Tea Party Group Demand Textbooks Say Nice Things About Slave Owners

Yes the indentured servants of America were often treated badly, cheated, worked to death, too.

Yes, most of those (all that I know of actually) were WHITE people.

So what?

The slaves were not brought here by choice. The indentured servants were. They got passage in exchange for labor. Slavery was permanent. Indentured servants were for a pre-agreed upon term. In what way is that the same?

It's funny how liberals call themselves the "pro-choice" party. But the only choice they recognize is the right to chose an abortion. The idea of economic choice is completely incomprehensible to you.

Slavery was permanent for many. But for some, not many, it wasn't permanent. Let's get that part of history right from the get go. And Freed Blacks owned slaves as well.

And I really find it revolting when someone tries to argue that "there weren't "as many" Freed Black slave owners".

One slave owner and one slave is one too many. No matter what the color of the owner is. Or what the color of the slave is.

Now to indentured servants. White Cargo that I've going order (I'm going by excerpts and reviews here) clearly documented that 8 to 16 year old street children were shipped to become "servants".

I really don't see how little street beggars in London were running to ports to be shipped to the new world.

This vividly written book tells the tale from both sides of the Atlantic. Its condemnation is aimed at both American planters and the English elite, who were blinded by greed, arrogance and a desire to get rid of their “society’s sweepings.”

Horribly, one of the first groups sent to America was made up of street children, ages 8 to 16, who arrived in 1619.

This slave trade, which the authors say was often “dressed up in bright humanitarian clothes” for the public, later extended to beggars,

Gypsies, prostitutes, dissidents, convicts and anyone else who displeased the upper classes. Founders like George Washington do not fare particularly well, but Sir John Popham and Oliver Cromwell come off worse. Benjamin Franklin is one of the few good guys.

In another review I read that this shipment of children in particular numbered 300 and by 1624 out of the 300 children only 12 were still recorded as being alive.

And how on earth is this better for an "indentured servant"?

Once in the New World, they were effectively items of property to be treated as their masters saw fit.

Brutal corporal punishment was ubiquitous: every Virginia settlement had its own whipping post. One man was publicly scourged for four days with his ears nailed to the post. He had been flirting with a servant girl.
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How many times does someone have to tell you? The organization in Oklahoma City that calls itself the "Tea Party" has no connection with the organization in Tulsa that calls itself the "Tea Party." As a matter of fact there are cities with three, four, or more groups, all labeled the "Tea Party."

What ever this group is trying to do, anyone with any brains knows that it is NOT a national or even state controlled direction. This group got together and decided to take this action on themselves. Stupid... but hey, we put up with progressives on the left acting stupid. We can put up with this too...
Yes the indentured servants of America were often treated badly, cheated, worked to death, too.

Yes, most of those (all that I know of actually) were WHITE people.

So what?

The slaves were not brought here by choice. The indentured servants were. They got passage in exchange for labor. Slavery was permanent. Indentured servants were for a pre-agreed upon term. In what way is that the same?

It's funny how liberals call themselves the "pro-choice" party. But the only choice they recognize is the right to chose an abortion. The idea of economic choice is completely incomprehensible to you.

The book White Cargo clearly proves that there were thousands who were not volunteering to go to the New World.

And the NYT's review clearly states that the authors have an even hand. They are not attempting to negate the horrors of African slave trade. By no means.

They are just attempting by documenting what happened out of the British Isles was horrific as well.

Most shocking of all, thousands of poor London children were rounded up by the constables and thrown on to the nearest ship.

Urchins as young as five were shipped to America, where they spent most of their lives in backbreaking service.

Few lived long enough to reach adulthood. And yet this horrifying enterprise had some impressive advocates.

"It shall sweep your streets, and wash your doors, from idle persons, and the children of idle persons," declared the poet John Donne.
So you prefer that our Children are Taught that Slave Owners were all evil scum? With no context of the times? How Slaves were Treated, How many Slave Owners Freed there own Slaves?

Are you actually claiming there was nothing at all good to be said about anyone who ever owned a slave?


Any human being who would own another human is a despicable person and not deserving of any whitewash from history.

That's a pretty broad brush there Sparky, from Earliest Recorded History to Today, that covers the population of most Cultures, at one time or another. Few are left out.

This does not change the concept of slavery.

Of course I talk shit, but at least I add substance to the topic at hand.

