Taking video games too seriously

I know this is serious but she needs to lighten up.

the one who made the threat was a SHE?? :doubt:

a terror threat from someone claiming they would commit “the deadliest school shooting in American history”
No, Anita.

Video games are an outlet. It doesn't make you crazy. Crazy people sometimes play them living out their fantasies.
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.

Whether your point is accurate or not is, in my mind, irrelevant. If I want a big titted woman with long flowing locks dressed in skimpy clothes to be a part of a video game I should be free to buy such a game. If a woman, or a manjina, is offended by that portrayal, then they don't have to buy that game. Leftists should quit shoving their ideology down my throat. I can't turn on a TV without seeing commercial which make women look smart and men look dumb and no counterpoint commercials. The HBO show Girls was protested because there were no black characters. Dainty little girl cops are beating down big brutish male criminals in fist fights in cop shows. This leftist ideology being shoved down people's throats is disgraceful Thankfully the young gamers have more moral backbone than their adults peers in other entertainment fields and are standing up against liberal mind rot.
Video games are an outlet. It doesn't make you crazy. Crazy people sometimes play them living out their fantasies.

i have never been into video games, but know many sane people who who enjoy them.

there's NO excuse for death threats, mudwhistle. (nice e-name, btw)

absolutely, 'Crazy people sometimes play them living out their fantasies' just as the threatener has done here.

i hope these women don't let the threats stop them from doing what they believe in...

sad that you or anyone could see these women as the ones who are supposedly out-of-line.
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Video games are an outlet. It doesn't make you crazy. Crazy people sometimes play them living out their fantasies.

i have never been into video games, but know many sane people who who enjoy them.

there's NO excuse for death threats, mudwhistle. (nice e-name, btw)

absolutely, 'Crazy people sometimes play them living out their fantasies' just as the threatener has done here.

i hope these women don't let the threats stop them from doing what they believe in...

sad that you or anyone could see these women as the ones who supposedly are supposedly out-of-line.

I didn't say that.

The gamer is wrong as hell, but I think she had a choice here too. She can continue to try to stomp all over gamers' recreational aspirations and take a risk, or she can cool it and let this nut-case move on to torturing kittens or whatever He does when he's not fragging other gamers online.
sad that you or anyone could see these women as the ones who are supposedly out-of-line.

Then you go on being sad, in your own deluded, pitiful way. Or learn about what is actually going on. Yes Virginia, women can be corrupt and shitheels just like men, and that goes double for liberals.


#GamerGate is a Twitter hashtag, a rolling discussion between tens of thousands of people. It kicked off after a scandal involving a video game developer and several game journalists broke. None of the major gaming press sites —Kotaku, Polygon, IGN, etc. — covered it, though many minor sites did.

Total radio silence from the big guys. This torqued some gamers off.

Gamers opined on the scandal and the silence, and found their comments censored, their threads deleted, and their accounts banned. (On both the press sites and general forums like Reddit, NeoGAF, and 4chan.) The radio silence of the majors was now coupled with an apparently coordinated effort to silence gamers.

At this point, there was no shitstorm. Then something funny happened. On literally the exact same day, sites like Kotaku, Gamasutra, Badassdigest, Polygon, and others all posted articles with substantially similar content and messaging: “Gamers are Dead”.

Not only were these gaming sites triumphing the death of gaming culture, but they were all saying similar things at the exact same time. (For reasons hard to explain, gamers suspected that perhaps collusion might possibly be involved.) And none of them were complimentary towards gamers. Here’s some quotes from the articles in question.

Regarding the scandal, gamers represented the side who “folded its arms, slumped its shoulders while pouting like an obstinate child”. (Chris Plante, Editor-at-Large Polygon.)

Gamers are “socially awkward weirdos who dress like garbage”. (Devin Faraci, Badassdigest)

“These obtuse shitslingers, these wailing hyper-consumers, these childish internet-arguers — they are not my audience.” (Leigh Alexander, Gamasutra)

Got that, gamers? This was how games journalists think of you, as infantile whiners, as socially awkward weirdos who get rejected by real women, and as idiots. . . .

Baldwin watched a video by pseudonymous Youtuber Internet Aristocrat (which you can see right here). The video detailed the roiling scandal, the intimate relationship — literally, in many cases it was sexual — between gaming journalists and those they covered, and the extent that gaming journos worked in concert to shape coverage and suppress stories. It closed with an impassioned plea for gamers to take back their hobby and call dishonest journalists to account.

Baldwin saw the video. It pissed him off. He coined the #GamerGate hashtag, and tweeted the video to his followers. “Tweet it and they will come.” And the gamers came.

This is where damned politics enters the picture. The original scandal involved a female game developer, a staunch Leftist, allegedly doing some very unsavory things, like giving blowjobs for good reviews. (The allegations were credible but, so far as I know, were never corroborated. Internet Aristocrat’s video discusses the supporting evidence in detail.)

Those who defended her with the “Gamers are Dead” articles claimed that those who objected to her habits were — every single one – white men who hated seeing games made for women, hated women game developers, hated women’s rights in general, and indeed, were sexually frustrated straight, white, male virgins who just hated women.

