tariffs will wipe out any gains from tax cuts for average american

No, Canada isn't actually concerned about migrants from the Americas. It's concerned with Trump bashing and USA bashing. It's plain to see.
Any enemy of trump and republicans are my friends,,,,,we have a mental idiot in our WH
You have one in your mirror and virtually every leftard has made crystal clear that y'all would much prefer the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as our prez.

Haters gotta hate even if it means cutting off their noses to spite their faces. Traitors ... every single one of you.

The United States isn’t prospering under Trump. Quite the contrary.

now that is just stupid.
No, Canada isn't actually concerned about migrants from the Americas. It's concerned with Trump bashing and USA bashing. It's plain to see.
Any enemy of trump and republicans are my friends,,,,,we have a mental idiot in our WH
You have one in your mirror and virtually every leftard has made crystal clear that y'all would much prefer the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as our prez.

Haters gotta hate even if it means cutting off their noses to spite their faces. Traitors ... every single one of you.

The United States isn’t prospering under Trump. Quite the contrary.

now that is just stupid.
Aren't feds thinking of a rate cut or 2 ? Does that mean we're doing well with no bad signs up ahead
No, Canada isn't actually concerned about migrants from the Americas. It's concerned with Trump bashing and USA bashing. It's plain to see.
Any enemy of trump and republicans are my friends,,,,,we have a mental idiot in our WH
You have one in your mirror and virtually every leftard has made crystal clear that y'all would much prefer the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as our prez.

Haters gotta hate even if it means cutting off their noses to spite their faces. Traitors ... every single one of you.

The United States isn’t prospering under Trump. Quite the contrary.

now that is just stupid.
  • The surprisingly weak jobs report for May, with just 75,000 jobs created, shows that the resilient job market is now being hit by the same weakness cropping up in other parts of the economy.
  • Economists say it’s now likely the Fed will move to cut rates this year, possibly as early as July.
  • Treasury yields, which move opposite price, continued to fall sharply, and the futures market moved to price in an almost three-quarter point rate cuts by December.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?

A lot of lost jobs and suffering. I really hated hearing how bad everybody had it from 2007-10. Lost jobs of 15 years, 401K go poof, losing house because county doubled taxes, etc..I talk to a lot of people, and it really sucked during those years.

Thank you.

It is telling that so many of the "Free Traders" refuse to discuss both the positives and negatives of the policy they support, which makes it impossible to do a real cost benefit analysis.
Agreed, that was certainly part of it. Having our much of our stuff manufactured by cheap Third World labor certainly helped raise the material standard of living over the last 50 years.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

what makes a manufacturing job "good", or any better than any other job?

Generally better paid, and a better chance of upward mobility.

My question stands.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

Adapt or get left behind...

Once the majority of employees were in the Ag sector, and as they got more efficient and more automated those jobs went away. Those people either adapted or they were left behind.

We used to have a lot of blacksmiths and buggy makers...now not so much.

In the late 1940s there was more than a half a million telephone operators...not many of those around today.

Time waits for no man

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That is not an answer as to "what about" the negative impact of the policy. That is just a dismissal of them.

You can't make an accurate judgement of whether a policy is good or bad, if you just dismiss the negative impact of it.

Are you purposefully TRYING to avoid a seriously consideration of the cost AND benefits of "Free Trade"?

Because that implies that you don't support the policy because you think it is good for America, and Americans, but regardless of whether is it or not.
Over time leveling the trade imbalance will result in more jobs for Americans, more US production, greater prosperity, and more tax revenue. It's a win-win-win-win. No wonder our lefties oppose it.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation
What Mexican tariffs?
What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?
Angry, bitter, leftarded fools never consider the big picture and even less often understand it. Anything that does not provide them with an opportunity to whine about the US, our prez, or the unfairness of life they ignore at all costs.

HIs refusal to discuss the downside, demonstrates your point on that.
Agreed, that was certainly part of it. Having our much of our stuff manufactured by cheap Third World labor certainly helped raise the material standard of living over the last 50 years.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

what makes a manufacturing job "good", or any better than any other job?

Generally better paid, and a better chance of upward mobility.

My question stands.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

Adapt or get left behind...

Once the majority of employees were in the Ag sector, and as they got more efficient and more automated those jobs went away. Those people either adapted or they were left behind.

We used to have a lot of blacksmiths and buggy makers...now not so much.

In the late 1940s there was more than a half a million telephone operators...not many of those around today.

Time waits for no man

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That is not an answer as to "what about" the negative impact of the policy. That is just a dismissal of them.

You can't make an accurate judgement of whether a policy is good or bad, if you just dismiss the negative impact of it.

Are you purposefully TRYING to avoid a seriously consideration of the cost AND benefits of "Free Trade"?