Dropping one-liners is a different story...

If someone wants to refute what I posted that is fine but posting "you're an idiot" is not only lazy but ignorant...

If an individual feels I'm stupid that is fine but at least tell us all why that may be and refute my argument...

Is that too much to ask???

Once again...please remind me when I've called you an idiot. I don't use that word lightly. I'm not one of these people who think that I'm the only person in the world with a clue. If you can't get past more than one "debate" without calling someone an idiot, moron, dumbass, dumbfuck, etc..then you yourself (not you personally, but whomever) clearly need to perhaps read a little more.

I think that you have me mixed up with someone else. I will gladly debate anyone in a civil manner. Last night, I was called a "200-proof moron" for saying that tax fraud is a criminal offense. Uhm....okay.

Well I'm sorry if you have ever felt offended by me.

I will say many progressives make a big deal out of collectivism and in some cases demand it. As an individualist I treat the group like a group, if you don't want to be part of the group then don't be.

At the same time you have to understand where you stand...

One cannot claim they're part of a collectivist group then claim individualism..

So that is why I use the language I use...

Ah...no. It's takes a lot more than what you've ever said to me to offend me. Skin doesn't get much thicker than mine.

So, to you, "you're either with us, or against us", is your rule? I don't work that way. Never have, and never will. I'm not trying to get something that brings joy to people (like prayer, Christmas Trees, plastic Jesus, of whatever) taken away from someone. I don't want to see another teenager, or child of any age, jump off a bridge, eat a gun, or hang themself, because they can't get some merciless redneck to leave them alone.

I don't want to see it, under any circumstances.
Yes, as a matter of fact, they were either evil or cowards or stupidly young.

But this thread is funny. Sunni wants to whitewash Muslim and American history while rightwingloons only want to whitewash American history.

Fact: America isn't perfect.

Fact: Disputing that fact means that you're ashamed to be an American.

I don't have that problem.
Let's play who's facts are correct with history
If I say Blacks in America owned slaves would you agree?

Yeah. Black Africans also sold other black Africans to slave traders. Both facts would be relevant if this were about race.

Are you honestly saying that a thread mentioning the TEA Party and Slaves has nothing to do with race?

Yes, as a matter of fact, they were either evil or cowards or stupidly young.

But this thread is funny. Sunni wants to whitewash Muslim and American history while rightwingloons only want to whitewash American history.

Fact: America isn't perfect.

Fact: Disputing that fact means that you're ashamed to be an American.

I don't have that problem.
Let's play who's facts are correct with history
If I say Blacks in America owned slaves would you agree?

Yeah. Black Africans also sold other black Africans to slave traders. Both facts would be relevant if this were about race.
I got to ask are you mitens romney?
Let's play who's facts are correct with history
If I say Blacks in America owned slaves would you agree?

Yeah. Black Africans also sold other black Africans to slave traders. Both facts would be relevant if this were about race.

Are you honestly saying that a thread mentioning the TEA Party and Slaves has nothing to do with race?


It's about how slavery was wrong period and it doesn't matter who owned or sold them in the end.
Yeah. Black Africans also sold other black Africans to slave traders. Both facts would be relevant if this were about race.

Are you honestly saying that a thread mentioning the TEA Party and Slaves has nothing to do with race?


It's about how slavery was wrong period and it doesn't matter who owned or sold them in the end.
Well explain one thing why are there some in this thread that are trying to make it a all evil white black thing? And you and your very observant demeanor have not called them out for doing it? But you do it to me when I posted some facts?
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Don't we have enough probelm of our own with child molesters,etc to worry about what is happening in Muslims country and has been for thousands of years and will not change wih our forcing democracy and christianity on them? Futile effort and waste of money and time.

Well I really can't see any Jehovah Witnesses tooling around the mountains of Afghanistan trying to convert anyone.

That would be a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea.

That was actually a funny visual. I'll give you kudos for that. :lol:
I wouldn't want any of them to get hurt (grew up with many JW friends); I just remember hiding when they would come to the door.

For some reason, they leave skid marks trying to get away, when you tell them that you're Catholic.
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Don't we have enough probelm of our own with child molesters,etc to worry about what is happening in Muslims country and has been for thousands of years and will not change wih our forcing democracy and christianity on them? Futile effort and waste of money and time.

Well I really can't see any Jehovah Witnesses tooling around the mountains of Afghanistan trying to convert anyone.

