Taxpayers to benefit $8 billion from Citi Bank Bailout

I like how the issue of Obama raising the deficit so much in his first year is such a talking point, when the elephant in the room is actually adding the War(s) to the budget.

Wars have NEVER been a budgetary issue. Why should they be now?


Because we still have to pay for them
It is a shame that President George Bush allowed Fannie and Freddie to be deregulated and collapse under his watch. But that was Bush....his party paid the price for his inept handling of the economy

You're lying again, Andy Asswipe

"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis," -- Barney Frank (D)

"The Buck Stops Here" -- Harry Truman

George Bush was President, not a minority party rep. Why don't you tell all the nice people that Frank said that 5 years before the collapse......and yes...Bush was President and the GOP ran Congress
Obama barely squeeked through health care bill with veto proof majorities in both the house & senate & you expect Bush to have fix Fannie & Freddie with out help from democrats?
You are an IDIOT!!!
Wars have NEVER been a budgetary issue. Why should they be now?


Because we still have to pay for them


That's the best you have? "yah" It'll do you some good believe me.

Since when is a government budget worth anything close to the paper it's written on? Since when is a government budget anything more than a wish and a prayer?

Or answer this one. Since when did the government actually have to live up to ANY budget they've submitted?

Do you budget your money based on your expenses? Our government does. I budget my money based on my income. Then I force my expenses to fit within that income. I know, it's a novel concept, but a TRUE budget actually works when you do it that way. The government should try it sometime.

Because we still have to pay for them


That's the best you have? "yah" It'll do you some good believe me.

Since when is a government budget worth anything close to the paper it's written on? Since when is a government budget anything more than a wish and a prayer?

Or answer this one. Since when did the government actually have to live up to ANY budget they've submitted?

Do you budget your money based on your expenses? Our government does. I budget my money based on my income. Then I force my expenses to fit within that income. I know, it's a novel concept, but a TRUE budget actually works when you do it that way. The government should try it sometime.


"Best I have?" What is this a challenge? A fucking competition? RRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrlax buddy. Step away from the internets and go throw a ball around in a field.

What you are doing here is drawing strawmen. My original point is that the deficit was increased when the Wars, begun by a former President, were added to it, and now people blame Obama for such an "increase!!!"!"

I'm saying, it's a bit silly. That's all. Don't get so angry all the time, go fuck someone. :cool:

That's the best you have? "yah" It'll do you some good believe me.

Since when is a government budget worth anything close to the paper it's written on? Since when is a government budget anything more than a wish and a prayer?

Or answer this one. Since when did the government actually have to live up to ANY budget they've submitted?

Do you budget your money based on your expenses? Our government does. I budget my money based on my income. Then I force my expenses to fit within that income. I know, it's a novel concept, but a TRUE budget actually works when you do it that way. The government should try it sometime.


"Best I have?" What is this a challenge? A fucking competition? RRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrlax buddy. Step away from the internets and go throw a ball around in a field.

What you are doing here is drawing strawmen. My original point is that the deficit was increased when the Wars, begun by a former President, were added to it, and now people blame Obama for such an "increase!!!"!"

I'm saying, it's a bit silly. That's all. Don't get so angry all the time, go fuck someone. :cool:

My wife would appreciate your suggestion, as long as it's with her.

Why did you ignore the rest of my post? Why didn't you answer the questions?

Do you really think that Obama is getting slammed for the ongoing expenses of the Iraq and Afghan wars? I've never said one thing about those expenses where Obama is concerned. He's added more to the deficit in ONE year of his term than these wars have added in that same year. What he's added to the deficit above and beyond military spending is eclipsing any previous administration. Who cares about the cost of these wars and this time? Not me. I care about all of the other spending that is going on in this administration.


That's the best you have? "yah" It'll do you some good believe me.

Since when is a government budget worth anything close to the paper it's written on? Since when is a government budget anything more than a wish and a prayer?

Or answer this one. Since when did the government actually have to live up to ANY budget they've submitted?

Do you budget your money based on your expenses? Our government does. I budget my money based on my income. Then I force my expenses to fit within that income. I know, it's a novel concept, but a TRUE budget actually works when you do it that way. The government should try it sometime.


"Best I have?" What is this a challenge? A fucking competition? RRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrlax buddy. Step away from the internets and go throw a ball around in a field.

What you are doing here is drawing strawmen. My original point is that the deficit was increased when the Wars, begun by a former President, were added to it, and now people blame Obama for such an "increase!!!"!"

I'm saying, it's a bit silly. That's all. Don't get so angry all the time, go fuck someone. :cool:

It is getting more difficult to fuck some one else when the government never gets done fucking us.
Umm Rick,

The point is, the funding of the war was not included in the deficit until Obama's first year, then he was ridiculed for how much he raised the deficit. He isn't responsible for the broad-scope of why the deficit was raised so much, is the point. He put the war on the books cuz, you know, we do have to pay for it. He did the responsible thing with the risk of looking horrible and providing ammo to the fucktards who don't look past headlines.
You're lying again, Andy Asswipe

"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis," -- Barney Frank (D)

"The Buck Stops Here" -- Harry Truman

George Bush was President, not a minority party rep. Why don't you tell all the nice people that Frank said that 5 years before the collapse......and yes...Bush was President and the GOP ran Congress
Obama barely squeeked through health care bill with veto proof majorities in both the house & senate & you expect Bush to have fix Fannie & Freddie with out help from democrats?
Firefly is an IDIOT!!!


