Tea Partiers against Romney need to ask


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
if they would rather have 4 more years of Obama, than Romney.

Because Romney is the ONLY GOP candidate with a realistic chance of defeating 9 % unemployment Obama in 2012. Even if the economy gets worse.

Perry is TOAST with his pathetic perf in the 3 debates.

Cain and Paul are niche candidates who have no chance of winning a general election.

Chrisitie doesn't seem to want to run -and he reminds me of Mario Cuomo - who back in the 80s everybody was begging to run for president (reason escaped me)
Christie is too unappealing to look at.

He and Angela Merkel would make a nice couple.

Looks matter.
Its wayyy too early to start thinking about who will win in 2012. Romney is a class act. He polished his act since last time. Some of the young guns hope to gain experience and build an organization for 2016 or 2020, like Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Tim Pawlenty, Paul Ryan....no women?....

Mitt is like a cat playing with a mouse with nowhere to run. He knows that when the actual delegates get picked he wins. Then he knows that during the presidential election, it will be like 2008 only in reverse....
Granny says, "Dat's right - God wanted the Jews to lead `til dey rejected Jesus...
Romney: God Wants U.S. to Lead, Not Follow
October 07, 2011 | Mitt Romney, the leading Republican presidential candidate, is calling for a century of American dominance in his first major foreign policy address, outlining plans to strengthen the U.S. military while rejecting multilateral institutions like the United Nations when necessary.
The former Massachusetts governor also condemns the isolationist policies supported by some conservative tea party members in a speech to be delivered Friday at The Citadel, an iconic military college in South Carolina. It comes as Romney has jumped back into the lead in national polling following Texas Gov. Rick Perry's disappointing performances in political debates. The location of the speech, in the early primary voting state of South Carolina, is no coincidence.

Next year's election is likely to be dominated by domestic issues, especially the weak U.S. economic recovery from the Great Recession that has left millions of Americans without jobs. And while President Barack Obama may be vulnerable to criticism about the economy, he has considerably more foreign policy experience than Romney and most other Republicans in the 2012 election field. Romney in Friday's speech speaks in broad terms about U.S. foreign policy but gives few specifics.

"This is America's moment. We should embrace the challenge, not shrink from it, not crawl into an isolationist shell, not wave the white flag of surrender, nor give in to those who assert America's moment has passed. That is utter nonsense," Romney says in prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press. Romney, who also ran for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, offers no clear direction for the war in Afghanistan, but says he would conduct a full review of the situation in his first 100 days in office to determine "the presence necessary to secure our gains and successfully complete our mission."

"This century must be an American century. In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world," Romney says. "God did not create this country to be a nation of followers. America is not destined to be one of several equally balanced global powers. America must lead the world, or someone else will." While Romney served as a Mormon missionary in France more than four decades ago, he has limited foreign policy experience. As he says in nearly every campaign stop, he has spent the majority of his life in the business world. But Romney has been critical of Obama's foreign policy, particularly the president's aggressive timeline to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Read more: Romney: God Wants U.S. To Lead, Not Follow | Fox News

See also:

Romney’s Mormon Faith Is Thrust Back Into Campaign Spotlight
October 08, 2011 | It was bound to happen sooner or later.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who was questioned repeatedly about his Mormon faith during his 2008 presidential bid, finds his religion under attack again in the 2012 GOP race. On Friday, Robert Jeffress, a senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Dallas who supports Texas Gov. Rick Perry and introduced him at the Values Voters Summit, called Mormonism a “cult” in remarks to reporters. When Perry took the stage, he said Jeffress “hit it out of the ballpark” with his introductory remarks in which he called the Texas governor a “proven leader, a true conservative and a committed follower of Christ.”

But Perry’s camp said later that Perry disagreed with Jeffress description of Mormonism as a “cult” and that the Values Voters Summit organizers chose the pastor to introduce the Texas governor. “The governor doesn’t agree with every single issue with everyone he knows or supports his candidacy,” Perry campaign spokesman Mark Miner said in an email to Fox News. “He is running for president to get our economy back on track and create jobs. Those are the real issues that matter to people.”

