Tea Party Group Demand Textbooks Say Nice Things About Slave Owners

Black people aren't pets, nor were they pets. They are people, not chattel to be bought, sold and owned.

But I wouldn't expect reactionary fucks to understand that.

I never asserted they were...

My point was that the majority of slaves were not abused or neglected...

Sure some PLANTATION owners beat slaves for getting out of line - however that was the PLANTATION...

Most slaves were treated quite well....

After the Emancipation Proclamation many slaves stayed and worked for the families that owned them.... Why the fuck you think the south is still abnormally black compared to northern states???

You'd think if the south was so fucking brutal they'd get the fuck out of dodge.

Happy to point the wagging finger of blame at the USA, aren't you?

Did you bother with T's link before pasting your own?

I won't bother reading your links because
1) I don't believe you even clicked on T's, much less read it, and
2) I don't believe you read your OWN links

If you had read T's link you would have seen:

Tier 3 countries are defined as those “whose governments do not fully comply with the minimum standards" of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 and "are not making significant efforts to do so.”

The Middle Eastern countries with Tier 3 status are Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Syria. The north-central African countries are Mauritania, Chad, Sudan, Niger and Eritrea, all of which have very large Muslim populations.
I actually make some good out there. I got involved in muslim women rights way back in the 90's. I really do truly rock. And I really care. They are my girls and I love them so. Been a bit side tracked with this honor killing trial we've got going on up here, but we sojourn on.
I figure Tinydancer to be some middle aged or older white woman.

Who thinks she has the god given right to show the brown and darker skinned people the error of their ways.

She has the same mind set as the people who declared Native American culture and values null and void over the last couple of centuries. And basically almost eliminated them by physical and cultural genocide.

Most of Africa was decimated by people with her colonialism and imperialist, "we know what's best for you" mindset.

Women like her are globalist busy bodies who just need to mind their own business and leave other people alone. :cool:
Who cares? Slavery in every sense is simply unethical and immoral. Cannot be condoned and should be taught as such. Too easy. Not complicated at all.
There were plenty of nice slave owners...

People own pets - doesn't mean they beat them or abuse them....

Black people aren't pets, nor were they pets. They are people, not chattel to be bought, sold and owned.

But I wouldn't expect reactionary fucks to understand that.

I never asserted they were...

My point was that the majority of slaves were not abused or neglected...

Sure some PLANTATION owners beat slaves for getting out of line - however that was the PLANTATION...

Most slaves were treated quite well....

After the Emancipation Proclamation many slaves stayed and worked for the families that owned them.... Why the fuck you think the south is still abnormally black compared to northern states???

You'd think if the south was so fucking brutal they'd get the fuck out of dodge.

you'd think

well, no, i don't think you would if you post this crap with a straight face
During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, "Neglect and outright ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government."
The TPM manifests a particularly heinous form of hate and ignorance.

And that further teaching would also include that "the Constitution created a Republic, not a Democracy."

And clearly the TPM wants to destroy both.
i actually make some good out there. I got involved in muslim women rights way back in the 90's. I really do truly rock. And i really care. They are my girls and i love them so. Been a bit side tracked with this honor killing trial we've got going on up here, but we sojourn on.
i figure tinydancer to be some middle aged or older white woman.

Who thinks she has the god given right to show the brown and darker skinned people the error of their ways.

She has the same mind set as the people who declared native american culture and values null and void over the last couple of centuries. And basically almost eliminated them by physical and cultural genocide.

Most of africa was decimated by people with her colonialism and imperialist, "we know what's best for you" mindset.

Women like her are globalist busy bodies who just need to mind their own business and leave other people alone. :cool:

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After the Emancipation Proclamation many slaves stayed and worked for the families that owned them.... Why the fuck you think the south is still abnormally black compared to northern states???

You'd think if the south was so fucking brutal they'd get the fuck out of dodge.

You. Are. A. Fucking. Moron.

