Taliban mock the US over government shutdown


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
Taliban militants fighting US troops in Afghanistan taunted Washington today over the government shutdown, accusing US politicians of "sucking the blood of their own people".

The Islamist militants issued a statement describing how US institutions were "paralysed", the Statue of Liberty was closed and a fall in tourist numbers had hit shops, restaurants and hotels in the capital.

"The American people should realise that their politicians play with their destinies as well as the destinies of other oppressed nations for the sake of their personal vested interests," the Taliban said.

The insurgents accused "selfish and empty-minded American leaders" of taking US citizens' money "earned with great difficulty" and then "lavishly spending the same money in shedding the blood of the innocent and oppressed people".

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Is this the same Taliban that bans education for women and keeps them in burkas?

That ban playing music?

The ones that destroy ancient temples and consider stoning women an acceptable form of punishment?

Alas not all Americans are gung ho interventionist.

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention | Cato Institute

Written after the first Gulf War it is still relevant today.

" That may mean the new order will be far more dangerous than the old, because it will feature an activist U.S. foreign policy without the inhibitions that were formerly imposed by the superpower rivalry. That bodes ill for the people of the Middle East, as well as for the long-suffering American citizens, who will see their taxes continue to rise, their consumer economy increasingly distorted by military spending, and their blood spilled—all in the name of U.S. leadership."
Who cares?

Seriously, why does it matter what others think about our internal policy? Unless they are planning to attack us because of our inability to get along, it really is no concern.
Is this the same Taliban that bans education for women and keeps them in burkas?

That ban playing music?

The ones that destroy ancient temples and consider stoning women an acceptable form of punishment?

Alas not all Americans are gung ho interventionist.

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention | Cato Institute

Written after the first Gulf War it is still relevant today.

" That may mean the new order will be far more dangerous than the old, because it will feature an activist U.S. foreign policy without the inhibitions that were formerly imposed by the superpower rivalry. That bodes ill for the people of the Middle East, as well as for the long-suffering American citizens, who will see their taxes continue to rise, their consumer economy increasingly distorted by military spending, and their blood spilled—all in the name of U.S. leadership."

Sure it's all that same Taliban and more. But then the Taliban doesn't masquerad as the model democracy and a shinning city on hill.
Can't say I give fuck one about what the Taliban thinks.

I know, right. Zero fucks given. A bunch of neanderthals are mocking us?
At the same time, they seem to be correct about US politicians bleeding their own people.

yet, the people continue to vote these turds in, so they get what they deserve.

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