On Saturday, conservative talk show host Bill Bennett condemned Jeffress’ comments when he introduced Romney at the summit. “I would say to Pastor Jeffress…you did Rick Perry no good sir in what you had to say,” he said to raucous applause, calling the pastor's remarks "bigotry."

In his remarks, Romney said, “Speaking of hitting it out of the ball park, how about that Bill Bennett.” He went on to urge Republicans not to let religious differences to divide them and to pick a nominee who is most qualified to boost the economy. “We should remember that decency and civility are values too,” he said. “Poisonous language doesn’t advance our cause. It’s never softened a single heart or changed a single mind. The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate.”

Read more: Romney
Granny says, "Dat's right - God wanted the Jews to lead `til dey rejected Jesus...
Romney: God Wants U.S. to Lead, Not Follow
October 07, 2011 | Mitt Romney, the leading Republican presidential candidate, is calling for a century of American dominance in his first major foreign policy address, outlining plans to strengthen the U.S. military while rejecting multilateral institutions like the United Nations when necessary.
The former Massachusetts governor also condemns the isolationist policies supported by some conservative tea party members in a speech to be delivered Friday at The Citadel, an iconic military college in South Carolina. It comes as Romney has jumped back into the lead in national polling following Texas Gov. Rick Perry's disappointing performances in political debates. The location of the speech, in the early primary voting state of South Carolina, is no coincidence.

Next year's election is likely to be dominated by domestic issues, especially the weak U.S. economic recovery from the Great Recession that has left millions of Americans without jobs. And while President Barack Obama may be vulnerable to criticism about the economy, he has considerably more foreign policy experience than Romney and most other Republicans in the 2012 election field. Romney in Friday's speech speaks in broad terms about U.S. foreign policy but gives few specifics.

"This is America's moment. We should embrace the challenge, not shrink from it, not crawl into an isolationist shell, not wave the white flag of surrender, nor give in to those who assert America's moment has passed. That is utter nonsense," Romney says in prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press. Romney, who also ran for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, offers no clear direction for the war in Afghanistan, but says he would conduct a full review of the situation in his first 100 days in office to determine "the presence necessary to secure our gains and successfully complete our mission."

"This century must be an American century. In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world," Romney says. "God did not create this country to be a nation of followers. America is not destined to be one of several equally balanced global powers. America must lead the world, or someone else will." While Romney served as a Mormon missionary in France more than four decades ago, he has limited foreign policy experience. As he says in nearly every campaign stop, he has spent the majority of his life in the business world. But Romney has been critical of Obama's foreign policy, particularly the president's aggressive timeline to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Read more: Romney: God Wants U.S. To Lead, Not Follow | Fox News

See also:

Romney’s Mormon Faith Is Thrust Back Into Campaign Spotlight
October 08, 2011 | It was bound to happen sooner or later.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who was questioned repeatedly about his Mormon faith during his 2008 presidential bid, finds his religion under attack again in the 2012 GOP race. On Friday, Robert Jeffress, a senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Dallas who supports Texas Gov. Rick Perry and introduced him at the Values Voters Summit, called Mormonism a “cult” in remarks to reporters. When Perry took the stage, he said Jeffress “hit it out of the ballpark” with his introductory remarks in which he called the Texas governor a “proven leader, a true conservative and a committed follower of Christ.”

But Perry’s camp said later that Perry disagreed with Jeffress description of Mormonism as a “cult” and that the Values Voters Summit organizers chose the pastor to introduce the Texas governor. “The governor doesn’t agree with every single issue with everyone he knows or supports his candidacy,” Perry campaign spokesman Mark Miner said in an email to Fox News. “He is running for president to get our economy back on track and create jobs. Those are the real issues that matter to people.”

On Saturday, conservative talk show host Bill Bennett condemned Jeffress’ comments when he introduced Romney at the summit. “I would say to Pastor Jeffress…you did Rick Perry no good sir in what you had to say,” he said to raucous applause, calling the pastor's remarks "bigotry."

