Tamir Rice a No-Go. Let the Whining Begin.

The family should get a bundle from the city for its negligence.

Some one called it and told dispatch that there was a child in the park waving what looked like it might be a toy gun.

This information was not passed on to the responding officers. Rice's death wasn't the cops fault but it sure was someone's fault.

If true then it fall on the 911 dispatcher for failing to relay that crucial information, and the City should be held accountable.

As for the officers I am one that has taken the side of the officer in many cases but this one I have a hard time stomaching, and believe the child death was senseless and disagree with the finding and lack of indictment.

With that written the Parents also failed the child, and should be held accountable for their lack of parenting and not teaching their son the dangerous of pointing what could be consider a weapon.

I feel no empathy for his parents, and never will...
I guess it would have just been too much work for the cops to pull up at a safe distance, exit their squad cars, take cover, aim their guns and ask Tamir to put his gun down.

That would have taken all of 3-5 minutes, so think of all the time they saved by snuffing the boy in less than 2 seconds.

Seems like these Colorado cops would know what I'm talking about.

If it had been a white kid with a Yale sweatshirt on, someone would have just called the school to contact the parents.
The family should get a bundle from the city for its negligence.

Which is an outstanding reason, however insensitive, for cops to be less precipitous in the use of deadly force. If you live in an affected community, regardless of your feelings toward the victims of these unnecessary shootings it's your tax money that pays for these protracted investigations, lawsuit awards, protest demonstration control and property damage from rioting.

In this example, the video plainly shows the cops recklessly pulling up too close to the subject of a "gun run." Common sense dictates their arrival should have been more methodically cautious. There was no immediate threat. No report of shots fired. They could have maintained at least a fifteen yard distance from the subject, using their car as a shield, and commanded him to lie down, etc., before resorting to deadly force.

Instead, the video clearly shows the police car rapidly approaching and pulling up directly adjacent to the subject of a "gun run," exposing themselves to possible deadly force, thereby prompting their unnecessary use of deadly force.
I guess it would have just been too much work for the cops to pull up at a safe distance, exit their squad cars, take cover, aim their guns and ask Tamir to put his gun down.

That would have taken all of 3-5 minutes, so think of all the time they saved by snuffing the boy in less than 2 seconds.

Seems like these Colorado cops would know what I'm talking about.


I guess it would have been too much to expect someone to not point what looked like the real thing after having taken off the main item that would have made it distinguishable as a toy.
I guess it would have just been too much work for the cops to pull up at a safe distance, exit their squad cars, take cover, aim their guns and ask Tamir to put his gun down.

That would have taken all of 3-5 minutes, so think of all the time they saved by snuffing the boy in less than 2 seconds.

Seems like these Colorado cops would know what I'm talking about.

It would have made perfect scence if they knew what they were dealing with.
The family should get a bundle from the city for its negligence.

Which is an outstanding reason, however insensitive, for cops to be less precipitous in the use of deadly force. If you live in an affected community, regardless of your feelings toward the victims of these unnecessary shootings it's your tax money that pays for these protracted investigations, lawsuit awards, protest demonstration control and property damage from rioting.

In this example, the video plainly shows the cops recklessly pulling up too close to the subject of a "gun run." Common sense dictates their arrival should have been more methodically cautious. There was no immediate threat. No report of shots fired. They could have maintained at least a fifteen yard distance from the subject, using their car as a shield, and commanded him to lie down, etc., before resorting to deadly force.

Instead, the video clearly shows the police car rapidly approaching and pulling up directly adjacent to the subject of a "gun run," exposing themselves to possible deadly force, thereby prompting their unnecessary use of deadly force.

Completely agree. In fact....make it 30 yards away. And...use a 5.56 rifle which is 100x more accurate than a pistol so God forbid a shooting occurs....they HIT THE target at that "further distance".

Oh wait....those rifles are militarized and the left hates them.

