Taxation Is Theft


Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Unless you have deductibles that offset your tax obligation.

But the truth is that everybody pays taxes, Republicans help the rich and wealthy pay far less taxes comparable to their total income/revenue. That's why 90%+ of new wealth goes to people like me.

yeah here we go again with the you're rich bullshit

But I am, and I absolutely love proving that the political party that you THINK is helping you is actually SCREWING you and you are too stupid to figure it out.
The DEM's screw the rich, and the GOP screws the non-rich.

Always have, always will.
Your assertion, buddy rho, and your merely yammered.

There is no proof that taxation is theft.

The people gave permission for taxation by ratifying the Constitution.

Game over.

My signature is nowhere to be found on the CONstitution, therefore I am not a party to it. Nor was I involved in its ratifications, amendments or other magics. Again, not a party to it. Just because some other people might have given permission to thieves to steal from them does not obligate me to any of it.

If I and a gang of my friends were to write up a bunch of rules and called them "laws" and went to your house and told you, "Hey, Jake, this is the way it is from now on, now gives us half of everything you earn," you'd think we were crazy. We'll that's the way I feel about your "founding fathers" and their pieces of paper.

You want to use tax based services and not pay.
Where did I say that?
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Unless you have deductibles that offset your tax obligation.

But the truth is that everybody pays taxes, Republicans help the rich and wealthy pay far less taxes comparable to their total income/revenue. That's why 90%+ of new wealth goes to people like me.

yeah here we go again with the you're rich bullshit

But I am, and I absolutely love proving that the political party that you THINK is helping you is actually SCREWING you and you are too stupid to figure it out.
prove that you're rich

and FYI I belong to no political party I have no love for the GOP IMO they are just as bad as the Dimwitcraps
The government that steals YOUR money is $19.9 TRILLION in debt. That same government claims YOU and every other 'merican (not they) owe that debt to the tune of $61,557 per person. That includes every living, breathing, man, woman and child. They steal your money, squander and waste it, then penalize you for it. If they can't control themselves with the money they have already stolen, why would you support them taking more?

Taxation is theft.
Bootlickers' Hypocrisy

Why should we take a pay cut so the boss's 16-year-old son can drive to school in his own Porsche?
Taxation Is Theft

That is all. Carry on.
Carry on, Carrion

Then profit is also theft. The first stage of your take-home pay is what your corporate owners let you have out of what you produce for them. Anyone who has a hissy fit about Big Gubmitt and never stands up to the private-sector plutocratic parasites is pathetic roadkill.

Profit usually comes from a voluntary interaction and exchange. If I build something for $10 and you like it enough to pay me $40 then no theft has occurred. If a person exchanges his labor for a certain amount of cash, and the employer he is making a profit, that is not theft.
The Wall Street Jungle

Meeting at the country club, the employers' union makes sure people are paid less than their work is worth. The sellers' union makes sure that people pay more than what a product is worth.

A contract is invalid if it represents an imbalance of power: Man Against Millionaire. The worst larceny by the economic elitists is corporate patents. Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis got only a $30,000 bonus for his polymerase chain reaction invention; his parasite bosses and stockowners sold it for $300,000,000!

King Apes rule. They grunt, pound their chests, howl at the moon, and swat their employees with their claws and paws. Little wimpy brownnoses accept all that.

A real man would walk into his boss's office, grab that Sissy in a Suitcoat's tie, slam his overfed face into his desk, and shout in his ear, "You pay us what the union tells you to pay us, or you're fired! We do the work here; we own this place now."

Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Unless you have deductibles that offset your tax obligation.

But the truth is that everybody pays taxes, Republicans help the rich and wealthy pay far less taxes comparable to their total income/revenue. That's why 90%+ of new wealth goes to people like me.

Anger Over Frills

Even if the plutocrats did have to pay a higher percentage of their income, all they would have to sacrifice is surplus luxuries, not necessities like the rest of us have to sacrifice.
Taxation is the price of government.

Government is the price of civilization.

Without civilization you have anarchy.

Anarchy is nonstop mayhem and crime.

Ergo anarchy is bad.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo government is critical.