Because that implies that you don't support the policy because you think it is good for America, and Americans, but regardless of whether is it or not.

Our current economic success shows it has been good for America. There are always those that get left behind no matter what. Never does “everyone” win.

I have little sympathy for those that cannot adapt.

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Over time leveling the trade imbalance will result in more jobs for Americans, more US production, greater prosperity, and more tax revenue. It's a win-win-win-win. No wonder our lefties oppose it.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation
What Mexican tariffs?
What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?
Angry, bitter, leftarded fools never consider the big picture and even less often understand it. Anything that does not provide them with an opportunity to whine about the US, our prez, or the unfairness of life they ignore at all costs.

HIs refusal to discuss the downside, demonstrates your point on that.

I have discussed it, not sure what more you want. I do not think we should sacrifice the prosperity of the country as a whole to help people that refuse to change with the times.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Agreed, that was certainly part of it. Having our much of our stuff manufactured by cheap Third World labor certainly helped raise the material standard of living over the last 50 years.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

what makes a manufacturing job "good", or any better than any other job?

Generally better paid, and a better chance of upward mobility.

My question stands.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

Adapt or get left behind...

Once the majority of employees were in the Ag sector, and as they got more efficient and more automated those jobs went away. Those people either adapted or they were left behind.

We used to have a lot of blacksmiths and buggy makers...now not so much.

In the late 1940s there was more than a half a million telephone operators...not many of those around today.

Time waits for no man

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That is not an answer as to "what about" the negative impact of the policy. That is just a dismissal of them.

You can't make an accurate judgement of whether a policy is good or bad, if you just dismiss the negative impact of it.

Are you purposefully TRYING to avoid a seriously consideration of the cost AND benefits of "Free Trade"?

Because that implies that you don't support the policy because you think it is good for America, and Americans, but regardless of whether is it or not.

Our current economic success shows it has been good for America. There are always those that get left behind no matter what. Never does “everyone” win.

I have little sympathy for those that cannot adapt.

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Yes, I already agreed with you on the benefit from the policy. We covered that. Now we do the other part, ie consider the downsides.

Your refusal to do that, indicates that you are not motivated by what is the best policy for America and Americans.

Lack of sympathy is an explanation for your position on the issue, but not a supporting argument FOR the issue.
Over time leveling the trade imbalance will result in more jobs for Americans, more US production, greater prosperity, and more tax revenue. It's a win-win-win-win. No wonder our lefties oppose it.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation
What Mexican tariffs?
What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?
Angry, bitter, leftarded fools never consider the big picture and even less often understand it. Anything that does not provide them with an opportunity to whine about the US, our prez, or the unfairness of life they ignore at all costs.

HIs refusal to discuss the downside, demonstrates your point on that.

I have discussed it, not sure what more you want. I do not think we should sacrifice the prosperity of the country as a whole to help people that refuse to change with the times.

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You did not discuss it, you dismissed it.

Saying you don't care about certain people is not the same as explaining why the cost to them, is out weighted by something else.
Over time leveling the trade imbalance will result in more jobs for Americans, more US production, greater prosperity, and more tax revenue. It's a win-win-win-win. No wonder our lefties oppose it.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation
What Mexican tariffs?
What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?
Angry, bitter, leftarded fools never consider the big picture and even less often understand it. Anything that does not provide them with an opportunity to whine about the US, our prez, or the unfairness of life they ignore at all costs.

HIs refusal to discuss the downside, demonstrates your point on that.

I have discussed it, not sure what more you want. I do not think we should sacrifice the prosperity of the country as a whole to help people that refuse to change with the times.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You did not discuss it, you dismissed it.

Saying you don't care about certain people is not the same as explaining why the cost to them, is out weighted by something else.

The cost is out weighed because they are a tiny segment of society that is losing what it lost as much due to technology and a changing world than anything else.

Suck it up and move on!

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Horse crap. I have a job now and no amount of tariffs will wipe that out, bubba.
Over time leveling the trade imbalance will result in more jobs for Americans, more US production, greater prosperity, and more tax revenue. It's a win-win-win-win. No wonder our lefties oppose it.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation
What Mexican tariffs?
What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?
Angry, bitter, leftarded fools never consider the big picture and even less often understand it. Anything that does not provide them with an opportunity to whine about the US, our prez, or the unfairness of life they ignore at all costs.

HIs refusal to discuss the downside, demonstrates your point on that.

I have discussed it, not sure what more you want. I do not think we should sacrifice the prosperity of the country as a whole to help people that refuse to change with the times.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You did not discuss it, you dismissed it.

Saying you don't care about certain people is not the same as explaining why the cost to them, is out weighted by something else.

The cost is out weighed because they are a tiny segment of society that is losing what it lost as much due to technology and a changing world than anything else.

