers.

Doesn't sound like the Republican Party at all.


It's Labour's stripping the corpse of their disgraced leaders with which the thread is concerned.
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The most remarkable victory in the UK elections was the massive landslide for the Scottish National Party, which took 56 of 59 seats in Scotland.

Their agenda:

The SNP's policy base is mostly in the mainstream European social democratic tradition. Among its policies are commitments to same-sex marriage, reducing the voting age to 16, unilateral nuclear disarmament, progressive personal taxation, the eradication of poverty, the building of affordable social housing, government subsidized higher education, opposition to the building of new nuclear power plants, investment in renewable energy, the abolition of Air Passenger Duty, and a pay increase for nurses.[31][32]

Happy now, conservatives?
The British Conservative Party sees income inequity as a problem, doesn't deny global warming and is looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions, and had never attempted to repeal the National Healthcare system. They're looking for ways to strengthen NH as it deals with aging baby boomers.

Doesn't sound like the Republican Party at all.


It's Labour's stripping the corpse of their disgraced leaders with which the tread is concerned.

Care to recap this plying of biased oversteer? It's ...... tiring.
It is customary in parliamentary democracies for the losing party leader to resign. There is nothing remarkable about the dumping of the losing team. Party leaders are chosen because the party thinks they can win. If you don't do your job, you'd be fired too.

When the Conservative Party lost last year's Ontario election, I don't recall any gleeful threads here when the Conservative Party leader resigned. The idiot promised to cut 1,000,000 government jobs in a province already hard hit by manufacturing job losses. The stupid dork would have won in a cakewalk if not for that.

I was so happy he came out with that one before the election.
Care to recap this plying of biased oversteer? It's ...... tiring.

Thank you for pointing out the typo - I have corrected it. Meanwhile.....

The girls in the PBS coffee room are finding their cups to be in need of refill. Perhaps you should give them your full attention if you'd like to stay in that executive post!
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The most remarkable victory in the UK elections was the massive landslide for the Scottish National Party, which took 56 of 59 seats in Scotland.

To British pollsters that didn't come as a surprise. The SNP felt they were abandoned by Labour in the wake of the rejection, by Scottish voters, of the independence referendum. Since then the movement has gathered strength and they will be thumping for another shot at breaking away from The UK but it seems Cameron won't do much to oblige. Updated link: Cameron rules out another Scottish independence vote Reuters

What appears more likely is further devolution of power which will give Scotland a much stronger voice in government's role for that "quasi-country" (my term, not theirs). But, to their dismay, along with that voice will come the requirement that they set their own taxes to pay for it.

It is customary in parliamentary democracies for the losing party leader to resign. There is nothing remarkable about the dumping of the losing team. Party leaders are chosen because the party thinks they can win. If you don't do your job, you'd be fired too.

When the Conservative Party lost last year's Ontario election, I don't recall any gleeful threads here when the Conservative Party leader resigned. The idiot promised to cut 1,000,000 government jobs in a province already hard hit by manufacturing job losses. The stupid dork would have won in a cakewalk if not for that.

I was so happy he came out with that one before the election.

The point was not that the losing parties are doing what losing parties are supposed to do - replace failed leaders. It was concerned with the crude and unseemly squabbling over who gets what. Downright savage.

What made it especially poignant was the appearance of the previously unknown individual to the left of the posted image. It seems that when leaders in Britain are thrown under the bus they, like America's Democrat (formerly "Democratic") Party gets to doing that they favour replacements of African ancestry who are articulate and clean up nicely. See, they ARE learning from we colonials.
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