tariffs will wipe out any gains from tax cuts for average american

The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans
Horse crap.

I have a job now and no amount of tariffs will wipe that out, bubba.

If you did not have a job before, it was your own damn fault.
What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?

They saved a shit ton of money as things were less expensive.

The little known fact about trade deficits...the stronger the economy the larger the trade deficit.

Agreed, that was certainly part of it. Having our much of our stuff manufactured by cheap Third World labor certainly helped raise the material standard of living over the last 50 years.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?
Agreed, that was certainly part of it. Having our much of our stuff manufactured by cheap Third World labor certainly helped raise the material standard of living over the last 50 years.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

what makes a manufacturing job "good", or any better than any other job?
It’s funny to watch Republicans whore themselves to support the biggest tax increase since 1993.


For whom? It's funny how the left cry's their cheap products from slave labor cost more now.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?

A lot of lost jobs and suffering. I really hated hearing how bad everybody had it from 2007-10. Lost jobs of 15 years, 401K go poof, losing house because county doubled taxes, etc..I talk to a lot of people, and it really sucked during those years.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?

A lot of lost jobs and suffering. I really hated hearing how bad everybody had it from 2007-10. Lost jobs of 15 years, 401K go poof, losing house because county doubled taxes, etc..I talk to a lot of people, and it really sucked during those years.

They did not lose their jobs and 401ks because of the trade deficit, but because of the recession which had zero to do with trade.
The full force of the Chinese and Mexican tariffs and subsequent retaliation would mean that consumers are facing an additional $3,994 in costs because of tariffs, more than four times the $930 tax cut for middle earners that the Republican Party touts as its signature legislative achievement under Trump.

These comparisons attempt to measure the direct benefit to households of the tax cuts -- including larger paychecks -- with the direct and indirect effects of tariffs, including lost jobs, higher prices, and retaliatory tariffs from trading partners.

The tariffs are “clearly demolishing” the benefits of the tax cuts for both businesses and consumers, said Daniel Ikenson, who directs trade policy at the libertarian Cato Institute. “Many households and consumers have been spared so far, but the next round of tariffs will be more problematic.”

Trump’s Tariffs Have Already Wiped Out Tax Bill Savings for Average Americans

What has been the impact for the average American of generations of ever growing new record trade deficits?

A lot of lost jobs and suffering. I really hated hearing how bad everybody had it from 2007-10. Lost jobs of 15 years, 401K go poof, losing house because county doubled taxes, etc..I talk to a lot of people, and it really sucked during those years.

They did not lose their jobs and 401ks because of the trade deficit, but because of the recession which had zero to do with trade.

Oh, but it did. STFU bitch, there was a steady going-on of offshoring of jobs for 3 decades since Billy boy signed NAFTA into effect on his way out. That's some shit the treasonous Bush I schemed up to weaken America.
There were no gains to knock out. Any gains were illusionary gains in income as a consequence of inflation.
The OP's article states that middle earners enjoy a $930 tax cut and despite our raging economy inflation is still below 3%. None of your "hate Trump" arguments hold water. Ever wonder why that is? :lol:
It's a yahoo finance article thought out and spread around by people who do not understand the consequences of our socialist monetary policy...
Yahoo News is decidedly left leaning according to Media Bias/Fact Check and has a consistently anti-Trump bias. If anything they would be inclined to minimize any good that comes from this prez. We are enjoying both higher wages and the tax cuts.
That said, I'll let the WashPo - another left leaning, anti-Trump source - try to clear your mistaken belief that income gains and tax relief "were illusionary."

2. Promise: The middle class will benefit.
Yes, the vast majority of Americans — 65 percent — did get a tax cut. Looking specifically at the middle class, the Tax Policy Center predicted that 82 percent of middle-class earners (households who make $49,000 to $86,000 a year) would receive a tax cut averaging about $1,050.