Suck it up and move on!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I live in the Rust Belt. It is not a tiny segment of society. And the impact looms very large here, is not limited to here. It might be less obvious in your community, but there are Americans everywhere who have been negatively impacted by the wage stagnation of the last 50 years (on the lower end).
Over time leveling the trade imbalance will result in more jobs for Americans, more US production, greater prosperity, and more tax revenue. It's a win-win-win-win. No wonder our lefties oppose it. What Mexican tariffs? Angry, bitter, leftarded fools never consider the big picture and even less often understand it. Anything that does not provide them with an opportunity to whine about the US, our prez, or the unfairness of life they ignore at all costs.

HIs refusal to discuss the downside, demonstrates your point on that.

I have discussed it, not sure what more you want. I do not think we should sacrifice the prosperity of the country as a whole to help people that refuse to change with the times.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You did not discuss it, you dismissed it.

Saying you don't care about certain people is not the same as explaining why the cost to them, is out weighted by something else.

The cost is out weighed because they are a tiny segment of society that is losing what it lost as much due to technology and a changing world than anything else.

Suck it up and move on!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I live in the Rust Belt. It is not a tiny segment of society. And the impact looms very large here, is not limited to here. It might be less obvious in your community, but there are Americans everywhere who have been negatively impacted by the wage stagnation of the last 50 years (on the lower end).

Good news for you..the Govt is using our tax dollars to help out you poor rural community folks...

USDA Announces 47 Rural Communities and Regions that will Receive Technical Assistance to Help Build Long-Term Economic Growth

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I live in the Rust Belt. It is not a tiny segment of society. And the impact looms very large here, is not limited to here. It might be less obvious in your community, but there are Americans everywhere who have been negatively impacted by the wage stagnation of the last 50 years (on the lower end).
Good news for you..the Govt is using our tax dollars to help out you poor rural community folks...

USDA Announces 47 Rural Communities and Regions that will Receive Technical Assistance to Help Build Long-Term Economic Growth
$1.2 million gets your thong is twisted?

The gov't is also using our tax dollars to help out poor city folks.


That is $100,000 spent from the treasury/job and not tax breaks such as those which would have netted 25,000 Amazon jobs.
I live in the Rust Belt. It is not a tiny segment of society. And the impact looms very large here, is not limited to here. It might be less obvious in your community, but there are Americans everywhere who have been negatively impacted by the wage stagnation of the last 50 years (on the lower end).
Good news for you..the Govt is using our tax dollars to help out you poor rural community folks...

USDA Announces 47 Rural Communities and Regions that will Receive Technical Assistance to Help Build Long-Term Economic Growth
$1.2 million gets your thong is twisted?

The gov't is also using our tax dollars to help out poor city folks.


That is $100,000 spent from the treasury/job and not tax breaks such as those which would have netted 25,000 Amazon jobs.

I was just pointing out how the Feds are helping those communities he is whining about.

I do not care how states I do not live in spend their money.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I live in the Rust Belt. It is not a tiny segment of society. And the impact looms very large here, is not limited to here. It might be less obvious in your community, but there are Americans everywhere who have been negatively impacted by the wage stagnation of the last 50 years (on the lower end).
Good news for you..the Govt is using our tax dollars to help out you poor rural community folks...

USDA Announces 47 Rural Communities and Regions that will Receive Technical Assistance to Help Build Long-Term Economic Growth
$1.2 million gets your thong is twisted?

The gov't is also using our tax dollars to help out poor city folks.


That is $100,000 spent from the treasury/job and not tax breaks such as those which would have netted 25,000 Amazon jobs.

I was just pointing out how the Feds are helping those communities he is whining about.

I do not care how states I do not live in spend their money.

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Ah … so you just want to whine about $1.2 million in tech support for the rust belt. Got it.

If $1.2 MILLION disturbs you, how do you feel about $178 BILLION?

Federal Education Programs Are Bloated and Failing. Now, Congress Wants to Give Them More Money.

Here we go again. Congress plans to ignore the glaring education policy errors of the past five decades—and, worse, spend even more money on them.

As policymakers place the finishing touches on the Labor-Health-Education bill—a spending measure that funds education programs at the departments of Education and Health and Human Services—Americans stand to have more of their hard-earned dollars spent on policies that don’t work.

In fact, the entire spending package encompasses $178 billion in expenditures, $11 billion more than the Trump administration’s proposed budget.
I live in the Rust Belt. It is not a tiny segment of society. And the impact looms very large here, is not limited to here. It might be less obvious in your community, but there are Americans everywhere who have been negatively impacted by the wage stagnation of the last 50 years (on the lower end).
Good news for you..the Govt is using our tax dollars to help out you poor rural community folks...

