Taxation In America Has Evolved Into A Joke


Mar 4, 2013
Marietta, GA
My wife stopped in a little town near here yesterday and she said an old man came in and pumped a single gallon of gas into his old truck. That gallon of gas had about a half dollar of state and federal tax on it. There's one of the ways the poor get screwed. That half a dollar of tax on him was just about the same rate of taxation Mitt Romney paid on his $14 million of investment income in taxable year 2011.

You think that's something look at payroll taxes which the working poor have to pay.

The Republican party has prostituted the progressive system of taxation this nation was built with:

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One of the conceits of the apologists of the stupendously wealthy is to tell themselves that they pay most of the taxes that go to keeping this society running.

that is obviously bullshit as most taxes paid in the overall society are NOT paid in the form of income taxes.

MOST taxation comes in the form of local, state and sales taxes and the WORKING CLASSES pays the vast majority of those REGRESSIVE TAXES
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One of the conceits of the apologists of the stupendously wealthy is to tell themselves that they pay most of the taxes that go to keeping this society running.

that is obviously bullshit as most taxes paid in the overall society are NOT paid in the form of income taxes.

MOST taxation comes in the form of local, state and sales taxes and the WORKING CLASSES pays the vast majority of those REGRESSIVE TAXES

And the stupid bastards are trying to make it worse. If they ever get their wishes for a flat tax that will add another 10%-15% to what the working poor are already paying.
Mel not even those wankers like FORBES who call for a FLAT tax don't really want it.

They know perfectly well that a flat tax isn't a viable plan

The working classes could be taxed at 100% and their paltry incomes would NOT support this government.
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Mel not even those wankers like FORBES who call for a FLAT tax don't really want it.

They know perfectly well that a flat tax isn't a viable plan

The working classes could be taxed at 100% and their paltry incomes would NOT support this government.

Actually under a flat tax system the working poor would be taxed at the same rate as a millionaire. That's the furthest thing from a progressive taxing system......which is what used to work in this country. You can understand a rich man wanting it because he wouldn't have to retain expensive tax lawyers and accountants to find loopholes which would allow him to get around the rate anyway. Like Romney paying 14% on earnings of $14 million and somebody like my wife and I having to be taxed at about the same rate on less than $100,000.
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the problem is the working poor vote Church, Military and Big Business, Republican ...
Total tax percentage paid by the above average US citizen, 2005 - 54.4%
Total tax percentage paid by the above average US citizen, 2009 est. - 57.7%
When you add in all the taxes, sales tax, property tax, gas tax it gets higher.
If you figure others like:
Building Permit Tax
Cigarette Tax
Dog License Tax
Fishing License Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Liquor Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Auto Registration Tax
You end up giving the government the majority of your earnings.
How much tax do we really pay?
Listen up, numskull: Democrats create Social Security and Medicare along with the payroll taxes used to pay for them. It takes incredible gall to blame republicans for payroll taxes.

My wife stopped in a little town near here yesterday and she said an old man came in and pumped a single gallon of gas into his old truck. That gallon of gas had about a half dollar of state and federal tax on it. There's one of the ways the poor get screwed. That half a dollar of tax on him was just about the same rate of taxation Mitt Romney paid on his $14 million of investment income in taxable year 2011.

You think that's something look at payroll taxes which the working poor have to pay.

The Republican party has prostituted the progressive system of taxation this nation was built with:

Total tax percentage paid by the above average US citizen, 2005 - 54.4%
Total tax percentage paid by the above average US citizen, 2009 est. - 57.7%
When you add in all the taxes, sales tax, property tax, gas tax it gets higher.
If you figure others like:
Building Permit Tax
Cigarette Tax
Dog License Tax
Fishing License Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Liquor Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Auto Registration Tax
You end up giving the government the majority of your earnings.
How much tax do we really pay?

of course and you do know those tax rates varys across the United states, again as an exmaple I pay $3.19 for a pack of smokes compared to cook county Illinois $11 bucks a pack for the same pall malls, you really have to blame the local citizens themselfs for voting for the left. you wanted it you got it.
Probably the darkest political humor of the post WWII era is how easily Irv Kristol, Will Buckley, Pat Robinson and that potgutted Falwell sold a New Dealer and B-grade actor playing a NeoCon to white trash America. Doing the best acting of his life Reagan promptly tripled the national debt and left the stage having convinced legions of halfwits all was well in the Emerald City. Whoever said the people who destroy America will arrive on the scene wrapped in the flag and spouting gospel sure understood white trash.

