Bwahahaha! A small business owner will never find anything to “identify” with Democrats. They have abandoned all logic and reason and have embraced an extreme communist ideology.

A black business owner walked out on Elizabeth Warren's presidential announcement—here's why

Saw something quite interesting on TV this AM. Democrat Strategist, making the case for a "centrist" like Biden, said Trump could easily win again if the Dems continue going full Left. He said people vote two things: economy and foreign policy. He said if the economy is still humming, the Dems are in trouble.
I can certainly understand the #walkaway movement, given the fact that the party is now largely controlled by crazies and neurotics.

The problem is that the alternative is largely controlled by its own bag of clowns.

Gawd, we need a strong and viable third party before it's too late.
#walkaway is Russian agitprop (agitation propaganda). Don't fall for it AGAIN people
That doesn't mean that there aren't people who lean left who have had enough of what has happened to the party.

It's not difficult to find them, and they're real. They're just ignored.

I think there are a lot of Americans who are truly fed up with what is happening. But I also think that Donald J. Trump represents a clear and present danger to the safety security of the United States of America.

His rambling disjointed speech in the Rose Garden yesterday showed a man who is not in full possession of his mental faculties. Who is dangerously unhinged and who is neither mentally or morally fit to governn.

Trump actually believes he saved the world from nuclear war with North Korea. The reality is that Trump cancelled the computer hacking program that was blowing up Kim's test missiles on the launch pad, allowing the North Koreans to test and achieve ballistic missile capability. Then they had that dog and pony show in Singapore when Kim and Trump became best friends.

Kim gave Trump the remains of a few American soldiers who died 70 years ago, and Trump left Kim alone and allowed him to build 100 nuclear missiles and a new production facility. Before Trump, Kim had the capability of blowing up mountains in his own country, and Barrack Obama was keeping that ability in check. Now, North Korea is a full blown nuclear power with the cability of launching nukes and hitting Hawaii.

Now let's just add: Vladimir Putin has been helping Kim develop his ICBM's. Kim wouldn't have this long range capability without the Putin's assistance. Is it such a stretch to think that in exchange for that help, Putin asked Kim to make a big sham showing of threatening the west, so that Donald Trump could coming riding in on his white horse, have a big summit with Kim where they both made a lot of phony promises, and Donald J. Trump saves the world.

The big Twitter fight with escalating threats with Kim. Trump referred to it yesterday in that rambling, incoherent speech. How he saved the world from nuclear war with North Korea, but what if it really was puppetmaster Putin, setting up Kim to reunite and take over Korea, using two men who are beholding to him for massive favours, while duping the west into thinking that NK isn't an even bigger threat than they ever were under Obama?
Yeah.... Nope. Neither unprecedented nor even surprising. The republicans were defending far fewer seats than the democrats, and some the democrats we're defending were in solidly red areas. The surprise was that they didn't gain more.
Uh...I said near unprecedented. It is extremely rare. Reading comprehension problem???
Hold on, I'm sure I've got some more hairs you can split here somewhere.

It's not even rare.
What about the 80% of independants that now support Trump?
You should get out of your bubble every now and then.
Another rwnj fantasy!

tRump's approval among independent voters was in the low 40s a couple of days ago, I seriously doubt it doubled over night.

They liked what Trump had to say in the SOTU to the tune of 80%.
Good luck in 2020.....

80% of those who WATCHED the SOTU, liked it. Fewer than 50 million people watched the SOTU. That's more than 15 million fewer than voted for Trump. The address had the lowest ratings in recent memory. Americans were simply not interested in watching Donald Trump lie to the American people, brag on things he hasn't done, and claim success while thousands are dying of opiod abuse and farmers crops are rotting in the fields because of his tariffs.

I can well imagine that only the idiot faithful watched that performance. The rest of us knew what he'd say and we weren't interested. So yes, it's easy to see that 80% of the people who WATCHED that performance, liked what they heard, but really it was only people like you watching.

You do realize those numbers are just like a poll right?
If millions of independants watched and approved to the tune of 80% you can bet those numbers will reflect the wishes of those independants who didnt watch.

"I know I'm wrong but here's some ridiculous bullshit."

How so?
80% approved,it is what it is.
You're just pissed because it spells doom for dems in 2020.
Lol, RCP puts his average at 42%, and even Rasmussen has him at a bare 50.

I'm calling bullshit.

Are you saying 80% of independants didnt approve of Trump's SOTU?
I mean it was mentioned all over USMB not sure how you could have missed it.
Well post that shit up kiddo! Let's see it!

Also, approving of his speech is not the same as his approval rating. tRump can get good numbers on a speech just because he didn't embarrass himself as badly as folks were afraid he would, and has in the past.
With democrats pushing and celebrating infanticide. People will walk away, keep it up!
Lol, the only place any of those things are happening is in the collective conservitard imagination.
Trade center was lit up pink in celebration, to celebrate a baby able to be killed right before delivery.

