Tea Party Freshman John Walsh (R-IL) Ows $117,000 in child support!

Ted Kennedy did leave that poor women to drown in the car and nothing was ever done. That was wrong. Bill Cliton should have been thrown out of office and wasn't and that was wrong.

But here I am talking about children who need support from their father. And him not providing for his children, in my opinion is unethical and immoral.

Just because there wasn't standards in the past Rep or Dem--we need to hold our representatives to some standard. And that is what I wanted to discuss here--but was shouted down by personal attacks.

Surely, this is not getting any issue debated.

Well there's not much to debate. You haven't proven your assertion. The man has not been convicted of anything. So your premise 'Guilty till proven innocent' is a non-starter for any real debate. We don't know what's going on with this man and his wife. When or if he's convicted of a crime,we can have that discussion then. But it still doesn't matter so i probably wont join that discussion.

If you don't want to discuss anything that is fine. I never said he was convicted of a crime. I did say that he needs to pay his child support in the amount of $117,000 and needs to be sactioned.

Oh, okay. You didn't say he was convicted, so that makes it okay for you to simply presume guilt and expect the rest of us to debate as though your presumption is fact.

I don't plan to discuss "Walsh is guilty because Conner says so". Do you plan to discuss "Why does Conner say accusations equal guilt?" How about we discuss YOUR moral fiber as demonstrated by your Weekly World News voyeuristic attitude toward conservative politicians?

What part of "His ex-wife saying he owes it doesn't mean he necessarily owes it" is too complicated for your peabrain to wrap around? I say shitty things about MY ex, too, but I don't expect people to be stupid enough to take my opinion about him as the unvarnished gospel truth.
You KNOW the left is gonna try and make these adults into toddlers.

Honestly, I'm a Republican, and I live in this guy's district (after they Gerrymander Quinn shoved through) and I wouldn't mind seeing him go.

The Democrats are going to run Tammy Duckworth against him.

So great contrast. War hero who lost both legs in Iraq vs. Deadbeat who stiffed his wife on child support.
Do we yet have an actual official court documented outcome?

I'll happily hang the man, but I like evidence of guilt before I do that. I'm anal like that. Facts trump hyperbole in my book. Pity that seems to be the exception rather than the rule on USMB.
Do we yet have an actual official court documented outcome?

I'll happily hang the man, but I like evidence of guilt before I do that. I'm anal like that. Facts trump hyperbole in my book. Pity that seems to be the exception rather than the rule on USMB.

The very fact he's in this situation is good enough for me to not vote for him. If it comes down to a choice between this guy and Duckworth, I'll vote for Duckworth.
Do we yet have an actual official court documented outcome?

I'll happily hang the man, but I like evidence of guilt before I do that. I'm anal like that. Facts trump hyperbole in my book. Pity that seems to be the exception rather than the rule on USMB.

The very fact he's in this situation is good enough for me to not vote for him. If it comes down to a choice between this guy and Duckworth, I'll vote for Duckworth.

What is a Duckworth?
Do we yet have an actual official court documented outcome?

I'll happily hang the man, but I like evidence of guilt before I do that. I'm anal like that. Facts trump hyperbole in my book. Pity that seems to be the exception rather than the rule on USMB.

The very fact he's in this situation is good enough for me to not vote for him. If it comes down to a choice between this guy and Duckworth, I'll vote for Duckworth.

The facts appear to condemn him. But I want a court order before I do so... simply put, there are situations where a man should not have to pay child support - for example, if he is not the biological father and was misled into believing that he is. So, I'll wait until I see the reasons for his refusal.
Do we yet have an actual official court documented outcome?

I'll happily hang the man, but I like evidence of guilt before I do that. I'm anal like that. Facts trump hyperbole in my book. Pity that seems to be the exception rather than the rule on USMB.

The very fact he's in this situation is good enough for me to not vote for him. If it comes down to a choice between this guy and Duckworth, I'll vote for Duckworth.

What is a Duckworth?

Maybe you should learn what you are talking about before you post.

Tammy Duckworth is the democrat most likely to run against him next year. Iraq war veteran, lost both legs in Iraq. Lost to Peter Roskam in the 6th district in 2006.

Oh, yeah, and the guy's name is Walsh, not Walsch. You don't impeach congressmen over civil judgements. In fact, you don't impeach congressmen at all.
Do we yet have an actual official court documented outcome?