The data out so far backs up the estimates. H&R Block said that among the millions of tax returns it processed by the end of March, the average tax cut was $1,200. (It’s also true not everyone is celebrating. About 9 percent of middle-income families had to pay more, and the rest paid about the same in taxes, according to the Tax Policy Center.)
Agreed, that was certainly part of it. Having our much of our stuff manufactured by cheap Third World labor certainly helped raise the material standard of living over the last 50 years.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

what makes a manufacturing job "good", or any better than any other job?

Generally better paid, and a better chance of upward mobility.

My question stands.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?
If I was remotely interested in Brexit I would, the people of Britain can take care of themselves, I don’t care what they do. If you care so much, you might want to jump in.

Dragon lady can post her opinions all she wants and I can comment on her opinions all I want.

Nice that you come running to her rescue.

Good to know since you were implying that her opinion doesn’t matter since she’s not American.

I discount her opinion because she has no stake, she isn’t an American. Just like I don’t concern myself what their policies are.

She and her mates were boycotting US goods, and our exports to Canada went up, apparently her opinion isn’t important in Canada either.

Actually American imports were $52 billion in April of 2018. The tariff's went on in April, and immediately American imports started dropping. By November, when NAFTA 2.0 was signed, American exports to Canada had dropped by $2 billion. Given that most exports are done on contractual basis, long in advance, a 2% drop in American exports from an economy as small as ours shows our people stand behind their fellow Canadians and their jobs.

Americans couldn't give a rat's ass about their neighbours' or well being. It's what differeniates our cultures. The "rugged individualist" is considered a selfish asshole in this country. Our Constitution says we must help others.

In the moral world, your attitude is the outlier. The richest nation in the world. A nation which claims to be Christian, treats REFUGEE CHILDREN LIKE ANIMALS. What is WRONG with you that you think this is somehow the right way to act?

Your country slammed the doors on those refugee children pretty quick when they started swarming in after Trudeau's little jab at Trump, though. All talk but not much in practice, eh?

Canada isn't called the Great White North because of the snow. their Hispanic population is nearly nil; more than a little odd for a country in the western hemisphere.

I wonder if we started a pipeline of refugees from our southern border to our northern border (just like Mexico does) if we would be considered the bad guys. Canada has zero problem deporting parents of their citizen children, busting up families. Canada's position is that you're welcome to take your child with you or leave him behind, but you've got to go because you don't hold a degree in a field we need.

Canada is very fussy about who they let in, but the US is cruel and "unchristian" if we object to bleeding borders. F'ing doublespeak straight out of an Orwell novel!
Agreed, that was certainly part of it. Having our much of our stuff manufactured by cheap Third World labor certainly helped raise the material standard of living over the last 50 years.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

what makes a manufacturing job "good", or any better than any other job?

Generally better paid, and a better chance of upward mobility.

My question stands.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

Adapt or get left behind...

Once the majority of employees were in the Ag sector, and as they got more efficient and more automated those jobs went away. Those people either adapted or they were left behind.

We used to have a lot of blacksmiths and buggy makers...now not so much.

In the late 1940s there was more than a half a million telephone operators...not many of those around today.

Time waits for no man

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Agreed, that was certainly part of it. Having our much of our stuff manufactured by cheap Third World labor certainly helped raise the material standard of living over the last 50 years.

But what about the loss of millions of good manufacturing jobs to individuals and communities?

what makes a manufacturing job "good", or any better than any other job?

A manufacturing job that exists?
Good to know since you were implying that her opinion doesn’t matter since she’s not American.

I discount her opinion because she has no stake, she isn’t an American. Just like I don’t concern myself what their policies are.

She and her mates were boycotting US goods, and our exports to Canada went up, apparently her opinion isn’t important in Canada either.

Actually American imports were $52 billion in April of 2018. The tariff's went on in April, and immediately American imports started dropping. By November, when NAFTA 2.0 was signed, American exports to Canada had dropped by $2 billion. Given that most exports are done on contractual basis, long in advance, a 2% drop in American exports from an economy as small as ours shows our people stand behind their fellow Canadians and their jobs.

Americans couldn't give a rat's ass about their neighbours' or well being. It's what differeniates our cultures. The "rugged individualist" is considered a selfish asshole in this country. Our Constitution says we must help others.

