

Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Tattoos can be cool for the right people, and they are very in today, some public, some not, some covered at work because of prejudice in the workplace, etc. So this thread is about tattoos, you or your friends tattoos and what you all think about them in general.

I personally like the small ones on the hips, or the one at the waist in the center of the back.

And just a quick Tattoo joke. A women has a small tattoo below the waist line, and her date noticed it, and slowly lowered his head to read it. It said, "IF YOU CAN READ THIS, IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY!!":eusa_angel:

Oh, and one more question if you have tattoos, would you consider having them skinned off after you die, and mounted in a picture frame as long lasting memory of yourself for the family and friends?? I have had positive remarks to this from a tattoo forum.

Here are a few nice ones I would consider framing.



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I amazes me that not very well rendered images are so often thought artful if they are put on human skin.

Not that all tats aren't well drawn, but few of them really are.
Tattoos are trashy. Chicks with tats are as big a turn off to me personally as chicks with a cigarette in their mouth, but I'm old fashioned so don't go getting all offended people.
I amazes me that not very well rendered images are so often thought artful if they are put on human skin.

Not that all tats aren't well drawn, but few of them really are.

I like the art of tattoos to most art I see. I think the skin is a good medium to use, and why I wondered about skinning them off after death and using them in a picture frame for family members who saw them a lot. They actually do this, as morbid as it sounds, and some people I have talked to on tattoo forums will tell you they might do it themselves.

Some Tats are indeed down assed ugly. That guy in the pic at the start, has tattoos like I have seen on Alaskans who were down here on vacation a few years back. Even a small girl, maybe 4-5 had one already. I kind of questioned that as not being PC, but then realizing they live in the wilderness it is prolly ok I guess.
I think tattoos are fascinating, as long as they're not excessive. I just all in all think they're fucking cool. My sister's got this big nice one on her back, a big rose it says "La Vie En Rose" in pretty cool font but I don't have any pictures, anyway La Vie en Rose by Edith Piaf was my grandmother's favorite song so its sort of a little tribute to her, in a way. It's cool.

I'd like to get one sometime soon, a Black Sabbath tattoo on my back or arm, been thinking about it for a while. Sort of like this, but with BLACK SABBATH written atop:

Tattoos are trashy. Chicks with tats are as big a turn off to me personally as chicks with a cigarette in their mouth, but I'm old fashioned so don't go getting all offended people.

Yeah, me Too! I prefer natural skin, maybe a small tattoo on the hip. Just like the body rings, they do nothing for me. Girls with ear rings is ok, but not when I am making love, the jewels have to go.
I think tattoos are fascinating, as long as they're not excessive. I just all in all think they're fucking cool. My sister's got this big nice one on her back, a big rose it says "La Vie En Rose" in pretty cool font but I don't have any pictures, anyway La Vie en Rose by Edith Piaf was my grandmother's favorite song so its sort of a little tribute to her, in a way. It's cool.

I'd like to get one sometime soon, a Black Sabbath tattoo on my back or arm, been thinking about it for a while. Sort of like this, but with BLACK SABBATH written atop:


Consider putting it where it cannot be seen in public, like a job. Tats are there forever, long after this fad wears thin with the body piercing BS.

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