I'll happily hang the man, but I like evidence of guilt before I do that. I'm anal like that. Facts trump hyperbole in my book. Pity that seems to be the exception rather than the rule on USMB.

The very fact he's in this situation is good enough for me to not vote for him. If it comes down to a choice between this guy and Duckworth, I'll vote for Duckworth.

What is a Duckworth?

Do you lack basic comprehension skills?

Go up just a few posts and you will find the name Tammy Duckworth... the Democrat running against him.

Damn, it must be hard to need to be spoon fed every little snippet of information.
Do we yet have an actual official court documented outcome?

I'll happily hang the man, but I like evidence of guilt before I do that. I'm anal like that. Facts trump hyperbole in my book. Pity that seems to be the exception rather than the rule on USMB.

The very fact he's in this situation is good enough for me to not vote for him. If it comes down to a choice between this guy and Duckworth, I'll vote for Duckworth.

The facts appear to condemn him. But I want a court order before I do so... simply put, there are situations where a man should not have to pay child support - for example, if he is not the biological father and was misled into believing that he is. So, I'll wait until I see the reasons for his refusal.

He should have resolved this issue years ago, not now that people are actually paying attention. That train has already left the station.

And unlike you, I get to vote on this, you don't. Hahahaha. Because I live in this disctrict.
The very fact he's in this situation is good enough for me to not vote for him. If it comes down to a choice between this guy and Duckworth, I'll vote for Duckworth.

The facts appear to condemn him. But I want a court order before I do so... simply put, there are situations where a man should not have to pay child support - for example, if he is not the biological father and was misled into believing that he is. So, I'll wait until I see the reasons for his refusal.

He should have resolved this issue years ago, not now that people are actually paying attention. That train has already left the station.

And unlike you, I get to vote on this, you don't. Hahahaha. Because I live in this disctrict.

Good for you! Fortunately, I don't give a shit.

Although, it does concern me slightly that idiots vote, but... that's what the Founders opted for so who am I to argue.
The facts appear to condemn him. But I want a court order before I do so... simply put, there are situations where a man should not have to pay child support - for example, if he is not the biological father and was misled into believing that he is. So, I'll wait until I see the reasons for his refusal.

He should have resolved this issue years ago, not now that people are actually paying attention. That train has already left the station.

And unlike you, I get to vote on this, you don't. Hahahaha. Because I live in this disctrict.

Good for you! Fortunately, I don't give a shit.

Although, it does concern me slightly that idiots vote, but... that's what the Founders opted for so who am I to argue.

If you agree with the founding fathers on who gets to vote-then you wouldn't get to vote. :cuckoo:
Yep! One of American's sweet heart Tea Party Freshman owe is ex-wife $117,000 in child support. Since he was voted in last year he has still refused to pay his child support although he is making over six figures a year.

This man needs to be put in jail. He needs to step up and support his children. Maybe he thinks that the rest of us should pay for his kids.

Here is yet another example of -- the do as I say not as I do mentality.

How does one get away with not paying child support so long? Shouldn't they take his drivers license or revoke his passport?


Tell us you understand the difference between owed and alleged.

Never mind you are not that smart.
Yep! One of American's sweet heart Tea Party Freshman owe is ex-wife $117,000 in child support. Since he was voted in last year he has still refused to pay his child support although he is making over six figures a year.

This man needs to be put in jail. He needs to step up and support his children. Maybe he thinks that the rest of us should pay for his kids.

Here is yet another example of -- the do as I say not as I do mentality.

How does one get away with not paying child support so long? Shouldn't they take his drivers license or revoke his passport?

Reminds me of Hopper :D
Randy Hopper, Recalled Wisconsin State Senator, Arrested For Drunk Driving
According to the report, Valerie Cass, Hopper's 26-year-old girlfriend, was also in the car when Hopper, 45, was pulled over. Cass drew scrutiny earlier this year after receiving a job in Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's administration.

Hopper's relationship with Cass also caused a stir in March of this year when protesters who had marched to his house were told by his wife that he had moved out of the district he represented to live with his new mistress.

Hopper has also had to deal with other pieces of bad press over the past year. In April, he took heat for a campaign mailer that mistakenly directed constituents to a phone sex hotline.


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