Ergo taxation is unavoidable.

Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Unless you have deductibles that offset your tax obligation.

But the truth is that everybody pays taxes, Republicans help the rich and wealthy pay far less taxes comparable to their total income/revenue. That's why 90%+ of new wealth goes to people like me.

Anger Over Frills

Even if the plutocrats did have to pay a higher percentage of their income, all they would have to sacrifice is surplus luxuries, not necessities like the rest of us have to sacrifice.

The bottom 47% of earners pay absolutely no income tax and the other federal taxes that they pay can be reduced if they so choose

so really the bottom half isn't sacrificing necessities to pay federal taxes
Government is the price of civilization.

Without civilization you have anarchy.

Anarchy is nonstop mayhem and crime.

Ergo anarchy is bad.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo taxation is unavoidable.

noun: anarchy
  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem, tumult, turmoil
    "conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
    antonyms: government, order
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

mid 16th century: via medieval Latin from Greek anarkhia, from anarkhos, from an- ‘without’ + arkhos ‘chief, ruler.’

"Taxation is the price of government."
No, taxation is theft by a government.

"Without civilization you have anarchy."
See definition above.

"Ergo anarchy is bad."
No. Theft is bad.

"Ergo civilization is good."
You can't be civilized without government?

"Ergo civilization is good."
Not necessarily.

"Ergo taxation is unavoidable"
No. It isn't. Taxation is theft. Do you object to any of the taxes you are forced to pay? Would you not pay them if you could? If government takes your money and uses it in ways you do not approve of - they have stolen your money.
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The government that steals YOUR money is $19.9 TRILLION in debt. That same government claims YOU and every other 'merican (not they) owe that debt to the tune of $61,557 per person. That includes every living, breathing, man, woman and child. They steal your money, squander and waste it, then penalize you for it. If they can't control themselves with the money they have already stolen, why would you support them taking more?

Taxation is theft.
Bootlickers' Hypocrisy

Why should we take a pay cut so the boss's 16-year-old son can drive to school in his own Porsche?
who is cutting your pay?
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Unless you have deductibles that offset your tax obligation.

But the truth is that everybody pays taxes, Republicans help the rich and wealthy pay far less taxes comparable to their total income/revenue. That's why 90%+ of new wealth goes to people like me.

Anger Over Frills

Even if the plutocrats did have to pay a higher percentage of their income, all they would have to sacrifice is surplus luxuries, not necessities like the rest of us have to sacrifice.

The bottom 47% of earners pay absolutely no income tax and the other federal taxes that they pay can be reduced if they so choose

so really the bottom half isn't sacrificing necessities to pay federal taxes

Why do you continue to promote those that continue to fuck you.....the rich/wealthy?
Government is the price of civilization.

Without civilization you have anarchy.

Anarchy is nonstop mayhem and crime.

Ergo anarchy is bad.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo taxation is unavoidable.

noun: anarchy
  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem, tumult, turmoil
    "conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
    antonyms: government, order
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
View attachment 115975
mid 16th century: via medieval Latin from Greek anarkhia, from anarkhos, from an- ‘without’ + arkhos ‘chief, ruler.’

"Taxation is the price of government."
No, taxation is theft by a government.

"Without civilization you have anarchy."
See definition above.

"Ergo anarchy is bad."
No. Theft is bad.

"Ergo civilization is good."
You can't be civilized without government?

"Ergo civilization is good."
Not necessarily.

"Ergo taxation is unavoidable"
No. It isn't. Taxation is theft. Do you object to any of the taxes you are forced to pay? Would you not pay them if you could? If government takes your money and uses it in ways you do not approve of - they have stolen your money.
What a funny anarchist you are. You are.
Government is the price of civilization.

Without civilization you have anarchy.

Anarchy is nonstop mayhem and crime.

Ergo anarchy is bad.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo taxation is unavoidable.

noun: anarchy
  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem, tumult, turmoil
    "conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
    antonyms: government, order
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
View attachment 115975
mid 16th century: via medieval Latin from Greek anarkhia, from anarkhos, from an- ‘without’ + arkhos ‘chief, ruler.’

