Tea Partiers have a better grasp of science...how embarassing!

Given NBCs history of falsification, you don't think that NBC have major credibility issues?

I think all sites and networks have credibility issues. Leading the pack is Fox which I hear is a Teaparty strong hold. I watched them deny Obama had won reelection to the point that I was embarrassed for them.

Fox is worse in your estimation because??
Oh yeah, it's slightly biased toward the center.
The rest are extreme far left.
Has fox doctored evidence to incite violence?
NBC has.
Has fox aligned itself with an organization that incites the murder of children?
NBC has.
How about YOUR fellow fanatics view on rape?
She is one of your lot isn't she?
Or is that too inconvenient to your dogma to address?

Fox is worse IMO because the few times I have watched it they incite RW nutjobs and lie by omission or just flat out lie. MSNBC is extremely liberal so i dont trust them either. CNN seems to be more center so the rare times I watch TV I have no issue with them.

All those other questions you are ranting about don't make sense to me. You sound unbalanced but you tend to do that I find.
I think all sites and networks have credibility issues. Leading the pack is Fox which I hear is a Teaparty strong hold. I watched them deny Obama had won reelection to the point that I was embarrassed for them.

Fox is worse in your estimation because??
Oh yeah, it's slightly biased toward the center.
The rest are extreme far left.
Has fox doctored evidence to incite violence?
NBC has.
Has fox aligned itself with an organization that incites the murder of children?
NBC has.
How about YOUR fellow fanatics view on rape?
She is one of your lot isn't she?
Or is that too inconvenient to your dogma to address?

Fox is worse IMO because the few times I have watched it they incite RW nutjobs and lie by omission or just flat out lie. MSNBC is extremely liberal so i dont trust them either. CNN seems to be more center so the rare times I watch TV I have no issue with them.

All those other questions you are ranting about don't make sense to me. You sound unbalanced but you tend to do that I find.

You made a post quoting Todd Aiken ,a non tea party member, and his legitimate rape statement to attack the tea party.
I responded with a video of one of your lot( fanatical liberal totalitarians of the Obamacult) making the comment that roman polanskis rape and violent sodomy of a young girl was not RAPE RAPE.
Not legitimate rape in the liberal view.
You make comment, I counter it, prove how stupid you are, you rant that I am insane.
Typical liberal response.
Low info boy!!
There have been countless studies that prove one way or the other on this subject. It's tiring at this point.

Don't let it get your head, most of you guys have already proven in this thread alone that you are not this rare animal called the "intelligent" conservative.

Another classical progressive fallacy. "If you disagree with me, you must be an idiot (or EVUL).
Apparently, you're not bright enough to realize you're being fed a carefully-crafted vision of the TEA Party by people with a vested interest in portraying them in a bad light.

Trust that I realize both sides carefully craft bad images of each other. However, the Tea Party has had some real humdingers you have to admit. My personal favorite:

“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down.” -Todd Akin

15 Mind-Numbingly Dumb Things TEApublicans Have Said Lately | Americans Against the Tea Party

Todd Aiken is not a tea party republican.

Whoopie Goldberg is a fanatical liberal totalitarian of the Obamacult though.

Here's her little verbal turdage regarding legitimate rape;-

Gonna respond low info boy?
Right after you prove to me that everyone that leans conservative is a Tea Party member. until then you shut up.

Apparently --- only the smarter ones are... It's the MATH SKILLS.. They know the diff between Billions and Trillions..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :D

Thats scary to know. I just thought they were ignorant and harmless. How do they always end up saying stupid stuff on TV that contradicts this study?

Very crafty video and audio editing by MSNBC and other MSM outlets.
Meanwhile, contrary to what the rightie kooks are ranting about, the actual linked study showed:

1. In a college-grad vs. not-college-grad matchup, science intelligence was strongly positively correlated with college attendance. (r = +0.36)

2. In a strongly-religious vs not-strongly-religious matchup, science intelligence was moderately negatively correlated with strong religious beliefs. (r=-0.26)

3. In a liberal vs. conservative matchup, science intelligence was slightly negatively correlated with conservatism. (r= -0.05)

4. In a Tea-Party vs. Non-Tea-Party matchup, science intelligence was slightly positively correlated with Tea Party membership (r=+0.05)

So, Tea Partiers were slightly smarter than the average person. But it didn't compare Tea Partiers to liberals. It compared Tea Partiers to the whole population, a population whose average was dragged down by evangelical creationist cranks.