In the moral world, your attitude is the outlier. The richest nation in the world. A nation which claims to be Christian, treats REFUGEE CHILDREN LIKE ANIMALS. What is WRONG with you that you think this is somehow the right way to act?

Your country slammed the doors on those refugee children pretty quick when they started swarming in after Trudeau's little jab at Trump, though. All talk but not much in practice, eh?

Canada isn't called the Great White North because of the snow. their Hispanic population is nearly nil; more than a little odd for a country in the western hemisphere.

I wonder if we started a pipeline of refugees from our southern border to our northern border (just like Mexico does) if we would be considered the bad guys. Canada has zero problem deporting parents of their citizen children, busting up families. Canada's position is that you're welcome to take your child with you or leave him behind, but you've got to go because you don't hold a degree in a field we need.

Canada is very fussy about who they let in, but the US is cruel and "unchristian" if we object to bleeding borders. F'ing doublespeak straight out of an Orwell novel!

Don’t malign Canada, Canada is the greatest place on earth, if you ask Dragonlady. I’d never want to live there but according to Dragonlady, the most compassionate, most open, most tolerant country in the world wouldn’t let me in.

She doesn’t know I travel up there when I want to.
so to the trumpers now...4 k is just chump change....or the difference in making rent

Trumpster is a disparaging word. If you did not plan for your future then you suck hind teat which makes you a runt.

Seem to me that the culture has changed and the use of "disparaging" words is common, what's good for the President ought to be good for the rest of us.
I discount her opinion because she has no stake, she isn’t an American. Just like I don’t concern myself what their policies are.

She and her mates were boycotting US goods, and our exports to Canada went up, apparently her opinion isn’t important in Canada either.

Actually American imports were $52 billion in April of 2018. The tariff's went on in April, and immediately American imports started dropping. By November, when NAFTA 2.0 was signed, American exports to Canada had dropped by $2 billion. Given that most exports are done on contractual basis, long in advance, a 2% drop in American exports from an economy as small as ours shows our people stand behind their fellow Canadians and their jobs.

Americans couldn't give a rat's ass about their neighbours' or well being. It's what differeniates our cultures. The "rugged individualist" is considered a selfish asshole in this country. Our Constitution says we must help others.

In the moral world, your attitude is the outlier. The richest nation in the world. A nation which claims to be Christian, treats REFUGEE CHILDREN LIKE ANIMALS. What is WRONG with you that you think this is somehow the right way to act?

A mass generalization of the followers of the world's largest religion. The most immoral among us often lead the charge to accuse the religious of leading imperfect lives and pointing out their sins as if such petty "got-cha!" moments will shake our beliefs in Christ and cause us to see some error in our ways for believing in him at all. I know no fellow Christian who believes he or she leads or can ever lead a flawless, sin-free life. Rather, it is only ever the non-believer who would foist such a burden onto the shoulders of a fellow human being. Do you think that to be imperfect in one's mortal life is to be disqualified from being Christian? Who entitled you to hold Christians, individual or collectively to some flawless standard beyond which you yourself are capable of attaining?

Moral Relativists such as yourself seem absolutely enraged by the thought of a Christian whose life history does not embody sin-free perfection. The difference between us, between most Christians and most Moral Relativists is Christians understand they are inherently flawed, will make mistakes and commit sin, and shall be forgiven for those sins, so long as they seek forgiveness in Christ's name. The Moral Relativist on the other hand, even in a state of constant justification for his or her imperfections and sin, is consumed by guilt for their wrongdoing and lacks the higher power from which to ask for forgiveness.

A prime example of your moral relativism is the moral panic and outrage you join in over the illegal immigrant minors housed at our southern borders and elsewhere, while in other recent posts wail and moan for a woman's right to murder her developing unborn child, who is a unique human being unto itself. Further, you would condemn unborn children to never exist at all, rather than face the same uncertainty of life we all faced after birth. In effect, you would play God over the life developing within you, murder it, yet cry to the heavens over the so-called injustice of our government housing feeding and providing free medical care to undocumented children, all while thousands of our own children go to sleep on the street homeless each night.

