Taking on water...

This sure is going to hurt his reelection chances. That's for damn sure.
Unkotare's source:

While bruising budget battles with Congress may have played some part, the trend is not unusual -- George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both experienced similar, though less steep, dips in approval after they were reelected.

Optimism about the state of the nation is also down, according to the NBC/WSJ poll, with just 31 percent saying the country is headed in the right direction -- down 10 points since December.

Half of Americans said they disapproved of the president's handling of the economy, a slight improvement on his numbers from February.

Obama will always have people like Jake to ensure he doesn't go below 30%.

Chris Mathews from MSNBC the head pom pom waving cheerleader will never let that happen...He would set himself on fire in Times Square if that happened.

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