Tea Party Freshman John Walsh (R-IL) Ows $117,000 in child support!

Yep! One of American's sweet heart Tea Party Freshman owe is ex-wife $117,000 in child support. Since he was voted in last year he has still refused to pay his child support although he is making over six figures a year.

This man needs to be put in jail. He needs to step up and support his children. Maybe he thinks that the rest of us should pay for his kids.

Here is yet another example of -- the do as I say not as I do mentality.

How does one get away with not paying child support so long? Shouldn't they take his drivers license or revoke his passport?

Yep, I thought someone would have already posted a thread exposing this DEAD BEAT uberRWer that's always position himself to tell people how they should live and pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Can't keep his own shoddy life in order, yet pro-ports to want to tell others how they should.

what the hell does that have to DO WITH THIS. I didn't give a shit what the Weener did, though I thought his weenie was about as tiny as his brain.

Because if somebody is willing to attack a Democrat over their personal life (who didn't break any law btw), yet gives a pass to a Republican (who is breaking the law)-it highlights hypocrisy.

what ever...
and I don't care about your so called hypocrisy. Weeners party ASKED him to step down.
This mans child support is a PERSONAL MATTER, not some nasty assed pictures he posted to women OVER THE INTERNET for all the WORLD to see..

Weiner's situation was a personal matter (not condoning what he did). Therefore by your logic-it wouldn't be any of your business. And I'm sorry but if he didn't pay his child support-that's worse than posting pictures of yourself for people to see.

The fact that his own political party asked him to step down, has nothing to do with whether it was any of your business or not.

If you can't handle the fact that they're both unacceptable actions, both personal issues-that have nothing to do with governing, yet you give one a pass-and not the other-that's fine. Especially when one is a crime-and the other isn't.

But the only reason why you're doing that is because of the letters "R" and "D"-and don't pretend otherwise. That's just as biased, and being just as much as sheep foras the Dems who fall in line. That's my point.
Yep! One of American's sweet heart Tea Party Freshman owe is ex-wife $117,000 in child support. Since he was voted in last year he has still refused to pay his child support although he is making over six figures a year.

This man needs to be put in jail. He needs to step up and support his children. Maybe he thinks that the rest of us should pay for his kids.

Here is yet another example of -- the do as I say not as I do mentality.

How does one get away with not paying child support so long? Shouldn't they take his drivers license or revoke his passport?

and that is YOUR GAWDDAMN business.........HOW
some of you people are SNAKES . You will CRAWL TO ANY low.
And then we got Miss Dotty, crawling right in there. tsk tsk

WHOA!!! :eek: Steph- don't hyperventilate :rolleyes:

sorry, some of you MAKE me sick.
now carry on
Again,does this matter? Is anyone really outraged over this or are they just playing the phony Drama-Queen which is so common on Message Boards? How does this effect their lives in any way? I'm just not buying the outrage. And i'm still waiting for the OP to provide the link.
Small potatoes.

He needs to get into serial sexual predation if he wants to be take seriously.
Most of the factual issues raised can be answered from a single news story:

Tea Party rep. Joe Walsh sued for $117K in child support - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

Does Walsh in fact owe child support?

Walsh does not deny that he owes substantial child support. His statements and his attorney's seem to concede that fact.

Why does Walsh owe child support for adult offspring?

Because it's back child support which accrued while the offspring were minors.

Are Walsh's actions criminal?

While nonpayment of child support can be a crime, there has been no indication that criminal charges are forthcoming in Walsh's case.

Now to the nonfactual question: Why is it the public's business?

Because it speaks to his responsibility, his honesty, and his morality. These are all relevant issues for a Congressman.

Your post seems to be invisible to the right-wing crowd.
I'm sure this accusation is riddled with falsehoods and inaccuracies. Sounds like a HuffPoop/MSLSD scam. Please provide link. Thanks.

This news has been floating around the media for at least a month and a half now.

The fact that you are truly unaware of it, let's me know how truly divided this country is.

People really only tune in to the type of news that reinforces their already-established beliefs.

Because if somebody is willing to attack a Democrat over their personal life (who didn't break any law btw), yet gives a pass to a Republican (who is breaking the law)-it highlights hypocrisy.

what ever...
and I don't care about your so called hypocrisy. Weeners party ASKED him to step down.
This mans child support is a PERSONAL MATTER, not some nasty assed pictures he posted to women OVER THE INTERNET for all the WORLD to see..

Weiner's situation was a personal matter (not condoning what he did). Therefore by your logic-it wouldn't be any of your business. And I'm sorry but if he didn't pay his child support-that's worse than posting pictures of yourself for people to see.

