Tampa General: great success with COVID-19 treatment, reduces hospital stays


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: Tampa General Hospital is First in Florida To Offer Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to COVID-19 Patients

August 5, 2021

”A total of 1,600 patients have been treated by Tampa General with monoclonal antibodies. “By targeting towards the virus, this therapy prevents infection that can keep patients out of the emergency room,” said Kim, who also leads the monoclonal antibodies clinic. “People have less severe disease and aren’t going to give it to others, it’s an important treatment,” she noted.”

Also see: Tampa General hopes COVID antibody treatment can ease burden on ICU as cases soar

Published Jul. 23

”The antibodies are administered through an IV for just an hour or two. The treatment, which was administered to President Donald Trump when he was hospitalized in October, works best for COVID-19 positive patients who developed symptoms in the previous 7 days.”


”Tampa General officials said the treatment has proven “highly effective” at keeping at-risk patients out of emergency rooms and intensive care units. It is considered appropriate for those over 55 who have underlying health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure and respiratory illnesses, and for everyone age 65 and up.”

See: Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths, rolling 7-day average-USA

Total seven day average deaths across the entire United States are less than 500 as of 5/6/21

Let’s end all the nonsense and fear mongering. It’s time to put this virus crap behind us and get on with our lives.

See: Tampa General Hospital is First in Florida To Offer Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to COVID-19 Patients

August 5, 2021

”A total of 1,600 patients have been treated by Tampa General with monoclonal antibodies. “By targeting towards the virus, this therapy prevents infection that can keep patients out of the emergency room,” said Kim, who also leads the monoclonal antibodies clinic. “People have less severe disease and aren’t going to give it to others, it’s an important treatment,” she noted.”

Also see: Tampa General hopes COVID antibody treatment can ease burden on ICU as cases soar

Published Jul. 23

”The antibodies are administered through an IV for just an hour or two. The treatment, which was administered to President Donald Trump when he was hospitalized in October, works best for COVID-19 positive patients who developed symptoms in the previous 7 days.”


”Tampa General officials said the treatment has proven “highly effective” at keeping at-risk patients out of emergency rooms and intensive care units. It is considered appropriate for those over 55 who have underlying health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure and respiratory illnesses, and for everyone age 65 and up.”

See: Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths, rolling 7-day average-USA

Total seven day average deaths across the entire United States are less than 500 as of 5/6/21

Let’s end all the nonsense and fear mongering. It’s time to put this virus crap behind us and get on with our lives.

Idiots...dont they know ventilators are the treatment of choice
None of the articles mentioned the current availability of the treatment outside of the Florida providers.

Limited availability is not going to make the treatment a process the unvaccinated trump Nazis can rely on, when their symptoms become evident. A trip to the doctor, coupled with the doctor's referral are just the first steps. If, the unvaccinated trump Nazis permit their denial of having contracted the disease, that all to common denial is likely to make them wait too long to seek medical attention. Thus, a ventilator might become the unvaccinated trump Nazis' only remaining hope.

I wonder why Sweden’s death rate is so much lower than the United States when only half of its adult population has been vaccinated.

SEE: Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

July 22, 2021

"But a year later the evidence is overwhelming that Sweden got the pandemic mostly right. Sweden’s overall mortality rate in 2020 was lower than most of Europe and its economy suffered far less. Meanwhile, today Sweden is freer and healthier than virtually any other country in Europe.

As much of the world remains gripped in fear and nations devise new restrictions to curtail basic freedoms, Sweden remains a vital and shining reminder that there is a better way."

See: Tampa General Hospital is First in Florida To Offer Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to COVID-19 Patients

August 5, 2021

”A total of 1,600 patients have been treated by Tampa General with monoclonal antibodies. “By targeting towards the virus, this therapy prevents infection that can keep patients out of the emergency room,” said Kim, who also leads the monoclonal antibodies clinic. “People have less severe disease and aren’t going to give it to others, it’s an important treatment,” she noted.”

Also see: Tampa General hopes COVID antibody treatment can ease burden on ICU as cases soar

Published Jul. 23

”The antibodies are administered through an IV for just an hour or two. The treatment, which was administered to President Donald Trump when he was hospitalized in October, works best for COVID-19 positive patients who developed symptoms in the previous 7 days.”


”Tampa General officials said the treatment has proven “highly effective” at keeping at-risk patients out of emergency rooms and intensive care units. It is considered appropriate for those over 55 who have underlying health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure and respiratory illnesses, and for everyone age 65 and up.”

See: Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths, rolling 7-day average-USA

Total seven day average deaths across the entire United States are less than 500 as of 5/6/21

Let’s end all the nonsense and fear mongering. It’s time to put this virus crap behind us and get on with our lives.

Thank you #deathsantis...
I still am not hearing our MSM reporting on Tampa General's success using the monoclonal antibody treatment.

Anybody in this thread hear about this from their local news outlets?

None of the articles mentioned the current availability of the treatment outside of the Florida providers.

Limited availability is not going to make the treatment a process the unvaccinated trump Nazis can rely on, when their symptoms become evident. A trip to the doctor, coupled with the doctor's referral are just the first steps. If, the unvaccinated trump Nazis permit their denial of having contracted the disease, that all to common denial is likely to make them wait too long to seek medical attention. Thus, a ventilator might become the unvaccinated trump Nazis' only remaining hope.