How low can dems go?
Lol, RCP puts his average at 42%, and even Rasmussen has him at a bare 50.

I'm calling bullshit.

Are you saying 80% of independants didnt approve of Trump's SOTU?
I mean it was mentioned all over USMB not sure how you could have missed it.
Well post that shit up kiddo! Let's see it!

Also, approving of his speech is not the same as his approval rating. tRump can get good numbers on a speech just because he didn't embarrass himself as badly as folks were afraid he would, and has in the past.
With democrats pushing and celebrating infanticide. People will walk away, keep it up!
Lol, the only place any of those things are happening is in the collective conservitard imagination.
Trade center was lit up pink in celebration, to celebrate a baby able to be killed right before delivery.
No son, to celebrate protecting women's rights.
Are you saying 80% of independants didnt approve of Trump's SOTU?
I mean it was mentioned all over USMB not sure how you could have missed it.
Well post that shit up kiddo! Let's see it!

Also, approving of his speech is not the same as his approval rating. tRump can get good numbers on a speech just because he didn't embarrass himself as badly as folks were afraid he would, and has in the past.
With democrats pushing and celebrating infanticide. People will walk away, keep it up!
Lol, the only place any of those things are happening is in the collective conservitard imagination.
Trade center was lit up pink in celebration, to celebrate a baby able to be killed right before delivery.

How low can dems go?
They are proving they are going as far as they can. I mean in Virginia, talking about keeping a baby out of the womb comfortable. While the doctor discusses with the mom, if the baby lives or dies. I don't see if you could go lower but I'm sure they will show us how.
Lol, you need to look to your own party kiddo. They're the ones who are walking away at the moment.
I guess then, it's people leaving your party that gave Trump his 52% approval rating.
His average is 42%. If you throw out the biggest outlier (Rasmussen) then it's more like 37%.
It was at 52% last week. With all the negative reporting. I'm sure his numbers are alot bigger.
No, it wasn't.
I know it drives you crazy, but yes it was.
As previously stated, post it up. Let's see it.
Uh...I said near unprecedented. It is extremely rare. Reading comprehension problem???
Hold on, I'm sure I've got some more hairs you can split here somewhere.

It's not even rare.
Another rwnj fantasy!

tRump's approval among independent voters was in the low 40s a couple of days ago, I seriously doubt it doubled over night.

They liked what Trump had to say in the SOTU to the tune of 80%.
Good luck in 2020.....

80% of those who WATCHED the SOTU, liked it. Fewer than 50 million people watched the SOTU. That's more than 15 million fewer than voted for Trump. The address had the lowest ratings in recent memory. Americans were simply not interested in watching Donald Trump lie to the American people, brag on things he hasn't done, and claim success while thousands are dying of opiod abuse and farmers crops are rotting in the fields because of his tariffs.

I can well imagine that only the idiot faithful watched that performance. The rest of us knew what he'd say and we weren't interested. So yes, it's easy to see that 80% of the people who WATCHED that performance, liked what they heard, but really it was only people like you watching.

You do realize those numbers are just like a poll right?
If millions of independants watched and approved to the tune of 80% you can bet those numbers will reflect the wishes of those independants who didnt watch.

"I know I'm wrong but here's some ridiculous bullshit."

How so?
80% approved,it is what it is.
You're just pissed because it spells doom for dems in 2020.
Lol, I can't tell if you really believe that or not. If you do, you got some serious problems.
Well post that shit up kiddo! Let's see it!

Also, approving of his speech is not the same as his approval rating. tRump can get good numbers on a speech just because he didn't embarrass himself as badly as folks were afraid he would, and has in the past.
With democrats pushing and celebrating infanticide. People will walk away, keep it up!
Lol, the only place any of those things are happening is in the collective conservitard imagination.
Trade center was lit up pink in celebration, to celebrate a baby able to be killed right before delivery.

How low can dems go?
They are proving they are going as far as they can. I mean in Virginia, talking about keeping a baby out of the womb comfortable. While the doctor discusses with the mom, if the baby lives or dies. I don't see if you could go lower but I'm sure they will show us how.
You do know that's not what was said, right? It's RWNJ propaganda.
Are you saying 80% of independants didnt approve of Trump's SOTU?
I mean it was mentioned all over USMB not sure how you could have missed it.
Well post that shit up kiddo! Let's see it!

Also, approving of his speech is not the same as his approval rating. tRump can get good numbers on a speech just because he didn't embarrass himself as badly as folks were afraid he would, and has in the past.
With democrats pushing and celebrating infanticide. People will walk away, keep it up!
Lol, the only place any of those things are happening is in the collective conservitard imagination.
Trade center was lit up pink in celebration, to celebrate a baby able to be killed right before delivery.
No son, to celebrate protecting women's rights.
The right to kill their baby right before it's born.
With democrats pushing and celebrating infanticide. People will walk away, keep it up!
Lol, the only place any of those things are happening is in the collective conservitard imagination.
Trade center was lit up pink in celebration, to celebrate a baby able to be killed right before delivery.

