Tax dodges of celebrities, and other amusing tales


Feb 14, 2011
Celebrity Hypocrites | RealClearPolitics


It's bad enough that celebrities trash the only economic system that makes poor people's lives better.

What's worse is that many are hypocrites.

Celebrities who support big-government politicians routinely take advantage of tax breaks, which reduce the amount they contribute to that government.

It's nice that Obama supporter Bon Jovi has a foundation that builds houses for poor people, but at tax time, the musician labels himself a "farmer." He pays only $100 in state property tax. And his tax dodge gimmick: raising honeybees.

Bruce Springsteen sings about factories closing down but pays little tax on the hundreds of acres of land he owns. His dodge: An organic farmer works his land.

Hollywood's campaign to "save the earth" brings out the most hypocrisy. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio recently announced, "I will fly around the world doing good for the environment." Really? Flying around the world? I'm amazed they're not embarrassed by what they say.

Maybe they don't know how clueless they are because reporters rarely confront them about their hypocrisy. Hollywood reporters want access to celebrities, and posing uncomfortable questions reduces that access.

To fill the gap, Jason Mattera, author of "Hollywood Hypocrites," confronts hypocritical celebrities.

He and his cameraman located Harrison Ford after the actor had himself filmed getting his chest hair waxed.

Ford said the pain of ripping out his chest hair should make us think about the pain the earth feels when trees in a rainforest are cut down. Chest hair, rain forest -- get it? But that environmental message came from a celebrity who owns seven airplanes. Ford once even flew his private jet to get a cheeseburger!


That's an excerpt from the middle of the article. There's more. As if Kevin Sorbo being gorgeous wasn't enough, he also has good enough sense to be a Republican! Go Hercules!
Oprah Winfrey, admitted on air some years back she sent her own private jet across country to get food for a party she was having. After hearing that UPS Sonic Air could not guarantee it would make it exactly when she wanted it - she sent a staff member on her jet across country to pick the food up.
She also has her favorite donuts flown across the globe to her.
Environmentalist my ass.
I am always amused when people call using legal tax loopholes a "tax dodge".

If you don't like the loopholes, elect politicians that will close them or change the system. I don't know anyone who pays more taxes than they have to pay. That is just good sense. It is not dodging a damn thing.
I am always amused when people call using legal tax loopholes a "tax dodge".

If you don't like the loopholes, elect politicians that will close them or change the system. I don't know anyone who pays more taxes than they have to pay. That is just good sense. It is not dodging a damn thing.

I think you are missing the point.
The tax loopholes is not the issue - the issue is the very same people that support large government, large social programs, on air say they support tax increases - all the while actively pursuing every chance they get to pay the taxes to support all of this themselves.
Hypocrisy is what Amelia is talking about - not tax loopholes
I am always amused when people call using legal tax loopholes a "tax dodge".

If you don't like the loopholes, elect politicians that will close them or change the system. I don't know anyone who pays more taxes than they have to pay. That is just good sense. It is not dodging a damn thing.

Using tax loopholes isn't the point. The point is these people do not practice what they preach. They embrace big government then they should be willing to pay for big government.
I am always amused when people call using legal tax loopholes a "tax dodge".

If you don't like the loopholes, elect politicians that will close them or change the system. I don't know anyone who pays more taxes than they have to pay. That is just good sense. It is not dodging a damn thing.

Using tax loopholes isn't the point. The point is these people do not practice what they preach. They embrace big government then they should be willing to pay for big government.

Its the same hypocricy used by people like bloomberg, who has armed guards around him while trying to disarm everyone else.
I am always amused when people call using legal tax loopholes a "tax dodge".

If you don't like the loopholes, elect politicians that will close them or change the system. I don't know anyone who pays more taxes than they have to pay. That is just good sense. It is not dodging a damn thing.

I think you are missing the point.
The tax loopholes is not the issue - the issue is the very same people that support large government, large social programs, on air say they support tax increases - all the while actively pursuing every chance they get to pay the taxes to support all of this themselves.
Hypocrisy is what Amelia is talking about - not tax loopholes

Actually, imo, the bigger point is the insane notion that an actor or musician's opinion is worth anything.

But for the sake of argument, are these celebrities cheating or trying to scam their way out of paying their taxes? No.

They (and it is a broad stroke to condemn) pay their taxes. They simply do not pay more than they have to pay. Is supporting gay marriages, welfare for the poor ect ect a licence for us to steal their money? Why should they pay more than they owe?

Also, considering that the deficit came from BOTH liberals and conservatives, the matter is not about who supports big gov't, because both sides support it. The difference is in what area they want the money spent.

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