Taxation Is Theft


Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.

Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.

I take it you voluntarily pay taxes?
Buck111 does not believe in civilized infrastructure is the point.

He runs around with the Rainbow Coalition.
Buck111 does not believe in civilized infrastructure is the point.

He runs around with the Rainbow Coalition.

So we are robbed of our money by government to build a "civilized infrastructure"?
As for your childish insult, read the first quote in my signature.
Buck111 does not believe in civilized infrastructure is the point.

He runs around with the Rainbow Coalition.

So we are robbed of our money by government to build a "civilized infrastructure"?
As for your childish insult, read the first quote in my signature.
You have been robbed only of your intelligence, nothing else.

Taxation is not theft.
Buck111 does not believe in civilized infrastructure is the point.

He runs around with the Rainbow Coalition.

So we are robbed of our money by government to build a "civilized infrastructure"?
As for your childish insult, read the first quote in my signature.
You have been robbed only of your intelligence, nothing else.

Taxation is not theft.
So you voluntarily pay taxes? They don't just take them out of your check? When you purchase something, is the first thing you think, "Oh, goody, I get to pay taxes!"? Or do you bitch and moan like everybody else does?
Buck111 does not believe in civilized infrastructure is the point.

He runs around with the Rainbow Coalition.

So we are robbed of our money by government to build a "civilized infrastructure"?
As for your childish insult, read the first quote in my signature.
You have been robbed only of your intelligence, nothing else.

Taxation is not theft.
So you voluntarily pay taxes? They don't just take them out of your check? When you purchase something, is the first thing you think, "Oh, goody, I get to pay taxes!"? Or do you bitch and moan like everybody else does?
I pay the freight, I carry the weight, and I have done incredibly well. How about you?
It feels like it sometimes, but it is not. We all have to pay. Well, half of us have to pay. Uh, well most of the half of us have to pay.
Unfortunately taxation is necessary. :(
Without taxation you can't have schools, roads, police, hospitals, etc...
But when government wants too many taxes well now this is a real theft :)
In other words I think taxation is a theft when is excessive :)
Unfortunately taxation is necessary. :(
Without taxation you can't have schools, roads, police, hospitals, etc...
But when government wants too many taxes well now this is a real theft :)
In other words I think taxation is a theft when is excessive :)

Gated communities and unincorporated towns have roads. These roads are not payed for with taxes.
Instead of me paying taxes so someone else child can go to school, the parents of the child can pay directly to the school.
Police? Unincorporated towns have no police departments and rarely see a cop. For the most part, cops are not needed. Remove them and hire security officers and detectives.
Believe me, doctors already know how to get a hospital built without taxes.
Taxation Is Theft

That is all. Carry on.
If you go back and read ancient history, you will learn (if you do it) that Sargon Of Akkad was the first empire builder and he financed it through taxation.

Ergo taxation is 43 centuries old.

If you are going to call taxation theft, then you might as well call laws slavery.

Whether you know it or not, you are an "anarchist".

And whether you know it or not, you are a rather uneducated anarchist.
Taxation Is Theft

That is all. Carry on.
If you go back and read ancient history, you will learn (if you do it) that Sargon Of Akkad was the first empire builder and he financed it through taxation.

Ergo taxation is 43 centuries old.

If you are going to call taxation theft, then you might as well call laws slavery.

Whether you know it or not, you are an "anarchist".

And whether you know it or not, you are a rather uneducated anarchist.

I have not completed my time machine, so to "go back and read ancient history" isn't an option for me.

Just because taxes are centuries old ("everybody did/does it") doesn't mean they are not theft.

So I am an "anarchist"? If I have to be called something I suppose I prefer that over Democrat or Republican or Statist.

" are a rather uneducated anarchist."
Nothing as sweet as a person who knows all there is to know about another person based on a few sentences on a message board. Is there anything else I don't know about myself that you want to tell me?