In his remarks, Romney said, “Speaking of hitting it out of the ball park, how about that Bill Bennett.” He went on to urge Republicans not to let religious differences to divide them and to pick a nominee who is most qualified to boost the economy. “We should remember that decency and civility are values too,” he said. “Poisonous language doesn’t advance our cause. It’s never softened a single heart or changed a single mind. The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate.”

Read more: Romney

I am all in for Mitt, no one has the outstanding business record that he does, it's awesome and his turnarounds for the olympics and private business's is something that is textbook perfection. If he can do that with the olympics and these private business's that were failing and now success stories, he has my vote and my support. He also understands that freedom is not free and is lining up foreign policy experts to deal with the nation's threats. As far as being mormon, he believes in the same god that I do, he does not have to attend my church to get my vote.
Its wayyy too early to start thinking about who will win in 2012. Romney is a class act. He polished his act since last time. Some of the young guns hope to gain experience and build an organization for 2016 or 2020, like Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Tim Pawlenty, Paul Ryan....no women?....

Mitt is like a cat playing with a mouse with nowhere to run. He knows that when the actual delegates get picked he wins. Then he knows that during the presidential election, it will be like 2008 only in reverse....

Romney will loose because thats all he is, an act. He has so many flip flops that someone started a website just of his flip flops.

What he is is just another spoiled rotton prety boy with lots of money. He is a piece of shit scumbag that is the spitting image of whats wrong with this country. Do you really think the public is going to continue to accept manufactured candidates forever??

Allegations of votor fraud, allegations of election funding fraud with perry in texas, so many flip flops there is no hope of knowing how he is going to behave once elected. Then you have the issues with his business ventures...
Its wayyy too early to start thinking about who will win in 2012. Romney is a class act. He polished his act since last time. Some of the young guns hope to gain experience and build an organization for 2016 or 2020, like Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Tim Pawlenty, Paul Ryan....no women?....

Mitt is like a cat playing with a mouse with nowhere to run. He knows that when the actual delegates get picked he wins. Then he knows that during the presidential election, it will be like 2008 only in reverse....

Romney will loose because thats all he is, an act. He has so many flip flops that someone started a website just of his flip flops.

What he is is just another spoiled rotton prety boy with lots of money. He is a piece of shit scumbag that is the spitting image of whats wrong with this country. Do you really think the public is going to continue to accept manufactured candidates forever??

Allegations of votor fraud, allegations of election funding fraud with perry in texas, so many flip flops there is no hope of knowing how he is going to behave once elected. Then you have the issues with his business ventures...

Let me put this simply so that you will understand. Governor Romney took a state that was 3 billion dollars in DEBT and turned that into a 2 billion dollar SURPLUS in just 4 years and he did it without raising taxes. You might try doing a little reading on the subject before you spout off, that way you won't look so stupid. I know it's difficult, but start with his job's plan.
Its wayyy too early to start thinking about who will win in 2012. Romney is a class act. He polished his act since last time. Some of the young guns hope to gain experience and build an organization for 2016 or 2020, like Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Tim Pawlenty, Paul Ryan....no women?....

Mitt is like a cat playing with a mouse with nowhere to run. He knows that when the actual delegates get picked he wins. Then he knows that during the presidential election, it will be like 2008 only in reverse....

Romney will loose because thats all he is, an act. He has so many flip flops that someone started a website just of his flip flops.

What he is is just another spoiled rotton prety boy with lots of money. He is a piece of shit scumbag that is the spitting image of whats wrong with this country. Do you really think the public is going to continue to accept manufactured candidates forever??

Allegations of votor fraud, allegations of election funding fraud with perry in texas, so many flip flops there is no hope of knowing how he is going to behave once elected. Then you have the issues with his business ventures...

As far as flip-flop you must mean his position on abortion, I too have changed my mind on that as I am sure most who " think" have. It's a difficult topic and one that takes years of maturity and knowledge to make. Romney is a conservative, has been one and was unfortunate enough to be a governor in a deep, deep blue state where 85% of the legislature was democratic. In other words, he did not have his way with them, what he did do was quite an accomplishment considering that the deck was stacked against him.
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Its wayyy too early to start thinking about who will win in 2012. Romney is a class act. He polished his act since last time. Some of the young guns hope to gain experience and build an organization for 2016 or 2020, like Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Tim Pawlenty, Paul Ryan....no women?....