Hence, it is not possible to make any conclusion concerning Tea Partiers vs. liberals from the study, since they weren't compared. And all the conservatives on this thread failed to grasp that. We can't generalize to all conservatives from such a small sample. We can only conclude the conservatives on this thread have a poor grasp of logic.

Oh, the test was also about vaccine risk, which is more an issue with liberal conspiracy theorists. Hence it's going to be "biased" against liberals, just as, say, a test on nuclear power would be. If the test had been about, say, climate science, conservatives would have ended up looking like raging 'tards across the board. All we see from this example is that, in a test biased against liberals by design, the liberals were still a little smarter than conservatives.
Meanwhile, contrary to what the rightie kooks are ranting about, the actual linked study showed:

1. In a college-grad vs. not-college-grad matchup, science intelligence was strongly positively correlated with college attendance. (r = +0.36)

2. In a strongly-religious vs not-strongly-religious matchup, science intelligence was moderately negatively correlated with strong religious beliefs. (r=-0.26)

3. In a liberal vs. conservative matchup, science intelligence was slightly negatively correlated with conservatism. (r= -0.05)

4. In a Tea-Party vs. Non-Tea-Party matchup, science intelligence was slightly positively correlated with Tea Party membership (r=+0.05)

So, Tea Partiers were slightly smarter than the average person. But it didn't compare Tea Partiers to liberals. It compared Tea Partiers to the whole population, a population whose average was dragged down by evangelical creationist cranks.

Hence, it is not possible to make any conclusion concerning Tea Partiers vs. liberals from the study, since they weren't compared. And all the conservatives on this thread failed to grasp that. We can't generalize to all conservatives from such a small sample. We can only conclude the conservatives on this thread have a poor grasp of logic.

Oh, the test was also about vaccine risk, which is more an issue with liberal conspiracy theorists. Hence it's going to be "biased" against liberals, just as, say, a test on nuclear power would be. If the test had been about, say, climate science, conservatives would have ended up looking like raging 'tards across the board. All we see from this example is that, in a test biased against liberals by design, the liberals were still a little smarter than conservatives.

My experiment proves you guys are not smart and easily led. All I did is pretended to be surprised and you guys fell hook line and sinker. :lol:
Meanwhile, contrary to what the rightie kooks are ranting about, the actual linked study showed:

1. In a college-grad vs. not-college-grad matchup, science intelligence was strongly positively correlated with college attendance. (r = +0.36)

2. In a strongly-religious vs not-strongly-religious matchup, science intelligence was moderately negatively correlated with strong religious beliefs. (r=-0.26)

3. In a liberal vs. conservative matchup, science intelligence was slightly negatively correlated with conservatism. (r= -0.05)

4. In a Tea-Party vs. Non-Tea-Party matchup, science intelligence was slightly positively correlated with Tea Party membership (r=+0.05)

So, Tea Partiers were slightly smarter than the average person. But it didn't compare Tea Partiers to liberals. It compared Tea Partiers to the whole population, a population whose average was dragged down by evangelical creationist cranks.

Hence, it is not possible to make any conclusion concerning Tea Partiers vs. liberals from the study, since they weren't compared. And all the conservatives on this thread failed to grasp that. We can't generalize to all conservatives from such a small sample. We can only conclude the conservatives on this thread have a poor grasp of logic.

Oh, the test was also about vaccine risk, which is more an issue with liberal conspiracy theorists. Hence it's going to be "biased" against liberals, just as, say, a test on nuclear power would be. If the test had been about, say, climate science, conservatives would have ended up looking like raging 'tards across the board. All we see from this example is that, in a test biased against liberals by design, the liberals were still a little smarter than conservatives.

My experiment proves you guys are not smart and easily led. All I did is pretended to be surprised and you guys fell hook line and sinker. :lol:

I saw you claim Todd Aiken was tea party.
You still refuse to address the liberal view of child rape not being rape rape as presented by one of your own.
What is legitimate rape to a liberal?
Yes. That's what it said. Tea Partiers are better versed in science than liberals.
No it didn't! It made absolutely no comparison between Libs and the Tea Bag Brotherhood. Your false claim only proves the ignorance of the Right!

It compared Baggers to NON-Baggers, not Libs. The NON-Baggers included the smarter Libs and the dumber CON$ dragging down the Libs score. IOW, it was a comparison between Baggers and Libs with NON-Bagger CON$.

