Talk about vile

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
If this does not offend you might I suggest that you are part of the problem?

No one questions that Havel, who went to prison twice, was a brave man who had the courage to stand up for his views. Yet the question which needs to be asked is whether his political campaigning made his country, and the world, a better place.
Havel's anti-communist critique contained little if any acknowledgement of the positive achievements of the regimes of eastern Europe in the fields of employment, welfare provision, education and women's rights. Or the fact that communism, for all its faults, was still a system which put the economic needs of the majority first.

Václav Havel: another side to the story | Neil Clark | Comment is free | The Guardian
Guy is a clueless idiot who needs to be stood in the corner with a dunce cap for idiocy.

But I refuse to be offended by his moronicism.
I agree, why be offended? The author is a well known socialist so this is nothing new. Now if he had said somthing that was untrue, that would be offensive. Now this statement here....

"Lauding Havel is not only doing a disservice to the millions of ordinary people in eastern Europe who have not been served well by his politics, but to the innocent men, women and children killed by the western military adventures he supported. While Havel was a man of undoubted talent and intellect, it's time we stopped eulogising people simply because they were anti-communist dissidents, and instead look at the bigger picture."

That, I find offensive.

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