You moral relativists are the worst of the worse hypocrites, and the most dangerous. You seek perfection in the adherence to beliefs of Christians, expect Christians to lead flawless, sinless lives . . . all while justifying away your own sins and atrocities as lesser evils in defiance of personal responsibility, of which your ideology has none, expects none from its followers.

Jesus warned of false prophets and said by their fruits you will know them.

What did Jesus mean by "you will know them by their fruit?" | CARM.org

Six children have died in the custody of the Trump Administration and their odious policies. We have even started on their child separation policies. Dead children, tortured families.

By their fruits you will know them.

Dragonloser of course knows full well many of those kids' parents refused to take them back and essentially abandoned them, assuming they were even their kids to begin with, and anyway, we know Trump and his followers are actually beating them to death like baby seals with bats, don't you know, and of those left wing vermin who keep encouraging them to swarm in illegally, like herself and her fellow traitors, are completely blameless in all this.

Lies, distortions, and rationalizations of the mistreatment of refuguees just doesn’t cut it.

Many of those people were made to sign papers which they did not understand and which had not have been read to them in their native language. They had no idea what they were signing. US border personnel told them they were taking children for showers and just didn’t bother to return them.

That which have done to the least among you, you have also done to Me.

How many has Canada taken in? The entire Hispanic population in Canada is about 500,000 (1-1.5%). Perhaps you should direct your ire to your own country instead of criticizing another's methods of handling a crisis.

According to you, the humanitarian thing to do is feed, clothe, treat, educate & house hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants. What's stopping Canada?

All talk, but not much in practice, eh? You have the nerve to call us selfish from your high horse while your own country does nothing except stir crap and look down its nose at the greedy, selfish Americans. When it suits you, go on about how you're our ally and how badly we treat you, all the while snickering at how you take advantage of stupid Americans in trade and other areas.

If Canadians were actually concerned about refugee children, they would step up and feed them, clothe them, house them, educate them & treat them. Trudeau claimed they were welcome in Canada. Once he was done with his virtue signalling and Trump bashing, he slammed the door on his invited guests, strengthened security on the border and went on about the legal process to enter Canada...the thing he just trashed the US for doing.

No, Canada isn't actually concerned about migrants from the Americas. It's concerned with Trump bashing and USA bashing. It's plain to see.
I discount her opinion because she has no stake, she isn’t an American. Just like I don’t concern myself what their policies are.

She and her mates were boycotting US goods, and our exports to Canada went up, apparently her opinion isn’t important in Canada either.

Actually American imports were $52 billion in April of 2018. The tariff's went on in April, and immediately American imports started dropping. By November, when NAFTA 2.0 was signed, American exports to Canada had dropped by $2 billion. Given that most exports are done on contractual basis, long in advance, a 2% drop in American exports from an economy as small as ours shows our people stand behind their fellow Canadians and their jobs.

Americans couldn't give a rat's ass about their neighbours' or well being. It's what differeniates our cultures. The "rugged individualist" is considered a selfish asshole in this country. Our Constitution says we must help others.

In the moral world, your attitude is the outlier. The richest nation in the world. A nation which claims to be Christian, treats REFUGEE CHILDREN LIKE ANIMALS. What is WRONG with you that you think this is somehow the right way to act?

Your country slammed the doors on those refugee children pretty quick when they started swarming in after Trudeau's little jab at Trump, though. All talk but not much in practice, eh?

Canada isn't called the Great White North because of the snow. their Hispanic population is nearly nil; more than a little odd for a country in the western hemisphere.

I wonder if we started a pipeline of refugees from our southern border to our northern border (just like Mexico does) if we would be considered the bad guys. Canada has zero problem deporting parents of their citizen children, busting up families. Canada's position is that you're welcome to take your child with you or leave him behind, but you've got to go because you don't hold a degree in a field we need.

Canada is very fussy about who they let in, but the US is cruel and "unchristian" if we object to bleeding borders. F'ing doublespeak straight out of an Orwell novel!