Mitt is like a cat playing with a mouse with nowhere to run. He knows that when the actual delegates get picked he wins. Then he knows that during the presidential election, it will be like 2008 only in reverse....

Romney will loose because thats all he is, an act. He has so many flip flops that someone started a website just of his flip flops.

What he is is just another spoiled rotton prety boy with lots of money. He is a piece of shit scumbag that is the spitting image of whats wrong with this country. Do you really think the public is going to continue to accept manufactured candidates forever??

Allegations of votor fraud, allegations of election funding fraud with perry in texas, so many flip flops there is no hope of knowing how he is going to behave once elected. Then you have the issues with his business ventures...

" allegations of voter fraud, allegations of election funding fraud with Perry in Texas"

who are you talking about Perry or Romney ( or don't you know) where are your links? I have seen nothing about election fraud or allegations of them, so provide your links but you also need to know who it is you are posting about, Perry or Romney. Those are two different candidates.
Their is little difference between Obama and Romney. No matter what he says he is what he is, and I doubt he will come up with the solutions and focus on the problems we need too. So I wouldn't consider myself a tea partier, but I agree with them on a lot of stuff, as well as disagree, and Romney is simply not for me. Romney, Obama, Bush, Perry, there is essentially little difference.
if they would rather have 4 more years of Obama, than Romney.
LOLsome. This is like asking, "Would you rather have a grilled-cheese sandwich, or a grilled-cheese sandwich."

Because Romney is the ONLY GOP candidate with a realistic chance of defeating 9 % unemployment Obama in 2012. Even if the economy gets worse.

Wow. Utter failure to see the familiarity of relationship in Romneycare and unemployment in Massachusetts; and Obamacare and unemployment nationally.

Newsflash: Despite the propaganda pronouncing the contrary so that your choice of candidate is an emotional choice rather than a rational choice, Obama and Romney belong to the same political party.
Their is little difference between Obama and Romney. No matter what he says he is what he is, and I doubt he will come up with the solutions and focus on the problems we need too. So I wouldn't consider myself a tea partier, but I agree with them on a lot of stuff, as well as disagree, and Romney is simply not for me. Romney, Obama, Bush, Perry, there is essentially little difference.

You are not fooling me at all, if you liken Romney or any other GOP candidates with Obama, you are either extremely mis-informed or a far left wing nut trying to pretend you actually are a Republican or a tea party member as there are extreme differences between all the GOP candidates and Obama.

Obama is a full blown socialist with marixt leanings.

" Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy, it's only virtue is the shared equality of misery." Winston Churchill.
Granny says, "Dat's right - God wanted the Jews to lead `til dey rejected Jesus...
Romney: God Wants U.S. to Lead, Not Follow
October 07, 2011 | Mitt Romney, the leading Republican presidential candidate, is calling for a century of American dominance in his first major foreign policy address, outlining plans to strengthen the U.S. military while rejecting multilateral institutions like the United Nations when necessary.
The former Massachusetts governor also condemns the isolationist policies supported by some conservative tea party members in a speech to be delivered Friday at The Citadel, an iconic military college in South Carolina. It comes as Romney has jumped back into the lead in national polling following Texas Gov. Rick Perry's disappointing performances in political debates. The location of the speech, in the early primary voting state of South Carolina, is no coincidence.

Next year's election is likely to be dominated by domestic issues, especially the weak U.S. economic recovery from the Great Recession that has left millions of Americans without jobs. And while President Barack Obama may be vulnerable to criticism about the economy, he has considerably more foreign policy experience than Romney and most other Republicans in the 2012 election field. Romney in Friday's speech speaks in broad terms about U.S. foreign policy but gives few specifics.

