Taxation Is Theft

"MUH ROADS! MUH ROADS! MUH ROADS! If I don't give government a piece of my income who is going to pay for muh roads to be built?"
Duh. How about you are. Just as you are doing now. The big difference would be that you will not be giving a big piece of the taxes to build your roads to a government that will waste it or abuse it. Free enterprise and people with the means would build the roads and charge a fee to pay for them. Use, maintenance and a profit would be gained by the fees you pay. If you use something, you pay for it; If you don't use it, it is morally wrong to force you to pay for it. When government forcibly takes your money to pay for something you don't use...tell me that's not theft. This is just one example. There are many other ways to have roads. Think outside the government.
Buck111 does not believe in civilized infrastructure is the point.

He runs around with the Rainbow Coalition.

So we are robbed of our money by government to build a "civilized infrastructure"?
As for your childish insult, read the first quote in my signature.
Plato's Sicko Symposium Explains It All to You

Socrates was a pedophile who pandered to degenerate upper-class youth.
The government that steals YOUR money is $19.9 TRILLION in debt. That same government claims YOU and every other 'merican (not they) owe that debt to the tune of $61,557 per person. That includes every living, breathing, man, woman and child. They steal your money, squander and waste it, then penalize you for it. If they can't control themselves with the money they have already stolen, why would you support them taking more?

Taxation is theft.
Taxation Is Theft

That is all. Carry on.
Carry on, Carrion

Then profit is also theft. The first stage of your take-home pay is what your corporate owners let you have out of what you produce for them. Anyone who has a hissy fit about Big Gubmitt and never stands up to the private-sector plutocratic parasites is pathetic roadkill.

Profit usually comes from a voluntary interaction and exchange. If I build something for $10 and you like it enough to pay me $40 then no theft has occurred. If a person exchanges his labor for a certain amount of cash, and the employer he is making a profit, that is not theft.
Buck111 does not believe in civilized infrastructure is the point.

He runs around with the Rainbow Coalition.

So we are robbed of our money by government to build a "civilized infrastructure"?
As for your childish insult, read the first quote in my signature.
Plato's Sicko Symposium Explains It All to You

Socrates was a pedophile who pandered to degenerate upper-class youth.
Take it up with Socrates.
Buck111 does not believe in civilized infrastructure is the point.

He runs around with the Rainbow Coalition.

So we are robbed of our money by government to build a "civilized infrastructure"?
As for your childish insult, read the first quote in my signature.
Plato's Sicko Symposium Explains It All to You

Socrates was a pedophile who pandered to degenerate upper-class youth.
He was pederast, probably, as were most men of his generation, but you have no evidence that he was a pedophile.
Buck has failed to prove 'taxation is theft.' Let's move on to more important matters.
Buck has failed to prove 'taxation is theft.' Let's move on to more important matters.

And not one lick of evidence has been provided to prove taxation isn't theft.

I will try to keep this simple for the simple minded.

Theft is: "In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it."

Taxation: In common usage, taxation is the taking of another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.

Taxation is theft.
Your assertion, buddy rho, and your merely yammered.

There is no proof that taxation is theft.

The people gave permission for taxation by ratifying the Constitution.

Game over.

Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing
Your assertion, buddy rho, and your merely yammered.

There is no proof that taxation is theft.

The people gave permission for taxation by ratifying the Constitution.

Game over.

My signature is nowhere to be found on the CONstitution, therefore I am not a party to it. Nor was I involved in its ratifications, amendments or other magics. Again, not a party to it. Just because some other people might have given permission to thieves to steal from them does not obligate me to any of it.

If I and a gang of my friends were to write up a bunch of rules and called them "laws" and went to your house and told you, "Hey, Jake, this is the way it is from now on, now gives us half of everything you earn," you'd think we were crazy. We'll that's the way I feel about your "founding fathers" and their pieces of paper.

Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Maybe I don't want to use your "stuff". What obligates me to pay so you can use your "stuff"?

Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Maybe I don't want to use your "stuff". What obligates me to pay so you can use your "stuff"?
it was Matthew's argument not mine

Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Unless you have deductibles that offset your tax obligation.

But the truth is that everybody pays taxes, Republicans help the rich and wealthy pay far less taxes comparable to their total income/revenue. That's why 90%+ of new wealth goes to people like me.
Your assertion, buddy rho, and your merely yammered.

There is no proof that taxation is theft.

The people gave permission for taxation by ratifying the Constitution.

Game over.

My signature is nowhere to be found on the CONstitution, therefore I am not a party to it. Nor was I involved in its ratifications, amendments or other magics. Again, not a party to it. Just because some other people might have given permission to thieves to steal from them does not obligate me to any of it.

If I and a gang of my friends were to write up a bunch of rules and called them "laws" and went to your house and told you, "Hey, Jake, this is the way it is from now on, now gives us half of everything you earn," you'd think we were crazy. We'll that's the way I feel about your "founding fathers" and their pieces of paper.

You want to use tax based services and not pay.

Taxation is the life blood of civilization mr. hunter gather. If you use our roads, our water or economic stability without paying taxes you're committing theft.

Taxation is just the money you pay to enjoy those things.
so the people who get out of paying income taxes are thieves?

Depends on how they do it.
no the statement was taxes are the price you pay to use our stuff
if you pay no taxes you are stealing

Unless you have deductibles that offset your tax obligation.

But the truth is that everybody pays taxes, Republicans help the rich and wealthy pay far less taxes comparable to their total income/revenue. That's why 90%+ of new wealth goes to people like me.

yeah here we go again with the you're rich bullshit

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