Don’t malign Canada, Canada is the greatest place on earth, if you ask Dragonlady. I’d never want to live there but according to Dragonlady, the most compassionate, most open, most tolerant country in the world wouldn’t let me in.

She doesn’t know I travel up there when I want to.

Pfft, it's cold up there. TBH, I think why most of the people settled in those cold areas is because they could keep their meat during the winter.
Actually American imports were $52 billion in April of 2018. The tariff's went on in April, and immediately American imports started dropping. By November, when NAFTA 2.0 was signed, American exports to Canada had dropped by $2 billion. Given that most exports are done on contractual basis, long in advance, a 2% drop in American exports from an economy as small as ours shows our people stand behind their fellow Canadians and their jobs.

Americans couldn't give a rat's ass about their neighbours' or well being. It's what differeniates our cultures. The "rugged individualist" is considered a selfish asshole in this country. Our Constitution says we must help others.

In the moral world, your attitude is the outlier. The richest nation in the world. A nation which claims to be Christian, treats REFUGEE CHILDREN LIKE ANIMALS. What is WRONG with you that you think this is somehow the right way to act?

A mass generalization of the followers of the world's largest religion. The most immoral among us often lead the charge to accuse the religious of leading imperfect lives and pointing out their sins as if such petty "got-cha!" moments will shake our beliefs in Christ and cause us to see some error in our ways for believing in him at all. I know no fellow Christian who believes he or she leads or can ever lead a flawless, sin-free life. Rather, it is only ever the non-believer who would foist such a burden onto the shoulders of a fellow human being. Do you think that to be imperfect in one's mortal life is to be disqualified from being Christian? Who entitled you to hold Christians, individual or collectively to some flawless standard beyond which you yourself are capable of attaining?

Moral Relativists such as yourself seem absolutely enraged by the thought of a Christian whose life history does not embody sin-free perfection. The difference between us, between most Christians and most Moral Relativists is Christians understand they are inherently flawed, will make mistakes and commit sin, and shall be forgiven for those sins, so long as they seek forgiveness in Christ's name. The Moral Relativist on the other hand, even in a state of constant justification for his or her imperfections and sin, is consumed by guilt for their wrongdoing and lacks the higher power from which to ask for forgiveness.

A prime example of your moral relativism is the moral panic and outrage you join in over the illegal immigrant minors housed at our southern borders and elsewhere, while in other recent posts wail and moan for a woman's right to murder her developing unborn child, who is a unique human being unto itself. Further, you would condemn unborn children to never exist at all, rather than face the same uncertainty of life we all faced after birth. In effect, you would play God over the life developing within you, murder it, yet cry to the heavens over the so-called injustice of our government housing feeding and providing free medical care to undocumented children, all while thousands of our own children go to sleep on the street homeless each night.

You moral relativists are the worst of the worse hypocrites, and the most dangerous. You seek perfection in the adherence to beliefs of Christians, expect Christians to lead flawless, sinless lives . . . all while justifying away your own sins and atrocities as lesser evils in defiance of personal responsibility, of which your ideology has none, expects none from its followers.

Jesus warned of false prophets and said by their fruits you will know them.

What did Jesus mean by "you will know them by their fruit?" | CARM.org

Six children have died in the custody of the Trump Administration and their odious policies. We have even started on their child separation policies. Dead children, tortured families.

By their fruits you will know them.

Dragonloser of course knows full well many of those kids' parents refused to take them back and essentially abandoned them, assuming they were even their kids to begin with, and anyway, we know Trump and his followers are actually beating them to death like baby seals with bats, don't you know, and of those left wing vermin who keep encouraging them to swarm in illegally, like herself and her fellow traitors, are completely blameless in all this.

Lies, distortions, and rationalizations of the mistreatment of refuguees just doesn’t cut it.

Many of those people were made to sign papers which they did not understand and which had not have been read to them in their native language. They had no idea what they were signing. US border personnel told them they were taking children for showers and just didn’t bother to return them.

That which have done to the least among you, you have also done to Me.

How many has Canada taken in? The entire Hispanic population in Canada is about 500,000 (1-1.5%). Perhaps you should direct your ire to your own country instead of criticizing another's methods of handling a crisis.

