Taking video games too seriously

Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer

Do you watch television or movies or sports or read novels? If so, what kind of loser are you? Imagine, an adult actually sitting on a couch like a potato and being a passive recipient of entertainment being poured into his skull instead of being an active participant and directing and interacting with one's entertainment.

None of those require a glorified joystick and gay imaginary gameplay where imaginary things do weird shit with you.

Games do not compare to books. My TV viewing is pretty much restricted to news and non-fiction stuff. Admittedly, I am a biased individual. But, come on....they are fucking GAMES. They are playtime. You may as well be playing Rock-em Sock-em Robots, you pathetic asshole.

Rationalize all you want, honey. You are playing with toys. Btw, isn't it about bed time?
I know this is serious but she needs to lighten up.
I imagine you're joking.

Threatening to kill someone for her opinion is just crazy. Not to mention threatening to kill students and staff that attend her lecture.
Do you say the same thing to current liberal board members that wish death on tea party and republicans?
Dude, you're excusing this?

No. Did you actually READ his post?
Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer

Were you born stupid, or is it a result of your drug habit? (Note: average age for a video gamer is 30!)
Death and rape threats against a woman that criticizes how women are portrayed in some video games.

"Feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian was forced to cancel a talk that would have taken place tonight at Utah State University after the university received a terror threat from someone claiming they would commit “the deadliest school shooting in American history” if Sarkeesian gave her lecture."

8216 Gamergate 8217 Feminist video game critic Anita Sarkeesian cancels Utah lecture after threat - The Washington Post

Videogames aren't directly responsible for much of anything. They might contribute in specific instances but only 'contribute.' Japan has less censorship than we do, and every video game and violent movie but not even 1% of our problems. The reason America has its problems is precisely because we censor sexuality but not violence. If you can't imagine what else there is to do with a pretty girl than victimize her because the government lets you see that, but not the more ideal 'have sex together' then it's no wonder people will make women into victims.
reading the back story, it sounds a lot like the insane political forum culture...

personality clashes and drummed up drama..often full of sound and fury signifying nothing...

resorting to technical violence is equally inexcusable but these physical threats are way beyond the pale...

GamerGate has also become a battle in a larger culture war. To liberals and progressives, it’s part of a reactionary white male backlash against the rise of diversity—in this case, “sexist thugs” out to silence and destroy women who seek equality in the gaming subculture. To conservatives and right-leaning libertarians, it’s a welcome pushback against left-wing cultural diktat, particularly in the area of gender politics. Meanwhile, gamergaters themselves say that what they want is ethics and transparency in the gaming media. As often happens, reality is more complex than any of these narratives. While the gamers’ revolt has very legitimate issues, it is also true that it has been linked to some very ugly misogynist harassment of feminists. It also seems clear that the overwhelming majority of GamerGate supporters reject such tactics—and that harassment related to this conflict has been a two-way street.

The Gender Games Sex Lies and Videogames RealClearPolitics

The threat, e-mailed to Utah State staff by someone purporting to be a student, stated, “I have at my disposal a semi-automatic rifle, multiple pistols, and a collection of pipe bombs,” according to the Standard Examiner. The letter-writer warned of an attack like the Montreal massacre targeting lecture attendees, faculty, staff and the university’s women’s center and claimed university efforts to step up security would be fruitless.

“One way or another, I’m going to make sure they die,” the letter-writer claimed.

Sarkeesian is a blogger and critic who founded the Web site Feminist Frequency, where she discusses sexist and misogynistic tropes in video games and critiques gamer culture. As escalating threats of death and rape marked Sarkeesian’s tenure as a video game vlogger, she’s been adamant about not allowing them to silence her.
reading the back story, it sounds a lot like the insane political forum culture...

personality clashes and drummed up drama..often full of sound and fury signifying nothing...

resorting to technical violence is equally inexcusable but these physical threats are way beyond the pale...

People are pushing back against liberal totalitarianism. Think about it, these SJW couldn't leave well enough alone, they couldn't let the marketplace decide how to reward or punish the content of videogames, they had to politicize the last remaining form of entertainment which hasn't been poisoned by liberal mindrot.

Now to add a cherry on top of the sundae, how the hell does it make good business sense for gaming journals to disparage THEIR READERS? Intel Corp. pulled their advertising from one of the magazines because of the unethical behavior and the feminists screamed and cried about that. The liberals and feminists are defending collusion, trading sex for good press, buying of favorable reviews, etc because it works to their benefit of promoting a feminist agenda. Back in the 50s, before liberals and insane feminists had a power base, the nation was rocked with rigged Quiz Shows on TV and reforms led to more transparency and honesty in that business. Trading sex for good press reviews and multiple journals colluding to promote feminist games stinks to high heaven.

I disagree with your assessment that what's happening here is drummed up drama, there actually are substantive issues of corruption, anti-transparency and liberal totalitarianism at the heart of this battle.
Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer

Were you born stupid, or is it a result of your drug habit? (Note: average age for a video gamer is 30!)

So, they are the dumb fucks that put OBAMA in office?
Someone should develop a fucking video game called "Grand Theft Union". The main character would be some black guy with an obscure background who, out of nowhere, rises to power with the help of some shady silent partners. He can have a shady financier named "George Storos" and an even more nefarious advisor who hails from Iran named "Valerie Farret". There will be laws broken, back room deals with the union's enemies, and destruction of his political enemies. Then for fun he steals money from people, but calls it taxation to effect "social justice". In the end, you win when everyone is fucked raw. Of course there will be missions where the hero declares war, then goes fundraising or golfing. There will even be a "God mode" where the constitution and other laws do not apply to him and he can do whatever the hell he wants.