"This is America's moment. We should embrace the challenge, not shrink from it, not crawl into an isolationist shell, not wave the white flag of surrender, nor give in to those who assert America's moment has passed. That is utter nonsense," Romney says in prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press. Romney, who also ran for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, offers no clear direction for the war in Afghanistan, but says he would conduct a full review of the situation in his first 100 days in office to determine "the presence necessary to secure our gains and successfully complete our mission."

"This century must be an American century. In an American century, America has the strongest economy and the strongest military in the world," Romney says. "God did not create this country to be a nation of followers. America is not destined to be one of several equally balanced global powers. America must lead the world, or someone else will." While Romney served as a Mormon missionary in France more than four decades ago, he has limited foreign policy experience. As he says in nearly every campaign stop, he has spent the majority of his life in the business world. But Romney has been critical of Obama's foreign policy, particularly the president's aggressive timeline to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Read more: Romney: God Wants U.S. To Lead, Not Follow | Fox News

See also:

Romney’s Mormon Faith Is Thrust Back Into Campaign Spotlight
October 08, 2011 | It was bound to happen sooner or later.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who was questioned repeatedly about his Mormon faith during his 2008 presidential bid, finds his religion under attack again in the 2012 GOP race. On Friday, Robert Jeffress, a senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Dallas who supports Texas Gov. Rick Perry and introduced him at the Values Voters Summit, called Mormonism a “cult” in remarks to reporters. When Perry took the stage, he said Jeffress “hit it out of the ballpark” with his introductory remarks in which he called the Texas governor a “proven leader, a true conservative and a committed follower of Christ.”

But Perry’s camp said later that Perry disagreed with Jeffress description of Mormonism as a “cult” and that the Values Voters Summit organizers chose the pastor to introduce the Texas governor. “The governor doesn’t agree with every single issue with everyone he knows or supports his candidacy,” Perry campaign spokesman Mark Miner said in an email to Fox News. “He is running for president to get our economy back on track and create jobs. Those are the real issues that matter to people.”

On Saturday, conservative talk show host Bill Bennett condemned Jeffress’ comments when he introduced Romney at the summit. “I would say to Pastor Jeffress…you did Rick Perry no good sir in what you had to say,” he said to raucous applause, calling the pastor's remarks "bigotry."

In his remarks, Romney said, “Speaking of hitting it out of the ball park, how about that Bill Bennett.” He went on to urge Republicans not to let religious differences to divide them and to pick a nominee who is most qualified to boost the economy. “We should remember that decency and civility are values too,” he said. “Poisonous language doesn’t advance our cause. It’s never softened a single heart or changed a single mind. The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate.”

Read more: Romney

I am all in for Mitt, no one has the outstanding business record that he does, it's awesome and his turnarounds for the olympics and private business's is something that is textbook perfection. If he can do that with the olympics and these private business's that were failing and now success stories, he has my vote and my support. He also understands that freedom is not free and is lining up foreign policy experts to deal with the nation's threats. As far as being mormon, he believes in the same god that I do, he does not have to attend my church to get my vote.

To be fair he shouldn't have to attend any church to get a vote.
if they would rather have 4 more years of Obama, than Romney.
LOLsome. This is like asking, "Would you rather have a grilled-cheese sandwich, or a grilled-cheese sandwich."

Because Romney is the ONLY GOP candidate with a realistic chance of defeating 9 % unemployment Obama in 2012. Even if the economy gets worse.

Wow. Utter failure to see the familiarity of relationship in Romneycare and unemployment in Massachusetts; and Obamacare and unemployment nationally.

Newsflash: Despite the propaganda pronouncing the contrary so that your choice of candidate is an emotional choice rather than a rational choice, Obama and Romney belong to the same political party.