"Taxation is the price of government."
No, taxation is theft by a government.

"Without civilization you have anarchy."
See definition above.

"Ergo anarchy is bad."
No. Theft is bad.

"Ergo civilization is good."
You can't be civilized without government?

"Ergo civilization is good."
Not necessarily.

"Ergo taxation is unavoidable"
No. It isn't. Taxation is theft. Do you object to any of the taxes you are forced to pay? Would you not pay them if you could? If government takes your money and uses it in ways you do not approve of - they have stolen your money.
What a funny anarchist you are. You are.

Fool, you think anarchy is chaos.
Government is the price of civilization.

Without civilization you have anarchy.

Anarchy is nonstop mayhem and crime.

Ergo anarchy is bad.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo taxation is unavoidable.

noun: anarchy
  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem, tumult, turmoil
    "conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
    antonyms: government, order
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
View attachment 115975
mid 16th century: via medieval Latin from Greek anarkhia, from anarkhos, from an- ‘without’ + arkhos ‘chief, ruler.’

"Taxation is the price of government."
No, taxation is theft by a government.

"Without civilization you have anarchy."
See definition above.

"Ergo anarchy is bad."
No. Theft is bad.

"Ergo civilization is good."
You can't be civilized without government?

"Ergo civilization is good."
Not necessarily.

"Ergo taxation is unavoidable"
No. It isn't. Taxation is theft. Do you object to any of the taxes you are forced to pay? Would you not pay them if you could? If government takes your money and uses it in ways you do not approve of - they have stolen your money.
What a funny anarchist you are. You are.

Fool, you think anarchy is chaos.
I would think that this is intuitively true yes, which in Philosophy according to Immanuel Kant means it is a-priori (obvious).

I get that your Philosophy is very weak, especially your political philosophy.
Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Unless you have deductibles that offset your tax obligation.

But the truth is that everybody pays taxes, Republicans help the rich and wealthy pay far less taxes comparable to their total income/revenue. That's why 90%+ of new wealth goes to people like me.

Anger Over Frills

Even if the plutocrats did have to pay a higher percentage of their income, all they would have to sacrifice is surplus luxuries, not necessities like the rest of us have to sacrifice.

The bottom 47% of earners pay absolutely no income tax and the other federal taxes that they pay can be reduced if they so choose

so really the bottom half isn't sacrificing necessities to pay federal taxes

Why do you continue to promote those that continue to fuck you.....the rich/wealthy?

No rich guy ever took anything from me.

and what does that have to do with the bottom half of earners paying no income tax?

Seems to me it's the bottom 50% who get a free ride that are ripping us off
Government is the price of civilization.

Without civilization you have anarchy.

Anarchy is nonstop mayhem and crime.

Ergo anarchy is bad.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo civilization is good.

Ergo taxation is unavoidable.

noun: anarchy
  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem, tumult, turmoil
    "conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
    antonyms: government, order
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
View attachment 115975
mid 16th century: via medieval Latin from Greek anarkhia, from anarkhos, from an- ‘without’ + arkhos ‘chief, ruler.’

"Taxation is the price of government."
No, taxation is theft by a government.

"Without civilization you have anarchy."
See definition above.

"Ergo anarchy is bad."
No. Theft is bad.

"Ergo civilization is good."
You can't be civilized without government?

"Ergo civilization is good."
Not necessarily.

"Ergo taxation is unavoidable"
No. It isn't. Taxation is theft. Do you object to any of the taxes you are forced to pay? Would you not pay them if you could? If government takes your money and uses it in ways you do not approve of - they have stolen your money.
What a funny anarchist you are. You are.

Fool, you think anarchy is chaos.
I would think that this is intuitively true yes, which in Philosophy according to Immanuel Kant means it is a-priori (obvious).

I get that your Philosophy is very weak, especially your political philosophy.

I get that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Immanuel Kant died in 1804, odds are he agreed with the original definition of anarchy. But, who cares? He's not here to debate it and you aren't qualified to speak for a dead man you never knew and, lastly, this topic is not about anarchy or philosophy.

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