Sounds like loads of fun, eh?
reading the back story, it sounds a lot like the insane political forum culture...

personality clashes and drummed up drama..often full of sound and fury signifying nothing...

resorting to technical violence is equally inexcusable but these physical threats are way beyond the pale...

People are pushing back against liberal totalitarianism. Think about it, these SJW couldn't leave well enough alone, they couldn't let the marketplace decide how to reward or punish the content of videogames, they had to politicize the last remaining form of entertainment which hasn't been poisoned by liberal mindrot.

Now to add a cherry on top of the sundae, how the hell does it make good business sense for gaming journals to disparage THEIR READERS? Intel Corp. pulled their advertising from one of the magazines because of the unethical behavior and the feminists screamed and cried about that. The liberals and feminists are defending collusion, trading sex for good press, buying of favorable reviews, etc because it works to their benefit of promoting a feminist agenda. Back in the 50s, before liberals and insane feminists had a power base, the nation was rocked with rigged Quiz Shows on TV and reforms led to more transparency and honesty in that business. Trading sex for good press reviews and multiple journals colluding to promote feminist games stinks to high heaven.

I disagree with your assessment that what's happening here is drummed up drama, there actually are substantive issues of corruption, anti-transparency and liberal totalitarianism at the heart of this battle.

"Trading sex for good press reviews and multiple journals colluding to promote feminist games ANYTHING stinks to high heaven."

yet some humans 'go there' in nearly every endeavor regardless. unscrupulous and violent individuals have always existed signifying nothing necessarily about the endeavor itself. your excuses for these bomb threats in gamer world stinks like hell. lol at idiot paranoia over 'liberal totalitarianism' ruining your fun! waaa.
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.

Wow...the chicks should be thankful you're letting them play or have female characters? Are you aware that 48% of gamers are women?
Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer

I 'm pretty new to gaming. Only the last year have I been multi-playing against other gamers. Some of those guys have serious skills. The only reason I do it now is because I'm too old to be jumping out of aircraft and running around shooting things. Gaming is a safer and cheaper way to kick ass without any real harm being done.

I'm done chasing pooh-tang. Been married too damned long to be sticking my dick in everything that shakes a pair of jeans.
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.

Wow...the chicks should be thankful you're letting them play or have female characters? Are you aware that 48% of gamers are women?


Far as I'm concerned there is no sex in gaming.
Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer

I 'm pretty new to gaming. Only the last year have I been multi-playing against other gamers. Some of those guys have serious skills. The only reason I do it now is because I'm too old to be jumping out of aircraft and running around shooting things. Gaming is a safer and cheaper way to kick ass without any real harm being done.

I'm done chasing pooh-tang. Been married too damned long to be sticking my dick in everything that shakes a pair of jeans.

So, you have just said "fuck it"? I know I am probably being too harsh but I do not get it. I have played this stuff with my son. It bores me. The only thing mildly entertaining is the Grand a Theft Auto games.

I don't know...I am biased. I am in my mid-forties. Pussy does not really mean as much to me anymore. Plus I am divorced. However, I seem to be able to fill my free time with trips to the gun range, riding my motorcycle, going fishing, or whatever. I even like to shop (kind of like a chick, I know. But I don't care anymore). I do not drink anymore; I have been off the stuff for 2.5 years. Of course, I spend a lot of time with my son - shooting, riding bikes, fishing etc...).

I am not saying one choice is better than the other, just that I do not see the interest or the point. It seems like pissing away your life. Some of these gamers spend hours each day playing a make-believe game that probably will not develop them any life skills or advantages, save for a p/t min. wage job at Game Stop.
Just curious, have any of you "gamers" played any adult only games where the gameplay includes fucking?
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.

Wow...the chicks should be thankful you're letting them play or have female characters? Are you aware that 48% of gamers are women?


Far as I'm concerned there is no sex in gaming.

You are not the average online gamer, obviously.

Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer

I 'm pretty new to gaming. Only the last year have I been multi-playing against other gamers. Some of those guys have serious skills. The only reason I do it now is because I'm too old to be jumping out of aircraft and running around shooting things. Gaming is a safer and cheaper way to kick ass without any real harm being done.

I'm done chasing pooh-tang. Been married too damned long to be sticking my dick in everything that shakes a pair of jeans.

So, you have just said "fuck it"? I know I am probably being too harsh but I do not get it. I have played this stuff with my son. It bores me. The only thing mildly entertaining is the Grand a Theft Auto games.

I don't know...I am biased. I am in my mid-forties. Pussy does not really mean as much to me anymore. Plus I am divorced. However, I seem to be able to fill my free time with trips to the gun range, riding my motorcycle, going fishing, or whatever. I even like to shop (kind of like a chick, I know. But I don't care anymore). I do not drink anymore; I have been off the stuff for 2.5 years. Of course, I spend a lot of time with my son - shooting, riding bikes, fishing etc...).

I am not saying one choice is better than the other, just that I do not see the interest or the point. It seems like pissing away your life. Some of these gamers spend hours each day playing a make-believe game that probably will not develop them any life skills or advantages, save for a p/t min. wage job at Game Stop.

You've been playing RPG and maybe a racing game or two.


Multi-play online is the way to go. You can't remember the reactions of a program cuz it changes, because of the human you're playing against. Also I own guns and rode bikes went boating and fishing. Can you do all of that for $9.95/month?

I'm trying to become the best at what I do. When it happens perhaps I'll move on to something else, but I haven't been doing it long enough to never be surprised. It takes thousands of hours to become a master gamer. I've only put in hundreds. I still have a lot to learn.
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