There is very little familiarity or relationship between the bill passed in Ma and Obamacare. Romney's plan used the free market system and it dealt ONLY with the 7% in his state that could afford health care insurance but choose to let "you" flip the bill in higher premiums and higher taxes. Obama care is designed to push us all towards a one payer system in which the Federal government is in charge of all your health care. Obama care raises taxes, Romney's doesn't. Obama care reduces medicare by 500 billion dollars, Romney didn't. Romney expanded HSA's health savings plans, these are high deductible plans that use pre-tax dollars, he set up exchanges so that individuals could shop for the coverage they need to find the best deals, he was successful. He has stated over and over and over again that this is a state's issue and that yes he would have changed some things in the plan. He had an 85% democratic legislature to deal with and vetoed several items but was overridden by the democrat legislature. He has also stated over and over and over again that he would repeal Obamacare, and would issue a mandate on his first day a waiver for all 50 states on Obamacare, until he gets it repealed.

It helps to read a little before you make a stand or a judgement on anything. This is all documented and available for your reading.

BTW- how do you legislate personal behavior? Personal behavior is a Republican platform, we beleive that people should take responsibility for their own actions and behavior. How would you legislate personal behavior, because I am sick and tired of paying or flipping the bill for people who can afford their own insurance policy, yet don't. So how would you do it, you obviously don't want a mandate, so if you don't, how are you going to get people who can afford to pay for their own policy, yet don't. That's the question and I have yet to get an answer, and don't tell me that we should refuse health care to these individuals because it will never not ever happen.
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Their is little difference between Obama and Romney. No matter what he says he is what he is, and I doubt he will come up with the solutions and focus on the problems we need too. So I wouldn't consider myself a tea partier, but I agree with them on a lot of stuff, as well as disagree, and Romney is simply not for me. Romney, Obama, Bush, Perry, there is essentially little difference.

You are not fooling me at all, if you liken Romney or any other GOP candidates with Obama, you are either extremely mis-informed or a far left wing nut trying to pretend you actually are a Republican or a tea party member as there are extreme differences between all the GOP candidates and Obama.

Obama is a full blown socialist with marixt leanings.

" Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy, it's only virtue is the shared equality of misery." Winston Churchill.

lol at me being a left wing nut because I disagree with you.

So Romney is somehow largely different because all of the sudden his excuse of states rights makes the solution he came up with for healthcare different?

And no I'm not a republican or tea party member, I'm an independent, some would say libertarian. I would prefer Ron Paul or Herman Cain, why would I preted to like someone who isn't going to get elected?

All you have done is made an ad hominem attack.

I'm against free trade, that makes me a liberal? When people devalue currencies you have to take action. Read up on Alexander Hamilton and how this country actually paid to exist. America is the biggest consumption market, I am the first to admit that's a disadvantage, however, if you can pay off debt it becomes a huge advantage. Free trade only works when a country has a trade surplus otherwise it plagues a country. Secondly, every country besides us makes taxes in other forms, for instance all drinks that are imported in to Mexico have to be on plastic crates made in mexico. People have to get paid to change the crates, or people have to pay to buy this crates and shipped. Everyother country adds some kind of tax in a round about way besides us so I say eliminate it. You want to play that game, this is what happens. Free trade is a joke that has been imposed on people who can't think for themselves.

Romney will offer little other solutions vastly different from Obama, same with Perry. They have not shown any will to do so in how they have ran their campaign. They tell you what they think you want to hear like Obama. This is vindictive of the way they will rule, only difference will be instead of the president sympathizing with the lefts frustration he will be playing that game with the right.
Its wayyy too early to start thinking about who will win in 2012. Romney is a class act. He polished his act since last time. Some of the young guns hope to gain experience and build an organization for 2016 or 2020, like Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Tim Pawlenty, Paul Ryan....no women?....

Mitt is like a cat playing with a mouse with nowhere to run. He knows that when the actual delegates get picked he wins. Then he knows that during the presidential election, it will be like 2008 only in reverse....

Romney will loose because thats all he is, an act. He has so many flip flops that someone started a website just of his flip flops.

What he is is just another spoiled rotton prety boy with lots of money. He is a piece of shit scumbag that is the spitting image of whats wrong with this country. Do you really think the public is going to continue to accept manufactured candidates forever??

Allegations of votor fraud, allegations of election funding fraud with perry in texas, so many flip flops there is no hope of knowing how he is going to behave once elected. Then you have the issues with his business ventures...

