tariffs will wipe out any gains from tax cuts for average american

There were no gains to knock out. Any gains were illusionary gains in income as a consequence of inflation.
There were no gains to knock out. Any gains were illusionary gains in income as a consequence of inflation.
The OP's article states that middle earners enjoy a $930 tax cut and despite our raging economy inflation is still below 3%. None of your "hate Trump" arguments hold water. Ever wonder why that is? :lol:
Try running a biz , and get back to us on that Picaro

Try learning arithmetic and knowing what you're babbling about and get back to us. Increasing your skills at lying might improve and get you a good Commissar gig if Democrats ever get back in power and need a concentration camp staffer.

Why does the square root of two figure into the speed of light? The square root of two is 1.414. Give me the answer if you dare.

Because Einstein said so, for one. Need more?

Besides, where is the square root of 2 in the equation E=mc(2)?
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/—-/ We’re still waiting for libtards solution to Chinese high tariffs on US goods and their theft of IP.

The average tariff on goods coming into China is 6%. It’s 5% coming into the US. 20 years ago, China was charging 30%. But because they Joined the WTO, they were required to slash their trade taxes.

Rubbish. They just collect the dough under a different ruse is all, as in companies have to produce what they sell in China in China, i.e. they have to have some Cadre mooch as a 'partner' in order to do business there. In return, they have make sure you have no labor problems and it stays dirt cheap.
I don't know why you stupid Moon Bats are against tariffs. It is a tax where all the money goes into the Federal government. More money to the Federal government more welfare, right?

You asshole Moon Bats love increased tax more than life itself. Every one of those idiot Moon Bats running for office is running on a platform to increase taxes so what the hell are you shitheads bitching about?

Trump is giving you what you want.

Are you critical of the tariffs because the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome is causing you to not think straight?

Embrace the increased taxes. That is what you stupid Moon Bats love so much. Trump beat you to the punch.
IF tariffs reduce consumption of crap we don't need, that's great; shouldn't be feeding Wall street's labor racketeering schemes anyway.
Inflation continued to climb before Trump, so that side of the argument is just stupid as well. Again, many can't tell the difference between slowing down the rate of inflation and inflation itself, and combined with the decrease in the value of a dollar, well ... please do make the case that 2% inflation is somehow less than the 5% inflation rate of 1975 or so.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.

So now you're claiming low income people have to buy avocados and Christmas lights or something? Hate to break this to you Burb Brats, but nobody actually has to buy that crap.

Sales taxes around here are around 10% now. $3,924 in additional costs due to taxes would be somebody spending $39,240 more on crap they don't need, hardly in the range low income people would be spending on junk and luxury food items. in 25% tariff terms, that would require spending almost $15,700 more on such crap as avocados and Beanie Babies.
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The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.

Since you don’t live here, it won’t effect you at all no matter if you are retired or on a fixed income. This is an issue for the United States not for the Canadians to the north.
Saw a news story claiming avocados were almost $2 each in California; they're around 68 cents to 80 cents here in Texas, so what is the tariff price for them? Don't know, but I'm glad Californians will be paying a lot more than we will here, since they love criminal illegal aliens so much there. I remember a gallon of milk being $4 for a cheap house brand in 1997 there while being only maybe 89 cents-$1.19 here at the time. I know wages were;'t that much higher there either, so obviously it wasn't labor costs driving up prices.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans


Don't buy Mexican and Chinese goods


Given that two-thirds of all imports from those countries are intra-company transfers by US companies, you’ll basically be subsistence farming to make a living.

What is wrong with substance farming or any farming in general? Try eating Gold and see what that tastes like, stupid city slickers.

You don’t know what subsistence farming is, do you?

And your posting bullshit. So now everything we eat comes from Mexico and China, wow I never knew that or looked on a Fucking world map before.


No, that’s not what I was saying. Much of the goods we produce are at least partly produced or assembled in those two countries. If you “boycott China and Mexico,” you’ll be boycotting a big chunk of American industry.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.

So now you're claiming low income people have to buy avocados and Christmas lights or something? Hate to break this to you Burb Brats, but nobody actually has to buy that crap.

Sales taxes around here are around 10% now. $3,924 in additional costs due to taxes would be somebody spending $39,240 more on crap they don't need, hardly in the range low income people would be spending on junk and luxury food items. in 25% tariff terms, that would require spending almost $15,700 more on such crap as avocados and Beanie Babies.