USDA Announces 47 Rural Communities and Regions that will Receive Technical Assistance to Help Build Long-Term Economic Growth
$1.2 million gets your thong is twisted?

The gov't is also using our tax dollars to help out poor city folks.


That is $100,000 spent from the treasury/job and not tax breaks such as those which would have netted 25,000 Amazon jobs.

I was just pointing out how the Feds are helping those communities he is whining about.

I do not care how states I do not live in spend their money.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Ah … so you just want to whine about $1.2 million in tech support for the rust belt. Got it.

If $1.2 MILLION disturbs you, how do you feel about $178 BILLION?

Federal Education Programs Are Bloated and Failing. Now, Congress Wants to Give Them More Money.

Here we go again. Congress plans to ignore the glaring education policy errors of the past five decades—and, worse, spend even more money on them.

As policymakers place the finishing touches on the Labor-Health-Education bill—a spending measure that funds education programs at the departments of Education and Health and Human Services—Americans stand to have more of their hard-earned dollars spent on policies that don’t work.

In fact, the entire spending package encompasses $178 billion in expenditures, $11 billion more than the Trump administration’s proposed budget.

Once again, I have not whined about it, just presented the information.

There should be no Fed Education spending, no Dept of the Ed and no involvement in education at all on the federal level.

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And here I thought dimocrap scum have been telling us for over a year that there WEREN'T any gains from the Tax Cut??

Dogs bark, Pigs oink, Babies cry, Cows moo and dimocrap scum lie.
I live in the Rust Belt. It is not a tiny segment of society. And the impact looms very large here, is not limited to here. It might be less obvious in your community, but there are Americans everywhere who have been negatively impacted by the wage stagnation of the last 50 years (on the lower end).
Good news for you..the Govt is using our tax dollars to help out you poor rural community folks...

USDA Announces 47 Rural Communities and Regions that will Receive Technical Assistance to Help Build Long-Term Economic Growth
$1.2 million gets your thong is twisted?

The gov't is also using our tax dollars to help out poor city folks.


That is $100,000 spent from the treasury/job and not tax breaks such as those which would have netted 25,000 Amazon jobs.

I was just pointing out how the Feds are helping those communities he is whining about.

I do not care how states I do not live in spend their money.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Ah … so you just want to whine about $1.2 million in tech support for the rust belt. Got it.

If $1.2 MILLION disturbs you, how do you feel about $178 BILLION?

Federal Education Programs Are Bloated and Failing. Now, Congress Wants to Give Them More Money.

Here we go again. Congress plans to ignore the glaring education policy errors of the past five decades—and, worse, spend even more money on them.

As policymakers place the finishing touches on the Labor-Health-Education bill—a spending measure that funds education programs at the departments of Education and Health and Human Services—Americans stand to have more of their hard-earned dollars spent on policies that don’t work.

In fact, the entire spending package encompasses $178 billion in expenditures, $11 billion more than the Trump administration’s proposed budget.

Once again, I have not whined about it, just presented the information.

There should be no Fed Education spending, no Dept of the Ed and no involvement in education at all on the federal level.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Agree. Get the Federal government out of education.
Good news for you..the Govt is using our tax dollars to help out you poor rural community folks...

USDA Announces 47 Rural Communities and Regions that will Receive Technical Assistance to Help Build Long-Term Economic Growth
$1.2 million gets your thong is twisted?

The gov't is also using our tax dollars to help out poor city folks.


That is $100,000 spent from the treasury/job and not tax breaks such as those which would have netted 25,000 Amazon jobs.

I was just pointing out how the Feds are helping those communities he is whining about.

I do not care how states I do not live in spend their money.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Ah … so you just want to whine about $1.2 million in tech support for the rust belt. Got it.

If $1.2 MILLION disturbs you, how do you feel about $178 BILLION?

Federal Education Programs Are Bloated and Failing. Now, Congress Wants to Give Them More Money.

Here we go again. Congress plans to ignore the glaring education policy errors of the past five decades—and, worse, spend even more money on them.

As policymakers place the finishing touches on the Labor-Health-Education bill—a spending measure that funds education programs at the departments of Education and Health and Human Services—Americans stand to have more of their hard-earned dollars spent on policies that don’t work.

In fact, the entire spending package encompasses $178 billion in expenditures, $11 billion more than the Trump administration’s proposed budget.

Once again, I have not whined about it, just presented the information.

There should be no Fed Education spending, no Dept of the Ed and no involvement in education at all on the federal level.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Agree. Get the Federal government out of education.
Agree. WashDC has slowly but inexorably usurped the lion's share of tax revenue and individual state's authority over domestic issues that are far better addressed at the state, local, and even community level.

What works best for NY may not for Mississippi and the bigger we allow the Feds to get, the more corrupt and less effective it is.

"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton.

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