How low can dems go?
They are proving they are going as far as they can. I mean in Virginia, talking about keeping a baby out of the womb comfortable. While the doctor discusses with the mom, if the baby lives or dies. I don't see if you could go lower but I'm sure they will show us how.
You do know that's not what was said, right? It's RWNJ propaganda.
I heard it myself, like i said keep it up. Most americans are against this. Oh and planned parenthood wants abortion up to 40 weeks legal in all states. Keep up your support of them also!
Hold on, I'm sure I've got some more hairs you can split here somewhere.

It's not even rare.
They liked what Trump had to say in the SOTU to the tune of 80%.
Good luck in 2020.....

80% of those who WATCHED the SOTU, liked it. Fewer than 50 million people watched the SOTU. That's more than 15 million fewer than voted for Trump. The address had the lowest ratings in recent memory. Americans were simply not interested in watching Donald Trump lie to the American people, brag on things he hasn't done, and claim success while thousands are dying of opiod abuse and farmers crops are rotting in the fields because of his tariffs.

I can well imagine that only the idiot faithful watched that performance. The rest of us knew what he'd say and we weren't interested. So yes, it's easy to see that 80% of the people who WATCHED that performance, liked what they heard, but really it was only people like you watching.

You do realize those numbers are just like a poll right?
If millions of independants watched and approved to the tune of 80% you can bet those numbers will reflect the wishes of those independants who didnt watch.

"I know I'm wrong but here's some ridiculous bullshit."

How so?
80% approved,it is what it is.
You're just pissed because it spells doom for dems in 2020.
Lol, I can't tell if you really believe that or not. If you do, you got some serious problems.

So know you're gonna tell me 80% approval from independents is somehow good for dems.
Get to spinning!!!.....this should be good.:abgg2q.jpg:
So know you're gonna tell me 80% approval from independents is somehow good for dems.

Unfortunately for you...that number is actually 42%

Have you not been following along? And this from the left wing media. Thats gotta sting!!!
80% of those who WATCHED the SOTU, liked it. Fewer than 50 million people watched the SOTU. That's more than 15 million fewer than voted for Trump. The address had the lowest ratings in recent memory. Americans were simply not interested in watching Donald Trump lie to the American people, brag on things he hasn't done, and claim success while thousands are dying of opiod abuse and farmers crops are rotting in the fields because of his tariffs.

I can well imagine that only the idiot faithful watched that performance. The rest of us knew what he'd say and we weren't interested. So yes, it's easy to see that 80% of the people who WATCHED that performance, liked what they heard, but really it was only people like you watching.

You do realize those numbers are just like a poll right?
If millions of independants watched and approved to the tune of 80% you can bet those numbers will reflect the wishes of those independants who didnt watch.

"I know I'm wrong but here's some ridiculous bullshit."

How so?
80% approved,it is what it is.
You're just pissed because it spells doom for dems in 2020.
Lol, I can't tell if you really believe that or not. If you do, you got some serious problems.

So know you're gonna tell me 80% approval from independents is somehow good for dems.
Get to spinning!!!.....this should be good.:abgg2q.jpg:

If Trump has an 80% approval rating amoung independent voters, how could he have possibly lost the mid-terms by 6 million votes, since the vast majority of the voters in the mid-terms, identify as "independent".

If Trump has an 80% approval rating among independents, why are the Republican Party ranks shrinking and the number of indendents growing?

And please provide a link to any poll that shows 80% of independents approving of Trump. I can only find a Gallup poll which says that 38% of independents approve of Trump's performance:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump
The idiots are talking about the SOTU...which has a very finite group of viewers to start with (those already leaning in favor of the President).

And guess what?


His numbers among Independents are 42%
You do realize those numbers are just like a poll right?
If millions of independants watched and approved to the tune of 80% you can bet those numbers will reflect the wishes of those independants who didnt watch.

"I know I'm wrong but here's some ridiculous bullshit."

How so?
80% approved,it is what it is.
You're just pissed because it spells doom for dems in 2020.
Lol, I can't tell if you really believe that or not. If you do, you got some serious problems.

So know you're gonna tell me 80% approval from independents is somehow good for dems.
Get to spinning!!!.....this should be good.:abgg2q.jpg:

If Trump has an 80% approval rating amoung independent voters, how could he have possibly lost the mid-terms by 6 million votes, since the vast majority of the voters in the mid-terms, identify as "independent".

If Trump has an 80% approval rating among independents, why are the Republican Party ranks shrinking and the number of indendents growing?

And please provide a link to any poll that shows 80% of independents approving of Trump. I can only find a Gallup poll which says that 38% of independents approve of Trump's performance:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

Do you have a calendar or not?
Or maybe I should be asking if you know how to read one.
Do YOU understand the difference between a SPEECH and a man?

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