A 25% tariff on Mexico would raise the cost of an American-made car on average by $1100.

If Trump slaps tariffs on Mexican imports, you'll pay more to buy a car and keep it running

Guess people don’t need to buy junk and luxury items like American-made cars.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.

Since you don’t live here, it won’t effect you at all no matter if you are retired or on a fixed income. This is an issue for the United States not for the Canadians to the north.

You should tell to all the old American codgers on this site discussing Brexit that it doesn’t affect them so they shouldn’t comment on it.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.

Since you don’t live here, it won’t effect you at all no matter if you are retired or on a fixed income. This is an issue for the United States not for the Canadians to the north.

You should tell to all the old American codgers on this site discussing Brexit that it doesn’t affect them so they shouldn’t comment on it.

If I was remotely interested in Brexit I would, the people of Britain can take care of themselves, I don’t care what they do. If you care so much, you might want to jump in.

Dragon lady can post her opinions all she wants and I can comment on her opinions all I want.

Nice that you come running to her rescue.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.

Since you don’t live here, it won’t effect you at all no matter if you are retired or on a fixed income. This is an issue for the United States not for the Canadians to the north.

You should tell to all the old American codgers on this site discussing Brexit that it doesn’t affect them so they shouldn’t comment on it.

If I was remotely interested in Brexit I would, the people of Britain can take care of themselves, I don’t care what they do. If you care so much, you might want to jump in.

Dragon lady can post her opinions all she wants and I can comment on her opinions all I want.

Nice that you come running to her rescue.

Good to know since you were implying that her opinion doesn’t matter since she’s not American.
$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.

Since you don’t live here, it won’t effect you at all no matter if you are retired or on a fixed income. This is an issue for the United States not for the Canadians to the north.

You should tell to all the old American codgers on this site discussing Brexit that it doesn’t affect them so they shouldn’t comment on it.

If I was remotely interested in Brexit I would, the people of Britain can take care of themselves, I don’t care what they do. If you care so much, you might want to jump in.

Dragon lady can post her opinions all she wants and I can comment on her opinions all I want.

Nice that you come running to her rescue.

Good to know since you were implying that her opinion doesn’t matter since she’s not American.

I discount her opinion because she has no stake, she isn’t an American. Just like I don’t concern myself what their policies are.

She and her mates were boycotting US goods, and our exports to Canada went up, apparently her opinion isn’t important in Canada either.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.

So now you're claiming low income people have to buy avocados and Christmas lights or something? Hate to break this to you Burb Brats, but nobody actually has to buy that crap.

Sales taxes around here are around 10% now. $3,924 in additional costs due to taxes would be somebody spending $39,240 more on crap they don't need, hardly in the range low income people would be spending on junk and luxury food items. in 25% tariff terms, that would require spending almost $15,700 more on such crap as avocados and Beanie Babies.

A 25% tariff on Mexico would raise the cost of an American-made car on average by $1100.

If Trump slaps tariffs on Mexican imports, you'll pay more to buy a car and keep it running

Guess people don’t need to buy junk and luxury items like American-made cars.

Well, obviously it isn't an American made car' then, is it, moron?
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

$3,994 is nothing more or less than chump change.

Really? That amount would cover half my modest housing costs for 6 months.

While attempting to portray yourself as wealthy, what you've really done is betray a total lack of economic understanding about the reality a $4000 additional tax bill imposes on the Americans of modest means, who are already receiving government funded income supports, or those of us who are retired and on fixed incomes.

So now you're claiming low income people have to buy avocados and Christmas lights or something? Hate to break this to you Burb Brats, but nobody actually has to buy that crap.

Sales taxes around here are around 10% now. $3,924 in additional costs due to taxes would be somebody spending $39,240 more on crap they don't need, hardly in the range low income people would be spending on junk and luxury food items. in 25% tariff terms, that would require spending almost $15,700 more on such crap as avocados and Beanie Babies.

A 25% tariff on Mexico would raise the cost of an American-made car on average by $1100.

If Trump slaps tariffs on Mexican imports, you'll pay more to buy a car and keep it running

Guess people don’t need to buy junk and luxury items like American-made cars.

Well, obviously it isn't an American made car' then, is it, moron?

You didn’t study economics, did you Pictardo?

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