Targeting the lowest grade is a much easier that why Dems prey on who they do?

Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
That has been the Democrat formula since LBJ implemented institutional voter control in 1964 a.k.a "The Great Society".
Yep fair capitalism with a good safety net. Too bad lying sacks of shit GOP has been dominant ever since... Enjoy the worst propaganda ever in our history and the slow ruin of the middle class and our infrastructure in the big GOP give away to the rich the dupes don't even know about LOL aaarrrggghhh....

Seems to be the GOP has been steadily and consistently losing ground since the 60s. That's why society is going to shit. I don't know where you get this idea that they're dominant.
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
That has been the Democrat formula since LBJ implemented institutional voter control in 1964 a.k.a "The Great Society".
"This is gonna keep them Nigras votin' Democrat for the next hundred years!" ( LBJ, anticipating the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 )


Democrats have been playing Blacks and Hispanics for decades... and they still are...

Trouble is, the Republicans offer nothing that is seen as a worthwhile alternative... so...

Blacks and Hispanics keep doing what they're told... and voting Democratic... especially in the Inner-City Plantations.
Last edited:
When I smoked, I bought weed from staunch conservatives.
many republicans believe only democrats smoke pot....

I know many Republicans that smoke weed...they are all smart enough to know it should stay illegal and not be glamorized. They know a decent, ambitious, productive society is not one full of impaired lowlifes.
so they are still smoking it?....

Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
That has been the Democrat formula since LBJ implemented institutional voter control in 1964 a.k.a "The Great Society".
Yep fair capitalism with a good safety net. Too bad lying sacks of shit GOP has been dominant ever since... Enjoy the worst propaganda ever in our history and the slow ruin of the middle class and our infrastructure in the big GOP give away to the rich the dupes don't even know about LOL aaarrrggghhh....

Seems to be the GOP has been steadily and consistently losing ground since the 60s. That's why society is going to shit. I don't know where you get this idea that they're dominant.
Well of course the GOP dupes don't know anyting really factual. The point is Reagan cut taxes on the rich and investment in infrastructure by 50% and since then more and more Cuts in services for the non rich and higher and higher state and local taxes which kill the nonrich as federal aid lessens. How we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and no benefits of citizenship like Healthcare daycare cheap college an ID card to end illegal immigration etc. We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich like nowhere else ever.
When I smoked, I bought weed from staunch conservatives.
many republicans believe only democrats smoke pot....

I know many Republicans that smoke weed...they are all smart enough to know it should stay illegal and not be glamorized. They know a decent, ambitious, productive society is not one full of impaired lowlifes.
so they are still smoking it?....

A lot of hippies and such started smoking pot in the 60's and 70's, and became conservatives over time without actually giving up the weed.
Mexicrats can keep it real simple...they don’t really have to get into all the complex intricacies of governance...They can simply promise the following and harvest quite the constituency.
Free shit
Legal weed
Open border
Discontent for Whitey
Normalize everything weird and indecent
Equalize all humans
Hate for behavioral standards and personal accountability
The list goes on and on......
Think about the simplicity in it all...then all they have to do to appease their “self proclaimed” intellectuals is pretend they have solutions for healthcare and the like. What a plan.
That has been the Democrat formula since LBJ implemented institutional voter control in 1964 a.k.a "The Great Society".
Yep fair capitalism with a good safety net. Too bad lying sacks of shit GOP has been dominant ever since... Enjoy the worst propaganda ever in our history and the slow ruin of the middle class and our infrastructure in the big GOP give away to the rich the dupes don't even know about LOL aaarrrggghhh....

Seems to be the GOP has been steadily and consistently losing ground since the 60s. That's why society is going to shit. I don't know where you get this idea that they're dominant.
Well of course the GOP dupes don't know anyting really factual. The point is Reagan cut taxes on the rich and investment in infrastructure by 50% and since then more and more Cuts in services for the non rich and higher and higher state and local taxes which kill the nonrich as federal aid lessens. How we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world and no benefits of citizenship like Healthcare daycare cheap college an ID card to end illegal immigration etc. We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and that is a giveaway to the rich like nowhere else ever.

I don't think economic issues are the biggest problem facing this nation right now anyway. It's all about the social issues. That's why we're so divided.

