Taking video games too seriously

Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer

I 'm pretty new to gaming. Only the last year have I been multi-playing against other gamers. Some of those guys have serious skills. The only reason I do it now is because I'm too old to be jumping out of aircraft and running around shooting things. Gaming is a safer and cheaper way to kick ass without any real harm being done.

I'm done chasing pooh-tang. Been married too damned long to be sticking my dick in everything that shakes a pair of jeans.

So, you have just said "fuck it"? I know I am probably being too harsh but I do not get it. I have played this stuff with my son. It bores me. The only thing mildly entertaining is the Grand a Theft Auto games.

I don't know...I am biased. I am in my mid-forties. Pussy does not really mean as much to me anymore. Plus I am divorced. However, I seem to be able to fill my free time with trips to the gun range, riding my motorcycle, going fishing, or whatever. I even like to shop (kind of like a chick, I know. But I don't care anymore). I do not drink anymore; I have been off the stuff for 2.5 years. Of course, I spend a lot of time with my son - shooting, riding bikes, fishing etc...).

I am not saying one choice is better than the other, just that I do not see the interest or the point. It seems like pissing away your life. Some of these gamers spend hours each day playing a make-believe game that probably will not develop them any life skills or advantages, save for a p/t min. wage job at Game Stop.

You've been playing RPG and maybe a racing game or two.


Multi-play online is the way to go. You can't remember the reactions of a program cuz it changes, because of the human you're playing against. Also I own guns and rode bikes went boating and fishing. Can you do all of that for $9.95/month?

I'm trying to become the best at what I do. When it happens perhaps I'll move on to something else, but I haven't been doing it long enough to never be surprised. It takes thousands of hours to become a master gamer. I've only put in hundreds. I still have a lot to learn.

Ok. Well, go get 'em, big guy!
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.

Wow...the chicks should be thankful you're letting them play or have female characters? Are you aware that 48% of gamers are women?

When you count games like "Depression Quest" and "Big Angry Birds"
You are not the average online gamer, obviously.


What can we learn from that graph? Guys are sexists.

Girls should punish sexist guys by not playing with them. There, problem solved.

But no, that's not what is happening, girls are trying to impose rules and change conduct of guys in order to please girls. Think of it like this - in order to please strangers who are men, women are forced to be on a diets so they stay slim, they're forced to undergo breast augmentation so that their rack looks pleasing to men they pass on the street. These gamer girls want men to change in order to pass muster with anonymous girls on the gaming networks, the equivalent of women having to change in order to pass muster with strangers they pass on the street.

Go and create female-only "safe spaces" like "women's basketball leagues" where these girls don't have to play games with boys. There, no sexism anymore. Problem solved.
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.

Wow...the chicks should be thankful you're letting them play or have female characters? Are you aware that 48% of gamers are women?


Far as I'm concerned there is no sex in gaming.

You are obviously playing the wrong games.
Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer

I'm 47 and enjoy gaming. It is a great way to pass a bit of time.

What do you do? Knitt? CrossStitch? Watch Oprah? Watch Springer?

Get a grip dude
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.

Wow...the chicks should be thankful you're letting them play or have female characters? Are you aware that 48% of gamers are women?


Far as I'm concerned there is no sex in gaming.

You are obviously playing the wrong games.

No, I'm playing the right games. Gaming isn't about getting ass, it's about kicking ass.
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.

Wow...the chicks should be thankful you're letting them play or have female characters? Are you aware that 48% of gamers are women?


Far as I'm concerned there is no sex in gaming.

You are obviously playing the wrong games.

No, I'm playing the right games. Gaming isn't about getting ass, it's about kicking ass.

Nothing says it can't be about both. If you want to limit your paradigm, that's your right, but that doesn't mean the whole world thinks as you do.
Another publication writes an article to explain to their non-game readers what all the fuss is about:

But gamers have started to fight back. They have taken to social media in huge numbers to defend their hobby against the new onslaught of cultural warriors. With most gaming journalists taking the side of the activists, gamers know they can only rely on their own voices. Gathering around YouTube personalities (who now have several million hits on their videos) and a small number of friendly journalists and academics, the movement known as GamerGate has taken the entire industry by storm. It has dragged prominent figures like Jimmy Wales and huge companies like Stardock, Electronic Arts and Intel into the fray. And it simply refuses to go away.

The movement has no specific list of demands, but it is quite clear what its general attitude is. It wants the cultural warriors out. It wants the cosy clique of activists and journalists to lose their influence. It wants the demonisation of gamers to end. It wants diversity, not conformism.

The backlash has achieved considerable results already. A major gaming site bucked the industry trend and decided to allow open discussion on its forums. The processing giant Intel decided to pull advertising support from one of the centres of anti-gamer misanthropy. Gamers have taken on the ideologically disciplined, well-connected forces of the authoritarian left – and they’re winning.