That would be a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea.

That was actually a funny visual. I'll give you kudos for that. :lol:
I wouldn't want any of them to get hurt (grew up with many JW friends); I just remember hiding when they would come to the door.

For some reason, they leave skid marks trying to get away, when you tell them that you're Catholic.

I invited a couple in, once, and had them sit while I poured them glasses of water.

I then asked them what they wanted to discuss.
They said,

"I don't know. we've never made it this far before"

Once again...please remind me when I've called you an idiot. I don't use that word lightly. I'm not one of these people who think that I'm the only person in the world with a clue. If you can't get past more than one "debate" without calling someone an idiot, moron, dumbass, dumbfuck, etc..then you yourself (not you personally, but whomever) clearly need to perhaps read a little more.

I think that you have me mixed up with someone else. I will gladly debate anyone in a civil manner. Last night, I was called a "200-proof moron" for saying that tax fraud is a criminal offense. Uhm....okay.

Well I'm sorry if you have ever felt offended by me.

I will say many progressives make a big deal out of collectivism and in some cases demand it. As an individualist I treat the group like a group, if you don't want to be part of the group then don't be.

At the same time you have to understand where you stand...

One cannot claim they're part of a collectivist group then claim individualism..

So that is why I use the language I use...

Ah...no. It's takes a lot more than what you've ever said to me to offend me. Skin doesn't get much thicker than mine.

So, to you, "you're either with us, or against us", is your rule? I don't work that way. Never have, and never will. I'm not trying to get something that brings joy to people (like prayer, Christmas Trees, plastic Jesus, of whatever) taken away from someone. I don't want to see another teenager, or child of any age, jump off a bridge, eat a gun, or hang themself, because they can't get some merciless redneck to leave them alone.

I don't want to see it, under any circumstances.

With all due respect teenagers who bully aren't rednecks. Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, colors, religions and sexes.

They are seriously "little savages" when left their to their own devices. I'm not being an asshole here. I'm enjoying the conversation.

Have you ever read a book called "Lord of the Flies"? It's very intense by Golding and is a fabulous insight into the dark heart of certain children who live to torment others.

Human nature at its worse. It used to be mandatory in Literature classes.

Lord of the Flies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Well I really can't see any Jehovah Witnesses tooling around the mountains of Afghanistan trying to convert anyone.

That would be a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea.

That was actually a funny visual. I'll give you kudos for that. :lol:
I wouldn't want any of them to get hurt (grew up with many JW friends); I just remember hiding when they would come to the door.

For some reason, they leave skid marks trying to get away, when you tell them that you're Catholic.

I invited a couple in, once, and had them sit while I poured them glasses of water.

I then asked them what they wanted to discuss.
They said,

"I don't know. we've never made it this far before"


I don't doubt it. One made the mistake of aggravating my grandmother, once. She chased him off the deck with a broom. I'm surprised she didn't get charged with assault. It was over a specific Bible passage, and they both had two different interpretations of it.
Well I'm sorry if you have ever felt offended by me.

I will say many progressives make a big deal out of collectivism and in some cases demand it. As an individualist I treat the group like a group, if you don't want to be part of the group then don't be.

At the same time you have to understand where you stand...

One cannot claim they're part of a collectivist group then claim individualism..

So that is why I use the language I use...

Ah...no. It's takes a lot more than what you've ever said to me to offend me. Skin doesn't get much thicker than mine.

So, to you, "you're either with us, or against us", is your rule? I don't work that way. Never have, and never will. I'm not trying to get something that brings joy to people (like prayer, Christmas Trees, plastic Jesus, of whatever) taken away from someone. I don't want to see another teenager, or child of any age, jump off a bridge, eat a gun, or hang themself, because they can't get some merciless redneck to leave them alone.

I don't want to see it, under any circumstances.

With all due respect teenagers who bully aren't rednecks. Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, colors, religions and sexes.

They are seriously "little savages" when left their to their own devices. I'm not being an asshole here. I'm enjoying the conversation.

Have you ever read a book called "Lord of the Flies"? It's very intense by Golding and is a fabulous insight into the dark heart of certain children who live to torment others.

Human nature at its worse. It used to be mandatory in Literature classes.

Lord of the Flies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Our present society mimics Lord of the Flies - fat people are persecuted...

Obamacare is fucked...

