Tea Party Congressman Steve King Compares Embattled GOP Whip To Jesus Christ

President Obama currently has one of the nations biggest race baiters and haters Al Sharpton as a key advisor on race issues I think it's safe to say the President knew of Sharpton's past when he took him on in this roll. So how many here think the Presidents connection with Sharpton today is as big a deal as Scalise's connection with this group twelve years ago?
President Obama currently has one of the nations biggest race baiters and haters Al Sharpton as a key advisor on race issues I think it's safe to say the President knew of Sharpton's past when he took him on in this roll. So how many here think the Presidents connection with Sharpton today is as big a deal as Scalise's connection with this group twelve years ago?

Obama is a racist through and through.
It should come as no surprise that Peter King is an insufferable ass.
It should come as no surprise that Peter King is an insufferable ass.

Well, this is Steve King, not Peter, but what you said is true about both of them.
I seriously wonder if Scalise can politically survive his questionable relationship with known racists like Knight and Duke.

Scalise's Dark Knight Casts a Shadow - Brian Levin J.D.
You will learn that Steve Scalise spoke at the venue in question on the date and time as stated but did not speak in front of the racial group as he's accused if speaking before.

When you learn that you will ignore it or dismiss it as a cover up because that truth won't support your need to find a defect you can point to in the other political party mostly to deflect from all the stupid stuff they continuously pull.
When did I say you defended Byrd? Now, answer my question.

Do you have brain damage?

"You, however, will try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd."

Post #10 fuckwit.
"You, however, WILL try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd." You apparently don't know what the word "WILL" means. Ever hear of a dictionary, fuckwit?


  1. 1.
    expressing the future tense.
    "you will regret it when you are older"

  2. 2.
    expressing inevitable events.
    "accidents will happen"
    synonyms: tend to, have a tendency to, are bound to, do, are going to, must
    "accidents will happen"
When did I say you defended Byrd? Now, answer my question.

Do you have brain damage?

"You, however, will try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd."

Post #10 fuckwit.
"You, however, WILL try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd." You apparently don't know what the word "WILL" means. Ever hear of a dictionary, fuckwit?


  1. 1.
    expressing the future tense.
    "you will regret it when you are older"
  2. 2.
    expressing inevitable events.
    "accidents will happen"
    synonyms: tend to, have a tendency to, are bound to, do, are going to, must
    "accidents will happen"

1. So you acknowledge I've never defended Byrd.

2. So you predicted I would. You were wrong.
When did I say you defended Byrd? Now, answer my question.

Do you have brain damage?

"You, however, will try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd."

Post #10 fuckwit.
"You, however, WILL try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd." You apparently don't know what the word "WILL" means. Ever hear of a dictionary, fuckwit?


  1. 1.
    expressing the future tense.
    "you will regret it when you are older"
  2. 2.
    expressing inevitable events.
    "accidents will happen"
    synonyms: tend to, have a tendency to, are bound to, do, are going to, must
    "accidents will happen"

Means past present and future, as in...

..."she will always defend her husband"...which refers to her having done it in the past.
When did I say you defended Byrd? Now, answer my question.

Do you have brain damage?

"You, however, will try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd."

Post #10 fuckwit.
"You, however, WILL try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd." You apparently don't know what the word "WILL" means. Ever hear of a dictionary, fuckwit?


  1. 1.
    expressing the future tense.
    "you will regret it when you are older"
  2. 2.
    expressing inevitable events.
    "accidents will happen"
    synonyms: tend to, have a tendency to, are bound to, do, are going to, must
    "accidents will happen"

btw, do you support the main components of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, such as businesses being prohibited by law from refusing service to someone because of their race?
“Jesus dined with tax collectors and sinners. It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, it’s the sick. Given that piece of Scripture, and understanding that Scalise probably wasn’t staffed thoroughly, I could understand how something like this happened. But I know his heart, I’ve painted houses with him post-Katrina, and I know he is a good man.”

Ummm, OK. So, because Scalise helped another racist paint houses for some photo-ops after a hurricane, he’s a good man beyond reproach and should be compared to Jesus? Sounds ’bout right.

Meanwhile, even though Scalise is doing his best to show he has no relationship with Duke, the ex-KKK Grand Dragon spoke out late Monday night stating he has met with Scalise several times. Ironically, Duke also used Christ-like imagery when speaking about Scalise to Fusion, saying Republicans better be careful about vilifying him due to his association with Duke.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders.”

According to Duke, politicians from all across the spectrum need to be careful about trying to make political hay over Scalise’s association with him as he’s willing to release the names of others he’s met with. In terms of threats, this one wasn’t even veiled.

More: Tea Party Congressman Steve King Compares Embattled GOP Whip To Jesus Christ

Would Jesus Christ have voted against MLK Day - TWICE?

Steve Scalise Voted Against Martin Luther King Holiday Twice

It's only okay when liberals use scriputre.

Rewriting the Bible: The Gospel According to Liberals -
See more at: Rewriting the Bible The Gospel According to Liberals

Liberal Bible-Thumping

Obama Misquotes Bible on Wealth Redistribution
Articles Obama Misquotes Bible on Wealth Redistribution
What's all the crap with Byrd?
He's a stain on everyone who ever voted for him knowing what he was.

Doesn't mean ALL OTHERS are innocent does it?

What a lame attempt at misdirection/deflection/attention deficit disorder.
When did I say you defended Byrd? Now, answer my question.

Do you have brain damage?

"You, however, will try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd."

Post #10 fuckwit.
"You, however, WILL try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd." You apparently don't know what the word "WILL" means. Ever hear of a dictionary, fuckwit?


  1. 1.
    expressing the future tense.
    "you will regret it when you are older"
  2. 2.
    expressing inevitable events.
    "accidents will happen"
    synonyms: tend to, have a tendency to, are bound to, do, are going to, must
    "accidents will happen"

Means past present and future, as in...

..."she will always defend her husband"...which refers to her having done it in the past.
Oh, I get it. The dictionary is wrong. Man, you are desperate.
When did I say you defended Byrd? Now, answer my question.

Do you have brain damage?

"You, however, will try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd."

Post #10 fuckwit.
"You, however, WILL try to brand Scalise while defending Byrd." You apparently don't know what the word "WILL" means. Ever hear of a dictionary, fuckwit?


  1. 1.
    expressing the future tense.
    "you will regret it when you are older"
  2. 2.
    expressing inevitable events.
    "accidents will happen"
    synonyms: tend to, have a tendency to, are bound to, do, are going to, must
    "accidents will happen"

Means past present and future, as in...

..."she will always defend her husband"...which refers to her having done it in the past.
Oh, I get it. The dictionary is wrong. Man, you are desperate.

Hey idiot, your own dictionary says:

synonyms: tend to, have a tendency

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