Democrats might have better luck selling their economic ideas if they didn't come loaded with a poison pill of corrupt, immoral social engineering. I think so, anyway.

If there's no "benefits of citizenship" then why do so many people from all over the world want to live here?
When I smoked, I bought weed from staunch conservatives.
many republicans believe only democrats smoke pot....

I know many Republicans that smoke weed...they are all smart enough to know it should stay illegal and not be glamorized. They know a decent, ambitious, productive society is not one full of impaired lowlifes.
so they are still smoking it?....

so they are impaired lowlifes then?...
When I smoked, I bought weed from staunch conservatives.
many republicans believe only democrats smoke pot....

I know many Republicans that smoke weed...they are all smart enough to know it should stay illegal and not be glamorized. They know a decent, ambitious, productive society is not one full of impaired lowlifes.
so they are still smoking it?....

A lot of hippies and such started smoking pot in the 60's and 70's, and became conservatives over time without actually giving up the weed.
gee ya think?...
When I smoked, I bought weed from staunch conservatives.
many republicans believe only democrats smoke pot....

I know many Republicans that smoke weed...they are all smart enough to know it should stay illegal and not be glamorized. They know a decent, ambitious, productive society is not one full of impaired lowlifes.
so they are still smoking it?....

so they are impaired lowlifes then?...

You may have missed my point Harry.
These guys smoke but they smoke like we all did when we were around legitimate human beings and children. We sneaked around, kept it isn’t something to be proud of for anybody truly legitimate. Again, they know that only filthy pieces of shits would glamorize the usage and lifestyle and encourage society to use.
many republicans believe only democrats smoke pot....

I know many Republicans that smoke weed...they are all smart enough to know it should stay illegal and not be glamorized. They know a decent, ambitious, productive society is not one full of impaired lowlifes.
so they are still smoking it?....

so they are impaired lowlifes then?...

You may have missed my point Harry.
These guys smoke but they smoke like we all did when we were around legitimate human beings and children. We sneaked around, kept it isn’t something to be proud of for anybody truly legitimate. Again, they know that only filthy pieces of shits would glamorize the usage and lifestyle and encourage society to use.
so those who smoke legal weed are the lowlifes and the ones keeping it "hidden" are top flight citizens? do realize that many legal smokers dont advertise that they smoke it or want it around kids...well you should comprehend that anyway....
I know many Republicans that smoke weed...they are all smart enough to know it should stay illegal and not be glamorized. They know a decent, ambitious, productive society is not one full of impaired lowlifes.
so they are still smoking it?....

so they are impaired lowlifes then?...

You may have missed my point Harry.
These guys smoke but they smoke like we all did when we were around legitimate human beings and children. We sneaked around, kept it isn’t something to be proud of for anybody truly legitimate. Again, they know that only filthy pieces of shits would glamorize the usage and lifestyle and encourage society to use.
so those who smoke legal weed are the lowlifes and the ones keeping it "hidden" are top flight citizens? do realize that many legal smokers dont advertise that they smoke it or want it around kids...well you should comprehend that anyway....

Harry, don’t dumb yourself down and play stupid...this shit isn’t complicated. People who smoke here at the beach don’t smoke around people or children...the piece of shits in the Inland Empire hotbox their cars with their children in it. The piece of shits in the Inland Empire are the majority of stoners...nobody gives two fucks about the two percentile you’re trying to hide behind.
many republicans believe only democrats smoke pot....

I know many Republicans that smoke weed...they are all smart enough to know it should stay illegal and not be glamorized. They know a decent, ambitious, productive society is not one full of impaired lowlifes.
so they are still smoking it?....

so they are impaired lowlifes then?...

You may have missed my point Harry.
These guys smoke but they smoke like we all did when we were around legitimate human beings and children. We sneaked around, kept it isn’t something to be proud of for anybody truly legitimate. Again, they know that only filthy pieces of shits would glamorize the usage and lifestyle and encourage society to use.

