Tea Party Group Demand Textbooks Say Nice Things About Slave Owners

Obama has done a fine job indoctrinating our next generation of apologists

People here are using 21st century standards to judge 18th century behavior.

We all agree that it was bad and wrong TO US and our current viewpoints.

Things were more than just a tiny bit different 300 years ago!!


I seem to recall that we used 20th century standards to judge 18th and 19th century behavior as well.

You've been alive for a century??!!

Regarding what, though?

It's included reading.
This effects MY state. How many of you actually live in TN? Mr. Nick....we ALL know that you live in Chicago, so this question doesn't pertain to you.
And might I add that it's a FUCKING EMBARRASSMENT. It's bad enough that we seem to have a problem with teenagers committing suicide from school bullying and nothing seems to be getting done. Now we have dental caried, inbreds trying to change history books.
And might I add that it's a FUCKING EMBARRASSMENT. It's bad enough that we seem to have a problem with teenagers committing suicide from school bullying and nothing seems to be getting done. Now we have dental caried, inbreds trying to change history books.

history is great...
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And might I add that it's a FUCKING EMBARRASSMENT. It's bad enough that we seem to have a problem with teenagers committing suicide from school bullying and nothing seems to be getting done. Now we have dental caried, inbreds trying to change history books.

history is great...

Yes. And I personally prefer that our education system be influenced by people who do more than drive a forklift at ACME lumberyard; and who don't believe that humans rode dinosaurs. Is that too much to ask?
I believe that this is the poorest or one of the poorest counties in TN. Defending slavery and saying, "well, it wudden so bayud.", is akin to Holocaust denial. If it smells like shit, and looks like shit, it must be shit.
Hey Psycho man, long time no see..Hope things have been good for you..
as for this subject of the thread, I'll wait until it comes from a MORE reputable source.
good to see you around again, I think...:lol:

Things have never been better, Stevie!!!!!! Huffington Post did not write that piece. It came from the very conservative Memphis (Tennessee) Commercial Appeal, a Scripps Howard newspaper, and they can usually be depended on for factual reporting if not occasionally right leaning reporting. This story is real and is available from a number of sources, your pick of course. This is not the first time right wingers have tried to diminish history for their own purposes. But, ppl like me and many others keep a watchful eye out for those that would rather forget about 240 years of actual history and re-write it for their own selfish reasons.

listen up my friend, NOBODY is going to forget Slavery..but to say the TEA Party has anything to do with wanting to whitewash it somehow...I find bullshit. so I question the paper and who wrote the article..and if they had another link to this article, why didn't they post it from the paper? a lot of people don't go to the Hufferpost..

Stevie, LISTEN UP!!!!!!!! The Commercial Appeal reported names and quotes and things surrounding their reporting environment. It's hard to link to personal witnessing, don't 'cha know? The individuals quoted are teabagger reps and claim to be positing the tea party position as they push these lies and obfuscations they hope to put in the textbooks.
Next theyll be asking for books to depict the great depression as "the great happy times for some and not so good for others" time in history. If only they could find some way to shit on blacks they would.

Gone with The Wind is not a doumentary
I believe that this is the poorest or one of the poorest counties in TN. Defending slavery and saying, "well, it wudden so bayud.", is akin to Holocaust denial. If it smells like shit, and looks like shit, it must be shit.

You just want to believe it was horrible brutality.

What the fuck do you know about the history of slavery -- and I'm NOT talking about only blacks but slavery in general???

I bet you know absolutely nothing...

Funny how you only care about Tennessee, yet down in South America where 75% of the African slaves ended up is NEVER spoke of by progressives.... The reasoning behind that is because they're ignorant.

How about how the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous people of South America to mine silver while they stole their gold and artifacts???

Want to get into that or are you still hell bent on moping about black slavery - in which the slaves were treated decent and in many cases treated as family??
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I believe that this is the poorest or one of the poorest counties in TN. Defending slavery and saying, "well, it wudden so bayud.", is akin to Holocaust denial. If it smells like shit, and looks like shit, it must be shit.

You just want to believe it was horrible brutality.

What the fuck do you know about the history of slavery -- and I'm NOT talking about only blacks but slavery in general???

I bet you know absolutely nothing...

Funny how you only care about Tennessee, yet down in South America where 75% of the African slaves ended up is NEVER spoke of by progressives.... The reasoning behind that is because they're ignorant.

How about how the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous people of South America to mine silver while they stole their gold and artifacts???

What to get into that or are you still hell bent on moping about black slavery - in which the slaves were treated decent and in?many cases treated as family??

