Taliban using Anti-Mosque Fever to Recruit Members

You are a con.

All cons will vote republican.

You know it , I know it everyone knows it.

You responded to a quote from the Art of War with an insult for me which implied that the idea was partisan puppetry.

You know it , I know it and everyone knows it.
Damn, just damn. And here I thought your stupid could not get any thicker.

You didn'tget hit with a stupid stick; you were pummeled with one.

So you think Cali will vote democratic this next election?

you are brain fucked
I'll type more slowly for you: I didn't think your stupid could get any thicker. I think you were pummeled with the stupid stick.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that you were pummeled with the stupid stick. You just demonstrated that AGAIN.
The stupidity of the RW Fringe never ceases to amaze. Piss off a billion or more muslims in the name of freedom of speech, providing talking points to enrage the small minority of Muslims who feel violence is the way to God.
The sick humor is that our own fringe have much in common with the Taliban and AQ.

The stupidity of LW Fringe never ceases to amaze. Piss off millions of YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS by burning flags, spitting on those who defend you and all in the name of freedom of speech.

If I understand you right, we should all watch what we say, just in case we offend a Muslim. Fuck that.


You dont work to give your TRUE enemies a shit load of allies.

There is no need to shout, idiot, it doesn't make your post any more substantive. Our forebears fought and died for our freedom..... You might be prepared to sacrifice it on the altar of cowardice. I am not.

If Muslims choose to side with our enemies, then they are our enemies. Personally, I am more concerned about the cowardly left who think we should make those sacrifices than I am about a few droolers around the globe. Those who will hate us, will do so. Nothing we do or say will change that.... We could give them every penny we have in aid, we could sacrifice our freedoms and all we will achieve is that they will have won. Fuck them, and fuck you if you are too cowardly to defend the country that provides you the freedom to be a fucking moron.
Damn, just damn. And here I thought your stupid could not get any thicker.

You didn'tget hit with a stupid stick; you were pummeled with one.

So you think Cali will vote democratic this next election?

you are brain fucked
I'll type more slowly for you: I didn't think your stupid could get any thicker. I think you were pummeled with the stupid stick.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that you were pummeled with the stupid stick. You just demonstrated that AGAIN.

Anyone who thinks that there are only two choices on the ballot is clearly too fucking stupid to vote.... These people are so stupid that they don't pay attention to anything other than the letter after then name.

I do not suffer fools gladly.... it is a fault of mine.
The stupidity of LW Fringe never ceases to amaze. Piss off millions of YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS by burning flags, spitting on those who defend you and all in the name of freedom of speech.

If I understand you right, we should all watch what we say, just in case we offend a Muslim. Fuck that.


You dont work to give your TRUE enemies a shit load of allies.

There is no need to shout, idiot, it doesn't make your post any more substantive. Our forebears fought and died for our freedom..... You might be prepared to sacrifice it on the altar of cowardice. I am not.

If Muslims choose to side with our enemies, then they are our enemies. Personally, I am more concerned about the cowardly left who think we should make those sacrifices than I am about a few droolers around the globe. Those who will hate us, will do so. Nothing we do or say will change that.... We could give them every penny we have in aid, we could sacrifice our freedoms and all we will achieve is that they will have won. Fuck them, and fuck you if you are too cowardly to defend the country that provides you the freedom to be a fucking moron.

Have you defended out nation CG? In which branch of our nation's military did you enlist, serve?
Of course if you are too cowardly to defend our country, you are in a long line of chicken hawks who enjoy the freedom protected by those of us who did serve.

You dont work to give your TRUE enemies a shit load of allies.

There is no need to shout, idiot, it doesn't make your post any more substantive. Our forebears fought and died for our freedom..... You might be prepared to sacrifice it on the altar of cowardice. I am not.

If Muslims choose to side with our enemies, then they are our enemies. Personally, I am more concerned about the cowardly left who think we should make those sacrifices than I am about a few droolers around the globe. Those who will hate us, will do so. Nothing we do or say will change that.... We could give them every penny we have in aid, we could sacrifice our freedoms and all we will achieve is that they will have won. Fuck them, and fuck you if you are too cowardly to defend the country that provides you the freedom to be a fucking moron.

Have you defended out nation CG? In which branch of our nation's military did you enlist, serve?
Of course if you are too cowardly to defend our country, you are in a long line of chicken hawks who enjoy the freedom protected by those of us who did serve.

the military is for losers who can't make it in the real world

You dont work to give your TRUE enemies a shit load of allies.

There is no need to shout, idiot, it doesn't make your post any more substantive. Our forebears fought and died for our freedom..... You might be prepared to sacrifice it on the altar of cowardice. I am not.

If Muslims choose to side with our enemies, then they are our enemies. Personally, I am more concerned about the cowardly left who think we should make those sacrifices than I am about a few droolers around the globe. Those who will hate us, will do so. Nothing we do or say will change that.... We could give them every penny we have in aid, we could sacrifice our freedoms and all we will achieve is that they will have won. Fuck them, and fuck you if you are too cowardly to defend the country that provides you the freedom to be a fucking moron.

Have you defended out nation CG? ....
Awww, Wry is being irrelevant again. More accurately, still.
Its you who seek to make 20% of the worlds population our enemy.
Do you think you're somehow immune from the clitorectomy you'd get if radical Islam took over?

Has EVERY islamic woman been altered this way?

No they havent huh?

You are making a fools arguement.

Oh, well, then, if only some have, maybe the odds are on your side. :cool:

But you do realize, don't you, that it's not moderate Islam that wants the worldwide Caliphate? It's the extremists who do, and they want you cut.
There you go CG wants to lump all the worlds Muslims with our enimies

I'm just having a lil fun.:tongue:

But it's true, the military is for losers and homos.

And all muslims ARE our enemy. They want to force sharia on the world.
The stupidity of the RW Fringe never ceases to amaze. Piss off a billion or more muslims in the name of freedom of speech, providing talking points to enrage the small minority of Muslims who feel violence is the way to God.
The sick humor is that our own fringe have much in common with the Taliban and AQ.
So you think people should STFU and not take advantage of their freedom so they don't hurt other people's feelings.

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last.”
-- Winston Churchill

How'd that work out for Chamberlain, by the way?
The stupidity of LW Fringe never ceases to amaze. Piss off millions of YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS by burning flags, spitting on those who defend you and all in the name of freedom of speech.

If I understand you right, we should all watch what we say, just in case we offend a Muslim. Fuck that.

Sounds like Wry's advocating an emotional approach instead of a pragmatic one.
Knowing your enemy includes NOT trying to increase his ranks by helping him recruit converts.
The stupidity of the RW Fringe never ceases to amaze. Piss off a billion or more muslims in the name of freedom of speech, providing talking points to enrage the small minority of Muslims who feel violence is the way to God.
The sick humor is that our own fringe have much in common with the Taliban and AQ.
So you think people should STFU and not take advantage of their freedom so they don't hurt other people's feelings.

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last.”
-- Winston Churchill

How'd that work out for Chamberlain, by the way?

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke
Irish orator, philosopher, & politician (1729 - 1797)
Have you defended out nation CG? In which branch of our nation's military did you enlist, serve?
Of course if you are too cowardly to defend our country, you are in a long line of chicken hawks who enjoy the freedom protected by those of us who did serve.
That's hilarious. Someone preaching appeasement and curtailing of rights is using the chickenhawk argument.


Hey, Wry -- I've served for 19 1/2 years, and I think Cali's right. You gonna use the chickenhawk argument on me?


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