That is not as funny as the Clintonista faction believing the Maximum ReagaNUT who pardoned Marc Rich was a liberal. This hearkens more to Khrushchev's admonition that America will fall from within. Unconditional charity is rot at the core of anything. Usurping individual legal equality in favor of group rights has essentially made the legal system a joke.

And all that connects directly to tax policy.

While the tax SYSTEM is definitely screwed up as most above seem to agree, the real crimes are the amounts of waste and malappropriation of tax dollars. A neighboring county in Maryland, for example, built a whitewater racing course on top of a hill in a third rate resort area for $25kk - an amount of money that would have put broadband in every home in an area where broadband doesn't exist for four out of five taxpayers.

White trash grifters pretending to be Republicans and hypercredentialed fake liberals pretending to be Democrats likely have real Republicans like IKE and real Democrats like Kennedy spinning in their graves. Things change, no question about that, but the change in US political parties since about 1964 might better be described as decay.
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Mel not even those wankers like FORBES who call for a FLAT tax don't really want it.

They know perfectly well that a flat tax isn't a viable plan

The working classes could be taxed at 100% and their paltry incomes would NOT support this government.

I have never seen where what you call "working classes" could be taxed at 100%. I agree that the poor can not pay their fair share and they should not be required to. With Obama's new self employed tax and my income tax rate I pay 46%. That is not counting property taxes (school and County) or state sales tax.

The non working classes is either the individuals that they and or their family has earned years ago. If they earned no money on their money then they would not pay any income tax. There is also another non working class in this country and that is the group that does not work either by refusal to do so or unable to find a job. I have no problem with the ones that are trying to find work. I do have a problem with those that just refuse to carry their load. My 46%+ is difficult for me to pay and I must admit at times I am bitter for it. There are many like me that is why the Tea Party became so strong.
Total tax percentage paid by the above average US citizen, 2005 - 54.4%
Total tax percentage paid by the above average US citizen, 2009 est. - 57.7%
When you add in all the taxes, sales tax, property tax, gas tax it gets higher.
If you figure others like:
Building Permit Tax
Cigarette Tax
Dog License Tax
Fishing License Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Liquor Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Auto Registration Tax
You end up giving the government the majority of your earnings.
How much tax do we really pay?

You're right. What the uppercrust keeps telling everyone is that they're footing the bill for everything. Strange that if they're so put out by the laws and regulations that they're still managing this:

Listen up, numskull: Democrats create Social Security and Medicare along with the payroll taxes used to pay for them. It takes incredible gall to blame republicans for payroll taxes.

My wife stopped in a little town near here yesterday and she said an old man came in and pumped a single gallon of gas into his old truck. That gallon of gas had about a half dollar of state and federal tax on it. There's one of the ways the poor get screwed. That half a dollar of tax on him was just about the same rate of taxation Mitt Romney paid on his $14 million of investment income in taxable year 2011.

You think that's something look at payroll taxes which the working poor have to pay.

The Republican party has prostituted the progressive system of taxation this nation was built with:


Republicans didn't invent payroll taxes, but it has been since the Reagan administration that they have provided a majority of revenues that the Government operates on.
Listen up, numskull: Democrats create Social Security and Medicare along with the payroll taxes used to pay for them. It takes incredible gall to blame republicans for payroll taxes.

My wife stopped in a little town near here yesterday and she said an old man came in and pumped a single gallon of gas into his old truck. That gallon of gas had about a half dollar of state and federal tax on it. There's one of the ways the poor get screwed. That half a dollar of tax on him was just about the same rate of taxation Mitt Romney paid on his $14 million of investment income in taxable year 2011.

You think that's something look at payroll taxes which the working poor have to pay.

The Republican party has prostituted the progressive system of taxation this nation was built with:


Republicans didn't invent payroll taxes, but it has been since the Reagan administration that they have provided a majority of revenues that the Government operates on.

No....I began to pay into social security Dec. 19th, 1950 when I started my first job but take a look at your next telephone, power or cable bill. There are always fees and taxes of all description added to everything these days...even one's own money in a bank or credit union. They have a fee for everything and they really pour it on if a person inadvertently has an overdraft.
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