Talk Shows


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
I do not watch them but I do watch Seal Team, the show on CBS and when I FF on the DVR there are constant commercials for Stephen Colbert and he frequently has Leftist politicians on like Kamala Harris and AOC. This seems to be the new norm. Do people find it odd how overtly biased these shows have become?
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Colbert's Late Show became the de facto Democratic Nominee announcement platform. Golly there's entertainment for you! Colbert asks "Do you have something you want to tell us? *wink* *wink*."
"Well *giggle* I'm running for President!" "Yay"! Clap Clap Clap.

The probably ask Gop-hers to go on their show but they refuse.

I do not watch talk shows or late night TV.
Nothing new. The MSM has had a bias for a long time, though with Trump it is more pronounced. It might get worse as the election approaches.
Do people find it odd how overtly biased these shows have become?

No, it has become the norm. But I don't listen to any talking heads anymore. Ironically, information from the government has become more reliable than from so-called independent news sources.
I do not watch them but I do watch Seal Team, the show on CBS and when I FF on the DVR there are constant commercials for Stephen Colbert and he frequently has Leftist politicians on like Kamala Harris and AOC. This seems to be the new norm. Do people find it odd how overtly biased these shows have become?
Nope Hollywood has always been highly liberal and over the years they have made it increasingly clear how little respect they have for anyone who doesn't share their political viewpoint. Long gone are the days of Johnny Carson when no one had any idea what his politics were. Outside of watching the local pro sports teams there is very little on tv I watch anymore.

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