TDS Violence

Congratulations! You TDSers have finally shown your true colors...

'Death Camps For Trump Supporters' Fliers Appear Around Long Island, N.Y.'

'Death Camps For Trump Supporters' Fliers Appear Around Long Island, N.Y.

From the link:

"Fliers reading "Death Camps For Trump Supporters Now!!!" turned up at various locations throughout Long Island, N.Y., this week, including on Republicans' homes and cars, according to Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.)."

You TDSers are 100% responsible for this.

Ever wonder HOW the Kremlin really sways right wing morons???

PJ Media


Why, thank you for that. it might be refreshing. But since you Party of Trumpers come your loss in 2020 will be armed with ARs, the weapons used by the authorities will be a bit different. At the end of the day, the Party of Trump will be self eliminating.

Trump already won....The race is over....This was when the race was won....

View attachment 273451

Hate to break it to you but we have a Revolution every 2 and 4 years. I know your King doesn't like it and it goes against the Fascist way of ruling but that's the Constitution. Get over it.

Why, thank you for that. it might be refreshing. But since you Party of Trumpers come your loss in 2020 will be armed with ARs, the weapons used by the authorities will be a bit different. At the end of the day, the Party of Trump will be self eliminating.
View attachment 273452

And when it ends, the real debate starts. One that the Party of Trump is ill suited for. All of a sudden, one person from the other side is backed by everyone else and they speak in one voice. Oh, I agree, with the cat fights they are having right now, Trump is not losing. But he's not winning either. The real fight has yet to start.

Why, thank you for that. it might be refreshing. But since you Party of Trumpers come your loss in 2020 will be armed with ARs, the weapons used by the authorities will be a bit different. At the end of the day, the Party of Trump will be self eliminating.

Trump already won....The race is over....This was when the race was won....

View attachment 273451

Hate to break it to you but we have a Revolution every 2 and 4 years. I know your King doesn't like it and it goes against the Fascist way of ruling but that's the Constitution. Get over it.
Today's Liberals are the full blown fascists.....its it or not...when you pick up a club because of a hat...what do you call it?....

Why, thank you for that. it might be refreshing. But since you Party of Trumpers come your loss in 2020 will be armed with ARs, the weapons used by the authorities will be a bit different. At the end of the day, the Party of Trump will be self eliminating.

Trump already won....The race is over....This was when the race was won....

View attachment 273451

Hate to break it to you but we have a Revolution every 2 and 4 years. I know your King doesn't like it and it goes against the Fascist way of ruling but that's the Constitution. Get over it.
Today's Liberals are the full blown fascists.....its it or not...when you pick up a club because of a hat...what do you call it?....

hate to break it to you but Fascism is a right wing. It's the opposite of socialism for government. You really need to look at Spains history when both were vying for control during the Spanish Civil War. Then look at who backed who and why.
hate to break it to you but Fascism is a right wing
Says who?...fascism is not an American political party creation...its an action taken...where do you get this stuff from?...LOL

From the creator, himself. Mussolini. And Hitler based the original Nazi government after it. Now, go study the Spanish Civil war around 1936. To give you an idea, even though the original ruling party called themselves Republicans, it had little meaning. When the war broke out, it was the Socialist Republicans backed by Stalin versus the Fascist Nationalists backed by Mussolini and Hitler. In those days, Republican in Europe were Marxists while Fascists were Nationalists. Go educate yourself, Fascist.
hate to break it to you but Fascism is a right wing
Says who?...fascism is not an American political party creation...its an action taken...where do you get this stuff from?...LOL

From the creator, himself. Mussolini. And Hitler based the original Nazi government after it. Now, go study the Spanish Civil war around 1936. To give you an idea, even though the original ruling party called themselves Republicans, it had little meaning. When the war broke out, it was the Socialist Republicans backed by Stalin versus the Fascist Nationalists backed by Mussolini and Hitler. In those days, Republican in Europe were Marxists while Fascists were Nationalists. Go educate yourself, Fascist.
Back to Nazi now?...

Trump Approval Keeps Climbing
hate to break it to you but Fascism is a right wing
Says who?...fascism is not an American political party creation...its an action taken...where do you get this stuff from?...LOL

From the creator, himself. Mussolini. And Hitler based the original Nazi government after it. Now, go study the Spanish Civil war around 1936. To give you an idea, even though the original ruling party called themselves Republicans, it had little meaning. When the war broke out, it was the Socialist Republicans backed by Stalin versus the Fascist Nationalists backed by Mussolini and Hitler. In those days, Republican in Europe were Marxists while Fascists were Nationalists. Go educate yourself, Fascist.
Back to Nazi now?...

Trump Approval Keeps Climbing

First sign of BS is the over 40% over his entire time as president. For over half of his time it's been as low as 34 and been up to 39. Recently, it's been 40 to 41%. That caused me to bias check the newsmax site. Here is the report.

Newsmax - Media Bias/Fact Check


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate Newsmax moderately right biased based on editorial positions that favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to deceptive advertising that appears as news links, but leads to sensational pseudoscience information.
Overall, we rate Newsmax moderately right biased based on editorial positions that favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to deceptive advertising that appears as news links, but leads to sensational pseudoscience information. (M. Huitsing 10/8/2017) Updated (2/9/2019)
Congratulations! You TDSers have finally shown your true colors...

'Death Camps For Trump Supporters' Fliers Appear Around Long Island, N.Y.'

'Death Camps For Trump Supporters' Fliers Appear Around Long Island, N.Y.

From the link:

"Fliers reading "Death Camps For Trump Supporters Now!!!" turned up at various locations throughout Long Island, N.Y., this week, including on Republicans' homes and cars, according to Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.)."

You TDSers are 100% responsible for this.

Actually, it's the threats if Trump loses. If you trumpster follow up on your threats, the rest of us just might be forced to start rounding all of you up and throwing your butts into prison. The violence has already been voiced. And hinted at by your Glorious Leader. Domestic Terrorists cannot be allowed to freely terrorize the rest of the population. But since you brought up TDS, does that mean that another Cabinet Member of Trump is either going to fired, resign but probably indicted.

View attachment 273425
These are actually real flyers being posted...
Congratulations! You TDSers have finally shown your true colors...

'Death Camps For Trump Supporters' Fliers Appear Around Long Island, N.Y.'

'Death Camps For Trump Supporters' Fliers Appear Around Long Island, N.Y.

From the link:

"Fliers reading "Death Camps For Trump Supporters Now!!!" turned up at various locations throughout Long Island, N.Y., this week, including on Republicans' homes and cars, according to Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.)."

You TDSers are 100% responsible for this.

Actually, it's the threats if Trump loses. If you trumpster follow up on your threats, the rest of us just might be forced to start rounding all of you up and throwing your butts into prison. The violence has already been voiced. And hinted at by your Glorious Leader. Domestic Terrorists cannot be allowed to freely terrorize the rest of the population. But since you brought up TDS, does that mean that another Cabinet Member of Trump is either going to fired, resign but probably indicted.

View attachment 273425
These are actually real flyers being posted...

Yes, for a friggin Play. What is the matter with you party of Trumpers. I know you can't believe it because your Gearless Leader says you shouldn't but it's not all about you nor is it all about him. Sometimes it's just a friggin play.

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