I care about TENNESSEE, sweetcheecks, because this thread is about....TN, and our education system.
I believe that this is the poorest or one of the poorest counties in TN. Defending slavery and saying, "well, it wudden so bayud.", is akin to Holocaust denial. If it smells like shit, and looks like shit, it must be shit.

You just want to believe it was horrible brutality.

What the fuck do you know about the history of slavery -- and I'm NOT talking about only blacks but slavery in general???

I bet you know absolutely nothing...

Funny how you only care about Tennessee, yet down in South America where 75% of the African slaves ended up is NEVER spoke of by progressives.... The reasoning behind that is because they're ignorant.

How about how the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous people of South America to mine silver while they stole their gold and artifacts???

What to get into that or are you still hell bent on moping about black slavery - in which the slaves were treated decent and in?many cases treated as family??

I care about TENNESSEE, sweetcheecks, because this thread is about....TN, and our education system.

Oh, now it's about education...

What does the thread title read again?? it certainly doesn't read: "blacks and education."
By Trymaine Lee

A little more than a year after the conservative-led state board of education in Texas approved massive changes to its school textbooks to put slavery in a more positive light, a group of Tea Party activists in Tennessee has renewed its push to whitewash school textbooks. The group is seeking to remove references to slavery and mentions of the country's founders being slave owners.

According to reports, Hal Rounds, the Fayette County attorney and spokesman for the group, said during a recent news conference that there has been "an awful lot of made-up criticism about, for instance, the founders intruding on the Indians or having slaves or being hypocrites in one way or another."

"The thing we need to focus on about the founders is that, given the social structure of their time, they were revolutionaries who brought liberty into a world where it hadn't existed, to everybody -- not all equally instantly -- and it was their progress that we need to look at," Rounds said, according to The Commercial Appeal.

During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, "Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government."

And that further teaching would also include that "the Constitution created a Republic, not a Democracy."

The group demanded, as they had in January of last year, that Tennessee lawmakers change state laws governing school curricula. The group called for textbook selection criteria to include: "No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contributions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership."

More: Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founder's Slave-Owning History

Supporting Links:

Tennessee Tea Parties demand textbooks contain no mean things about Founding Fathers - Tea Parties - Salon.com

Tea parties issue demands to Tennessee legislators » The Commercial Appeal

Wow. Another thread based on blogs no sane person would bother to read, much less believe. Excuse me while I yawn. :gives:
Black slave owners were kind to theirs.


So where most White Slave owners in the South, Despite the Liberal Propaganda that has everyone believing Every Single Person in the South was a Slave Owning, Slave Beating, Slave raping asshole.

That is what YOU are saying. I know of not one person, white, black or whatever that has said anything like what you are intimating. Most ppl do recognize the very significant participation in the south in the slave issues and trade but not one that I have ever heard thinks that every southerner was a slave owner or raper or anything like that. Hell, most southerners were just poor white trash barely above slave level themselves. Much of that white trash now tends conservative and being bound to 30 year mortgages have to live like slaves. I certainly know my limitations while I owed so much and I made for certain that all my kids understood that personal debt stops freedom in it's tracks.
By Trymaine Lee

A little more than a year after the conservative-led state board of education in Texas approved massive changes to its school textbooks to put slavery in a more positive light, a group of Tea Party activists in Tennessee has renewed its push to whitewash school textbooks. The group is seeking to remove references to slavery and mentions of the country's founders being slave owners.

According to reports, Hal Rounds, the Fayette County attorney and spokesman for the group, said during a recent news conference that there has been "an awful lot of made-up criticism about, for instance, the founders intruding on the Indians or having slaves or being hypocrites in one way or another."

"The thing we need to focus on about the founders is that, given the social structure of their time, they were revolutionaries who brought liberty into a world where it hadn't existed, to everybody -- not all equally instantly -- and it was their progress that we need to look at," Rounds said, according to The Commercial Appeal.

During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, "Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government."

And that further teaching would also include that "the Constitution created a Republic, not a Democracy."

The group demanded, as they had in January of last year, that Tennessee lawmakers change state laws governing school curricula. The group called for textbook selection criteria to include: "No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contributions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership."

More: Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founder's Slave-Owning History

Supporting Links:

Tennessee Tea Parties demand textbooks contain no mean things about Founding Fathers - Tea Parties - Salon.com

Tea parties issue demands to Tennessee legislators » The Commercial Appeal

Wow. Another thread based on blogs no sane person would bother to read, much less believe. Excuse me while I yawn. :gives:

Thanks for the trolling...
During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, "Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government."

Yes, the way that I read this, it is about education, in my home state. Now, of course we were also taught that Oswald was the lone assassin of Kennedy (which I and most people don't believe). But it seems that we are regressing as a state, and it's frankly frightening.

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