This political dimension — crusading Leftists (labeled Social Justice Warriors, or SJW) versus the gaming community, many of whom are themselves Leftwing — was baked in from the beginning. This becomes important in a bit. Back to the scandals.

This same female dev was notorious for demanding more female devs in gaming. She then sabotaged the crowdsourcing campaign of a group of female devs, torpedoing their efforts to break in. Then, a few days later, launched her own fundraising campaign.

There was another related scandal, about journalists reviewing devs who they supported financially, via Patreon and other similar sites. These same journalists were giving positive coverage to those they financially supported.

Another scandal had broken, involving a different female dev who hired a female PR rep. The rep was sexually involved with the operator of an Indie games festival, and all of the rep’s clients won awards at the festival. (Six horny little scandals got together to play…)​
I know this is serious but she needs to lighten up.

i think these women gamers should keep speaking their minds and if a few over emotional nitwits can't handle it without becoming violent then that is on THEM to 'lighten up'.
This could be nothing more than a joke, or it could be serious. Of course the FBI should check into it first. An article I read earlier this morning said that they (the FBI) already told the woman that she should be perfectly safe speaking.

Either way... I LOATHE this woman. Video games have been one of the only mediums that give women empowerment in media. Whether it's the strong woman type like Lara Croft, or a weaker woman defending herself against all odds, like in Silent Hill, I think women should appreciate their inclusion into this medium. They are many steps ahead of other media outlets in their portrayal of women. This is just another feminist with another useless issue to gripe about.
Um, what
Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer
Personally, I think that an adult playing video games represents a major malfunction. My son forces me to play video games with him from time to time. But, he is 9. I do not really care for the games. They are, frankly, boring. But I will play with him in order to make him happy.

But, a grown man playing them by choice? Video games are basically just toys. They serve to amuse the person playing with them and to pass the time. I know, there are super cool graphics, and skill, and other bullshit. I do not care, though. They are still toys. Hell, you have to have skills to put together a Lego thing. Those kits have literally hundreds of pieces.

If you have a 22 year old son who is an avid "gamer", then you have got a fucking problem on your hands. If your 22 year old was equally into Hot Wheels or Lincoln Logs you would take him to a psychologist for a mental evaluation. But not for video games?

What the fuck is wrong with the real world? If you are an adult, go do grownup shit. You should be trying to get pussy, not teleport to some alien imaginary world. Go get drunk and beat up some Mexicans. At least you can have some self-respect that way.

Just remember this acronym:

FAG: Frequent Adult Gamer

Do you watch television or movies or sports or read novels? If so, what kind of loser are you? Imagine, an adult actually sitting on a couch like a potato and being a passive recipient of entertainment being poured into his skull instead of being an active participant and directing and interacting with one's entertainment.
I know this is serious but she needs to lighten up.
I imagine you're joking.

Threatening to kill someone for her opinion is just crazy. Not to mention threatening to kill students and staff that attend her lecture.
Do you say the same thing to current liberal board members that wish death on tea party and republicans?
Dude, you're excusing this?

Behavior of the nutcase chick who started the whole controversy:

Last February, Quinn learned about a women's videogame contest sponsored by a charity called The Fine Young Capitalists, or TFYC—artists and entrepreneurs who seek to encourage the creation of videos and videogames by women and minorities. Women were invited to submit ideas for videogames; the winner was to work with TFYC's designers and programmers to develop her concept into a game and get a cut from its sales. Quinn was outraged by what she felt was the contestants' "unpaid labor"—but even more so by the rule requiring transgender participants to publicly identify as female prior to the start of the contest. In dozens of angry tweets, Quinn accused TFYC of exploiting women and "policing transwomen's transition points," then gloated over accidentally crashing their website with her Twitter storm.
People need to learn that no good every comes from working on feminist or liberal agenda issues. Here's a charity which sets out to help women and minorities develop games but because it isn't pure enough in its liberal idiocy Quinn unleashes her horde of Social Justice Warrior minions to harass them. Fuck it, NEVER work on feminist and liberal projects and you'll save yourself the headache of dealing with mental cases.

Then come the threats which preceded the threat in the OP and notice that these threats were actually more concrete:

The TFYC hacking was just one of many disturbing incidents directed at GamerGate supporters. In late September, there was a "doxxing"—net-speak for public release of private information—directed at six prominent GamerGate supporters including Yiannopoulous and Baldwin, with their "crimes" listed alongside their home addresses. Yiannopoulous also received a jiffy bag in the mail containing a syringe. Oliver Campbell, a black male videogame journalist, has written about being harassed and threatened on Twitter after he spoke out in support of GamerGate.

A young female gamergater who wanted to be identified only as Lizzy F.—she says there have been attempts to hack into her email and Twitter account—wrote to me in an email that she has experienced a stream of harassment:

I have been told to drop dead on multiple occasions, and received a threat of "I hope your windows are secure." The last statement was sent from someone who also threatened to release the home address of another female supporter. I have been called a gender traitor, a "token," all off the female derogatory slurs in the book, and even had my "woman card" revoked, somehow.​

Liberals are nuts. Social Justice Warriors are liberals on steroids, so they're nuts in super concentrated form. Look at how they're innovating the tactics of dissent. Of course the opponents of liberals are going to learn from them and copy them.

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