Taliban shows off weapons that Biden left for them

If anything can be fucked up you can count on Joe Dufus and his merry little band of idiot Democrat advisor to fuck it up.

It was the right thing to do get our troops out of that damn place. however, there was a right way and wrong to do it. Joe Dufus did it the wrong way. No planning whatsoever. Typical Democrat disasterous foreign policy. They never get anything right.

Just like when The Worthless Negro turned tailed and ran from Iraq. Then ISIS took over 90% of the country and Trump had to fix that when he took office.
I'm not a fan of Biden's by any means but he had the balls to do what 3 American presidents didn't.
He was handed a shit show and he took the plunger to it.
Actually, he was handed a war that he voted to get us involved in....

He was in the Senate when we got into the war, and the vote was unanimous....
Actually, he was handed a war that he voted to get us involved in....

He was in the Senate when we got into the war, and the vote was unanimous....

Just like Joe Dufus voted for the invasion of Iraq, along with Crooked Hillary.
To be honest this happens after every troop withdrawal no matter who is President.
World War II? Germany and Japan took our weapons did they?
Korea? North Korea took our weapons?
Kuwait liberation from Iraq? Hussein took our weapons?

You voted for Biden, obviously.
World War II? Germany and Japan took our weapons did they?
Korea? North Korea took our weapons?
Kuwait liberation from Iraq? Hussein took our weapons?

You voted for Biden, obviously.
No loon I was in the Military, my Father, Uncles, Grandfathers, Great Grandfathers and so on served. I come from a military family. I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Every war we leave equipment.
GLOATING Taliban insurgents have shown off their arsenal of brand new weapons abandoned by US troops.
The group's fighters swiped shipping containers stashed full of the world's most developed weapons after American soldiers fled Afghanistan bases.
Taliban forces have already seized hundreds of trucks, armoured vehicles and artillery from Afghan security forces, left by departing American forces.

In the month of June alone, the militants captured 700 vehicles to be used in their bid to regain power after being toppled by the America's 2001 invasion.

And on top of this, it is feared the nation could become a new haven for terrorist forces wanting to strike out against the West, with The Sun Online revealing concerns new training camps could be operational by September.

Professor Anthony Glees, from the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham, said the Taliban are now "back with a vengeance".

Biden's incompetence is dangerous.
He should have made sure that the US military did not leave any weapons or equipment behind for the Taliban to use.
He should have made sure that any arms or equipment left behind were destroyed.
Why didn't he do that?
Why does he want to help the Taliban Murderers?
Why don't you go over there and show the Afghan Army how it's done.
GLOATING Taliban insurgents have shown off their arsenal of brand new weapons abandoned by US troops.
The group's fighters swiped shipping containers stashed full of the world's most developed weapons after American soldiers fled Afghanistan bases.
Taliban forces have already seized hundreds of trucks, armoured vehicles and artillery from Afghan security forces, left by departing American forces.

In the month of June alone, the militants captured 700 vehicles to be used in their bid to regain power after being toppled by the America's 2001 invasion.

And on top of this, it is feared the nation could become a new haven for terrorist forces wanting to strike out against the West, with The Sun Online revealing concerns new training camps could be operational by September.

Professor Anthony Glees, from the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham, said the Taliban are now "back with a vengeance".

Biden's incompetence is dangerous.
He should have made sure that the US military did not leave any weapons or equipment behind for the Taliban to use.
He should have made sure that any arms or equipment left behind were destroyed.
Why didn't he do that?
Why does he want to help the Taliban Murderers?
Biden left the planes,the fighters, the bombers. He abandoned the cream of our air superiority.
World War II? Germany and Japan took our weapons did they?
Korea? North Korea took our weapons?
Kuwait liberation from Iraq? Hussein took our weapons?

You voted for Biden, obviously.

Our troops are still in every one of those countries. Did you forget that little detail?

You voted for Biden, obviously.
Remember, the whole "born American" thing ended with Obama.
Your next president may be Taliban. The Democrat Party knows a good thing when it sees one.
To be fair, most of these weapons will end up with the iranians. so they can. copy the tech…so xiden really is being more flexible with iran
To be fair, most of these weapons will end up with the iranians. so they can. copy the tech…so xiden really is being more flexible with iran
Wow! They will be able to copy the tech of the M-2 50 caliber machine gun that has not seen that many major changes since WWII?
GLOATING Taliban insurgents have shown off their arsenal of brand new weapons abandoned by US troops.
The group's fighters swiped shipping containers stashed full of the world's most developed weapons after American soldiers fled Afghanistan bases.
Taliban forces have already seized hundreds of trucks, armoured vehicles and artillery from Afghan security forces, left by departing American forces.

In the month of June alone, the militants captured 700 vehicles to be used in their bid to regain power after being toppled by the America's 2001 invasion.

And on top of this, it is feared the nation could become a new haven for terrorist forces wanting to strike out against the West, with The Sun Online revealing concerns new training camps could be operational by September.

Professor Anthony Glees, from the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham, said the Taliban are now "back with a vengeance".

Biden's incompetence is dangerous.
He should have made sure that the US military did not leave any weapons or equipment behind for the Taliban to use.
He should have made sure that any arms or equipment left behind were destroyed.
Why didn't he do that?
Why does he want to help the Taliban Murderers?
Those are Afghani army weapons, not us armed for es.

Don't be stupider than you have to be.
GLOATING Taliban insurgents have shown off their arsenal of brand new weapons abandoned by US troops.
The group's fighters swiped shipping containers stashed full of the world's most developed weapons after American soldiers fled Afghanistan bases.
Taliban forces have already seized hundreds of trucks, armoured vehicles and artillery from Afghan security forces, left by departing American forces.

In the month of June alone, the militants captured 700 vehicles to be used in their bid to regain power after being toppled by the America's 2001 invasion.

And on top of this, it is feared the nation could become a new haven for terrorist forces wanting to strike out against the West, with The Sun Online revealing concerns new training camps could be operational by September.

Professor Anthony Glees, from the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham, said the Taliban are now "back with a vengeance".

Biden's incompetence is dangerous.
He should have made sure that the US military did not leave any weapons or equipment behind for the Taliban to use.
He should have made sure that any arms or equipment left behind were destroyed.
Why didn't he do that?
Why does he want to help the Taliban Murderers?
I'm guessing that we should let the Deep state improve the Patriot Act so we can live in safety.:abgg2q.jpg:


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