Taxpayers...Darren Wilson is Costing us Millions


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Just think about it: Ferguson PD, roll out of military armaments, overtime, overtime, call in State HP, overtime, overtime. Now call in National Guard. Plus FBI has to investigate and now Holder is flying in.

Wrongful death lawsuit has probably been filed by the Brown family, that's the first thing their attorney probably did. If they can't afford legal fees.... well you know that drill.

So Darren Wilson, the poster boy for cowardice, is hitting your pockets, lady and gentlemen. Just think of all the taxpayer money his silence is costing us.

Now at least Sarah Palin had the dignity to resign when Troopergate started costing taxpayers money. At least that's what she said.
Just think about it: Ferguson PD, roll out of military armaments, overtime, overtime, call in State HP, overtime, overtime. Now call in National Guard. Plus FBI has to investigate and now Holder is flying in.

Wrongful death lawsuit has probably been filed by the Brown family, that's the first thing their attorney probably did. If they can't afford legal fees.... well you know that drill.

So Darren Wilson, the poster boy for cowardice, is hitting your pockets, lady and gentlemen. Just think of all the taxpayer money his silence is costing us.

Now at least Sarah Palin had the dignity to resign when Troopergate started costing taxpayers money. At least that's what she said.

Yep. Right now, he's on paid vacation but this will drag on and on. And, if they cops gun down any more unarmed people, it will get even more expensive.
Yep. Right now, he's on paid vacation but this will drag on and on. And, if they cops gun down any more unarmed people, it will get even more expensive.

The very, very sad thing is that this might be the tipping point. This is not an isolated incident.

The irony is that the right-wingers don't realize that the tyranny they have been screeching about on this board starts like this. Not with black helicopters whisking us away to FEMA work camps, but a police state that takes control with a thousand little cuts.

And it starts with the weakest, most unrepresented people in society and moves up the food chain.
It's just another black kid who robbed a store and smoked pot and the guy with the gun needs protecting, his privacy is of utmost importance. He doesn't have to answer to anyone. And that seems to be OK with these freaking idiots.
The idiots in St Louis are costing us money. Marching, rioting, looting, vandalizing.

All for so called justice when it appears that justice was already served.

So you go for the tight shots of the crowd where about 50 people are acting up, and disregard the 1500 who are protesting it.

Justice was already served? So "innocent until proven guilty" only applies to Wilson?
You're a police state's wet dream.
So you go for the tight shots of the crowd where about 50 people are acting up, and disregard the 1500 who are protesting it.

Justice was already served? So "innocent until proven guilty" only applies to Wilson?
You're a police state's wet dream.
I've seen the autopsy report. I've heard eyewitness accounts from CREDIBLE witnesses. I don't need a mob to convince me of anything. Unlike you I have a brain and I used it myself.

And yeah, all those morons are costing us money
The idiots in St Louis are costing us money. Marching, rioting, looting, vandalizing.

All for so called justice when it appears that justice was already served.
All they were doing is exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights - until the cops decided to open fire.

Look at the footage. All they were doing was demonstrating. It wasn't until after they were illegally attacked that they started looting.

This entire mess has been caused by the illegal actions by law enforcement.
All they were doing is exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights - until the cops decided to open fire.

Look at the footage. All they were doing was demonstrating. It wasn't until after they were illegally attacked that they started looting.

This entire mess has been caused by the illegal actions by law enforcement.
You remain as dumb as ever. And it is DEMOCRATS in charge idiot.
You remain as dumb as ever. And it is DEMOCRATS in charge idiot.
The guv is a dino with no balls and the COP is an idiot.

How much have Obama's vacations and fund raising trips cost taxpayers this year?
Just think about it: Ferguson PD, roll out of military armaments, overtime, overtime, call in State HP, overtime, overtime. Now call in National Guard. Plus FBI has to investigate and now Holder is flying in.

Wrongful death lawsuit has probably been filed by the Brown family, that's the first thing their attorney probably did. If they can't afford legal fees.... well you know that drill.

So Darren Wilson, the poster boy for cowardice, is hitting your pockets, lady and gentlemen. Just think of all the taxpayer money his silence is costing us.

Now at least Sarah Palin had the dignity to resign when Troopergate stathemerted costing taxpayers money. At least that's what she said.

Wow, you've really got quite the obsession here don't you. You continue this theme that the cop and the police dept are cowards. What's with that ? I already told you that regardless of what the cop himself wanted to do, for his own safety as well as all others around him, he would be ordered to leave the area, until the investigation is complete and his either charged or not.

You're also implying that the cop is a coward because he shot an unarmed citizen, Again though, if a struggle ensued and Brown went for his gun, the cop is going to do whatever he can to stop the threat.

Why don't you take a pill, and come back when you're more rational ?
And his story keeps changing.

"Ugh there was a struggle and he grabbed for my gun."

But the autopsy shows no struggle and no GSR so Michael Brown wasn't near the person shooting the gun.

"No, he actually charged at me."

Yeah no you totally aren't covering it up. But the racists will eat it up.
And his story keeps changing.

"Ugh there was a struggle and he grabbed for my gun."

But the autopsy shows no struggle and no GSR so Michael Brown wasn't near the person shooting the gun.

"No, he actually charged at me."

Yeah no you totally aren't covering it up. But the racists will eat it up.
And, they'll say the forensic evidence isn't right or is untrue or whatever their excuse this time is.

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