According to you, the humanitarian thing to do is feed, clothe, treat, educate & house hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants. What's stopping Canada?

All talk, but not much in practice, eh? You have the nerve to call us selfish from your high horse while your own country does nothing except stir crap and look down its nose at the greedy, selfish Americans. When it suits you, go on about how you're our ally and how badly we treat you, all the while snickering at how you take advantage of stupid Americans in trade and other areas.

If Canadians were actually concerned about refugee children, they would step up and feed them, clothe them, house them, educate them & treat them. Trudeau claimed they were welcome in Canada. Once he was done with his virtue signalling and Trump bashing, he slammed the door on his invited guests, strengthened security on the border and went on about the legal process to enter Canada...the thing he just trashed the US for doing.

No, Canada isn't actually concerned about migrants from the Americas. It's concerned with Trump bashing and USA bashing. It's plain to see.

Excellent post. Is it just me or does Trudeau bear an uncanny resemblance to Fidel Castro . . . .
A mass generalization of the followers of the world's largest religion. The most immoral among us often lead the charge to accuse the religious of leading imperfect lives and pointing out their sins as if such petty "got-cha!" moments will shake our beliefs in Christ and cause us to see some error in our ways for believing in him at all. I know no fellow Christian who believes he or she leads or can ever lead a flawless, sin-free life. Rather, it is only ever the non-believer who would foist such a burden onto the shoulders of a fellow human being. Do you think that to be imperfect in one's mortal life is to be disqualified from being Christian? Who entitled you to hold Christians, individual or collectively to some flawless standard beyond which you yourself are capable of attaining?

Moral Relativists such as yourself seem absolutely enraged by the thought of a Christian whose life history does not embody sin-free perfection. The difference between us, between most Christians and most Moral Relativists is Christians understand they are inherently flawed, will make mistakes and commit sin, and shall be forgiven for those sins, so long as they seek forgiveness in Christ's name. The Moral Relativist on the other hand, even in a state of constant justification for his or her imperfections and sin, is consumed by guilt for their wrongdoing and lacks the higher power from which to ask for forgiveness.

A prime example of your moral relativism is the moral panic and outrage you join in over the illegal immigrant minors housed at our southern borders and elsewhere, while in other recent posts wail and moan for a woman's right to murder her developing unborn child, who is a unique human being unto itself. Further, you would condemn unborn children to never exist at all, rather than face the same uncertainty of life we all faced after birth. In effect, you would play God over the life developing within you, murder it, yet cry to the heavens over the so-called injustice of our government housing feeding and providing free medical care to undocumented children, all while thousands of our own children go to sleep on the street homeless each night.

You moral relativists are the worst of the worse hypocrites, and the most dangerous. You seek perfection in the adherence to beliefs of Christians, expect Christians to lead flawless, sinless lives . . . all while justifying away your own sins and atrocities as lesser evils in defiance of personal responsibility, of which your ideology has none, expects none from its followers.

Jesus warned of false prophets and said by their fruits you will know them.

What did Jesus mean by "you will know them by their fruit?" | CARM.org

Six children have died in the custody of the Trump Administration and their odious policies. We have even started on their child separation policies. Dead children, tortured families.

By their fruits you will know them.

Dragonloser of course knows full well many of those kids' parents refused to take them back and essentially abandoned them, assuming they were even their kids to begin with, and anyway, we know Trump and his followers are actually beating them to death like baby seals with bats, don't you know, and of those left wing vermin who keep encouraging them to swarm in illegally, like herself and her fellow traitors, are completely blameless in all this.

Lies, distortions, and rationalizations of the mistreatment of refuguees just doesn’t cut it.

Many of those people were made to sign papers which they did not understand and which had not have been read to them in their native language. They had no idea what they were signing. US border personnel told them they were taking children for showers and just didn’t bother to return them.

That which have done to the least among you, you have also done to Me.

How many has Canada taken in? The entire Hispanic population in Canada is about 500,000 (1-1.5%). Perhaps you should direct your ire to your own country instead of criticizing another's methods of handling a crisis.