Nevermind. Pull up to guarantee accuracy so no innocents are hit.

Wait...no....that's too close.

Um....fuck it....BAD COPS!!!
It's a sad case, but this is the appropriate conclusion.
This is the conclusion as far as the criminal law is concerned. Rest assured the civil trial will cost the taxpayers several million dollars. And there still is potential for destructive rioting.

I won't be surprised if rioting occurs. That's how that kind operates.

Do you remember when whites rioted after OJ Simpson was acquitted of murder? Me neither.
Um....fuck it....BAD COPS!!!
Seems more like a bad police agency.

Failure of the dispatcher to fully advise of important details, combined with the fact that the shooter should not have been on the job to begin with, will ensure one hell of a damage award when this case goes to civil court.
I guess it would have just been too much work for the cops to pull up at a safe distance, exit their squad cars, take cover, aim their guns and ask Tamir to put his gun down.

That would have taken all of 3-5 minutes, so think of all the time they saved by snuffing the boy in less than 2 seconds.

Seems like these Colorado cops would know what I'm talking about.


I guess it would have been too much to expect someone to not point what looked like the real thing after having taken off the main item that would have made it distinguishable as a toy.

He was 12. It was a toy. A 12-year-old is not supposed to be an expert on the difference between toy guns and deadly weapons or the law, you phucking idiot.
I guess it would have just been too much work for the cops to pull up at a safe distance, exit their squad cars, take cover, aim their guns and ask Tamir to put his gun down.

That would have taken all of 3-5 minutes, so think of all the time they saved by snuffing the boy in less than 2 seconds.

Seems like these Colorado cops would know what I'm talking about.


I guess it would have been too much to expect someone to not point what looked like the real thing after having taken off the main item that would have made it distinguishable as a toy.

He was 12. It was a toy. A 12-year-old is not supposed to be an expert on deadly weapons or the law, you phucking idiot.

He took off the part that distinguished it as a toy. Ignorance of the law is no excuse even for a 12 year old. I have a daughter not much older than Tamir. She knows not to do stupid shit like that. Apparently his baby mama and whomever his baby daddy be didn't teach him any better.
The kid was NOT caught in the act of committing a crime or pointing that toy guy at anyone.
I hope the blacks in Cleveland burn that town to the ground.
I guess it would have just been too much work for the cops to pull up at a safe distance, exit their squad cars, take cover, aim their guns and ask Tamir to put his gun down.

That would have taken all of 3-5 minutes, so think of all the time they saved by snuffing the boy in less than 2 seconds.

Seems like these Colorado cops would know what I'm talking about.


I guess it would have been too much to expect someone to not point what looked like the real thing after having taken off the main item that would have made it distinguishable as a toy.

He was 12. It was a toy. A 12-year-old is not supposed to be an expert on deadly weapons or the law, you phucking idiot.

He took off the part that distinguished it as a toy. Ignorance of the law is no excuse even for a 12 year old. I have a daughter not much older than Tamir. She knows not to do stupid shit like that. Apparently his baby mama and whomever his baby daddy be didn't teach him any better.

PROVE IT. Prove that he was the one who removed the part.
You can't, you ignorant stupid bigoted pig.

You should put your money where your pie hole is and start running all the juvie convictions through court as adult crimes. Put 'em in jail. Throw away the key.
Someone pointing a gun at police is hardly innocent.
The video doesn't show Rice pointing his gun at the police. It shows him lifting his shirt to expose the gun.

Yes he was reaching for it. Grand Jury says enhanced video "clearly" shows his hand going for the gun.

Now....once it's pointed at you...bullets can fly. When someone is going for a gun....it's best to get your shot off BEFORE they can. Kinda like Old West duels. First to shoot usually wins a gunfight.

Now...in hindsight....this is tragic. Lesson is when cops arrive....SURRENDER WITH YOUR HANDS UP. Don't fight. Don't reach for a weapon.

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