Yeah, they were emancipated with no jobs, money, possessions or land and no prospects... ever hear of the plight of the sharecroppers? Pretty much indentured slavery was all MOST could muster to survive. Those that could get out migrated north to the rust belt. God, I hope you corporatists NEVER gain full control of this country and impose your twisted ideology on impressionable children. Disgusting, stupid people. The thought of this DANGEROUS historical revision pisses me off too much, so I'm out.
There were plenty of nice slave owners...

People own pets - doesn't mean they beat them or abuse them....

Black people aren't pets, nor were they pets. They are people, not chattel to be bought, sold and owned.

But I wouldn't expect reactionary fucks to understand that.

I never asserted they were...

No, of course you didn't. You just stated that, like slave owners, pet owners were sometimes nice to their chattel:lol:

My point was that the majority of slaves were not abused or neglected...

Owning another human being and removing every last human right is abuse.
The measures went as far as to replace instances of the trans-Atlantic slave trade with "Atlantic triangular trade."

"It is going to be extremely psychologically harmful to African-American young people because they are marginalized in the curriculum," Bledsoe said. "It will require them to be taught things such as the benevolence of slavery and the problems with affirmative action rather than the good and the bad."

"They voted down a motion that requires students to be taught about the terrorism brought about by the Ku Klux Klan and what they did to ethnic and racial minorities, but they turn around and pass a provision that requires the teaching of the violence of the Black Panther Party."

From the OP link.

Big deal? I remember being taught about the Triangle in School It examines how the Slave Traders would tax Rum from the Caribbean to Trade in Africa for Slaves to Return to America. Hence the Triangle. It's not like they are denying that Slaves were part of the Trading lol.

Again, Maybe you need to learn History better. You seem to be against people knowing the Full story, and instead want them taught simply that Slavery was bad, White people did it, and they were Evil. lol

Not that any of that was not true at times, but it really falls short of the full story.

What part of dragged out of their own country, forced to lose their family and forced into a situation where they are nothing more than a piece of property that works for nothing to make a white man richer is the "good part"?

As far as Native Americans... what part of a group of people coming in, taking over their traditional homeland, forcing them to worship a God they don't understand, and herding them to Oklahoma via the trail of tears is the "good Part"?

If we would have learned to assimilate with them and share knowledge and ideologies... you know... treat them as equals? You probably wouldn't be whining about how unfairly us white people are being treated in history books.

Black people aren't pets, nor were they pets. They are people, not chattel to be bought, sold and owned.

But I wouldn't expect reactionary fucks to understand that.

I never asserted they were...

My point was that the majority of slaves were not abused or neglected...

Sure some PLANTATION owners beat slaves for getting out of line - however that was the PLANTATION...

Most slaves were treated quite well....

After the Emancipation Proclamation many slaves stayed and worked for the families that owned them.... Why the fuck you think the south is still abnormally black compared to northern states???

You'd think if the south was so fucking brutal they'd get the fuck out of dodge.

you'd think

well, no, i don't think you would if you post this crap with a straight face

I post it all day everyday with a straight face...

The problem is progressives are ignorant fucks who want to see things how they want to see them despite the TRUTH....

You fucks have ZERO respect for history.....

You just make shit up as you go along....

I fucking hate liars......

Now go learn something.
May as well say the evil white settlers gave diseased blankets to Native Americans next.

Do you have something to dispute that, or are you just griping because you feel that people overuse this victimization.
Obama has done a fine job indoctrinating our next generation of apologists

People here are using 21st century standards to judge 18th century behavior.

We all agree that it was bad and wrong TO US and our current viewpoints.

Things were more than just a tiny bit different 300 years ago!!

Obama has done a fine job indoctrinating our next generation of apologists

People here are using 21st century standards to judge 18th century behavior.

We all agree that it was bad and wrong TO US and our current viewpoints.

Things were more than just a tiny bit different 300 years ago!!


Apparently so was Christianity...
Obama has done a fine job indoctrinating our next generation of apologists

People here are using 21st century standards to judge 18th century behavior.

We all agree that it was bad and wrong TO US and our current viewpoints.

Things were more than just a tiny bit different 300 years ago!!


Apparently so was Christianity...

But this one thing has remained a constant:


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