According to you, the humanitarian thing to do is feed, clothe, treat, educate & house hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants. What's stopping Canada?

All talk, but not much in practice, eh? You have the nerve to call us selfish from your high horse while your own country does nothing except stir crap and look down its nose at the greedy, selfish Americans. When it suits you, go on about how you're our ally and how badly we treat you, all the while snickering at how you take advantage of stupid Americans in trade and other areas.

If Canadians were actually concerned about refugee children, they would step up and feed them, clothe them, house them, educate them & treat them. Trudeau claimed they were welcome in Canada. Once he was done with his virtue signalling and Trump bashing, he slammed the door on his invited guests, strengthened security on the border and went on about the legal process to enter Canada...the thing he just trashed the US for doing.

No, Canada isn't actually concerned about migrants from the Americas. It's concerned with Trump bashing and USA bashing. It's plain to see.

Excellent post. Is it just me or does Trudeau bear an uncanny resemblance to Fidel Castro . . . .

It's just you, Fidel might have been an asshole, but he didn't look like a Canadian faggot. Omg, I got to talking to this older Cuban woman the other day, she left Cuba in like '58, she was telling it like it was, boy! I loved it. :113:

Communism sucks, dumbasses. Don't ever think it's a good thing.
I discount her opinion because she has no stake, she isn’t an American. Just like I don’t concern myself what their policies are.

She and her mates were boycotting US goods, and our exports to Canada went up, apparently her opinion isn’t important in Canada either.

Actually American imports were $52 billion in April of 2018. The tariff's went on in April, and immediately American imports started dropping. By November, when NAFTA 2.0 was signed, American exports to Canada had dropped by $2 billion. Given that most exports are done on contractual basis, long in advance, a 2% drop in American exports from an economy as small as ours shows our people stand behind their fellow Canadians and their jobs.

Americans couldn't give a rat's ass about their neighbours' or well being. It's what differeniates our cultures. The "rugged individualist" is considered a selfish asshole in this country. Our Constitution says we must help others.

In the moral world, your attitude is the outlier. The richest nation in the world. A nation which claims to be Christian, treats REFUGEE CHILDREN LIKE ANIMALS. What is WRONG with you that you think this is somehow the right way to act?

Your country slammed the doors on those refugee children pretty quick when they started swarming in after Trudeau's little jab at Trump, though. All talk but not much in practice, eh?

Canada isn't called the Great White North because of the snow. their Hispanic population is nearly nil; more than a little odd for a country in the western hemisphere.

I wonder if we started a pipeline of refugees from our southern border to our northern border (just like Mexico does) if we would be considered the bad guys. Canada has zero problem deporting parents of their citizen children, busting up families. Canada's position is that you're welcome to take your child with you or leave him behind, but you've got to go because you don't hold a degree in a field we need.

Canada is very fussy about who they let in, but the US is cruel and "unchristian" if we object to bleeding borders. F'ing doublespeak straight out of an Orwell novel!

Don’t malign Canada, Canada is the greatest place on earth, if you ask Dragonlady. I’d never want to live there but according to Dragonlady, the most compassionate, most open, most tolerant country in the world wouldn’t let me in.

She doesn’t know I travel up there when I want to.

I lived in Canada and married a Canadian. It's a lovely country with lovely people for the most part. Hypocrites need to be called out on their hypocrisy, though.
Actually American imports were $52 billion in April of 2018. The tariff's went on in April, and immediately American imports started dropping. By November, when NAFTA 2.0 was signed, American exports to Canada had dropped by $2 billion. Given that most exports are done on contractual basis, long in advance, a 2% drop in American exports from an economy as small as ours shows our people stand behind their fellow Canadians and their jobs.

Americans couldn't give a rat's ass about their neighbours' or well being. It's what differeniates our cultures. The "rugged individualist" is considered a selfish asshole in this country. Our Constitution says we must help others.

In the moral world, your attitude is the outlier. The richest nation in the world. A nation which claims to be Christian, treats REFUGEE CHILDREN LIKE ANIMALS. What is WRONG with you that you think this is somehow the right way to act?

