Taxpayers...Darren Wilson is Costing us Millions

Don't know why you would post an off topic question like that but here's an equally off topic answer. :p

That's less than half what Obama's vacations and boondoggle travel has cost so far!
Our federal gov't spends roughly $6.8 million every minute. And there is no sign of it stopping or slowing. What is being spent in Ferguson is a drop in the bucket.
And his story keeps changing.

"Ugh there was a struggle and he grabbed for my gun."

But the autopsy shows no struggle and no GSR so Michael Brown wasn't near the person shooting the gun.

"No, he actually charged at me."

Yeah no you totally aren't covering it up. But the racists will eat it up.
His story never changed. You just keep believing the lines of bullshit all the instigators are feeding you. Pretty much makes you look pretty foolish.

I would ask you to post quots of the cop, his words not someone elses, and prove the changing story but I know you CANT.

Carry on with your bullshit outrage.
That's less than half what Obama's vacations and boondoggle travel has cost so far!
And that graphic is ONLY his trips to "clear brush".

His many vacations as well as the vacations of his wife's and daughters are in addition to that.

Obama doesn't come close to the time the shrub or reagan took off or what it cost us.
And that graphic is ONLY his trips to "clear brush".

His many vacations as well as the vacations of his wife's and daughters are in addition to that.

Obama doesn't come close to the time the shrub or reagan took off or what it cost us.

I call shenanigans. Obama has cost taxpayers over $44B for his vacations.
All they were doing is exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights - until the cops decided to open fire.

Look at the footage. All they were doing was demonstrating. It wasn't until after they were illegally attacked that they started looting.

This entire mess has been caused by the illegal actions by law enforcement.

You need a permit to have a parade or a march.
There are also city ordinances that may apply to having thousands of people blocking traffic and disturbing the peace....

regardless..... looting, breaking and entering, rioting and mayhem are all illegal and not protected by the constitution, little amateur lawyer.
Just think about it: Ferguson PD, roll out of military armaments, overtime, overtime, call in State HP, overtime, overtime. Now call in National Guard. Plus FBI has to investigate and now Holder is flying in.

Wrongful death lawsuit has probably been filed by the Brown family, that's the first thing their attorney probably did. If they can't afford legal fees.... well you know that drill.

So Darren Wilson, the poster boy for cowardice, is hitting your pockets, lady and gentlemen. Just think of all the taxpayer money his silence is costing us.

Now at least Sarah Palin had the dignity to resign when Troopergate started costing taxpayers money. At least that's what she said.
REALLY???? Is that what you think? Lets talk about how the citizens of Mo (the ones who work) PAY for the thugs housing, their food, their education. Take away all of that from the criminals on the streets and give them all job apps. I LOATH to think that my money supports these thugs!
You need a permit to have a parade or a march.
There are also city ordinances that may apply to having thousands of people blocking traffic and disturbing the peace....

regardless..... looting, breaking and entering, rioting and mayhem are all illegal and not protected by the constitution, little amateur lawyer.

Surely you are not suggesting that they need a permit, issued by the gov't, in order to hold a protest against what the gov't is doing??

As far as people blocking traffic, it happens when teams win Super Bowls, BCS Championships, World series, and whatever that big cup thing in hockey is. Surely a protest is more important?
Surely you are not suggesting that they need a permit, issued by the gov't, in order to hold a protest against what the gov't is doing??

As far as people blocking traffic, it happens when teams win Super Bowls, BCS Championships, World series, and whatever that big cup thing in hockey is. Surely a protest is more important?
Their protest is based on a false premise.
Surely you are not suggesting that they need a permit, issued by the gov't, in order to hold a protest against what the gov't is doing??

As far as people blocking traffic, it happens when teams win Super Bowls, BCS Championships, World series, and whatever that big cup thing in hockey is. Surely a protest is more important?

Yes...of course. Black people can do literally anything, at any time, for any reason or no reason at all, and it is either (a) bad, and therefore caused by slavery, or (b) not so bad, and therefore proof that black people have never done anything bad ever..

What was I thinking.

We should not hold them responsible for anything...ever...because that would be "racist"..LMAO...
Their protest is based on a false premise.

I would agree. But until the investigation is completed, we do not know that for sure.

Also, I am guessing you are not naive enough to think that all officer involved shootings get a quality investigation? Besides, whether we think the protest is based on a false premise or not, they have a right to their protest.
Yes...of course. Black people can do literally anything, at any time, for any reason or no reason at all, and it is either (a) bad, and therefore caused by slavery, or (b) not so bad, and therefore proof that black people have never done anything bad ever..

What was I thinking.

We should not hold them responsible for anything...ever...because that would be "racist"..LMAO...

Oh please, that is route you are taking? Sarcasm? Please point out where I said anyone could do whatever they want? Oh yeah, I didn't.

Do you really hold with the idea that they should be disbanded because they didn't have a parade permit???
Oh please, that is route you are taking? Sarcasm? Please point out where I said anyone could do whatever they want? Oh yeah, I didn't.

Do you really hold with the idea that they should be disbanded because they didn't have a parade permit???

Blocking traffic, disturbing the peace, blocking sidewalks, looting, arson, breaking and entering are all illegal...even for negroes.
Blocking traffic, disturbing the peace, blocking sidewalks, looting, arson, breaking and entering are all illegal...even for negroes.

I thought it was pretty obvious that I was talking about the protest, and not the looting. Forgive me, I will make sure and write out all the details next time so you can keep up.

Once again, as I asked before, are you saying they should have a permit to protest? Or are you saying they should not be allowed to do so. (and this is completely separate from the looting, I am discussing the protests)
The point being if Darren Wilson had been turned over to the mob immediately there would have been no riot. There wouldn't even have been the expense of a trial.

There would still have been a riot.
I wonder how much it cost us for Eric Holder to deal with this, or how much to call out the National Guard, or how much insurance rates will go up, or how far law abiding, decent citizens in Ferguson will now have to go to get to the store?

All because a police officer, who happened to be white, shot a criminal, who happened to be black, in a justifiable shooting.

Good news is, the criminal is still dead!

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