The fact that his own political party asked him to step down, has nothing to do with whether it was any of your business or not.

If you can't handle the fact that they're both unacceptable actions, both personal issues-that have nothing to do with governing, yet you give one a pass-and not the other-that's fine. Especially when one is a crime-and the other isn't.

But the only reason why you're doing that is because of the letters "R" and "D"-and don't pretend otherwise. That's just as biased, and being just as much as sheep foras the Dems who fall in line. That's my point.

yeah yeah yeah, whatever. I WOULDN'T care if they had a D, E, F or G next to their name. I didn't give a shit about Weener and I'm not going to give a shit about this....but hey, you all have a field day over it...it still make you SNAKES
now do I have to pay you for your psychoanalysisbabble?
I'm sure this accusation is riddled with falsehoods and inaccuracies. Sounds like a HuffPoop/MSLSD scam. Please provide link. Thanks.

This news has been floating around the media for at least a month and a half now.

The fact that you are truly unaware of it, let's me know how truly divided this country is.

People really only tune in to the type of news that reinforces their already-established beliefs.


I also remember the news of this hypocritical Rightie came out > a month ago
This is fauxtrageous...

MSNBC and CNN need to run with this so their hundreds of viewers are informed...

Because if somebody is willing to attack a Democrat over their personal life (who didn't break any law btw), yet gives a pass to a Republican (who is breaking the law)-it highlights hypocrisy.

what ever...
and I don't care about your so called hypocrisy. Weeners party ASKED him to step down.
This mans child support is a PERSONAL MATTER, not some nasty assed pictures he posted to women OVER THE INTERNET for all the WORLD to see..

Weiner's situation was a personal matter (not condoning what he did). Therefore by your logic-it wouldn't be any of your business. And I'm sorry but if he didn't pay his child support-that's worse than posting pictures of yourself for people to see.

The fact that his own political party asked him to step down, has nothing to do with whether it was any of your business or not.

If you can't handle the fact that they're both unacceptable actions, both personal issues-that have nothing to do with governing, yet you give one a pass-and not the other-that's fine. Especially when one is a crime-and the other isn't.

But the only reason why you're doing that is because of the letters "R" and "D"-and don't pretend otherwise. That's just as biased, and being just as much as sheep foras the Dems who fall in line. That's my point.
Hard RW lunatics are like that. They can't help themselves.

A crime is OK in their book, yet a public flub should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, or non-law as the case may be.

Standards, these people do not have.
what ever...
and I don't care about your so called hypocrisy. Weeners party ASKED him to step down.
This mans child support is a PERSONAL MATTER, not some nasty assed pictures he posted to women OVER THE INTERNET for all the WORLD to see..

Weiner's situation was a personal matter (not condoning what he did). Therefore by your logic-it wouldn't be any of your business. And I'm sorry but if he didn't pay his child support-that's worse than posting pictures of yourself for people to see.

The fact that his own political party asked him to step down, has nothing to do with whether it was any of your business or not.

If you can't handle the fact that they're both unacceptable actions, both personal issues-that have nothing to do with governing, yet you give one a pass-and not the other-that's fine. Especially when one is a crime-and the other isn't.

But the only reason why you're doing that is because of the letters "R" and "D"-and don't pretend otherwise. That's just as biased, and being just as much as sheep foras the Dems who fall in line. That's my point.

yeah yeah yeah, whatever. I WOULDN'T care if they had a D, E, F or G next to their name. I didn't give a shit about Weener and I'm not going to give a shit about this....but hey, you all have a field day over it...it still make you SNAKES
now do I have to pay you for your psychoanalysisbabble?
so you didn't pile-on in that idiot- bodicca's thread that ran for over 50 pages?
Most of the factual issues raised can be answered from a single news story:

Tea Party rep. Joe Walsh sued for $117K in child support - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

Does Walsh in fact owe child support?

Walsh does not deny that he owes substantial child support. His statements and his attorney's seem to concede that fact.

Why does Walsh owe child support for adult offspring?

Because it's back child support which accrued while the offspring were minors.

Are Walsh's actions criminal?

While nonpayment of child support can be a crime, there has been no indication that criminal charges are forthcoming in Walsh's case.

Now to the nonfactual question: Why is it the public's business?

Because it speaks to his responsibility, his honesty, and his morality. These are all relevant issues for a Congressman.

you people STOOD BEHIND BILL CLINTON and now you are talking, responsibility, honesty and MORALITY...
Politico has dropped their mask of being a reputable site and is now just a progressive SMEAR SITE.
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