TARABA: Military Take Over Streets, Send Jitters To Troublemakers


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
THE presence of heavily armed military personnel in the convoy of the governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Taraba State, Darius Ishaku, seems to be giving the opposition sleepless night.

Though, party activities have been intensified, as candidates vying for various elective positions have resorted to House-to-House campaigns, soliciting votes from electorates, the presence of military in the state, especially, in the convoy of PDP, is said to have brought panic in the people’s mind.

Some politicians, who spoke to The Guardian, registered their disappointment, noting that in spite of the pronouncement of the court on the need to restrict military from the exercise, politicians are still using them.

...Displaying several bundles of wrappers and three bags of rice, among other items, which he has received from one of the governorship candidates, an eligible voter told our reporter, “this is the only opportunity I have to eat from them because after the elections, we are not going to see them again.”

Believing that the funds and item being dole out by them are the funds meant for the development of the state which they “stole” and they “are now using them for campaign” the voter who gave his name as Aliyu, said “ I will not hesitate to collect any gift they give me. But on that day, I will go and vote any person that my heart chooses.
TARABA Military Take Over Streets Send Jitters To Troublemakers

So, the biometric voter card readers aren't operating in areas.

Voters have been attacked:
allAfrica.com Nigeria 38 Killed in Gombe Borno Rivers

The election website has been hacked:
allAfrica.com Nigeria INEC Website Hacked

Nobody is going to know anything until at least Monday.
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