Targeting the lowest grade is a much easier that why Dems prey on who they do?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
^ :cuckoo:
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
^ :cuckoo:

Not to worry, we understand you get easily confused.
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
That has been the Democrat formula since LBJ implemented institutional voter control in 1964 a.k.a "The Great Society".
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all.

As opposed to you for us and we will control all of society and keep you safe from even yourself.
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all.

As opposed to you for us and we will control all of society and keep you safe from even yourself.

You stand for nothing middle-grounders still haven’t realized that more Democrats = more laws and regulations to stop them from imposing their filth on the rest of society.
As opposed to you for us and we will control all of society and keep you safe from even yourself.

You stand for nothing middle-grounders still haven’t realized that more Democrats = more laws and regulations to stop them from imposing their filth on the rest of society.[/QUOTE]


And now there is a golf course calling my name..enjoy your circle jerk
As opposed to you for us and we will control all of society and keep you safe from even yourself.

You stand for nothing middle-grounders still haven’t realized that more Democrats = more laws and regulations to stop them from imposing their filth on the rest of society.


And now there is a golf course calling my name..enjoy your circle jerk[/QUOTE]

Haha...sure there courses don’t accept EBT.
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
I don't know what's like by you but here the Dems:
  • Never offered me any Free shit
  • Have been trying to legalize weed but the GOP keeps it illegal, even for medical use
  • Have never stated they want Open borders
  • Are not antagonistic to any race
  • Support an adult's individual rights so long as no one is harmed
  • Believe in equality of oportunity
  • Support behavioral standards and personal accountability
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
That has been the Democrat formula since LBJ implemented institutional voter control in 1964 a.k.a "The Great Society".
Yep fair capitalism with a good safety net. Too bad lying sacks of shit GOP has been dominant ever since... Enjoy the worst propaganda ever in our history and the slow ruin of the middle class and our infrastructure in the big GOP give away to the rich the dupes don't even know about LOL aaarrrggghhh....
When I smoked, I bought weed from staunch conservatives.

We all have a “this one time I knew this one guy” story.

Well I know more than one guy in this regard, but yes. One day my most regular guy was ranting and raving about crime and how the government should throw the book at all criminals. I pointed out to him that he had a freezer full of felonies and if they ever caught him, they would be seizing his house so he might want to support leniency for at least some criminals :113:.

Anyway, I grew up in the south where people tend to be very conservative and double-standard-ish when it comes to their misdeeds, especially farm folk who may have a plant or two growing in a barn or shed somewhere.

The only real left wing guy I knew who was a proper dealer I wouldn't touch his weed. You never knew what it was going to be laced with since he lived in and purchased his drugs through the skreets of the hood. He'd been known to sell weed with acid to people without them knowing and a few went psycho when they smoked it.
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
Pretty lame list

Care to provide some specifics?
When I smoked, I bought weed from staunch conservatives.

Nothing wrong with selling weed ... making money off of imbeciles is a time-honored practice.


Selling weed...selling Jack Daniels...same fucking thing, yet one is illegal and one gets TV ad time

I agree. Our country more than any other country should know that prohibition doesn't work. Alcohol, Recreational Drugs, Guns, Sex doesn't matter.

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