If "that homosexual" Barney Frank is able to push through legislation while a minority member of Congress, Bush can do it while he is in the majority
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Umm Rick,

The point is, the funding of the war was not included in the deficit until Obama's first year, then he was ridiculed for how much he raised the deficit. He isn't responsible for the broad-scope of why the deficit was raised so much, is the point. He put the war on the books cuz, you know, we do have to pay for it. He did the responsible thing with the risk of looking horrible and providing ammo to the fucktards who don't look past headlines.

Medicare fraud cost 10 times what the wars cost!
Umm Rick,

The point is, the funding of the war was not included in the deficit until Obama's first year, then he was ridiculed for how much he raised the deficit. He isn't responsible for the broad-scope of why the deficit was raised so much, is the point. He put the war on the books cuz, you know, we do have to pay for it. He did the responsible thing with the risk of looking horrible and providing ammo to the fucktards who don't look past headlines.

What else raised the deficit besides two wars?

Granting a $1.8 trillion tax cut to the wealthiest Americans and borrowing money to pay for it.

Borrowing money to give every American $600

Passing a Medicare prescription Drug plan and borrowing money to pay for it
"The Buck Stops Here" -- Harry Truman

George Bush was President, not a minority party rep. Why don't you tell all the nice people that Frank said that 5 years before the collapse......and yes...Bush was President and the GOP ran Congress
Obama barely squeeked through health care bill with veto proof majorities in both the house & senate & you expect Bush to have fix Fannie & Freddie with out help from democrats?
You are an IDIOT!!!


If "that homosexual" Barney Frank is able to push through legislation while a minority member of Congress, Bush can do it while he is in the majority

Bwarney Fwanks did not push through legislation dumb ass! He blocked the regulation of the GSEs that Bush wanted congress to pass to fix the damage done by Clinton.
its like investing 100 billion dollars in five companies and losing 92 billion but telling my wife, but i MADE 8 billion of this one company HONEY!!!!

Not quite my friend...

We invested $25 billion in Citi Bank and saw a return of $33 Billion a return on investment of 32%.

Even your wife would be pleased

TARP bailouts are proving to be money well invested. Not only did they reverse a Wall Street panic, but they prevented a collapse of our financial sector. Now they are even showing a profit

had we ONLY invested in citi, you would have a point, we have LOST money on the other investments, so, like i said, we lost 92 billion and its stupid to claim a return of 8 billion on one investment....

further, the money hasn't been realized yet, that is based on today's stock price, the government isn't going to seel it all at hopefully the price goes up, not down....tell me, should obama use the money to repay debt?
Scuze me...but Bush proposed increasing the capital requirements of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to improve their solvency. Barney Frank led the Dems to block it.

On September 10, 2003, the Bush Administration recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis. Under the plan, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae. The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set capital-reserve requirements for the company and to determine whether the company is adequately managing the risks of its portfolios. The New York Times reported that the plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is broken. The Times also reported Democratic opposition to Bush's plan: "These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

Fannie Mae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It wouldn't hurt you to actually check some facts once in awhile.

Yes. I have read this. Both he and McCain tried to put the brakes on Fannie and Freddie more than once but Dodd and Frank stopped them.

Fannie and Freddie were a big part of the meltdown mess.

RW can try to spin it anyway she wants but facts are facts and they aren't hard to find if one wants to look.
We only need 15 deals just like that to breakeven on Fannie and Freddie and only 200 to breakeven on Obama's record setting one year deficit!

It is a shame that President George Bush allowed Fannie and Freddie to be deregulated and collapse under his watch. But that was Bush....his party paid the price for his inept handling of the economy

Are you really this stupid? Or just brainwashed? You really think that Bush did this? People like you never cease to amaze me in their stupidity.


They're not that amazing.... just really STUPID. Bush repeatedly warned congress about this, and Maxine Waters even called him "racist" for doing so. The policy owes it's beginnings to Jimmy Carter... wow.. another Carter fuckup? Who'd a thunk it.
Obama barely squeeked through health care bill with veto proof majorities in both the house & senate & you expect Bush to have fix Fannie & Freddie with out help from democrats?
You are an IDIOT!!!


If "that homosexual" Barney Frank is able to push through legislation while a minority member of Congress, Bush can do it while he is in the majority

Bwarney Fwanks did not push through legislation dumb ass! He blocked the regulation of the GSEs that Bush wanted congress to pass to fix the damage done by Clinton.

I like the way you typed "Bwarney"....makes him look more gay that way.

Great way to make an argument

If "that homosexual" Barney Frank is able to push through legislation while a minority member of Congress, Bush can do it while he is in the majority

Bwarney Fwanks did not push through legislation dumb ass! He blocked the regulation of the GSEs that Bush wanted congress to pass to fix the damage done by Clinton.

I like the way you typed "Bwarney"....makes him look more gay that way.

Great way to make an argument

What ever you say, RwarneyWinger
I like how the issue of Obama raising the deficit so much in his first year is such a talking point, when the elephant in the room is actually adding the War(s) to the budget.

Wars have NEVER been a budgetary issue. Why should they be now?


They are only a budgetary issue to people who lack any actual intellect. In the same way that blaming Bush - the ONLY guy who tried to regulate Freddie and Fanny - for the collapse of Freddie and Fanny is the argument of the terminally stupid.

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