You're like a newborn. You can't seem to formulate fully formed thoughts, so you babble incoherently for attention. Okay, baby man, so your 'friends' smoke weed (which is probably legal where you are) shamefully instead of 'glamorizing' it. Wow. How fucking simple of you. It's still getting high, genius. You lament 'impaired lowlifes' without addressing the ever growing opioid crisis in this country like the stupid redneck twat you are. But sitting around bellyaching yet doing nothing about anything is a Cult45 specialty, correct? Your about as useful as tits on bull.
I know many Republicans that smoke weed...they are all smart enough to know it should stay illegal and not be glamorized. They know a decent, ambitious, productive society is not one full of impaired lowlifes.
so they are still smoking it?....

so they are impaired lowlifes then?...

You may have missed my point Harry.
These guys smoke but they smoke like we all did when we were around legitimate human beings and children. We sneaked around, kept it isn’t something to be proud of for anybody truly legitimate. Again, they know that only filthy pieces of shits would glamorize the usage and lifestyle and encourage society to use.

You're like a newborn. You can't seem to formulate fully formed thoughts, so you babble incoherently for attention. Okay, baby man, so your 'friends' smoke weed (which is probably legal where you are) shamefully instead of 'glamorizing' it. Wow. How fucking simple of you. It's still getting high, genius. You lament 'impaired lowlifes' without addressing the ever growing opioid crisis in this country like the stupid redneck twat you are. But sitting around bellyaching yet doing nothing about anything is a Cult45 specialty, correct? Your about as useful as tits on bull.

Thank you....thanks for opposing my position 100%...anytime you degenerate, twisted fucks take a position 180 degrees the other way I know for fact I’m on point with where I stand. I always use you disgusting bastards as a metric of measurement....Again, much appreciated.
so they are still smoking it?....

so they are impaired lowlifes then?...

You may have missed my point Harry.
These guys smoke but they smoke like we all did when we were around legitimate human beings and children. We sneaked around, kept it isn’t something to be proud of for anybody truly legitimate. Again, they know that only filthy pieces of shits would glamorize the usage and lifestyle and encourage society to use.

You're like a newborn. You can't seem to formulate fully formed thoughts, so you babble incoherently for attention. Okay, baby man, so your 'friends' smoke weed (which is probably legal where you are) shamefully instead of 'glamorizing' it. Wow. How fucking simple of you. It's still getting high, genius. You lament 'impaired lowlifes' without addressing the ever growing opioid crisis in this country like the stupid redneck twat you are. But sitting around bellyaching yet doing nothing about anything is a Cult45 specialty, correct? Your about as useful as tits on bull.

Thank you....thanks for opposing my position 100%...anytime you degenerate, twisted fucks take a position 180 degrees the other way I know for fact I’m on point with where I stand. I always use you disgusting bastards as a metric of measurement....Again, much appreciated.

No problem, I use Cult45 in the same way. If a dirt merchant like you is for something, I know it's clearly a 100% loser idea only anti-American pussies would support.
so they are impaired lowlifes then?...

You may have missed my point Harry.
These guys smoke but they smoke like we all did when we were around legitimate human beings and children. We sneaked around, kept it isn’t something to be proud of for anybody truly legitimate. Again, they know that only filthy pieces of shits would glamorize the usage and lifestyle and encourage society to use.

You're like a newborn. You can't seem to formulate fully formed thoughts, so you babble incoherently for attention. Okay, baby man, so your 'friends' smoke weed (which is probably legal where you are) shamefully instead of 'glamorizing' it. Wow. How fucking simple of you. It's still getting high, genius. You lament 'impaired lowlifes' without addressing the ever growing opioid crisis in this country like the stupid redneck twat you are. But sitting around bellyaching yet doing nothing about anything is a Cult45 specialty, correct? Your about as useful as tits on bull.

Thank you....thanks for opposing my position 100%...anytime you degenerate, twisted fucks take a position 180 degrees the other way I know for fact I’m on point with where I stand. I always use you disgusting bastards as a metric of measurement....Again, much appreciated.

No problem, I use Cult45 in the same way. If a dirt merchant like you is for something, I know it's clearly a 100% loser idea only anti-American pussies would support.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...”I know you are but what am I”
Look’re outclassed by me, you are in way over your head...every time you engage me I expose you for the disgusting puke you are...go play with your low iQ degenerate buddies and save face.

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