The doozy:
"If you are going to call taxation theft, then you might as well call laws slavery."
Okay. Whatever makes you happy.
Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why put me to the test, you hypocrites? Show me the coin for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said, “Caesar's.” Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”
Matthew 22:17-21
Unfortunately taxation is necessary. :(
Without taxation you can't have schools, roads, police, hospitals, etc...
But when government wants too many taxes well now this is a real theft :)
In other words I think taxation is a theft when is excessive :)

Gated communities and unincorporated towns have roads. These roads are not payed for with taxes.
Instead of me paying taxes so someone else child can go to school, the parents of the child can pay directly to the school.
Police? Unincorporated towns have no police departments and rarely see a cop. For the most part, cops are not needed. Remove them and hire security officers and detectives.
Believe me, doctors already know how to get a hospital built without taxes.
Maybe this is true for small towns Buck111.
But if you think about big towns you need taxation to pay police officers, doctors, firemen, et al :)
Taxation without representation may be tyranny, but it isn't theft. In the U.S., the people tax themselves, so it isn't even tyranny. To live in society is to use infrastructure, a service one should contribute to in some way. Paying money is the easiest way for most of the population. But, everyone knows this, so the thread is merely an outlet to complain. One is not force to pay taxes, since one is not forced to live in the U.S. and use the social network. There are places on earth where one can exist without being bothered by taxes.
I like playing with people. I like making people think. Now here is something for those who believe taxation is not theft to think on:

The big Ponzi scheme.
Social Security is a tax that every working person is forced by government (a criminal enterprise) to pay. I say "forced" which means by threat of violence (robbery) we must give a percentage of our income to government. Rather government does good things with the money it robs from the people is not relevant. The very fact that they force us to give them something they have no right to makes the act theft.

Would you give a bank a dollar hoping to get back 75 cents? No sane person would. That is what happens with social security. Government takes a dollar and, due to inflation, you are lucky if you get back 75 cents when it comes time to draw on it. The government steals 25% minimum, right off the top. If you agree with this system, please send me $100 and I will send you back $75 next week.

Here's the kicker: You can't opt out of paying social security and you have no say in how it is used. This is true with all taxes. If you decide you are not going to pay taxes armed men will come to your house and kidnap you. They will lock you in a cage and possibly even beat or kill you for refusing to pay taxes. Big Brother will take everything you think you own and sell it to get the money he claims you owe him.

If taxes are not voluntarily given, they are involuntarily taken. That is theft.
Unfortunately taxation is necessary. :(
Without taxation you can't have schools, roads, police, hospitals, etc...
But when government wants too many taxes well now this is a real theft :)
In other words I think taxation is a theft when is excessive :)

Gated communities and unincorporated towns have roads. These roads are not payed for with taxes.
Instead of me paying taxes so someone else child can go to school, the parents of the child can pay directly to the school.
Police? Unincorporated towns have no police departments and rarely see a cop. For the most part, cops are not needed. Remove them and hire security officers and detectives.
Believe me, doctors already know how to get a hospital built without taxes.
Maybe this is true for small towns Buck111.
But if you think about big towns you need taxation to pay police officers, doctors, firemen, et al :)

A big town is just a small town on a grander scale.
I used the unincorporated towns (which have no local government) as an example to show that living without government theft by taxation isn't just possible, it is common.
Taxation without representation may be tyranny, but it isn't theft. In the U.S., the people tax themselves, so it isn't even tyranny. To live in society is to use infrastructure, a service one should contribute to in some way. Paying money is the easiest way for most of the population. But, everyone knows this, so the thread is merely an outlet to complain. One is not force to pay taxes, since one is not forced to live in the U.S. and use the social network. There are places on earth where one can exist without being bothered by taxes.

"Taxation without representation may be tyranny, but it isn't theft."
If it isn't theft, then why can't we opt out of it? Can you say, "I don't want your services so I will not be paying your fees for them."?

Laugh of the day:
"the people tax themselves..."
How does that work? I have never heard anybody say, "I really don't need 50% of my income so I am just going to give it to government to waste."
If they did then taxes would be voluntary. But they don't, so taxes are not voluntary.

What if I don't want "infrastructure"? Maybe I don't want a park I don't use or a swimming pool I wont use or a city government that makes arbitrary laws they can use to further steal from me?

"...the thread is merely an outlet to complain."
Says the person complaining about my thread.

"One is not force to pay taxes, since one is not forced to live in the U.S. and use the social network."
One is forced to live in the U.S. unless one has lots of money (remains of what taxes didn't steal) to leave. And, if one retains their citizenship/slave status, one must pay taxes to the U.S. when employed outside the U.S. in many cases.

"There are places on earth where one can exist without being bothered by taxes."
Perhaps I have no desire to go somewhere else. Maybe, if you like oppressive government, you should go someplace else. Somalia might fit your wants.

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