As far as flip-flop you must mean his position on abortion, I too have changed my mind on that as I am sure most who " think" have. It's a difficult topic and one that takes years of maturity and knowledge to make. Romney is a conservative, has been one and was unfortunate enough to be a governor in a deep, deep blue state where 85% of the legislature was democratic. In other words, he did not have his way with them, what he did do was quite an accomplishment considering that the deck was stacked against him.

It's clear you are one of the many sheeple, as there are many on the left and right, and no matter of proof and logic can convince you the divine Romney isn't going to do anything substantive in his presidency. Much like his 4 predecessors.
if they would rather have 4 more years of Obama, than Romney.

Because Romney is the ONLY GOP candidate with a realistic chance of defeating 9 % unemployment Obama in 2012. Even if the economy gets worse.

So ends the Tea Party experiment, in this scenario, anyway. Failing to get a Tea Party-esque candidate (which, at this point, is virtually the entire field, aside from Romney and Huntsman) to the nomination and then bowing down to kiss the party establishment's ring anyway signals the end of their brief tenure as kingmakers.

Romney's plan used the free market system and it dealt ONLY with the 7% in his state that could afford health care insurance but choose to let "you" flip the bill in higher premiums and higher taxes.

Despite the fact that Romney likes to use this line, it doesn't really make any sense. At least, not if he's trying to use it to distinguish his legislation from the ACA.

he set up exchanges so that individuals could shop for the coverage they need to find the best deals, he was successful.

Ixnay on the exchange-way. Remember, you're trying to disassociate him from Obama.
Their is little difference between Obama and Romney. No matter what he says he is what he is, and I doubt he will come up with the solutions and focus on the problems we need too. So I wouldn't consider myself a tea partier, but I agree with them on a lot of stuff, as well as disagree, and Romney is simply not for me. Romney, Obama, Bush, Perry, there is essentially little difference.

You are not fooling me at all, if you liken Romney or any other GOP candidates with Obama, you are either extremely mis-informed or a far left wing nut trying to pretend you actually are a Republican or a tea party member as there are extreme differences between all the GOP candidates and Obama.

Obama is a full blown socialist with marixt leanings.

" Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy, it's only virtue is the shared equality of misery." Winston Churchill.

lol at me being a left wing nut because I disagree with you.

So Romney is somehow largely different because all of the sudden his excuse of states rights makes the solution he came up with for healthcare different?

And no I'm not a republican or tea party member, I'm an independent, some would say libertarian. I would prefer Ron Paul or Herman Cain, why would I preted to like someone who isn't going to get elected?

All you have done is made an ad hominem attack.

I'm against free trade, that makes me a liberal? When people devalue currencies you have to take action. Read up on Alexander Hamilton and how this country actually paid to exist. America is the biggest consumption market, I am the first to admit that's a disadvantage, however, if you can pay off debt it becomes a huge advantage. Free trade only works when a country has a trade surplus otherwise it plagues a country. Secondly, every country besides us makes taxes in other forms, for instance all drinks that are imported in to Mexico have to be on plastic crates made in mexico. People have to get paid to change the crates, or people have to pay to buy this crates and shipped. Everyother country adds some kind of tax in a round about way besides us so I say eliminate it. You want to play that game, this is what happens. Free trade is a joke that has been imposed on people who can't think for themselves.

Romney will offer little other solutions vastly different from Obama, same with Perry. They have not shown any will to do so in how they have ran their campaign. They tell you what they think you want to hear like Obama. This is vindictive of the way they will rule, only difference will be instead of the president sympathizing with the lefts frustration he will be playing that game with the right.

Trade is your issue, I am assuming, then it might be helpful for you to know that it's also Mitt Romney's issue. I suggest you read his policy on trade, he wants free trade, but it has got to be FAIR trade, he wants to implement a Reagan era trade policy in which China can't manipulate it's currency and for those that don't trade fairly we don't trade with. It's all in his job's plan he addresses it completely. I suggest you read it. BTW Reagan created 20 million new jobs. In fact, Romney is the ONLY candidate that has addressed trade.

It is on page 69 of his job's plan.
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