Of course the progressives are ignorant fucks who wouldn't know what a thyroid gland is..

Of course their ignorance on everything defines their begging...
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Don't we have enough probelm of our own with child molesters,etc to worry about what is happening in Muslims country and has been for thousands of years and will not change wih our forcing democracy and christianity on them? Futile effort and waste of money and time.

Well I really can't see any Jehovah Witnesses tooling around the mountains of Afghanistan trying to convert anyone.

That would be a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea.

That was actually a funny visual. I'll give you kudos for that. :lol:
I wouldn't want any of them to get hurt (grew up with many JW friends); I just remember hiding when they would come to the door.

For some reason, they leave skid marks trying to get away, when you tell them that you're Catholic.

JW's are truly just nice people. With a real tough gig. One has to give them credit.
Well I'm sorry if you have ever felt offended by me.

I will say many progressives make a big deal out of collectivism and in some cases demand it. As an individualist I treat the group like a group, if you don't want to be part of the group then don't be.

At the same time you have to understand where you stand...

One cannot claim they're part of a collectivist group then claim individualism..

So that is why I use the language I use...

Ah...no. It's takes a lot more than what you've ever said to me to offend me. Skin doesn't get much thicker than mine.

So, to you, "you're either with us, or against us", is your rule? I don't work that way. Never have, and never will. I'm not trying to get something that brings joy to people (like prayer, Christmas Trees, plastic Jesus, of whatever) taken away from someone. I don't want to see another teenager, or child of any age, jump off a bridge, eat a gun, or hang themself, because they can't get some merciless redneck to leave them alone.

I don't want to see it, under any circumstances.

With all due respect teenagers who bully aren't rednecks. Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, colors, religions and sexes.

They are seriously "little savages" when left their to their own devices. I'm not being an asshole here. I'm enjoying the conversation.

Have you ever read a book called "Lord of the Flies"? It's very intense by Golding and is a fabulous insight into the dark heart of certain children who live to torment others.

Human nature at its worse. It used to be mandatory in Literature classes.

Lord of the Flies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, we were required to read it in 10th grade English. I live in TN, and most of what I saw bullying was jocks and rednecks. I got into a nose-to-nose shouting match with a redneck..strangely enough in English class, because he was tormenting one of my male friends who'd just "came out" as gay. He reached out the window, made a snowball, and blasted my friend in the face with it. I could have killed him.
The awesome thing about that story, though, is that he apologized to my friend at our 15-year reunion.
Ah...no. It's takes a lot more than what you've ever said to me to offend me. Skin doesn't get much thicker than mine.

So, to you, "you're either with us, or against us", is your rule? I don't work that way. Never have, and never will. I'm not trying to get something that brings joy to people (like prayer, Christmas Trees, plastic Jesus, of whatever) taken away from someone. I don't want to see another teenager, or child of any age, jump off a bridge, eat a gun, or hang themself, because they can't get some merciless redneck to leave them alone.

I don't want to see it, under any circumstances.

With all due respect teenagers who bully aren't rednecks. Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, colors, religions and sexes.

They are seriously "little savages" when left their to their own devices. I'm not being an asshole here. I'm enjoying the conversation.

Have you ever read a book called "Lord of the Flies"? It's very intense by Golding and is a fabulous insight into the dark heart of certain children who live to torment others.

Human nature at its worse. It used to be mandatory in Literature classes.

Lord of the Flies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, we were required to read it in 10th grade English. I live in TN, and most of what I saw bullying was jocks and rednecks. I got into a nose-to-nose shouting match with a redneck..strangely enough in English class, because he was tormenting one of my male friends who'd just "came out" as gay. He reached out the window, made a snowball, and blasted my friend in the face with it. I could have killed him.

Oh I know there can be the stereotypical bubba redneck combo.:lol:

I know they exist and knew quite a few. My husband was sent by PPG to Saturn, Spring Hill as part of the Canadian team as support for the plant (they had developed water borne paint more enviro friendly).

Lived in Franklin just lovely and Bellvue which was just awesome. Then it looked like we were going to be staying for a long long time so we decided to move to a less expensive local and really save for a house.

Hehehehe we moved to Hickman County. Cue banjo music. I did love it and had some great friends and interesting moments to say the least (we were the Canadas and had to prove ourselves).

So yeah, I've met great bubbas and not so nice bubbas. :eusa_angel: I miss the south.

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