A mass generalization of the followers of the world's largest religion. The most immoral among us often lead the charge to accuse the religious of leading imperfect lives and pointing out their sins as if such petty "got-cha!" moments will shake our beliefs in Christ and cause us to see some error in our ways for believing in him at all. I know no fellow Christian who believes he or she leads or can ever lead a flawless, sin-free life. Rather, it is only ever the non-believer who would foist such a burden onto the shoulders of a fellow human being. Do you think that to be imperfect in one's mortal life is to be disqualified from being Christian? Who entitled you to hold Christians, individual or collectively to some flawless standard beyond which you yourself are capable of attaining?

Moral Relativists such as yourself seem absolutely enraged by the thought of a Christian whose life history does not embody sin-free perfection. The difference between us, between most Christians and most Moral Relativists is Christians understand they are inherently flawed, will make mistakes and commit sin, and shall be forgiven for those sins, so long as they seek forgiveness in Christ's name. The Moral Relativist on the other hand, even in a state of constant justification for his or her imperfections and sin, is consumed by guilt for their wrongdoing and lacks the higher power from which to ask for forgiveness.

A prime example of your moral relativism is the moral panic and outrage you join in over the illegal immigrant minors housed at our southern borders and elsewhere, while in other recent posts wail and moan for a woman's right to murder her developing unborn child, who is a unique human being unto itself. Further, you would condemn unborn children to never exist at all, rather than face the same uncertainty of life we all faced after birth. In effect, you would play God over the life developing within you, murder it, yet cry to the heavens over the so-called injustice of our government housing feeding and providing free medical care to undocumented children, all while thousands of our own children go to sleep on the street homeless each night.

You moral relativists are the worst of the worse hypocrites, and the most dangerous. You seek perfection in the adherence to beliefs of Christians, expect Christians to lead flawless, sinless lives . . . all while justifying away your own sins and atrocities as lesser evils in defiance of personal responsibility, of which your ideology has none, expects none from its followers.

Jesus warned of false prophets and said by their fruits you will know them.

What did Jesus mean by "you will know them by their fruit?" | CARM.org

Six children have died in the custody of the Trump Administration and their odious policies. We have even started on their child separation policies. Dead children, tortured families.

By their fruits you will know them.

Dragonloser of course knows full well many of those kids' parents refused to take them back and essentially abandoned them, assuming they were even their kids to begin with, and anyway, we know Trump and his followers are actually beating them to death like baby seals with bats, don't you know, and of those left wing vermin who keep encouraging them to swarm in illegally, like herself and her fellow traitors, are completely blameless in all this.

Lies, distortions, and rationalizations of the mistreatment of refuguees just doesn’t cut it.

Many of those people were made to sign papers which they did not understand and which had not have been read to them in their native language. They had no idea what they were signing. US border personnel told them they were taking children for showers and just didn’t bother to return them.

That which have done to the least among you, you have also done to Me.

How many has Canada taken in? The entire Hispanic population in Canada is about 500,000 (1-1.5%). Perhaps you should direct your ire to your own country instead of criticizing another's methods of handling a crisis.

According to you, the humanitarian thing to do is feed, clothe, treat, educate & house hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants. What's stopping Canada?

All talk, but not much in practice, eh? You have the nerve to call us selfish from your high horse while your own country does nothing except stir crap and look down its nose at the greedy, selfish Americans. When it suits you, go on about how you're our ally and how badly we treat you, all the while snickering at how you take advantage of stupid Americans in trade and other areas.

If Canadians were actually concerned about refugee children, they would step up and feed them, clothe them, house them, educate them & treat them. Trudeau claimed they were welcome in Canada. Once he was done with his virtue signalling and Trump bashing, he slammed the door on his invited guests, strengthened security on the border and went on about the legal process to enter Canada...the thing he just trashed the US for doing.

No, Canada isn't actually concerned about migrants from the Americas. It's concerned with Trump bashing and USA bashing. It's plain to see.
Any enemy of trump and republicans are my friends,,,,,we have a mental idiot in our WH

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