Tea Party Support Down?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Lame Street Media wants you to think so. But, check out the following to learn the truth.

Hidden gem in ABC/WaPo Poll: Strong Tea Party support

We have addressed many times recently the misleading claim that support for the Tea Party Movement was at historic lows or reflected the near-end of the movement:

CBS News buries poll result showing Tea Party support rising
Congrats @Gallup for inspiring these 5 misleading anti-Tea Party headlines
Opposition to Tea Party drops to near-record low
We’re here, we’re Tea Party, get used to it!

The ABC News – Washington Post
poll released just after midnight has generated headlines for the sharp decline in Obama’s favorability ratings by just about every measure, and the growing unpopularity of Obamacare.

My personal view of this is that opposition to the Tea Party Movement comes as a direct result of the Democrat/LSM all-out assault launched in fear of the movement's success at the local level. And, as always, I have little faith in the accuracy or fairness of polls. Who was polled? How many hung up on the pollsters out of anger who truly support Tea Party ideals? How many didn't even bother to answer the phone?
Only 21% in the poll believe the TPM should have more influence in the GOP. That means 79% believe that the TPM has enough or too much or don't care.

There is no surging rebound for the TPM.

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