You could REASON this from the study if you had any simple arithmetic skills. Each chart has the breakdown of the sample's participants in the upper right corner. In the Libs/CON$ chart there were 1168 Libs and 1148 CON$ for a total of 2,316. In the Bagger chart there were 430 Baggers and 1886 NON-Baggers for a total of 2,316.

A comparison between Baggers and Libs would have had 430 Baggers and 1168 Libs for a total of 1,598. Since no such study was done then only a stupid fool would claim the study said Baggers were better versed in science than Libs!!!!!

It's that one assertion Ed that shows why INTERPRETING statistical studies are so hard.
Because everyone interprets them differently.

Your comment about smarter "libs" and dumber "rest of the cons" is funny..

Because the way I READ THAT --- it's libs versus cons with the cons having all their first team players removed !!! All in all, if that happened in the NFL --- the outcome would have been WORSE for the cons..

As THO --- you've never seen a "dumb lib" or they don't exist..
This is supposed to be for fun actually.. No one is winning here --- except that a certain political stereotype of the Tea Party just took a hit amidships..

Here's a truth.. Any group of people with the conviction and skills to ORGANIZE a national movement or "party" ---- is gonna be smarter than the average voter... You "libs" should get to work... :lol:
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Meanwhile, contrary to what the rightie kooks are ranting about, the actual linked study showed:

1. In a college-grad vs. not-college-grad matchup, science intelligence was strongly positively correlated with college attendance. (r = +0.36)

2. In a strongly-religious vs not-strongly-religious matchup, science intelligence was moderately negatively correlated with strong religious beliefs. (r=-0.26)

3. In a liberal vs. conservative matchup, science intelligence was slightly negatively correlated with conservatism. (r= -0.05)

4. In a Tea-Party vs. Non-Tea-Party matchup, science intelligence was slightly positively correlated with Tea Party membership (r=+0.05)

So, Tea Partiers were slightly smarter than the average person. But it didn't compare Tea Partiers to liberals. It compared Tea Partiers to the whole population, a population whose average was dragged down by evangelical creationist cranks.

Hence, it is not possible to make any conclusion concerning Tea Partiers vs. liberals from the study, since they weren't compared. And all the conservatives on this thread failed to grasp that. We can't generalize to all conservatives from such a small sample. We can only conclude the conservatives on this thread have a poor grasp of logic.

Oh, the test was also about vaccine risk, which is more an issue with liberal conspiracy theorists. Hence it's going to be "biased" against liberals, just as, say, a test on nuclear power would be. If the test had been about, say, climate science, conservatives would have ended up looking like raging 'tards across the board. All we see from this example is that, in a test biased against liberals by design, the liberals were still a little smarter than conservatives.

My experiment proves you guys are not smart and easily led. All I did is pretended to be surprised and you guys fell hook line and sinker. :lol:

I saw you claim Todd Aiken was tea party.
You still refuse to address the liberal view of child rape not being rape rape as presented by one of your own.
What is legitimate rape to a liberal?

Todd Aiken is backed by the tea-party. Why would you back someone dumber than you and support his views?

Who said child rape was not rape and why do you assume I would consider someone like that my own?

I dont know what a Liberal would think about legitimate rape, but I'm pretty sure most if not all would never believe in such a concept like the Tea party does.
There have been countless studies that prove one way or the other on this subject. It's tiring at this point.

Don't let it get your head, most of you guys have already proven in this thread alone that you are not this rare animal called the "intelligent" conservative.

Ah yes, it's the old "don't believe what you see, believe what I tell you" schtick.

As the study proved, not only is the assumption that tea partiers are ignorant WRONG, liberals just assume that anyone who doesn't prescribe to their views is *dumb*. Based on their own innate sense of superiority.

Which is, in itself, rather *dumb*.
So the Tea Party actually raises the Republican average higher instead of lowering it? I too would have thought the reverse was true.
I wonder what blacks do the Democrat average.

Since its higher than the GOP's they probably raise it.
Well, a bit incongruous, but then if blacks raise the Democrat average you have to seriously wonder if Democrat are indeed as ignorant as they seem.
Since its higher than the GOP's they probably raise it.
Well, a bit incongruous, but then if blacks raise the Democrat average you have to seriously wonder if Democrat are indeed as ignorant as they seem.

Whatever the level of ignorance they still are ahead of the GOP in intelligence.
So then black Democrats are more scientifically knowledgeable than their white counterparts?! :confused: Whew.
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