Teacher assigns sexually explicit book to middle schoolers, parents file with police

Who says the left is defending it? I consider myself liberal and a democrat, but do not defend the actions of this teacher. If this was material being taught at the college level I would have a different opinion, but middle school students being exposed to very graphic material no I can't say I support that.

It really amazes how teachers like this are able to get hired. So many people I know graduated with bachelor's and master's degree's in education and were never able to land teaching jobs despite applying to 50+ teaching positions.
From what I’ve seen from the mainstream woke left, which now dominates the Democrat party, any calls bringing attention to this as “transphobic”, even though it’s perverted, explicit, and inappropriate for children. They ignore that and focus on how it’s “hate” for an LGBTQ book to be spoken against or removed.

When the topic of this perverse, sexual descriptions in middle school/high school books came about, Jill Biden said it’s wrong to ban ANY books, and all books should be in the library. Think about that for a second… all books. She wants a 4th grader to have access to The most disgusting descriptions of all kinds of hardcore sex, or KKK manifestos, or books on how to build a bomb…that’s the consequences of what she said. She’s insane and completely immoral/wrong for saying and thinking that.

But it just shows how crazy of positions Democrats will take in order to defend the alphabet mob. She can’t denounce the perverted things in LGBTQ books because they are LGBTQ, so she’ll support exposing and corrupting innocent impressionable children to filth in the name of appeasing the radical LGBTQ base.

Meanwhile, All the cowards on the rest of the left will fail to call out disgusting perverted things in an LGBTQ out of fear and false compassion. They are curling into the fetal position and failing our children.
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Who says the left is defending it? I consider myself liberal and a democrat, but do not defend the actions of this teacher. If this was material being taught at the college level I would have a different opinion, but middle school students being exposed to very graphic material no I can't say I support that.

It really amazes how teachers like this are able to get hired. So many people I know graduated with bachelor's and master's degree's in education and were never able to land teaching jobs despite applying to 50+ teaching positions.

You vote for and support people who encourage and defend this. That means YOU encourage and defend it. You need to accept the consequences of your actions.
Who says the left is defending it? I consider myself liberal and a democrat, but do not defend the actions of this teacher. If this was material being taught at the college level I would have a different opinion, but middle school students being exposed to very graphic material no I can't say I support that.

It really amazes how teachers like this are able to get hired. So many people I know graduated with bachelor's and master's degree's in education and were never able to land teaching jobs despite applying to 50+ teaching positions.
The left says the left is defending it...see the thumbs down you got from one of the kooks?
You are in the minority of America haters if you don't support this sick crap.
Why not other things I listed?

Because that's my stance. A child who's sexually abused receives a life sentence, pedos reoffend at an astronomical rate, move to child after child. End it.

Now , why do you so vehemently try and defend the sick perversion?
Because that's my stance. A child who's sexually abused receives a life sentence, pedos reoffend at an astronomical rate, move to child after child. End it.

Now , why do you so vehemently try and defend the sick perversion?
I think calling for their arrest isn’t “vehemently defending” them. If you think so, you’re off the deep end.. I value human life, not just some of it.
This is insane. A teacher assigned “This Book is Gay” to her middle school kids to read.. here are some Examples from the book:

gay men have slightly longer and thicker winkies. Excellent.”

“sliding your mouth up and down the shaft of his c***.”

It provides advice on how to provide a “A GOOD HANDIE” instead of “A BAD HANDIE.”

It explains that “sex doesn’t begin and end with your d***. Be creative.”

It promotes the ease and convenience of sex apps, noting that “the app works out your location” by itself and that “because they are near, it is easy to meet up with them.”

Its glossary provides the much-needed definitions for the sexual terms for eating poop and peeing on/being peed on by others.

So, yes, this teacher should either be fired or face charges.

How did the media report it? Headlines:

She Offered an LGBTQ-Themed Book to Her Middle Schoolers. Parents Filed a Police Report​

Illinois middle school teacher offers LGBTQ book to students, parents call police​

Parents file a police report after teacher offers LGBTQ-themed book to her middle schoolers

The articles don’t refer to any of the content that’s in the book. They make the immoral teacher into a poor victim of mean intolerant parents. However, in reality, it was heroic teachers exposing a perverse teacher who is sharing sexual, explicit, inappropriate content with children.
Police won't do anything.
Porn. There's nekkid doods! Kids are seeing nekkid doods!

Go back and look at the OP, and the description of the content your fellow DemoKKKrats want to show to little kids. Then come back and keep defending the compulsion to show porn to little kids.

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