Your scam is falling apart. You can now get hydrochroloquine over the phone and it's working.
I wonder why Sweden’s death rate is so much lower than the United States when only half of its adult population has been vaccinated.

SEE: Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

July 22, 2021

"But a year later the evidence is overwhelming that Sweden got the pandemic mostly right. Sweden’s overall mortality rate in 2020 was lower than most of Europe and its economy suffered far less. Meanwhile, today Sweden is freer and healthier than virtually any other country in Europe.

As much of the world remains gripped in fear and nations devise new restrictions to curtail basic freedoms, Sweden remains a vital and shining reminder that there is a better way."

They didn't totally shutdown.
None of the articles mentioned the current availability of the treatment outside of the Florida providers.

That's because our Fifth Column media chooses to not release available information on the success of the monoclonal antibodies treatment. But you can find information on the subject if you search for it, e.g., "Monoclonal antibody therapy at St. Luke’s has helped hospitals in the greater Lehigh Valley region avoid being overwhelmed during the current surge, allowing certain high-risk patients to recover quickly in the comfort of their own homes." LINK


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel
I wonder why Sweden’s death rate is so much lower than the United States when only half of its adult population has been vaccinated.

SEE: Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

July 22, 2021

"But a year later the evidence is overwhelming that Sweden got the pandemic mostly right. Sweden’s overall mortality rate in 2020 was lower than most of Europe and its economy suffered far less. Meanwhile, today Sweden is freer and healthier than virtually any other country in Europe.

As much of the world remains gripped in fear and nations devise new restrictions to curtail basic freedoms, Sweden remains a vital and shining reminder that there is a better way."

This article is read-worthy, because it shows why Sweden basically got it right:
And our Democrat Party Leadership is pulling out their hair trying to keep this success story under raps.


Our socialist revolutionaries are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.
Of course they are. The democrats have only 20 Greek letters left to get this strung out into the ‘22 midterms.
Of course they are. The democrats have only 20 Greek letters left to get this strung out into the ‘22 midterms.

Maybe that's why our MSM, which works hand in hand with the Democrat Party Leadership, is giving little coverage on the monoclonal antibodies treatment . . . they want to keep the fear mongering going.

It’s absolutely stunning that our mainstream media is not focusing 24/7 on the various and effective treatments now being used in the COVID-19 battle, and prefer to continue with their fear mongering and authoritarian mask and economy lockdown nonsense which inflicts the same, if not more damage than the virus itself.

Why on earth does our main stream media continue with this suicidal crap when the average seven day death count, across the entire United States, is less than 600?​

Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths, rolling 7-day average-USA


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755

It’s absolutely stunning that our mainstream media is not focusing 24/7 on the various and effective treatments now being used in the COVID-19 battle, and prefer to continue with their fear mongering and authoritarian mask and economy lockdown nonsense which inflicts the same, if not more damage than the virus itself.

Why on earth does our main stream media continue with this suicidal crap when the average seven day death count, across the entire United States, is less than 600?​

Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths, rolling 7-day average-USA


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. ___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755

Because media are Pravda for the demmunist party.
This article is read-worthy, because it shows why Sweden basically got it right:
The US deaths per 1M population is 1,900

Sweden - 1,438

Additionally, Sweden also masked, social distanced and contact traced much better than we did.

If Sweden is our model, how do they compare to neighbor Norway who locked down?

GREAT FREAKEN NEWS! Monoclonal antibody treatment now being called a “game changer”!​

See: Use of Antibody Treatment Increases as COVID-19 Cases Climb

August 2, 2021

”Scientists now say they’ve proved monoclonal antibodies can help keep some COVID-19 sufferers from becoming hospitalized.

“This is a game-changer,” said principal investigator at Baylor Scott & White Research Institute Dr. Robert Gottlieb, “But a lot of people still don’t know about it.”

Well, maybe if our fear mongering, handwringing mainstream media, would stop with the 24/7 reporting of new cases ___ which really is insignificant as compared to the actual death rate across the country due to Covid ___ more people would find out there finally is a “game changer” in fighting the Covid virus…

As to the actually death rate from Covid, there are currently less than 600 deaths nationwide in a seven day averaging.

See Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths, rolling 7-day average-USA


Without a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalism [our MSM], and activist traitorous judges and Justices, the crisis at our southern border would never have grown to what now amounts to an outright invasion and threatens the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.
I still am not hearing our MSM reporting on Tampa General's success using the monoclonal antibody treatment.

Anybody in this thread hear about this from their local news outlets?


Yes, it has been on the local news several times.

If my wife gets the Wuhan virus I am taking her to Tampa General.
None of the articles mentioned the current availability of the treatment outside of the Florida providers.

Limited availability is not going to make the treatment a process the unvaccinated trump Nazis can rely on, when their symptoms become evident. A trip to the doctor, coupled with the doctor's referral are just the first steps. If, the unvaccinated trump Nazis permit their denial of having contracted the disease, that all to common denial is likely to make them wait too long to seek medical attention. Thus, a ventilator might become the unvaccinated trump Nazis' only remaining hope.

Thank goodness there's not many of those around. They sound scary.

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