Some very strange political alliances are forming. I’ve seen self-described socialists and communists write impassioned comments of gratitude beneath pro-gamer articles on right-wing news site Breitbart. I’ve seen trans activists join forces with right-wing commentators to stick it to the activists of the authoritarian left – those very same activists who claim to speak on their behalf!

To me, it suggests that there is a crisis brewing for the cultural warriors. In their attempts to police language and culture, they are alienating the very demographics they used to rely on for support. This isn’t a right-vs-left battle, it’s an authoritarian-vs-libertarian one – and the authoritarian side is hemorrhaging support (if, indeed, it had any to begin with).

If we are at the point where women, minorities, and left-wing sympathisers prefer to support right-wing libertarians over the authoritarian gaming press, it suggests something interesting is taking place in this surprisingly large arena of cultural politics. The full results have yet to be seen, but I suspect it won’t end happily for the new class of moral crusaders.​
Nerd Cave

There's a special vigilante cop-uniformed warrior in the Mortal Kombat (Midway Games) video game franchise named Kurtis Stryker who captures modern age fantasies about street-justice.

While I can be rosy and claim that such a character proves the notion that super-cop avatars counter the media distribution of crime glorifying super-villain avatars, in reality, such avatars could actually promote dangerous sentiments about vigilantism.

People are swayed by media and video games, since this the age of convenience culture (i.e., eBay, Facebook, etc.). People want to make fantasies about the human hand, and touch-screen technologies reflect this psyche trend.

When we hear news about a discovered madman who laces NYC subways with deadly anthrax, do we think that such a terrorist/criminal was motivated by an allegory Hollywood (USA) movie such as "Money Train" (1995)?

Since video games offer players a way to create virtual realities, we could perhaps offer a humanist antidote to fantasy over-indulgence by celebrating modern age marketing of populism-themed comic book avatars such as Doctor Octopus (Marvel Comics), a mad scientist with terrifying robotic tentacles used for enhanced gripping and ripping.


List of alleged Natural Born Killers copycat crimes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Videogames can be a lot of fun.

As long as they don't fuck up your professional Life, and your social Life, you're all good.

What can we learn from that graph? Guys are sexists.

Girls should punish sexist guys by not playing with them. There, problem solved.

But no, that's not what is happening, girls are trying to impose rules and change conduct of guys in order to please girls. Think of it like this - in order to please strangers who are men, women are forced to be on a diets so they stay slim, they're forced to undergo breast augmentation so that their rack looks pleasing to men they pass on the street. These gamer girls want men to change in order to pass muster with anonymous girls on the gaming networks, the equivalent of women having to change in order to pass muster with strangers they pass on the street.

Go and create female-only "safe spaces" like "women's basketball leagues" where these girls don't have to play games with boys. There, no sexism anymore. Problem solved.

you think like a petulant child, no offense...

it's just demographics and marketing...customers with opinions effecting market forces, because they can...

your gender does not own the gamer genre. :lol:
What can we learn from that graph? Guys are sexists.

Girls should punish sexist guys by not playing with them. There, problem solved.

But no, that's not what is happening, girls are trying to impose rules and change conduct of guys in order to please girls. Think of it like this - in order to please strangers who are men, women are forced to be on a diets so they stay slim, they're forced to undergo breast augmentation so that their rack looks pleasing to men they pass on the street. These gamer girls want men to change in order to pass muster with anonymous girls on the gaming networks, the equivalent of women having to change in order to pass muster with strangers they pass on the street.

Go and create female-only "safe spaces" like "women's basketball leagues" where these girls don't have to play games with boys. There, no sexism anymore. Problem solved.

you think like a petulant child, no offense...

it's just demographics and marketing...customers with opinions effecting market forces, because they can...

your gender does not own the gamer genre. :lol:

Sure it does. Girls playing Angry Birds on their iphones aren't gamers.

These guys are gamers. Look at the obsessive nerdiness and love for gadgetry here. They're spending thousands of dollars equipping their computers with the latest gear, they fancying up their computers, they're obsessing about component parts, they spend hours researching technical specs and weighing which component to buy based on a 1 part per thousand incremental improvement in performance, they're making adoration videos about their machines and posting them on Youtube.

They're making videos about buying a component and then taking it out of the box

They're making videos about tricking out their rigs with FREON cooling in order to improve cooling performance when they overclock their CPUs:

They make videos about using LIQUID NITROGEN as a cooling medium for their overclocked PCs.

The salivate over a pretty girl who does product intros for NewEgg:

She then takes her fanboy following and goes independent (and dresses more attractively to boot):

Razer DeathAdder Chroma Gaming Mouse Overview - YouTube

She also sells autographed modeling photos of herself (more power to this young woman) and she knows who her market is:

Girls aren't obsessing over computer games like this. This is a male dominated phenomenon. Go read some gaming bulletin boards and you'll see guys appending their rig's specs to their messages. This fixation on things is a manifestation of the male mind, just like making hot rods was the thing to do in an earlier era, just like Civil War reenactors is mostly a male thing.

Girls playing solitaire on Windows doesn't make them gamers.

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